muslims in england??
2008-08-15 06:32:51 UTC
when i go to muslim countries i respect the countries religion and tradition, i didn't go round in mini skirts e.t.c and there have been times when i've gone to muslim countries in ramadan and i didnt eat or drink (in public) to respect the people there.

england isn't a muslim country so why should we wear what they ask us to wear, why shouldn't we celebrate christmas in public, where i live there are a lot of muslims and im so sick of muslim women in burkas giving me the evil eye for wearing skirts or even just fitted jeans...its the summer!!

loads of muslim countries persecute christians just because of their religion. england is traditionally a christian country and we allow muslims to do whatever there religion requires of them, we wouldn't persecute them for what they believe in, but its getting to the point where muslims are trying to tell us how to live and telling us what to do.

maybe it only effects me more because where i live most of the people are muslim, but surely other people are starting to notice this?
27 answers:
2008-08-15 07:01:51 UTC
I agree with you.

We're getting pushed out of our own country just because Brown hasn't got the balls to stop it.

If they want to live by their Sharia law and walk around wearing their Burquas and all that then they should go back to their own country and not try to push their religion onto ours.

And all those people saying this post is racist then why don't you check your history? It's the Muslims that are bombing our cities and stabbing our kids just because we're not Muslim too, isn't that just as bad?

You just wait; give it 50 years and there'll be more of them than there are of us and they'll be making this a Muslim country, even if it isn't now.

I suppose I'll be getting about 20 thumbs-down for this but,hey, it's just my opinion.

2008-08-15 07:03:06 UTC
For being respectful of others in their country you deserve a thank you from everyone. As for Christmas decorations and wearing what you want in England (btw England is a proper noun so a capital E please), I do believe that you are allowed to do these things. However the political correctness in the UK generally has gone too far. Most Muslims I know actually don't mind you celebrating Christmas or putting up decorations, they would actually like to take an active part.

As for the persecution part I think there are many countries who persecute the minority and isn't exclusive to Muslim countries, but I can't comment too much on what I don't know too much about.

Best Wishes
2008-08-15 06:51:33 UTC
I thank you for your respect in Muslim countries and don't think these gestures go unnoticed. Christians do not get persecuted in Muslim countries. Muslims must respect all other faiths. The prophet Muhammed (pbuh) once said "if the bier of anyone passes by whether Jew, Christian or Muslim, rise to your feet" that just gives you a glimpse of how we are meant to respect people. No Muslim is trying to ban the Christmas celebrations. I'm from Sudan which is a Muslim country but there are plenty of Christians as well ad during Christmas they always have big huge parades and carol singing and dancing in the streets. we all watch and clap for them etc. etc. If this goes on in Muslim countries I doubt its going to be stopped in England. I believe you when you say some women in burkas give you the evil eye. its just that you look different to them. and its not just you who they give the evil eye to. they are very religious and sometimes a Muslim might be given the evil eye if he is seen acting or dressing inappropriately. I'm a muslim girl and I wear my hijab which is just covering my hair but the looks I get sometimes ( cause i live in a non muslim country) are brutal! I usually wear jeans and a long sleeve top and cover my hair thats all and yet some people give me the evil eye. you must understand that there are very serious people on both sides and that we all just have to get on with our life.
2008-08-15 07:31:00 UTC
One of the fantastic assets our country has is religious tolerance. You are a grown up so someone giving you a dirty look should be like water off a duck's back. I had a friend up to stay with me where I live; she wore a really nice Shalwar Kameeze but got loads of offensive comment; I was quite embarrassed but her attitude was people that thick don't deserve attention. She is right. No one has the right to tell you how to dress, celebrate your festivals or eat (pork included!) as long as you are not breaking any laws. I hate the sensitivity over race we have at the moment. Celebrate Christmas, enjoy your short skirts and let other people enjoy their festivals and the clothes they feel are appropriate for them. we don't need each others' approval- just respect.
LifeMaker i'll live by Quran
2008-08-15 09:12:23 UTC
Islam never persecuted other religions and Allah orderes us to treat non Muslims in a good way. so if you say that some Muslims treat you in a bad way because of your religion, please, accept my apologies for them as such acts doesn't represent real Islam.

here is what the holy Quran says:

Surah 29. Al-‘Ankabut (The Spider):

"46. And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation),"

Surah 109. Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers, Atheists):

"1. Say : O ye that reject Faith!

2. I worship not that which ye worship,

3. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

4. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

5. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

6. To you be your Way, and to me mine. "

just one more thing.. what Islamic countries persecute Christians? there's not a single Islamic country that do so
Upasakha Jason
2008-08-15 06:57:33 UTC
You sound like you have a lot in common with the views of Pat Condell. I really enjoy his videos. They make good, if not vitriolic, points.

Incidentally, I agree. The cultures and values of the west should not be compromised to appease the so-called religious sensibilities of a group of people. It is up to them to conform to the society around them. Not vice versa.

I am given to understand that a majority of Muslims are not this way, and that most of the problems come from a small, vocal minority who claim to speak for Muslims as a whole (not unlike Christian fundamentalists in America).
2008-08-15 07:08:28 UTC
I live in centreal london and i see what your are talking about!

I also have been to muslim countries and I respect there dress code and way of living and I DID live like that yet they move to OUR country and become citezens of OUR country yet they feel they are not oblidged to join in on our celebrations as you said christmas!

Now I for one am NOT going to let christmas lights not be put up because it offends a few muslims!

I think we need to remind them they are living in THE UNITED KINGDOM or where else it may be and therefore they should live like the rest of us as we do when we visit there countries!

Ohh and btw I know what your talking about when you wear a skirt, a muslim women just showing her eyes walked past me looked at my legs and started tutting!! I asked her what her problem was but suprise suprise she couldnt understand what I was saying!

ALSOOO a muslim family on my street have a gorgeous house but do they pay for it?? no the council does! Do they mother and father work?? no! Are they on benefits?? YES

Im just sick of it! I have no problem with muslims but if you going to live here then get a job/education and stop getting offended by xmas and our dress sense etc!
2008-08-15 08:57:30 UTC
I know its so hypocritical and ironic

Well to be honest Pakistanis, Most of the Middle East are STRICT and when i mean STRICT i mean very strict muslims. Do something to insult the religion and off goes your head!

Turkey, Jordon adn Possibly Dubai have probably the coolest muslims as the government doesnt force the religion upon the people. Hence you see Turkish and Jordan people wearing normal clothes like us, they party like us, they drink etc.

Unfortunately there are very few Turkish and Jordan people here in the UK as they are extremely well off in their own countries.

Unlucky us.:(
2008-08-15 06:49:40 UTC
Getting dirty looks from people doesn't count as persecution, so stop whining. If they were spitting on you or trying to threaten you you'd have a point; right now you have nothing.

Hell, I know plenty of non-religious people that frown at the chicks dress today (not me, I don't give a damn), are THEY persecuting you as well?

And England and the rest of the UK are secular nations these days, remember that.
2016-10-12 10:59:42 UTC
somewhat harsh and that i doubt that's ninety 9% of Muslims living here that do this yet yeah, the incontrovertible fact that some cities can't even positioned up Christmas lighting fixtures furniture/decorations because of the fact they could 'offend' human beings is ridiculous. and that i heard they have been speaking approximately calling Christmas 'Winterfest' or something? even nevertheless, i think of lots of them do artwork so not all get a house for not something and interest seekers allowance (there is lots of English people who do not artwork and get a council living house for no stable reason). we ought to consistently easily stick up for our u . s . a . extra. It should not be seen racist to cling a Union Jack on your window or what have you ever... that's complicated to be happy with this u . s . a . anymore, because of the fact of crime, government, etc.
2008-08-15 08:40:33 UTC
Remember You live in THE Democracy in the World...

Great Britain!

The Country/s that gave the rest of the World the version of a true Democracy that the rest of the civilised World enjoys today!

You cannot expect other nations to be as Democratic as here (Yet), even if they claim to be.

We are very lucky to live in England/Britain, other nations have a lot of catching up to do!

Oh, and Remember....

Because You DO live in Britain....

You have EVERY RIGHT to wear and believe what You WANT!!!

2008-08-15 06:49:34 UTC
Funny thing is, as a single woman, try and walk down edgware road/sussex gardens late at night and see what happens and who approaches you and what they ask.

Actually, even during the day see how you get treated. Being stared at by lecherous old men lined up outside cafes. Hell, you don't even have to wear a miniskirt, you still end up feeling like a rather nasty sexual zoo exhibit.
2008-08-15 06:44:04 UTC
You're right, you're a woman and it's the 21st century. I wish your conservative muslim relatives(?) would understand that.

Like they say, "in a country like the people in the country" (hard to translate), meaning when you are in a country you be like the people in the country.

Bottom line: wear your skinny jeans and celebrate christmas if you want, it's the 21st century.
2008-08-15 07:55:59 UTC
Darling ... I lived in Saudi where all westerners live in compounds and drink like fish, party...Alocoholics Anonymous is alive and well in Riyadh (no joke).... there are bars, churches, cinemas, drugs and unmarried couples going out to restaurants and sitting in "singles' sections... Non Muslims comply with Muslim practices because its law... but the boat is pushed out in a big way.

So the notion that non-muslims (me included) respect the muslim laws is a nonsense.

When you say you visited ... did you live in Muslim countries and fhow how long ?
2008-08-15 06:46:33 UTC
Its not fair is it, we had to take our christmas decorations dwn at work because the could offend other religions, but this is our county. We have been celebrating christmas for hundreds of years why cant they respect that?


we have to respect everyone elses religious beliefs why cant they do the same?

2008-08-15 07:35:28 UTC
well you didnt really ask a question but your critising Muslim's. Do not judge Islam by it's followers. If you want to look at someone to see how Islam is look at the life of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). If you want to know how Islam is you need to go to the main sources which are the Qur'an and The Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

I can give examples of how some christians are but ,CAN I SAY This is what christanity is like?
2008-08-15 06:42:53 UTC
Which Muslim country has persecuted Christians???

U don't eat pork??

well thank u but it is for your own good,

The other non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason, logic and science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types of diseases. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm, hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it enters the heart it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can cause blindness, if it enters the liver it can cause liver damage. It can damage almost all the organs of the body.

Another dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis. A common misconception about pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project undertaken in America, it was found that out of twenty-four people suffering from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very well. This indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal cooking temperature.
Mr Quack
2008-08-15 06:41:53 UTC
The UK is a soft touch. People daren't speak out against what some muslims do in this country because they are scared of being called racist.
Andrew K
2008-08-15 06:41:19 UTC
A dirty look never hurt anyone. Wear what you want to wear and respect their right to do the same.
2008-08-15 06:38:58 UTC
No one said England is a Muslim country and that your not allowed to wear mini skirts. It's your choice and i DON'T think Muslims have anything to do with it. Although If you went over to Ireland and wore and English shirt they'd look you up and down probably kill you. It's the same as Muslims in England they say how can they wear things like that its Sick. Although they don't beat you up.

You have to respect peoples religions even if there not Born English citizins. You would want the same if you Emigrated

If i'm right you were complaining about Racism earlier ?

Then why persue to make racist comments !
2008-08-15 08:44:48 UTC
your not worth my time . and yes I'm a white english person and yes you talk crap .

my backside you respect muslim countries !!

Who is telling you what to do, apparently its your country so whats the problem?
2008-08-15 06:39:18 UTC
Why do you feel persecuted? Are you being forced to wear a Burqa?

Surely not. That's the beauty of a free country.

Perhaps you're the one feeling guilty about mini skirts, to feel paranoid enough to think that people are staring at you. At any rate, I thought the point of a mini skirt was to get some attention?
2008-08-15 06:37:25 UTC
just give them the finger or flash of your cleavage a bit. show it off on purpose cos they dont like it. If they prefer to be persecuted and kept down by their men, thats their look out, you do whats right for you.
2008-08-15 06:38:25 UTC
This is just down to the scumb sucking pond life, human rights do gooders in this country.
2008-08-15 06:46:10 UTC
Do you live in a different England to me?
2008-08-15 06:44:11 UTC
Are there Muslims in England? I've never noticed them.
2008-08-15 06:37:55 UTC
if you look at this persons other questions she has answered , she was moaning about people being racist then she goes and asks a question like this who is racist now

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