Indigo Warrior
2014-06-01 17:26:17 UTC
I didn't know about this till a month ago but the one rule here is if you are wanting to be sincere in trying this you can't use any kind of drug as then you are just high not experiencing it through your mind.
This sincerely makes me wonder if religion is all false after experiencing this as it plays on the same system. Atheist Anton Levey used this.
This is MY version of the wonderland effect though.
Also this is best done in a group and may not work alone. This was awesome fun
Come up with names like the dark forest or Zargon hill for places in your city have a story behind it like Barney the purple alien is the protector of the city have weapons like the sword of bahmouth or some creative line. Create a story have some enemy attack you or the city have some hero. The important part is you have people go out on missions. Usually toghether and have some mythical figure you are looking to meet or puzzle to solve. Visualize rainbow like colors or castles something beautiful and go to places like the forest at the end of the world. Visualize at some point being in a field with flowers pink skies a unicorn and hopping over a rainbow into the magical forest or visualize yourself flying in a space ship up near Jupiter all is open.
It depends on the pre set up rules to the game by all people involved and the complexity of the mission this may take awhile