What do you think about this story on Lars Vilks and his depiction of Mohammed?
2007-10-16 23:33:56 UTC
Here is the link:

Now someone earlier on another blog commented that the reason christians didn't react so blood-thirstily when he portrayed jesus as a pedophile, was because they don't love jesus as much.

Isn't that a bit much like a man who kills his wife for having an affair saying the guys that don't kill just didn't love their wife as much as he did? It's pretty brain damaged reasoning, in my humble opinion.

Anyway, tell me what you think.
Five answers:
Millie C
2007-10-16 23:52:12 UTC
my guess is he likes the attention this brings him. As for Christians not loving Jesus as much as muslims love Mohammad, well that is just a lie. Jesus is God he does not need me to run to his defense. One day in his perfect time he will deal with all who have made a mockery of Him. It is our jobs as Christians to pray for such that God would have mercy on them because I certainly want to be them facing the wrath of an all powerful God.
2007-10-17 06:46:41 UTC

Either Lars Vilks is out for a death sentence, or simply being snide.

Artistic free expression, and exercising democratic rights is within limits. what this man is doing, is searching for a particular response to his art.

"Vilks, who has been a controversial artist for more than three decades in Sweden, says his drawing was a calculated move, and he wanted it to elicit a reaction."

He wishes to "elicit a reaction" someone so foolish as to do so, is simply asking to be killed. It is no wonder fundamentalist groups have threatened to kill him. No one in their right mind is stupid to enough to provoke a group of suicidal and fanatical fundamentalists.

If a group in the middle east behaves in a matter, it is called prejudice, to view the entire Islamic community as murderous and hot blooded.

If blanket perspective was applied to many cultures in the world, I'am sure many of the countries would not function or operate as they do today.
2007-10-17 06:37:34 UTC
Did Christians in Germany print degrading and dehumanizing Cartoons about Jews before the Holocaust ?

Nazi Anti-Jew Cartoons almost Identical

... One Danish cartoon of Prophet Mohammed shows him with a long, hooked nose, thick lips, a sinister, malevolent glare on his ugly, semitic face and a curved dagger in his hand.

Change the caption "Prophet Mohammed" to "Jew swine" and you have the double of Nazi anti-Semitic hate cartoons of the 1930s from the pages of Die Sturmer.

Never again........

Jesus M
2007-10-17 06:44:52 UTC
False story of things unknown to the author.

2007-10-17 06:42:10 UTC
I think he did good..the dog thing fits

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What do you think about this story on Lars Vilks and his depiction of Mohammed?
started 2007-10-16 10:15:52 UTC
religion & spirituality