2013-11-28 15:27:45 UTC
1. Human beings did not evolve from monkeys, apes, guerrillas etc. We share common ancestry with them. We have btw all evolved from the same single cell organism.
2. Evolution is not a changeling ability, its a gradual change of mutation, speciation and adaption
3. Survival of the fittest is a huge part of evolution
4. Species have and will go extinct if they fail to survive
5. The fact that many creatures have limbs that they no longer use (such as wings that cannot produce flight) is evidence of evolution. It proves that there is some sort of gradual change taking place. Perhaps the bird is going through a change of bringing about a new line of species that are non flying creatures. This effect works in the opposite direction to, aquatic creatures obtaining the anatomy of a land mammal and thus being regarded as mammals themselves. Ex the whale and dolphin. None of these factors would make any sense if creation was the case. It only makes sense in terms of natural selection or adaption
6. Evolution cannot solely be based on Charles Darwin. Darwin made some very important discoveries regarding evolution. But it was others who followed him who improved on the evolutionary theory as we know it now
7. There is no such thing as "just a theory" in science. A scientific theory doesn't mean the same thing as the everyday use of the word theory. First and foremost a scientific theory is based on observation. It is also a set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted amongst the scientific community (some of which are theists btw)
8. Human beings are just another animal species.