Few people know this, but the Supreme Court once deliberated for 10 years before deciding that America is a Christian nation. You hear a million times more about the Supreme Court's ruling on Roe v. Wade, for example. The left has an agenda that's anti-God, anti-Christian, etc. This agenda is advanced from 3 positions of power:
1. Academia - If you've been to college then you KNOW that most professors are liberal. MANY of them are RADICALLY liberal. They are SHAMELESS in their efforts to indoctrinate our young (18 to 22 year olds).
Even though I don't see it as much, I fear that with an organization like the NEA, even our school teachers tend to be more liberal than conservative, but that seems more on a community-by-community basis more than an across-the-board leaning to the left.
2. The media - In Socialist, Communist, Fascist, and other dictatorial forms of government, the government controls the media. In America, the media is in bed with the government; at least when the government is left of center.
3. Hollywood - Once again, in Socialist, Communist, Fascist, and other dictatorial forms of government, the government controls not only the media, but all forms and flows of information. You look at a Michael Moore film and you tell me that it's not a propaganda film for the left's cause. Look at all the homosexual-themed films that come out of Hollywood and tell me they aren't propaganda flicks for the gay movement in this country. Look at all of the anti-war movies that come out of Hollywood and tell me that they aren't propaganda films for the anti-war crowd.
They are! Again, the government isn't making these films or forcing Hollywood to do so, but the net affect is the same! You cannot coerce the willing!
So, you see that liberals have masterfully done an end around on God. They are idiotic about it in many ways. I mean ... who can't see them for who and what they are when they'll defend a so-called "artist" who drops a crucifix in a jar of urine as both an artist AND someone who should be protected under free speech and they call Robert Mapplethorp an "artist" and "photographer" for taking bizarre and disgusting pictures of deviant sexual behavior and defend his right to do so, but they won't defend any Christians who they attempt to silence at every turn.
Our Constitution prohibits the Federal Government from creating ANY LAW either FOR or AGAINST religion; yet, a FEDERAL court supposedly found a FEDERAL LAW that somehow prohibited a state judge from displaying the 10 commandments. If it wasn't so sad and disgusting, it would be funny! These people are insane. And they'll stop at nothing to destroy Christianity and advance their own religion of liberalism.
So, where's the national debate on God? It's NOT in the mainstream media! They hate God! Where's the calls to prayer for our nation? They aren't coming out of Hollywood or the media or out of academia! The secular-progressive movement will be happy when God is mentioned no more. So, we go to war on our whims, NOT after prayerful thought and introspection. We send our troops to war on the orders of Godless men who have no allegiance to anything or anyone but self.
And you're surprised that America is in the midst of a fall from grace? LOL! Read the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and see if you don't see eery similarities to America today. Liberals deny it but God rises up countries and God brings them down. We were once a Christian nation that was founded upon and committed to the principles of ADVANCING THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Now, is it any wonder that God allowed (even HELPED) us to rise to world dominance in a mere 200 years? That was God's will, not America's greatness!
Now we don't need God any longer? You sure?
Verily verily I say to you that if we don't return to our Christian roots then God will destroy this country. (And by destroy I don't necessarily mean wipe from the face of the earth, but we'll be as strong as the Netherlands and as vulnerable to attack as Sweden.
By the way ... God was on OUR side, not the other way around.
Lord bless.