Hi Maddy,
The question is, would God approve of your approach, and agree that you're really a Christian? I need to be careful here, because I am far from perfect myself, and I need to try not to be a hypocrite. But, I want to gently tell you that I don't think God approves of your approach to being a Christian. But this isn't just my opinion, because what does my human opinion matter? So I'll tell you why I think that believing in Jesus but not accepting the Bible as the word of God and not going to church means you aren't really practising Christianity.
1. The Bible is the word of God. Yes, it is written by people, but it is fundamental for a Christian to recognize and believe that the writings of the Bible were divinely inspired, that God spoke through people. People cannot escape their culture, their language, and their historical circumstances, so the word of God comes to us in a very human form. But it is still the word of God. When something in the Bible seems hard to believe, it is very helpful to consult the writings of the early church fathers. Their writings can help us make sense of the Bible, since they lived a life much more similar to those who wrote the scriptures.
2. Being a Christian is not simply believing in Jesus. Jesus himself tells us that to achieve salvation there are many things we must do, believing in him is just one. We aren't saved by faith alone.
3. How do we know how to live a Christian life? We could maybe expect there to be a hint in the Bible. And there is, albeit one that many people conveniently over look. In reading the gospel, we find that Jesus chose twelve apostles, and gave them special authorities. He gave them the authority to forgive sins in his name, to make rules for his church on earth, and to preach the gospel and baptise. He literally told them that he was giving them (Peter, especially) the "keys to the Kingdom of Heaven" and that whatever rules the apostles made on earth would be made in Heaven. See, Jesus did not want us all to make up our own rules and decide which rules to follow, which doctrines to believe. We're not capable of doing that for ourselves, and believing we are is an illusion. If you believe that you don't need the church that Jesus founded, and you don't need God's Word, then you are not trusting that God knows best. And if you think you can be a Christian but reject the church Jesus founded, then you are rejecting God's will. This is not my opinion. These are facts of Christianity that many people ignore, overlook, or will not accept because they want to live by their own rules. But Jesus warns us of this in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew.
The best advice I can give is that you read the gospels. If you've read them, carefully re-read. You will find that there was a definite hierarchy of authority that was handed down from Christ to the apostles, and then in the book of Acts from the apostles to the second generation of apostles, the bishops. There is no true Christianity without having the church - the unified body of believers who are guided by the bishops, who have received the authority of Christ from an unbroken succession leading back to the twelve apostles. Without the church and the bishops we are lost, spiritually wandering, trying to figure out how to live. That isn't what Jesus wanted for us. He intended all believers to be guided towards the Kingdom of Heaven in a definite way.
Read the New Testament. God wants you to be part of the Church he established through the apostles. People disagree which church in existence is THE Church of Christ. However, only one existing church can validly claim real historical continuity with the early Church that formed by the preaching of the apostles after Christ ascended to Heaven, and that is the Holy Orthodox Church. Many believe the Catholic Church can make the same historical claim, and indeed the two used to be united until cultural differences resulted in a split. Major efforts are being undertaken to reunite them.
Recap. You are not a true Christian by the standards of the church Jesus Christ established. Your views are contrary to the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church, which has the authority of Christ, which has been passed down in an unbroken chain from the original twelve apostles.
I hope I have not come across judgemental. I am telling you the facts as I have been taught them, and I believe I have been properly taught. If you want to discuss it or talk more, I would be glad to talk!