No, there is no question whatsoever that evolution is NOT real. They cannot supply support for their starting ASSUMPTIONS, of which this is only one. If it's a valid assumption then there MUST be some evidence in support of the claim. There is NO irrefutable evidence of one species changing to another inside or out of the lab. If evolution were true, there should be millions/billions/gazillions of specimens, not a handful of disputed ones. Evolution is a farce for failure to support their claim by burden of proof.
Neither is there ANY evidence of life from non-life. Yet this is a starting ASSUMPTION of evolution w/o ANY evidence whatsoever, another complete fail.
And who is it that needs millions/billions of years for their questionable theory that's not a valid theory to work? That's right, only the evolutionist needs millions/billions of years, ta da, great performance!
Natural selection is observable, experimentally demonstrable and reproducible. Unquestionably true. The extrapolation that Natural Selection + Mutations + Time = Common Descent has been empirically discredited. This process known as neo-darwinism has been known not to work for 30 years. There is at this point no viable mechanism for Common Descent that holds up against observational or experimental evidence. Without a mechanism, there is no basis to estimate how long the process might or might not take, the limitations of the process, etc. etc.
There is no empirical evidence that Common Descent ever actually happened. Much of the evidence is anecdotal in nature. The arguably strongest evidences for Common Descent, are based on the already discredited mechanism of neo-darwinism or relies on assumptions that have since been disproved by observations or experimentation. What is left are inferences based upon the presupposition that Common Descent is true and the evidences pointed to behind these inferences are not independently probative of the process. In other words, if I had never heard of Common Descent, the evidences cited would not lead me to conclude Common Descent.
All of these things aside, even if Common Descent were true, that is inconsequential to the question of the Origin of the Universe, the Origin of life, or the diversity in the biosphere for this current generation of the earth. What is contained in the fossil record, is the result of previous generations of the earth, which may well have lasted billions of years and may well have had a process like Common Descent. But that has no bearing on this current Generation of the Earth.
Bottom line, evolution, with or without Common Descent is inconsequential to the question God, or Creation, or a literal interpretation of the Genesis account.
Evolutionists don't get it; adding millions/billions of years to something that cannot possibly work in the first place does not give it a "chance" at all. The same method (whatever it is, we don't even know what to call it or how it works or why) repeated over and over a billions times will not give different results; just common sense, but proven empirically. There is no "chance" of evolution. Evolution is croaking on its lies from within, soon to be gone within 10 years.
There you have it: if you accept the evolutionist answer, you would first have to find some evidence. Then you would have to find a mechanism or law or method by which it works. Not much of a "theory" or even a valid premise in the real world.
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