Need a religious answer please?
2016-06-22 09:18:10 UTC
So many people believe in evolution. My question is if evolution is real.. wouldn't there constantly be things in the process of evolving? like Apes half way evolved into a human or something? How come there are now Apes in the world that are half ape/half human..? They don't just magically go from ape and evolve into human? How do you explain the evolution process if there is no current proof of current evolution taking place? You never see a half evolved form of anything, it's either one thing or the other :/
75 answers:
2016-06-24 08:56:20 UTC
Can you conceive of 1 million? That is not a big number. It's a row 100 wide by 100 high by 100 deep. That is a tiny number taking the universe into consideration. People consider one in a million large , I consider it very small. I ppm is a sugar cube thrown into a cubic meter.

That is just an example of how small people think.

Evolution occurs increment by increment, You change .001 percent from your parents, you're kids change .001 percent from you. You wouldn't notice , no one would but given a million generations you would be different by 10 % from your progenitor, We are 2 % removed from Chimps and 3% from Gorillas.

From a religious point of view I would need to know your religion. You are Judaic and God declared you his race his one and only he would back and support ( were did he go for 2000 years). As a Christian , why did Constantine call the shots or why has Coptic Christianity been forgotten outside the middle east.

The only thing I am asking is go where I have gone, ask the questions and find the answers. No one can tell you what to believe ,that is you decision, your need. Look , see and decide, it is you and only you that can decide.

2016-06-27 14:25:12 UTC
You asked for a religious answer, I will attempt to give you an answer of some sort.

As a Christian, my religion does not speak about Charles Darwin's theory.

But my religion does state that life began with God.

So far, what we have observed is that only life can beget life.

My religion says that different creatures were created "according to their kinds", but it does not go into the details of exactly how that process took place, nor how all the different kinds of life came about.

There are pagan religions that each have their own creation accounts. Some even go into the details as how some specific animals came to exist.

But overall, I don't think you will find a "religious answer" to your question.

Your question is akin to asking, "What does the Bible say about the Patriots winning the Super Bowl?" or "How skilled would a caveman be at computer programming?"

Any objective answer you get would be tenuous and tortured.
2016-06-24 01:58:21 UTC
How do you know humans aren't the halfway point to something else, doofus? Also, species don't change drastically one individual at a time, separately, via massive mutations like in a Stan Lee comic, the whole population changes gradually over time. If apes DID regularly turn into humans, that would DISPROVE the theory of evolution. Also, have you never heard of fossils? There HAVE been things bridging the gaps. And you know what creationists every time a "missing link" is found between two gaps? They complain that the scientists just created two new gaps.
2016-06-27 15:00:04 UTC
That is not true. In every species there is a lot of variation.

Within most species of wild animals the young that differ significantly physically or behaviourally from the 'norm' die young and fail to reproduce. Even those that are absolutely 'normal' mostly don't survive to reproduce. That is the harsh reality of being a wild animal - or any other organism.

Tell me - have your really never NEVER looked the world around you? Don't you see the diversity? The struggles to survive? The horrific cruelty of nature?



Not at all? Really? What - can't be bothered to open your eyes and have a look?

I find it difficult to believe (sorry to mention a 'faith' thing) - difficult to believe that any humans as ignorant and blindfolded as you are still around today.

Ignorant? Stupid? Blind? Not because you CAN'T open your eyes and have a look. Not because there isn't the discussion and has been for about 150 years. Not because there aren't books, papers, people to talk to? Why then? You just 'choose to believe something because somebody else says it's true'.

OPEN YOUR EYES - OBSERVE THE WORLD FOR YOURSELF. This will not kill you - or hurt you in any way.
2016-06-25 11:10:39 UTC
A lot of people believe evolution to be a process of organisms evolving very slowly over time, which is why you don't see it happening. Natural selection (competing among animals) allows only the most powerful & healthy to survive. It's true that animals compete for survival of the fittest, but there is no evidence that they evolve because of it. What I least understand is the belief in the big bang theory... it makes more sense to me for a Creator to have created such a complicated universe than by chance. Some people doubt, so they come up with theories on what happened and that's how the belief of evolution came about. The Bible even says that evolution is just another deception.
2016-06-30 15:21:56 UTC
That's not how evolution works. Evolution is a process that occurs over thousands of years because it is based off of mutation and natural selection. Mutations are genetic and occur in the offspring of certain creatures. Mutations are completely random. Mutation is not something that happens over the course of a creatures lifetime. It is something you are born with. You see mutations in humans all the time, such as humans born with extra fingers and toes, or humans with genetic diseases such as down syndrome. Sometimes a mutation will be beneficial to an animal. Take a giraffe for example. If all giraffes had short necks, and then one day a giraffe was born with a long neck, it would be able to reach the food in the trees better than the others. Therefore, all of the giraffes with this mutation would have a better chance of survival. Eventually all of the giraffes with the shorter necks would die off, as more and more long necks were born. This process is called natural selection, meaning the creatures better suited to their environment will be "naturally selected" by their environment. Again, this takes a massive amount of time. The reason you do not see this process occurring in humans, is because natural selection doesn t really apply to us anymore as we have advanced our medicine and technology too far for the weakest of us to die off. But evolution is occurring all around us very slowly. And there is so much proof of evolution that has already occurred in the creatures we are surrounded by. There are birds whose beaks fit perfectly into flowers and butterflies with threatening patterns on their wings and bugs shaped like sticks. It is an incredible and beautiful thing.

I don't believe in God, but if I did I'd be happy to think he created something as glorious as evolution. The theories of evolution and Christianity do not have to oppose one another.

P.S. This is not a religious question. It is a biological question.
2016-06-25 12:04:17 UTC
A grate thought of you and detailing search in the matter is flawless.Regarding your question there's subject ,it call generic mutation and generic jump .This section is describe partially gene in a specific environment and force to survive it cause gene abduct to new form (depend on gravity ,unic chemicals ,temperature and Air pressure ) that is make changes in the DNA bonding and formation .This type of abduction is not include entire kind and only those in the same desir mode will experience the change.These type of abduction can be jumpy to progress and smarter form and also can dumpy and go to lower expectation of the life form.At any form the change will effect the next generations .These effect are related directly to the food chamber ,water sources and air that they breath ,level of acidity ,diseases ,amount of radiation ,tempurature all combine togather it make that deformation or formation to a different ,but not total different form .In fact the abdduction in particular clon of the Apes at particular time and place it start ,which is not involve all type of the Apes .Recently Austrelia institue of scientist study is show that people that using Marijuana are experiancing changes in the DNA formation ,this formation will effect thier chromosoms and next generation will born with new formation ,these formation were include born with one piece brain at front head and difficulity in the Hormonic cells .If such research appear as true ,then next generation of that particular people will experiance new formation of the life form ,now more intelligent or less is depend on the formation .Same thing is happen during what know as evolution ,which a type or a clon of the Apes they use water source or type of food that it cause the change in the DNA formation .This particular cloney they perduce between each other and they result a changed form of the Apes or smart Apes .Adding this theory is just a theory that is result of many years study and observation of the many different cells in labratoary under million type of the tests .

Another Example : modern human since thousand years ago ,must learn to be strong ,muscular and harsh depend on environment they face for surviving ,which this was required to have ripped body and strong to physical fights with Animals or other type of human predators.Same human now do not need the ripped body and they use technology,which they get fat and lazy and they find more easier food than thousand years ago ,they do not need to hunt ,fight for food or with each other and they less have physical challenges ,which generally they start to change apparently and mentally compare to human of thousand years ago .This is it self an abduction or other name evoluted to new form that even is far from oldest version .It is hard to believe cause thousand years we been told an story that has no strong root of explanation or logical reasons and we accept that as true story ,when you come to explain it logically you will see million question that all are pass to the GOD ,GOD said,GOD want,GOD knows ,etc... this is like just pin point to unknown destination or other word we do not know .
2016-06-23 23:06:41 UTC
Bacteria evolve enough to watch. Higher orders take millions of years. If you watch critter XYZ for several millions of years you will actually see evolution in action. After every mass extinction, new critters evolved from what ever stock survived. If that wasn't the case then after the dinos went away where did the elephants come from? Were they 'created'? A new creation event after every mass extinction seems to be your argument... prove that and you get a Nobel Prize.
2016-06-26 06:06:58 UTC
Evolution is not about apes evolving into Humans - it is about the evolution of any given species and how it improves and progresses over the millennia.

Charles Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" is exactly what it says in the title, a 'theory'. At no time ever did Darwin claim that his 'theory' was a 'fact'.

The Theory of Evolution is a scientific study in progress - not a closed fact.

But then being a self appointed Christian American Troll living in a Godless land, you will make no effort to appraise yourself of the truth. Instead, you will bash on associating the Theory of Evolution with atheism.

You are, a miserable wee man.
2016-06-24 19:41:36 UTC
I think one day when we get a closer look at a bigfoot you might get your answer. Lol. We think so much of ourselves.once read about some author who was abducted by aliens and how smart he thought he was.he was striped down naked and placed on displayed in the middle of this room.the aliens who were bright white asked him a question? Explain British Colonialism? He explained how thee british had expanded with colonies around the world.eventually leaving to moon then mars and eventually the nearst star.then he realized.that he just gave the alliens earths plans on the the more he talked he was realized he was putting his foot in his mouth.finally he shut up.the aliens started talking.isnt he smart.he so bright.the author felt so small.but then led way. We were still children in this experience.and in many ways .we are someone elses property? Its a scary thought .something tamperd with our dna. One day our owners will return.then what?
2016-06-29 08:54:46 UTC
Evolution was accepted as fact, by the Church, even before Charles Darwin enlisted in a seminary with the hope of becoming an Anglican Parson (which makes him an obvious atheist in the eyes of fundamentalist Creationists, of course).

In his program of studies at the seminary, Evolution was taught in a course called Natural Theology. Evolution was thought to be guided by divine intervention.

All that Charles did was to come up with a theory that explained how evolution COULD proceed without divine intervention, using only the pressures of environmental factors. THAT is what caused all the turmoil, at the time.

Since evolution itself was accepted by the Church, then rejection of evolution is an atheist dogma.
2016-06-27 08:46:27 UTC
I'm not sure what you mean by "a religious answer", but I will comment that the major Christian denominations accept the reality of evolution, and that Theodosius Dobzhansky, who wrote "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" was a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
2016-06-26 05:03:16 UTC
A religious answer? OK, I'll see what I can do, but first I need to point something out: Both atheistic "scientists" and Christians believe that we're the body. That is, the physical scientists believe that this body is who and what we are and that's that, and that when we die, it's all over with. The Christians, on the other hand, believe that we're the body but that we "have" a soul. Both are mistaken. Our basic essence is spirit, and that spirit lives in the body; it's what animates the body. When "death" comes, the body dies but we do not. I've met a number of Christians who strongly disagree with that, and I point out what it says in The First Book of Kings. That Elijah prayed, "O Lord, my God, I pray to you, let this child's soul come into him again!" And the boy became well. But you see the point I'm making. That it was known that when the soul (the essence of who we are) leaves the body, the person is considered dead. And what I'm pointing out is that we are not the body. We, our souls, live in bodies. Knowing this, we can move onto the matter of evolution. Evolution has never been proven, yet many "scientific" people insist that it's happening all around us. And you make a good point: If the human body evolved from monkeys or from a common ancestor as we're always being told, why, then, are there still monkeys in the world? Now let's look at Genesis 1:26: "Let us make man in our image." Many Christians have invented the idea that the "us" being spoken of in this passage is a reference to the "trinity," yet this equally unproven. The problem with the "trinity" is that it implies that 1) that the Holy Ghost is a person, and 2) that Jesus is God. Jesus, however, was transcendentally humble and would never have made such an outrageous claim. He said, "I and my Father are one," meaning that he had merged back into God, not that He Himself WAS God. And one day, someone said to Him, "Lord, show us the Father," and Jesus said, "When you see me, you are seeing the Father." Yes. God was working through Jesus. Jesus even said that none of the things He did (miracles) came from Him, but came from the Father, Who was working through Him. Jesus didn't have an ego like we do. He was sent here to do what His Father wanted and simply carried out God's wishes. There is nothing to support that He was (is) God, nor that the Holy Ghost is God. The Holy Ghost is a reference to God's activating force. It's not a person. Now let's move on: Christians very often have the most difficult time with the creation of the human species. They seem to imagine a man with white hair and beard, dressed as one of the old Hebrew prophets walking around and saying, "Let there be" whatever He wanted to create. That's a nice story ... but what really happened? As God worked through Jesus, it is clear that He also worked and works through various people. That's how God's help often comes to us. He does it through people we know or even through strangers. And that is how the human species, which God wanted to exist, came into existence: People conversant in the genetic arts came here from other planets (look at the 6th chapter of Genesis) and created a hybrid using their own DNA and that of the beings who were already here ... OR they brought other beings here from their own world(s) and crossed their DNA with their own. In the 2nd chapter of Genesis there is a reference to anesthesia when it says, "And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam (the first created ones), and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her unto the man." This is a clear reference to anesthesia and to cloning. Now the idea of scientific people having come here and done these things doesn't mean there's no God. It means that God accomplishes His purposes by using those who are in tune with His will. We need to look at the similarity between humans and apes also. Their appearance is similar to our own and their behaviour as well. What does this mean? That we came from them? No. But neither is it something that we can casually shrug off. I have strongly suspected for many years that the people who came here were doing many experiments, and that the apes we have in the world today are actually the descendants of some of the early experiments of those who landed here millions of years ago. I believe that they represent some early failed attempts to create humans. They didn't get it quite right, and that's what the apes are as far as I'm concerned. Was God behind all of this? Of course. It was His will. So you see, a religious answer was possible, but only by including a reference to physical science as well ...
2016-06-28 10:35:57 UTC
Evolution is a misnomer.

WE are born from parents just as any other monkey. The word should have been development. All life had a beginning as a result of Creation by our creators.The difficulty about life is that we all die the same way.
2016-06-23 18:54:12 UTC
I thought the same thing until about a year ago, it takes thousands even millions of years for something to evolve if your expecting something extraordinary to happen like the monkeys with humans your going to be waiting for a longtime. Yes they evolve couple of years but tiny things like the shape of there eyes tiny things that we would have to look out for to see.
2016-07-01 14:20:10 UTC
natural selection, un-like religion,is based on cause and effect. while evolution is irreversible, it is possible to reverse the negative effects of heretical religions.

for a religion to change its original doctrines by adding other religions' teaching to their own to make them more acceptable, or to be more correct, is heresy in faith and in practice. evolution is not part of the christian bible. the christian religion is based upon the magic of the christian god and jesus christ, and not upon scientific principle. just saying all of a sudden that you own it because you are christian is a lie, it does not fit in the religion, or its' bible.

there is a difference: science is non-dualistic, causal, and dependently-originated phenomenal reality; christianity is dualistic, a-causal, and independently-originated phenomenal reality.

therefore, the religion has no corollary in reality, or is incongruous to reality. since this makes it a heretical religion as an unreal view of reality, it disturbs the peoples' minds and creates confusion and ruin in society.

the shadow follows the body, and this means that christianity has not created peace in a single country in over 2000-years.

if you want to see the half truths of religions then simply read your bible; however, if you want to see the proofs of evolutionary science, then read the science:

there is plenty of evolutionary science of human development, plenty of the evolution of species, the extinction of species, and the current development and die-off of species being noted on this site.

Need a religious answer?
2016-06-25 21:17:23 UTC
I can prove Evolution right now.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bam. Next question?
2016-06-26 00:46:18 UTC
All the answers are to quiet ones nerves. No one has 'any' answers, but oh how they can make us believe. Your observations are real....the only changes that we know of is that man's manufactured food supply is so bad over the past 100 years, that it is making very negative changes in man physically and mentally.

There is no religious answer...we must build up our faith from within....connect with the Universal Source and try hard to believe.
2016-06-25 06:11:35 UTC
The eye can save the heart and everyone can create the world.

In biology, gene is the dog eye and evolution is monkey heart.

The dog eye is saving monkey heart.

In evolution, one half can not match another one forever.

The night can save the day and the black half can match the white half.

The mule has no fertility.

If evolution is real, cancer cell has strong evolution ability.

Gene is biological language and evolution is not reverse engineering.

Biology is really abortive theory.
2016-06-23 07:26:04 UTC
Actually we see things evolving every single day, not only from archeological skeletons but also from our own society. The fact that our society has an advanced tecnology it didn't have 10 000 years ago is already a confirm that evolution exist. The fact that every animal and human that exists, exists because bacteries evolved into sea's creatures whom evolved into dinosaurs whom evolved in mammals, reptiles etc... is a proof that evolution exist. Ape's are evolving, it's just that when creatures evolve, depending on the enviroment they develop diffent skills. They are developing other skills and we are developing other skills. Trying to make them evolve like us would be against nature and against God itself. Religions and fate are two different things. Faith is believing in God, religion is believing to liars who kill innocents, torture the smarts and give prizes to the stupids. Evolution doesn't go against the Bible, Bible itself talks about evolution, you must just observe better the words you read. The religions make you the blind slave of priests. Remember that the people who killed Jesus were all religious.
2016-06-23 06:33:24 UTC
You are correct in your assumption that if Evolution was correct and real as a means by which all life became there would be continual examples right before us today. People who place their faith and trust in Evolution decry this because basically they have no answer for it. If Evolution was valid then not only would there be various species in various and incremental transitional change and in every transitional form today but there would be all across species and every life form and frankly there isn't.

Evolution is a non-Christian Godless way in which people who refuse to acknowledge a possibility of creation or God chose to explain that which is best explained by a intelligent creator. Just because a person is a Christian doesn't mean they don't believe in Evolution or not believe in it. IF I believed that evolution was accurate and valid then I would have made the statement that this is the way GOD CHOSE to have life happen.

Problem is that there is NO evidence today that evolution is valid. It didn't become self aware and just say hey I've evolved so no need for the increments or incremental transitional changes any longer we can just stop this path of evolution.

That isn't to say that things don't evolve for they do. What I am stating is that Evolution is NOT the path to explain how all life got here and in lieu of or separate from an intelligent Creator.
2016-06-23 03:42:20 UTC
Evolution is not real.

Example the DNA of Humans is more close to other species than primates.
2016-06-22 23:51:57 UTC
You will not become your cousin. But you both have the same grandma. It's not that crazy.
2016-06-22 18:30:19 UTC
Ok so humans didn't evolve from apes... They share a common ancestor which is why their DNA is so like ours. And like Den B7 said... Millions of years... Not like 20...
Brigalow Bloke
2016-06-22 16:05:08 UTC
Religion and particularly Christianity has no answers to this. The Jesuit Father Teilhard de Chardin tried to reconcile this back in the 1950's in his book "The Phenomenon of Man" but failed, and the fundamentalists can only lie and you will find them lying in some of these answers.

Evolution has no direction and never stops. It is not about the survival of the fittest, it is about the survival of the good enough. Apes will never become human because they are not going that way, they branched off millions of years ago.
2016-06-22 14:42:06 UTC
How do you know humans aren't the halfway point to something else, doofus? Also, species don't change drastically one individual at a time, separately, via massive mutations like in a Stan Lee comic, the whole population changes gradually over time. If apes DID regularly turn into humans, that would DISPROVE the theory of evolution. Why should they change specifically into humans anyway? Why not something completely different, if they're going to change drastically. Also, have you never heard of fossils? There HAVE been things bridging the gaps. And you know what creationists say every time a "missing link" is found in a gap? They complain that the scientists just created two new gaps.
2016-06-22 11:50:49 UTC
APES DID NOT EVOLVE INTO HUMANS. Apes and humans had a common ancestor. That's all!
2016-06-22 09:38:09 UTC
Religion can provide no answers on matters of science.

You need to study evolution by natural selection a little deeper. Without selection pressures natural selection doesn't occur. Also in the evolutionary process there is no perceptible change between adjacent generations. Evolution is not biased towards more complexity except at the very lowest level of complexity that is still living matter.
Den B7
2016-06-22 09:24:47 UTC
Evolution is going on all the time but any changes take place over millions of years, NOT a single lifetime! No ape is born an ape and changes to a human before it dies.

Go back to school.

It's my guess that you can't stare at the hour hand of a clock long enough to see it move. Which goes to prove that the hour hand never really moves.
2016-06-22 09:20:40 UTC
Genesis 1:24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.
2016-06-23 08:00:21 UTC
PLEASE go visit JW.ORG! I had the exact same questions, it has some really good answers.
D g
2016-06-23 07:31:18 UTC
Evolution doesn't work on individuals

Take virus they can evolve imunity this is how that works

When you first get a flu virus 90 percent may be easily killed by a medicine.

If you take the medicine improperly the germs may still be there but the majority of what is left is now the 10 percent that was resistant to the drugs.

This 10 percent multiplies and grows and now you have say 20 percent with the resistance

Eventually after years of medication the virus that survived is the stronger there are no weaker versions around as they get killed off and only the stronger mate.

Evolution doesn't leave alot of versions the ones that survive are the stronger.
2016-06-23 06:44:37 UTC
That's because if you had a race in the middle this race would be naturally selected out. The race is on both ends would have stronger survival skills for their environment while the ones in the middle, where do you think they would survive, they are competing for survival with the other two races. Everyone is competing for survival if you look at it from a scientific View. I hope this answers your question
2016-06-23 02:15:42 UTC
Religous answer will telll you nothing.
2016-06-23 01:02:52 UTC
There is no evidence of evolution. They claim to know how life began, however when they tried recreating it, they weren't successful. Evolution is an hypothesis, nothing more, nothing less.
2016-06-22 20:04:24 UTC
Evolution takes a long time. I'm Christian and I fully accept evolution. I don't worry about the nitty gritty things. To ignore facts is being ignorant.
2016-06-22 17:49:37 UTC
You are looking for something between a modern ape and a modern human. you won't find it. If you go back far enough, you will find an ancestor that is somewhere between them. Try googling Ardeopithecus for starters. While you are at it, google "rassenkresise" if you want to see intermediates that are alive today.
Tom S
2016-06-22 17:16:28 UTC
Evolution is still happening, it takes a very long time, all of human civilization is a drop in the bucket in terms of time for macro organisms to show evolution. In microorganisms, it has been observed, like with bacteria which have evolved resistance to antibiotics. No magic involved.
2016-06-22 11:04:24 UTC
With reference, first, to your update, your question is not logical. It just appears logical to you because your logic, on this subject, at least,is flawed.

Your question makes the inference that humans are the end result of evolution. We are not. Humans are not a perfect species to which all other species aspire. Therefore, that is the first reason why other ape species are not evolving in to our ape species.

The reason you will never see a half-human-ape/half-non-human-ape (e.g. Bonobo) is because nothing like that happens in evolution. Nor does the science of evolution say, claim or predict it will. Every animal born or hatched will closely resemble it parents. Changes are gradual and no one generation would notice any change. Any individual that is born will look like its parents, grandparents, greatgrandparents, and so on, and like its own offspring, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc.

The reason you do not see these things could be for two reason. I do not know which. The first one may be your own ignorance of what evolution is and the mechanisms by which it works. Alternatively, this may simply a spurious question which has vainly attempted an asinine rebuttal of evolution.

If it is the former you can educate yourself. It does not require a degree to understand evolution. There is a lot of books on evolution in the popular science genre. There are also some excellent Web sites on evolution.

Perhaps you posted the question for the latter reason. If you did then you still have all your work before you. You would have to disprove evolution. That is not achieved by posting questions on an Internet Q&A forum. Then you would have to prove your alternative hypothesis.
2016-06-22 10:35:02 UTC
Islam says: Science and religion are not separate things god created this world with his own knowledge , he knows the things that we don't . our knowledge and his are like a drop and a sea.

before Adam (first human that god created him directly and with his own soul) there were another humans that were wild they used to live like animals Adam was the first man that understood who and what he is

Islam has never reject any knowledge

and about ISIS , they aren't muslims they use it to get the power they kill real muslims like Al-saud ,Muhammad has never forced anyone to accept him , the persons who killed was the people like ISIS or who started the war.starting a war in Qoran is illegal
2016-06-22 10:00:50 UTC
Everything IS in the process of evolving. Evolution is continuous and gradual.

Remember that evolution is about ancestors and descendants. Looking for a half-human, half-gorilla species is the same as looking for a person who is half me, half my cousin Jesse. There is no such person. Even my and Jesse's shared grandmother wasn't that. I certainly didn't used to be Jesse until I grew up to become me.

Because gorillas are not evolving into humans. Something that lived 10 million years ago evolved into both humans and gorillas. Gorillas are halfway between that ancestor and whatever species will live 10 million years from now.

So to find a "half evolved" species, we need to look for something that lived millions of years in the past. And guess what? There ARE fossils of ancestors who were half-human, half ape! For example, check out .
Michel Verheughe
2016-06-22 09:46:21 UTC
Dear Tyler, do you think God made all the different races of dogs? You know that some people are still breeding new races of dogs, don't you?

It is very simple: you keep the dogs showing the qualities you are looking for and don't let the others to reproduce.

In nature, it is called, sexual selection. Males and females seek certain qualities in their partners before copulation. Our ancestor females sought good providers in their sexual partners and males sought healthy partners who could give birth to healthy children.

Evolution is as simple as that: we evolved simply because those best adapted survived better and had more children. You don't need to have all the steps between the ape and the human. Actually, we don't come from ape but both apes and humans come from the same ancestor who is no longer existing today. Races come and go. Since we, humans, started growing our food and keeping domestic animals, some 12,000 years ago, many species of flora and fauna has disappeared, simply by our disturbance of the balance in nature.
2016-06-22 09:29:31 UTC
This is the ersatz evolution of creationists. It is agreed by all that this is false. This does not prove or disprove either creationism nor the basis for the biological sciences called evolution.
2016-06-22 09:29:12 UTC
It's because you define everything that you have a name for, has finished evolving. And why you don't see any half ape/human is because all humans evolved simultaneously, to make things easier imagine that a malformed ape was born by mistake but unlike all other malformed apes this one had a attribute that improved survival and then all humans evolved from that common ancestor (this is not quite accurate but to make you understand).

Plus if your question is that you want an answer that is not derived from proof then no wonder you haven't got the answer.
2016-06-22 09:26:09 UTC
evolution has pretty much been completely debunked.

there are only a minority of hanger-oners.
2016-06-22 09:25:43 UTC
It takes billions of years Tyler ..... for example, at one time the appendix was needed but then it became useless so it is growing smaller until in another few billion years it will be gone. Look it's very interesting...

Mo University Lecturer
Charles Veidt
2016-06-22 09:23:27 UTC
Evolution is still occurring - it's just too slow for you to see it. It's a process that takes millions of years.
2016-06-22 09:21:02 UTC
Evolution isn't about belief, it is fact and whether or not you accept that fact.

The process of evolution takes about a million years, we can't see it or notice it because it takes so long. But if you look at things like Wisdom Teeth, Tonsils and the Appendix, we no longer need these things anymore.

Ape's didn't magically evolve to humans either, this is a common misunderstanding of most religious folks. We are like cousins of Apes, we don't come directly from them.
2016-06-22 09:20:51 UTC
Human evolution is characterized by a number of morphological, developmental, physiological, and behavioral changes that have taken place since the split between the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. The most significant of these adaptations are bipedalism, increased brain size, lengthened ontogeny (gestation and infancy), and decreased sexual dimorphism. The relationship between these changes is the subject of ongoing debate.[55][page needed] Other significant morphological changes included the evolution of a power and precision grip, a change first occurring in H. erectus.[56]

The evidence on which scientific accounts of human evolution are based comes from many fields of natural science. The main source of knowledge about the evolutionary process has traditionally been the fossil record, but since the development of genetics beginning in the 1970s, DNA analysis has come to occupy a place of comparable importance. The studies of ontogeny, phylogeny and especially evolutionary developmental biology of both vertebrates and invertebrates offer considerable insight into the evolution of all life, including how humans evolved. The specific study of the origin and life of humans is anthropology, particularly paleoanthropology which focuses on the study of human prehistory.[91]

Homo sapiens is the only extant species of its genus, Homo. While some (extinct) Homo species might have been ancestors of Homo sapiens, many, perhaps most, were likely "cousins", having speciated away from the ancestral hominin line.[114][115] There is yet no consensus as to which of these groups should be considered a separate species and which should be a subspecies; this may be due to the dearth of fossils or to the slight differences used to classify species in the Homo genus.[115] The Sahara pump theory (describing an occasionally passable "wet" Sahara desert) provides one possible explanation of the early variation in the genus Homo.

Based on archaeological and paleontological evidence, it has been possible to infer, to some extent, the ancient dietary practices[78] of various Homo species and to study the role of diet in physical and behavioral evolution within Homo.[75][116][117][118][119]

Some anthropologists and archaeologists subscribe to the Toba catastrophe theory, which posits that the supereruption of Lake Toba on Sumatran island in Indonesia some 70,000 years ago caused global consequences,[120] killing the majority of humans and creating a population bottleneck that affected the genetic inheritance of all humans today.[121]
2016-06-22 09:20:20 UTC
You are seriously deluded and your so-called question makes me laugh more than taking it seriously. So you think you will see in front of your eyes an ape evolving into a human like a magic show in your book of Mythology?
2016-06-23 18:13:59 UTC


" Youtube "
2016-06-23 15:28:29 UTC
Evolution is an incomplete theory. I'm waiting for a better one.
2016-06-23 14:49:40 UTC
2016-06-23 09:57:30 UTC
It's becuse Humans did not evolve from apes, the shared a common ancestor which became extinct millions of years ago, the 'missing link'. Evolution in simple organisms such as fruit flies is a rapid process that may be seen by us oner a few generations of fly, but evolution in the higher life forms with a longer lifetime' us' will not be visible for many generations. You wanted a religeous answer, well, as God is supposed to be responsible for this mess, why can't we also blame him for inventing Evolution. Darwin only reported what he found, villifying Darwin is like blaming the weather man for bad weather.
save us
2016-06-23 08:12:32 UTC
You want a religious answer but what you clearly need is an education in basic biology.
2016-06-23 05:30:11 UTC
37+1, a (hood hungary) wolf, and a pit.
2016-06-23 05:24:07 UTC
Take a look at a tree. Can you see it growing? Can you see twigs dividing, becoming branches and then major boughs?

If you had a series of old photographs of the tree going back many years, you would see the process. Fossils give glimpses of the tree of life in the past.
great knight
2016-06-23 00:41:30 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Get a king James bible and believe. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read Romans chapter 5,8,10,12. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and 15. Read 1 John chapter 4. Read Genesis. Must read 1 John chapter 2. Evolution is admitted lie! See, and so on! There are no transitional forms in life or in "fossils record"! There no evidence in fossils either so made up"punctuated equilibrium" to try and protect evolution of course no evidence for that either! They tried to say since no transitional forms then maybe lizard had bird baby with no steps in between! Sick! on fossils. on science.

Archaeology, and,

Evolutionists lied for hundreds of years that one race would be more ape like than others! Genetics showed bible correct again and evolution destroyed again! Why isn't that Fact in textbooks! Jesus loves you.
2016-06-22 17:56:13 UTC
The first obstacle to your understanding is that you are looking for a religious answer to a science question. As for "not seeing it happen", that should not be a concern. Evolution is a long-term process. Just because you can't see something happening or moving or changing doesn't mean it isn't! Long term processes, like evolution (or canyon formation, or the movement of continents) cannot be expected to be observed in one moment.

As for the statement that there is no proof of evolution, nothing could be further from the truth. Aside from the masses of corroborating empirical evidence assembled by many disciplines such as biology and geology, the evidence is in your own DNA.
2016-06-22 15:20:15 UTC
I think evolution is real.
2016-06-22 09:31:23 UTC
Dude, I don't even believe in evolution but I can see holes in your premise. If evolution is true then our ape cousins were not able to survive. The odds of finding any trace of such a creature would be astronomical. It would be like finding a tombstone with "Here lies Adam the first human" on it.
2016-06-22 09:30:26 UTC
Not true. Ostriches are birds that have wings that don't allow them to fly. Some snakes have feet that they no longer use. I am sure there are probably more than ten cases of this. The function of some things become non-functional and slowly lose their stead.
2016-06-22 09:29:10 UTC
Evolutionists DRAW the MISSING LINKS on CHARTS.

There are supposed hundreds of missing links throughout the fossil records,because the fossil records do not show ANY species transitioning into ANY new species at all.

So,you need to use your imagination,& pencil in the missing links.Of which Darwin said on his death bed,if these missing links cannot be found,& proven,evolution would not be possible.
2016-06-22 09:26:53 UTC
I like the question about why we don't see apes half-way to being humans. But the question is based on misconceptions.

Firstly, evolution doesn't have a single direction, with the homo sapien form at the end of the line. Apes are evolving for sure, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily evolving to look like humans. Like everything else, they are only evolving in ways that best suit them to their environments.
2016-06-22 09:22:08 UTC
I am sorry you failed biology. Perhaps you can work at McDonalds as a career burger flipper?
2016-06-28 00:27:56 UTC
No, there is no question whatsoever that evolution is NOT real. They cannot supply support for their starting ASSUMPTIONS, of which this is only one. If it's a valid assumption then there MUST be some evidence in support of the claim. There is NO irrefutable evidence of one species changing to another inside or out of the lab. If evolution were true, there should be millions/billions/gazillions of specimens, not a handful of disputed ones. Evolution is a farce for failure to support their claim by burden of proof.

Neither is there ANY evidence of life from non-life. Yet this is a starting ASSUMPTION of evolution w/o ANY evidence whatsoever, another complete fail.

And who is it that needs millions/billions of years for their questionable theory that's not a valid theory to work? That's right, only the evolutionist needs millions/billions of years, ta da, great performance!

Natural selection is observable, experimentally demonstrable and reproducible. Unquestionably true. The extrapolation that Natural Selection + Mutations + Time = Common Descent has been empirically discredited. This process known as neo-darwinism has been known not to work for 30 years. There is at this point no viable mechanism for Common Descent that holds up against observational or experimental evidence. Without a mechanism, there is no basis to estimate how long the process might or might not take, the limitations of the process, etc. etc.

There is no empirical evidence that Common Descent ever actually happened. Much of the evidence is anecdotal in nature. The arguably strongest evidences for Common Descent, are based on the already discredited mechanism of neo-darwinism or relies on assumptions that have since been disproved by observations or experimentation. What is left are inferences based upon the presupposition that Common Descent is true and the evidences pointed to behind these inferences are not independently probative of the process. In other words, if I had never heard of Common Descent, the evidences cited would not lead me to conclude Common Descent.

All of these things aside, even if Common Descent were true, that is inconsequential to the question of the Origin of the Universe, the Origin of life, or the diversity in the biosphere for this current generation of the earth. What is contained in the fossil record, is the result of previous generations of the earth, which may well have lasted billions of years and may well have had a process like Common Descent. But that has no bearing on this current Generation of the Earth.

Bottom line, evolution, with or without Common Descent is inconsequential to the question God, or Creation, or a literal interpretation of the Genesis account.

Evolutionists don't get it; adding millions/billions of years to something that cannot possibly work in the first place does not give it a "chance" at all. The same method (whatever it is, we don't even know what to call it or how it works or why) repeated over and over a billions times will not give different results; just common sense, but proven empirically. There is no "chance" of evolution. Evolution is croaking on its lies from within, soon to be gone within 10 years.

There you have it: if you accept the evolutionist answer, you would first have to find some evidence. Then you would have to find a mechanism or law or method by which it works. Not much of a "theory" or even a valid premise in the real world.

With proof of human adaptation, how can you NOT believe in evolution?

Is it scientifically possible the universe, earth, or the human race never had a beginning ?

Is the Genesis account of creation the true account of how the world came into existance?

With proof of human adaptation, how can you NOT believe in evolution?

If the evidence for evolution is vast, then why do so many religious people ignore the evidence? Posted as: Why do so many religious people ignore the evidence?

True or False: Religion makes people stupid?

Name some excuses atheists make for their denial in God?

Is Philosophy basically Science that is against religion?

Can evolution and creationism coexist?

Why does religious belief persist?
Dr Ed Intelligence
2016-06-24 10:08:47 UTC
There is not a living organism on this planet (you and I included) that is NOT in a transitional stage between what it once was, and what it will become.
2016-06-28 16:03:00 UTC
Evolution is real and is happening today. I'm Catholic and I learned this in my catholic school. When God wants to change something in a species he does it over time. It's like how some people have an appendix and some people don't and get it removed. I hope this makes sense
Doug Freyburger
2016-06-30 14:43:10 UTC
Every living thing on the planet is an intermediate form right now.
2016-06-27 06:17:59 UTC
No such thing as evolution. Everything in the world is as it always was. There is nothing new under the sun!
2016-06-23 18:17:10 UTC
The survival of its species depends on reproductive success and how well suited they are for their environment. The intermediate species you mention would then likely not be best suited for their environment.There may be species that have "tried to evolve" in the process that died (and by "tried to evolve" I mean involuntarily mutated, which is almost always not beneficial but can be, which is what makes evolution usually take a long time). Just because we haven't witnessed it doesn't mean it hasn't happened or isn't happening. But we actually do witness it all the time. We see mutated offspring in almost any species out there. Also, we witness bacterial cells literally evolving under a microscope. They take much less time to evolve. Their lifespans are much shorter and they only consist of one cell versus an astronomical number of cells that all have specialized functions and integrate into a very complex structure known as a multi-cellular organism.

Also, you should look up switch genes. They provide compelling evidence in support of evolution and may provide an answer to your question. Geneticists have discovered that these switch genes have a sole purpose of turning other genes on or off. So a fish can have its fins turned on or off by a single mutation in its switch gene for that and resemble an eel in appearance. This may also explain the lack of intermediate species. This may also explain why we can have very many genes in common with something like a pig yet look very different. All it takes is one switch gene to turn entire genes or sets of genes on or off. So they can be there but not work the same as they would in a pig because of switch genes.

Also, you have to understand that some changes during the evolutionary process are gradual while others are more rapid. It all depends on the genes and how things are grouped. But seriously look up switch genes! They are fascinating!

As for a religious answer (assuming you are a Christian that believes in creationism), let me tell you a little bit about me. I am a physics major as well as a progressive Christian who does not believe in creationism. I also don't "believe" in evolution. What I believe is irrelevant. I understand and follow the theory and acknowledge it to very likely be true based on the overwhelming evidence it has in support of it and the lack of evidence to reject it. I say the same about gravity. I don't "believe" in it. I support it as highly evident and very likely to be true. What I believe is irrelevant. And you won't catch me jumping off a cliff any time soon despite the fact that it's "just a theory" (scientific theories are not equivalent to everyday use of the term "theory" and hold far, far more weight). How is this religious? Because according to the bible, nature provides evidence for the existence of God. If that's the case, then we should trust the results we find in nature. Natural science (physics, astronomy, chemistry, and biology for example) studies and examines nature. Dinosaur bones exist, and it would be unreasonable to say God placed it there to test us (that would be paranoid and distrusting of God). It would also be unreasonable to believe dinosaurs walked with humans despite any evidence for that (and would it really be reasonable to believe the Flintstones cartoon was a documentary?). The bible is riddled with contradictions, and people try to deny the contradictions. If we interpret the bible as the literal word of God, then God ordered people to kill women and children, ordered fornicators to be stoned to death, ordered rebellious teens to be stoned to death. Not to mention, the 2 creation accounts are not consistent. Just because a preacher is inspired by God, or under divine inspiration, doesn't mean he's incapable of making a mistake, right? So why would it be any different for the people who wrote and translated the bible? Some fundamentalists say questioning your faith is a lack of faith, but I say the exact opposite. If you are sure you are right, then asking questions should not worry you. You should have confidence the evidence will lead you to the correct answer. It allows you to grow when you ask questions. Challenge your beliefs to see if they really hold. Have faith that they will if they are right, or that you will be shown the correct answer if they aren't. Don't ignore evidence to the contrary just because it challenges your beliefs if you truly believe in them. Why can't God let evolution happen? Some might say that's putting God in a box, ironically claiming that it isn't a possibility for God to use evolution and say God has to do it the exact certain way literally mentioned in the first creation account (who's really putting God in a box?). I thought God could do anything including using evolution? Change the way you think and interpret the bible or your religion. Challenge yourself to grow. These aren't commands (obviously I can't make you do anything). But they are my suggestions and challenges towards you if you are brave enough. I have grown immensely in my faith with this kind of outlook.

Oh, and if evolution is false, then why would you go to the doctor whose entire field relies on evolution? Evolution is central to biology and all its applications like medical science. I'm not saying you can't believe evolution is false. But it would be inconsistent to believe in that and simultaneously go to the doctor for any medical concerns.

Also, look up Galileo's letter to the Grand Duchess Christina. It is filled with excellent insight and shows how Galileo was able to believe in God and simultaneously follow science.
2016-06-24 02:09:20 UTC
Did you not watch Planet of the Apes?
2016-06-26 06:39:56 UTC
If you go to church,your problems will be different,i promise..
jason w
2016-06-29 07:58:00 UTC
2016-06-24 20:28:29 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.