Bob Roberts
2011-11-05 20:18:11 UTC
Mankind is flawed. Anything mankind creates will be flawed as well. Thus, the scientific method is flawed. If you were going to search for a definitive, comprehensible (to mere mortals) piece of evidence for something as infinitely complex as the concept of an immortal, infinite deity, then the scientific method (or any other man-made means of inquiry) would be the last avenue you'd want to head down!
Now, although I'm not religious, and I see all religions as scams, I think the religious folks, at their core being, may be on the right track with this issue. Human beings themselves are much more complex and able than any outside method of biased discretion they could create, thus, it would seem that the only possible way to find or make a connection with an infinite source of energy such as a possible deity, would be to engage in the pondering and questioning from within your own being, using your inherent intuition to guide you, as we would be connected to the infinite source of energy ourselves if we indeed came from it.
Creating an external, limited method of analyzing visible data, and then relying solely upon that method to find evidence of something as infinitely complex as God would simply be foolish. Don't you think?