Why do people hate religion so much?
Ben R
2008-09-08 04:57:51 UTC
Let me take Christianity as an example. If it is so untrue and irrelevant, then why don't people just ignore it? Why instead do there have to be so many threads on here which are anti it? If the reason is that Christianity has caused many problems, then hands up, that is in some instances true. However there are all sorts of problems in this world which people ignore. Modern day slavery for instance, buying non-fairtrade can mean that children are enslaved on cocoa farms to pick it. However we are all happy to continue to buy this chocolate, and then slag off religion for oppressing people. I think religion is an easy target for people who are unsure of why the world is in such a messed up state.
40 answers:
2008-09-08 05:08:55 UTC
The answer is obviously because of the bad behaviors people do in the name of their religions. Pretending otherwise is just plain dishonest on your part. Picking some obscure "cocoa farm" example instead of admitting to the obvious problems that we cannot ignore is even more dishonest of you.

Doesn't it bother you at all that you have to lie so much to defend your position?
2016-03-15 01:54:57 UTC
If there is a god out there, or inside of us, then the question is meaningless. We have free will to believe what we want. Religions are man-made groups of people who share a common belief. They are cultural, which is why they are so different. Some religions believe THEIRS is the only true religion. But if god really worried or hated religions, don't you think we would all be believing or disbelieving the same thing? "Christianity, on the other hand, was never meant to be a religion." This is true. But ,oh how the founding fathers learned what a control device it could be and is! People are greedy. Some more than others. If all Christian denominations REALLY followed Jesus' teachings, there would be no wealthy churches. One in particular has amassed a fortune in real estate, precious objects, priceless antiquities, and still claims it needs contributions for the poor. That makes me laugh. So who's glorifying who? Glory to God? I doubt it. Glory of wealth is more likely. Like I said, people are greedy, especially those who pretend not to be. Besides, I don't believe any one has risen, walked on water, turned water into wine, or any thing. Jesus was a brilliant young man, but a MAN, not a god. The bible was written by MEN, not a god. Stop being influenced by all the dogma and you will be surprised what you learn.
Child of Ape
2008-09-08 05:13:32 UTC
Because all systems of belief fail without belief. One of the main orders given to believers is recruitment. Swell the ranks because numbers mean credulity.

Denial of a problem through comparison to something greater, neither diminishes nor excuses the problem still inherent.

Modern day slavery exists because we cannot simply take over and say what is right; it's wrong to purchase it but we do because there are so many of these things that, for many people, they're just miasma. That's not to say that apathy is right, either.

Religion is an easy target in that it offers something we all know about; we've grown up with it or alongside it.

For any grand idea there will be those who follow and those who disagree - anything with flaws must be questioned, it is now humanity's strongest drive. Knowledge is now free, to an extent, many people want to know more.

Why do people hate religion so much? I don't but I still want to know that Higgs Bosons exist.
2008-09-08 06:22:03 UTC
>>>Why do people hate religion so much?

>>>Let me take Christianity as an example. If it is so untrue and irrelevant, then why don't people just ignore it?

Because it doesn't keep it's self to it's self.

It insinuates it's self into everything, often using legisation to bind non believers to the superstition based laws and moralities of the believers.

Drinking laws, gambling laws, prostitution, abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, cloning, etc, etc.

...Not to mention when shops can and cannot open, what can, or cannot, be done on a Sunday.

To the non believer, all days are the same, and victimless crime, where the crime is defined by superstition, is not a crime.

Hope that helps.
2008-09-08 05:06:42 UTC
Because religion is so tied to the American government. Which is wrong, religion is not a barometer for ones character or even their true faith in them self, or anything for that matter. If one can find quotes from Bush saying that all atheists should not have the right to vote, because they are not true Americans, one has to wonder what is really going on in the country. That is what I hate, when religion is thrown around like some sort of safety blanket of excuses for just about anything.
King's Kid <><
2008-09-08 06:14:19 UTC
People hate religion and especially Christianity because it reminds them of their mortality and that their endtime is coming. They are also against Christianity because they want to believe that God will accept them as is. They think that religion is a bunch of hoops that they must jump through to be qualified for Heaven.

Many other people are of the opinion that they ARE going to Heaven because they aren't bad enough to go to Hell. They think that you have to comitt murder or rape or child molestation to go to Hell. How many people think that a loving and kind God would NEVER send us "good folk" to Hell?

That's why they are against Christianity and especially the Bible. Because Christians and the Bible teach different beliefs than kindness and goodness being the main qualification for Heaven.

Look, you can be good, kind, never kill, never murder, never rape, never do anything wrong, give half your money to charity, give your other half to the church, help feed people every day at the local mission, be a boy scout leader, be a respected leader in your local community charity drives, and even be a deacon in your church but if you aren't born-again you WILL NOT enter Heaven.

The world hates us for saying it like it is but that's our job. Go ye into all the world. We take the Gospel message to everyone.
2008-09-08 05:35:06 UTC
On a personal level, a number of people, myself included, were brought up with a religion and feel resentful of the guilt it made them feel and of the opportunities it caused them to miss, which they later realise they should have not have suffered/should have done. On a more global level, it is impossible to deny the problems that religions are responsible for. Note that it is religionS that I blame, since each specific problem can be attributed to a specific religion, but I have yet to encounter a religion that does not have major problems. Wars are fought in the name of various faiths. Darwinian evolution, one of the most beautiful theories in its simplicity and thouroughness, is contested by organisations that have no business questioning it, which in and of itself is no problem, until the people who do question it become world leaders. The Catholic pope is personally responsible for some significant percentage of the number of AIDS cases in africa. Hundreds of children lie buried outside graveyards due to some noxious doctrine about the necessity of a certain purification ritual, not to mention the suffering of the mothers who lived their lives believing their babies were not fit for heaven. Marriages are rushed into to satiate a basic human need without offending God. Misogyny is a staple of most religions that I know of, too.
2008-09-08 06:49:09 UTC
well ben

because it affects a lot of our lives, for the worse

because it affects a lot of soceity, for the worse

because it affects a lot of people, for the worse

its not irrelevant, thats the point,its very relevant because it affects all our lives, all the time

and the fact that we do think it to be untrue is a reason for that to NOT be so

religion is not an easy target, its the one that affects us the most, personally

and THATS why its hated so much

hypocrisy is part of life, we can only do so much in life for others, before it harms ourselves, and self survival and health is most important, so fair trade is good to buy as long as you can afford the prices, and when i can , i do

the bananas teste better


when i cant, i have to make do with c****y tasting bananas but that are cheaper and mean my money can spread further

i do not and have never "ignored" lifes problems


im not a miracle worker, i do what i can ,when i can and thats all i can do
Bella B
2008-09-08 05:12:21 UTC
It's not so much religion itself that's the issue.

It's the followers who are propagating the dogma of the organisation.

People can choose to buy the chocolate.

But it gets tiring to have followers shoving their chocolate bar down my throat. Or having a racist, homophobic, sexist or other rant because their chocolate bar says X is better than Y.

Personally I try and walk way or try and give a level headed opinion, but others have obviously had a gutful...
2008-09-08 06:07:51 UTC
Religion teaches hate and intolerance on a daily basis that is why so many people hate it. Most hate crimes are committed by religious people.
Rick in the Santa hat
2008-09-08 05:02:11 UTC
"Let me take Christianity as an example. If it is so untrue and irrelevant, then why don't people just ignore it?"

Because Christians exist, really believe in Christianity, and vote accordingly in the democratic nation I reside.

"I think religion is an easy target for people who are unsure of why the world is in such a messed up state."

The world is "messed up" for a whole bunch of reasons. It's insane to blame it on one thing.
2008-09-08 05:15:18 UTC
Religion is just one of the many things messed up. However, I truly believe that if we ALL stop religion and start education the world would be a better place. Imagine, instead of teaching children that an imaginary person will guide our decisions and that bads things happen because its gods intentions and plan, we teach them about helping one another instead of praying, we teach them to enjoy life because its the only one we have, we teach them that instead of praying that things get better to take a stand and make them better, all sorts of things that could and would change for the better if relgion were abolished.
2008-09-08 05:05:26 UTC
Do people indeed hate religion; or do they use choice words and sentences of a certain religion to hate others?
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2008-09-08 05:54:47 UTC
Its hard to like it sometimes when it is associated with so many bad things... Anyone wanting to get support can claim that they are doing gods duty. Wars have been fought with both sides claiming to have Gods support...

these days its abused so much it just becomes another propaganda tool
2008-09-08 07:20:01 UTC
Christianity has been intellectually destroyed because of a number of complex reasons:

1) It is an imported religion from France designed to pacify a people.

2) Moses was right of centre and God is not right of centre, Moses was, therefore, a liar.

3) Jesus Christ should have joined the police and (again) was right of centre, 'Eat this and think of me, drink this and think of me.' right of centre talk.

4) As you don't believe JC has been intellectually outed yet as a liar, let's explore the issue of taxpayer value for money; a trial is held, a verdict is given, justice remains outstanding (to get to this point the public purse has been accessed) and suddenly enter JC; 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.' No! Respect the law, justice and the taxpayer, JC's respect for himself and lack of respect for the taxpayer leads us to the inevitable conclusion that JC was not the son of Nathan Eakins.
2008-09-08 05:43:52 UTC
In most western countries most people ignore religion.
2008-09-08 05:20:47 UTC
"why don't people just ignore it?"

For the same reason we don't ignore a house fire, a furiously barking dog or an army of ants coming our way.

Religion, especially Christianity and Islam are dangerous because they are absolutist. They have no room for alternatives. By definition, anyone who does not adhere to their beliefs is wrong and unless you become like them, you are an enemy.

Just because there are many other problems in the world, it is not right to ignore this one.
Recreant- father of fairies
2008-09-08 05:11:36 UTC
"buying non-fairtrade CAN mean that children are enslaved."

notice that can in your statement. It indicates possibility.

Religion does mean the enslavement and degradation of humans.

"If [religious belief] is so untrue and irrelevant, then why don't people just ignore it?"

Because it's not irrelevant. Believers make damn sure of that by pushing it to the forefront and attempting to impose it on others. If a man is going to blow you up because he believes you have seriously insulted his magic fairies, do you ignore him just because you don't believe in fairies?

Why is it that with every other totalitarian regime that emerges, the people of the world declaim it and work to remove it from power, yet religion is supposed to be given free reign?
Grinning Football plinny younger
2008-09-08 05:15:50 UTC
It's not religion that winds me up, it's bible bashers it's hard to ignore something shoved down your throat; although the plight of modern day slavery is worth shoving down peoples' throats (mine included.)
2008-09-08 05:09:10 UTC
if only christians and other such brain washed turkeys would stop ramming there pius better than every one else craap down everyone elses throat. And if religious fanatics would stop brainwashing there kids and blowing themselves up in crowded places.

Is it any wonder that anyone with a brain looks at religious nuts like there scary and creepy.
2008-09-08 05:00:59 UTC
It is one of the major stumbling blocks for our society entering a new age of intelligent thought and scientific discovery.

" However there are all sorts of problems in this world which people ignore."

I agree... however religion doesn't offer a solution to any of them and actually hinders solving many.
2008-09-08 05:11:26 UTC
Looking at the history of religion ... I find it a wonder that more people don't hate it. Many wars have been fought in it's name. Many martyrs have been killed in it's name. Salvation for the rich ... hell for the poor. Really ... why would anyone want to be a part of that?

The true religion, on the other hand does not go to war, kills no one and rich and poor are treated equally.

A true search of the Bible is the answer.
devils advo
2008-09-08 05:13:10 UTC
its not just christianity its all religions , they all come from a time of ignorance when man needed explanations for things he did not understand.......... enter the priest and subsequently the man in power leading to most of the worlds problems and intolerance in the name of whatever god .......kick out religion and start having faith in your fellow man instead of something that does not exist , believe in your self!.
2008-09-08 05:13:24 UTC
Because religion you cannot have a personal relationship with God or you cannot have salvation through. Religion you are trying to work your way to God or do things to please God to earn your salvation. However, Christianity is a relationship, not a religion. Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and to have a personal relationship with God. Eternal life is a free gift and can be received just by asking Christ into your life and putting your trust and faith in Him and repenting from your sins. God comes to you through Jesus Christ instead of you trying to reach God.
2008-09-08 05:04:11 UTC
Religion has caused more death and misery in the world than any other organisation/club. And continues to suck revenue from the poor,whilst requiring them to breed like rabbits.
2008-09-08 05:03:40 UTC
How can we ignore religion when it it used as a starting point for most people's views/politics/education etc?

Would you allow atheists to dictate your every thought and action?
2008-09-08 05:03:20 UTC
Because religion is forced on children in schools. In the UK there is no option of a secular education even though over 45% of us are atheist.
Andymcj78 (Atheist)
2008-09-08 05:05:52 UTC
I despise lack of intellectual honesty and conceit- both qualities which a lot of Christians on here exhibit. I really loathe their arrogance which is why I will always confront them aggressively whenever I see them promoting their doctrines.
2008-09-08 05:24:52 UTC
Same reason why Christain cant ignore gays and stem cell research etc.
the truth
2008-09-08 08:29:21 UTC
probably because of the wars fought in its name,the harm it causes people and the abuse suffered by children by its workers!
2008-09-08 05:01:41 UTC
HOW can you ignore the dangers of religion??

Look at the US, there's a young-earth creationist on the ticket now. Religion is like a deadly virus, if you ignore it it'll kill everyone. It needs to be stopped.
2008-09-08 05:07:21 UTC
it isn't just religion, it is being forced to think a certian way or do things a certian way.the ******* religious right thinks they can force thier way on people, **** them!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-09-08 05:01:13 UTC
simple its be the majior reason behind wars since time begin
2008-09-08 05:10:47 UTC
Because they don't understand that religion is a blessing to the world.
2008-09-08 05:04:17 UTC
1-it's called brainwashing

2-here we go again :

The Crusades.

The Inquisition.

Witch trials in Europe and America.

The Divine right of Kings (valid until killed by another Divinely-appointed King).

Missionaries destroying/converting smaller, "heathen" religions and cultures.

Missionaries such as Mother Teresa.

The demonization of other religions, e.g. Christianity demonizing Pagans ("They're devil-worshippers!"), the Romans demonizing Christians ("They're atheists and cannibals!").

Persecution of Heretics - e.g. Galileo for daring to suggest that the Earth orbits the Sun.

Children dying because their parents refused them medical treatment on religious grounds; relying instead on faith-healers and prayer.

Slavery, supposedly supported by scripture ("Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, just as you would obey Christ.", St.Paul, Ephesians 6:5)

Holy wars - followers of different faiths (or even the same faith) killing each other in the name of their (benevolent, loving and merciful) gods.

The destruction of great works of art considered to be pornographic/blasphemous, and the persecution of the artists.

Censorship (often destructive) of speech, art, books, music, films, poetry, songs and, if possible, thought.

Persecution/punishment of blasphemers (Salman Rushdie still has a death sentence on him), and blasphemy laws in general.

The requirement of theism in order to stand for public office or to testify in court.

Serial killers believing they are doing the work of Satan (or sometimes Jesus).

Often-fatal exorcisms by priests believing they are destroying the work of Satan.

People suffering dreadful injury or death in the belief that their faith has made them invulnerable (e.g. people climbing into lion enclosures at zoos, with a Bible as protection).

Whole societies divided by minor differences in belief or doctrine, often resulting in violence.

Mass suicides of cult-members following a charismatic leader who believes the world is about to End

The attempted genocide of followers of a particular faith (e.g. the Jewish Holocaust, "ethnic cleansing" in former Yugoslavia).

Blood sacrifices to appease the Gods, or to ensure a good harvest. (The Aztecs made daily human sacrifices to ensure that the Sun would rise. Or did they? )

The practice of "female circumcision" (more accurately termed genital mutilation).

The discouragement of rational, critical thought (resulting in young-earth creationists, for example).

Uncontrolled population growth caused (or at least helped) by churches prohibiting birth-control and abortion. (You can also add : unwanted pregnancies, ill-fated forced marriages, and pregnant teenagers condemned to a life in mental institutions to avoid embarrassing their families.)

The spread of sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. AIDS) due to churches prohibiting the use of condoms.

Believers whipping, impaling, poisoning or crucifying themselves during religious festivals as a demonstration of their faith and piety.

Suicide bombers taught to believe that martyrs go straight to Paradise.

The indoctrination of children into the religion of their parents, giving them an arbitrary, life-long belief that is almost entirely dependent on their place of birth.

Women treated as second-class citizens or even slaves

Pentecostal snake-handlers

Persecution of homosexuals

Abuse of power, authority and trust by religious leaders (for financial gain or sexual abuse of followers and even children).

Of course, some people hold the Traditional View simply because it is the traditional view. I've heard people say, "Two thousand years of church tradition can't be wrong." But this approach ignores just how often church tradition has been wrong: when astronomers challenged the traditional interpretations of 1 Chronicles 16:30 and Psalm 104:5; when abolitionists questioned the Biblical support for slavery; when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses in defiance of the Catholic Church; when liberal Christians began suggesting that interracial marriage was not a sin in God's eyes - in these and many other cases, social pressures were the catalyst for reforming the church's traditions. We are the body of Christ, to be sure, but we are an all-too-human body, and we're still growing to spiritual maturity.
2008-09-08 05:03:59 UTC
I don't hate it

just have negative views about it...
2008-09-08 08:59:36 UTC
Because they don't understand it.
PJ Morris
2008-09-08 05:04:26 UTC
because it promotes ignorance.
2008-09-08 05:10:10 UTC
Why don't people just ignore it

cause people are dumb

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.