Was Mary a failure, as a mother, as Jesus didn't get married or was there a family secret..:)..a fisher of men?
Big Peter
2012-04-16 07:01:12 UTC
Was Mary a failure, as a mother, as Jesus didn't get married or was there a family secret..:)..a fisher of men?
Seven answers:
2012-04-16 07:04:42 UTC
Heh, I never thought of "fisher of men" in that context before, gotta remember that one.
2012-04-16 15:11:24 UTC
Well, ..., at the cross Mary might have felt like a failure but after the resurrection it was not only obvious that Jesus was approved by God but also that Mary (and Joseph) had done a great of parenting.

Now as far as "Fishers of men" is concerned, you really missed the point on that one! The idea in becoming "fishers of men" was given to a bunch of men were poor but humble fishermen. The knew fishing well and when it was time to fish or not to fish. In life though when the fish is caught it goes to the dinner table, however, in Christianity the fish doesn't come to an ignominious end, rather men and women alike, caught up by the Gospel, go on to teach other's who teach others who teach others and so on. Thus, benefiting all of mankind with their teaching.
Lou G
2012-04-16 14:43:30 UTC
To know what Mary means, you need to know all the allegories and metaphors that make the bible's narrative. All in there is anatomy of your body. Most of all persons or places have a trivial meaning, it are trinities and this refers to the 3 energies of the universe, +, -, and 0.

That forces act in your body who is the neutral containing the 2 forces, male and female, Testosterone and Estrogen, in the bible this parent energies are called Adam and Eve.It are Wav Wav Wav in letter symbols as well, WWW or 666 in numbers.

Jesus is the Sun as positive element, the preacher as a neutral element and your penis, the GOD of creation as negative element.Marriage in the scriptures means having sex, divorcing means separating the bodies from the arch of the covenant, male and female in sexual act. The connection that connects male nail to female is the woman's vagina, Mary. That is an anagram of IA-RAM, Mar-ia.

IA-PITAR, Jupiter, also Jesus and Judas or XerXEs are the penis. XerXes is an anagram of Sex Rex, the sex king, the negative penis of lust. The Judas betrays Jesus, it is Achilles who falls down when the blood streams out of his heel. When the sexual libido collapses, the penis will betray you and become Judas, the neutral one who hangs himself and is just good for a piss, The Uterus is the light house, the Holly Land, the Sinai, Ianis is an anagram of Sinai in Greek and is St John Baptist who puts the babies in the vaginal water for baptismal at birth. Uterus has many names. Goliath, Black Stone, Kaba, Ararat, Galghata, IA-Caiphas or Joseph.

In the procreation process the sperms, the people of Israel, will enter the waters trough the Ens Seminis, the exit of the male penis. It is the letter Yud of the hebrew alphabet. That is why we call them Yehuds, Jews. In the holly land they encounter a genocide since only a few will reach the end and only one becomes the King to sit on the throne. Only the King of all this Kings will survive and die in the ovary. It is the Christ, in Greek X-tos. The X refers to the X-Chromosomes that he contains. Once he dies, he will resurrect 3 days later as a fertile egg and then travel to form the placenta. On day 9 he gets crucified, the 2 first cells split in 4, forming the 4 leaf clover, the symbol of luck.You see that symbol in every church. That is the beginning of the cell multiplication that will form the fetus. On day 47 the placenta has taken place. The female body is separated in 2, Top from Bottom, by the diaphragm, the arch of Noah. The womb will take place on the head of the Uterus, it is the big flood that will now become and create the new earth, the kingdom of God, a baby, in 33 weeks. The 33 vertebrae of our spine need that time and when finished the Christ dies after 33 Days or years ( 33 path of the tree of life, 33 degrees in freemasonry). He will become the Christ Child and gets born at x-Mas. The dates are chosen to match Jesus in his function of the Sun trough the path of season, equinoxes and solstices. If you play with eggs and rabbit-holes at Easter, you will get a child 9 month later, at Christmas, if you are lucky, for sure. And concerning fishers, the 2 fishes of Jesus are the 2 ovaries, the all-seeing eyes of Ra or Sauron. They are symbolized as a flat 8, the gate of eternity and rebirth. We all come in life trough that gate and return trough it at every cycle we do in material life in a human body.

Hope that this helps you to get an insight in the science of the Bible, written in a foolish veiled story.

Truth hurts and is unwanted, that is why it remains a secret doctrine about things you can read in few books in clear text and that you can buy in any bookstore. And, for THAT, we killed billions of people and the scam continues.
2012-04-16 14:20:20 UTC
,This statement makes you a perfect example of Matthew 23:24.
Yeshua Lion of Judah
2012-04-16 14:17:37 UTC
Paul the apostle never got married either. My daughter has never gotten married, and she does not want to get married. Paul said that marriage is not for all people, but for those who want to get married there is nothing wrong with marriage either. The decision belongs to each person.

Jesus had no need to get married, and His secret as to why was not a secret for long, for His bride was to be the Christians the Church, and His coming to earth had nothing to do with sex or marriage, for He was the creator of sex, and marriage. Jesus had a one purpose for coming to the earth, and that was to be born of a virgin, to walk and talk and teach on the earth, and to die on the cross to become sin for all of mankind, and to atone for the sins of all people. To be buried in a tomb, and to be buried, and go into the Hades the place of the dead, and to fight Satan, and get from him the keys of death, and the grave, and to have victory over death. Then He rose from the grave and talked with the people, and then ascended into heaven with witnesses looking on, and now He sits at His Fathers right hand, waiting for His return, for His bride the church.
2012-04-16 14:16:02 UTC
She brought up her son and educated him well. He knew that he will not

live long on earth, so he did not think of a marriage.

Muhammad Javed Iqbal
Q&A Queen
2012-04-16 14:02:23 UTC
He fully accomplished the earthly mission that she was fully aware of and supported him in. How is that being a failure? Nice try.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.