Atheists, how could all these be by chance?
2009-08-29 14:32:24 UTC
How could a non-living, unintelligent matter bring about billions of living, intelligent beings. I know energy exists but all I'm saying is that there must be someone in control of it. Which is likey to exist be chance: Simple or Complex? I mean if we were simple beings then maybe we were made by chance but since we seem so complex, then maybe someone designed us. Why does the human body have so many cells? Why does our body have healing abilities? Why do we desire food and how did food come to exist? Since energy went as far as making sure we had all the required cells to survive and sense organs for observation, why couldn't it make us morally perfect?

I'm not trying to be offensive, so if you have any explanation as to why you don't think God controls it please share. And if you are going to mock, ridicule or say no evidence, please this is not the place.
40 answers:
2009-08-30 07:20:42 UTC
Simple truth: God did it. Major holes in Ev also call in2 ? the BB/abiogenesis. Many will do anything 2 keep God out of the equation or as generic as possible trying 2 avoid accountability. The crux of the problem is many men (having limited knowledge) try 2 know what God did by imposing human limitations 4 understanding things 2 God's abilities. Ev issues:

Many scientific finds r true but it doesnt mean "all" their claims r true (many dont take time & energy 2 carefully think thru things b4 coming out 4 or against it). Many dont properly take in2 account all it takes 2 create a universe/life (they tend 2 focus on things "seeming" 2 support what they want 2 &/or u 2 believe).

In science we established laws of physics. We can't see actual laws of physics. Rather, we see the results & interpret & apply them in accordance with whats been observed 2 b true thru experiments/calculations. Same is true 4 God. Just b/c we can't see God doesn't mean He doesnt exist.

There may b forensic evidence 4 some micro-adaptation & 4 some "appearance" of macro-evolution but most is inconclusive @ best & pure conjecture @ worst. Finding the beginning & reason 4 it all is unattainable by scientific method alone (a billions of yrs old cold case). We didnt see it take place.

Things in Creation show an Intelligent Being was involved or the universe/we wouldnt b here (ignoring how it came 2 b). 4 instance:

1. We hv 2 lungs/2 kidneys - each has a near perfect mirror-image companion organ. It cant b explained away. Making a mirror-image organ takes full reverse engineering/knowledge/understanding of its companion's functions & purpose or it cant b created (2 witnesses in nature).

2. Our bodies r highly symmetrical from 1 side 2 the other. Its impossible unless 1 has an outside overview position allowing full knowledge of the entire organism (i.e. feather color patterns).

3. We hv 2 arms/2 legs. Each is perfectly designed/precisely engineered 2 work with its mirror-image companion. An outside position is required 2 fully comprehend the purpose/functions of the organism, 2 create it 2 such perfection.

4. The "being" of a cell is confined 2 within the cell membrane & cant know much beyond itself. A cell is magnitudes more intelligent than all humanity & has amazing powers 2 know all of an organism's functions/purpose or it isnt the "brain" behind Creation 4 many millions of incredibly diverse species. If Ev had a chance of being the source of Creation only 2 or 3 "kinds" of basic bodies with some related species would exist (would take billions of trillions of yrs longer than the universe has existed 2 hv the slightest chance of producing many millions of incredibly diverse species).

5. Many cells of an organism never contact others much beyond its tiny cell. Cells/organisms r just copies of their parents doing about the same things as all ancestors. U wont find a bird who builds a better nest than their parents & their chicks build even a better nest. U wont find a bear improving living conditions passed on 2 his young. Either a cell has 2 lives - 1 copying its parents & 1 secret life working on improvements or some1 of higher intelligence than all mankind created it all.

6. Others point 2 DNA (RNA in the 1rst organisms). But a cell needs DNA 2 function & DNA cant function without a cell. So, we hv a which came 1rst a cell or DNA problem. W/o 1rst having great intelligence/full knowledge/understanding of how an organism is constructed it cant b created. If an ape finds a combination lock he wouldnt know what it was. Even if he turns the dial over & over again he wouldnt know what he was doing & the chances against getting it right is astronomical - especially if it had 150 or more no. 2 find in the right order & even if he got that far he still wouldnt know what a lock is 4.

A cell has little "intelligence" & DNA is way more complex than a combination lock (especially in higher life forms) so the odds against figuring out & using DNA (in the correct sequence) is many magnitudes higher than 4 a lock). RNA/DNA r building blocks common 2 all life - having 98% of other species' DNA doesnt prove Ev. DNA like a computer code (but way more complex) requires great intelligence 2 identify & assign its proper order - its useless unless u understand it. Give a book 2 an ape. Its useless 2 him as he cant learn from whats written - intelligence is required.

7. In the fossil record we dont find millions of trial & error organisms that should exist if natural selection or fittest survivor is the source of Creation (no organisms existed b4). The odds r so great against near perfection happening 4 many millions of greatly diverse species, it couldnt take place unless 1 had full knowledge/understanding of what theyre doing B4 millions of organisms could b created 2 such precision. If not true millions of misfit organisms with mistakes, having only 1 or 3 eyes in odd places, 1 leg growing out of a head or where an arm should b or a fin where a leg should b should exist. Millions more misfit fossils should exist than of the perfection found in nature.

8. U won't find species like a horse mating a goat, a frog mating fish, a rabbit mating a dog, a lizard mating a bird, a cow mating a hog, etc. Species with similar genes/characteristics rarely mate in the wild. Only a few succeed @ bearing young. Its very rare that a wild crossbreed/hybrid reaches maturity or can bear over 1 litter (usually that litter cant produce or has complications that kills off the crossbreed). Only human intervention brings more success but even that has lead 2 some bad results.

9. Ev processes being "the" source of Creation is like having a blind man build a car he's never heard of, seen, touched, heard or rode in. It cant b done without 1rst teaching him about the functions/necessary parts & how 2 put it 2gether 4 the car 2 function.

10. Look @ the huge amount of intelligence/knowledge/understanding/tim… & energy used 2 create & improve an airplane's capabilities (& many mistakes). If ppl didnt fully learn what 2 do we'd still b earthbound.

11. Creation is astronomically more complex than an airplane. The more complex an organism, the greater the amount of intelligence/knowledge/understanding needed 2 create it. It can only b done by an Intelligent Designer who already fully understands what He's doing - the sheer complexity of man is evidence of God (airplanes show we're created in God's image - God had 2 b the source of all Creation or it couldnt exist let alone evolve).

12. An incredibly Intelligent Being, capable of building a universe, knows the environment His earthly organisms r 2 occupy. So, He built in adaptability so His organisms could survive various environments.

13. Earth happens 2 b in the best possible orbit 2 support life. It has the right amount of gravity, the right axis & rotation speed, the right atmosphere (& ozone layer/Van Allen belt/magnetic field) & needed amount of water. The moon's the right size & in the right orbit 2 provide tidal cycles needed by organisms. Just 1 or 2 relatively small variants in our orbit/environment & most likely life would b very different & higher forms of life wouldve died off in a relatively short time, if they couldve survived.


Problem is theres many religions, built on what man wants God 2 b like. I realized they cant all b right (Theres 1 Bible - why so many interpretations? II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know) but God knows what He's doing. Who knows more about a house, the Builder or those moving in later?

Many miss this: Jesus is the only 1 in history who stated He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & no 1 gets 2 God w/o Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12) & is the only 1 who came from God. Its fully true or theres no truth & cant b any God (He knows what He's doing or He's not God). Either Jesus told the whole truth or He's a false prophet, among many, who should b disregarded.

Since Jesus is the only way 2 know God, "the" whole truth was complete & finished thru Jesus. So any claimed new or other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets/ teachers r invalid & wont lead u 2 God. God always knew all Jesus was 2 do.

Jesus couldnt hv done nor said whats written in the NT unless He fully knew the entire OT (NT didnt exist while Jesus was on earth). Jesus couldnt hv known the entire OT unless God was with Him. The Apostles couldnt write the NT unless Jesus allowed them 2 remember & know why He was here (Lk 24:25-27,45) - Only God could cause it.

Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find God & His Kingdom (u shall know the truth & it'll set u free). U can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make it drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him 4ever if u dont want 2 know Him His way (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains 4ever unchanged while things of a man dies with him, including his religions/gods made in his image.

God hates us b/c of our sins - neither being a good person as judged by men or religion can save u. But God also loves us dearly enough 2 send His Son 2 die for our sins - so that thru Jesus our sins could b 4given if we sincerely turn 2 Him - Theres eternal hope only in Jesus & His Bible.

2009-08-29 14:42:49 UTC
I am an atheist and the origin of life was always something that confused me. I never understood how non-living matter could somehow transform into living matter, no matter how long you left it for.

However, science has come up with a fairly good explanation for this. It's called abiogenesis. If you're actually interested, you can read up on it here:

I'm not saying I fully agree with abiogenesis, and remember that it's still an incomplete theory. However, I do think that there could be some kind of force that acted as a catalyst for this- some kind of creator. However, said creator would still a force, so absolutely nothing like the God depicted in the Bible/Qu'ran etc.

Proving that God exists is not the challenge ,as it doesn't take a huge stretch of imagination to think that the universe was created. If you can prove to me that God is ANYTHING like the one depicted in the Bible, and then I'll be in awe.
2009-08-29 14:59:00 UTC

Since you've asked ths question so politely, I'll extend you the same courtesy.

Why don't I think "God is in control"? Because there's simply no reason to. There's no evidence for an intelligent designer, and lots and lots for a natural process.

The mistake you've fallen into is to assume there's only two options - design or chance. It's an easy trap to fall into, but it's a mistake nonetheless.

Nothing sprung into existence by chance. In fact, the "chances" of you and I, with all our complexity, springing into life by accident are trillions and trillions to one against So nobody blames you for not accepting that.

The thing is, evolution is NOT about chance. It does rely, to some extent, on some tiny randomness - but the fact of it is not chance.

The answer to all these questions you have asked here is the same: evolution. It explains everything - every cell in our body, what we eat and why we need to - how our organs are so good at doing their job.

It's far too big a subject for me to go into here - but please be aware that evolution is an accepted fact amongst the scientific community.

If you're interested, Google the subject for more information. Or email me.
Doug B
2009-08-29 14:54:06 UTC
Go look up abiogenesis and evolution. Organic molecules are common in space, and under the conditions found on the early Earth amino acids form spontaneously. All that needed to happen was for life to spark once. Evolution takes care of the rest.

Not being able to heal simple wounds and infections would be an evolutionary disadvantage. Read up on people born with hemophilia or immune deficiencies. They tend not to live long enough to reproduce. Being able to heal is an advantage.

You need to eat because your body burns energy. If I were designing the body, I'd incorporate photosynthesis to add an energy source. You also need food to rebuild worn body parts like blood cells and muscle tissue.

You seem to think scientist replace god with some nebulous concept of energy. Wrong. Sunlight is energy. Food is potential energy when digested and mixed with oxygen. Energy, from the sun and the planet's own heat is the engine that drives the life cycle.
2009-08-29 14:44:28 UTC
The universe is a pretty big place. There are billions upon billions of stars withing the observable universe. That's not counting anything that may exist that is simply to far away to see. I could see your point if life like ours existed on every single planet, but that (to the best of my knowledge) is not the case. Estimates put the number of stars in the universe at 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Now figure that each of them have roughly the same number of planets as we do. 10^24 X 8 = 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets. Statistically, at least one of those planets is bound to have complex life. I'm not going to say that God did not create life, nor will I say that God was left out of the issue, but a supreme being is not the only way a living creature could come to be.
2009-08-29 14:42:39 UTC
Actually you are completely right. It is incredible that the planet and it's inhabitants happened all by chance. But if look at the decillions of other planets in the universe, and also the fact that the planet had almost 5 billion years to form, it seems like it was bound to happen.

Also, the human body has a ton of cells because of evolution. Life started out as single celled organisms and just went from there. Keep in mind, evolution took millions of years to happen, and creatures adapted to their environment and evolved to fit their surroundings. Thats why the body heals itself, because the world (our surroundings) is a dangerous place.

Furthermore, morality is something invented by humans very late in the evolution stage (like within 2000 years or so), so even if it is possible to adapt to something that we invented, there hasn't been enough time to do so.
2009-08-29 20:23:51 UTC
I'm very sick of atheists saying read a science book. Those of you who think evolution is true please explain this, why have there been no reports of a new species arriving in history? Notice I said new "species" not an adapted form of a current species. Those adaptations can still breed with the original. Don't say evolution takes millions of year, because if that's true millions of years ago a specis began to transform and we would have a new species today. In fact everyday a new species would arise. Something would be constantly evolving to form a new species. Finding new things in the rain forest does not count as there is no evidence of them being new, just newly discovered.
2009-08-29 14:39:14 UTC
Most of what you asked are questions that can be answered by evolutionary biology.

Why does the human body have so many cells? Because we are multi-cellular organisms, not simple celled ones.

Why does our body have healing abilities? Survival.

Why do we desire food and how did food come to exist? Again, survival instinct, we crave food because we need it for nourishment. How did food come into existence? All living beings require nourishment and they tend to get it from consuming other life. This is all billions of years in the making.

Also, have you considered the possibility that the universe really is ruled by chance and probability, and not guided by some higher power?
2016-09-13 05:57:03 UTC
I am an atheist considering that I stopped being satisfied through the incorrect arguments I used to preserve so expensive to my metaphorical middle again whilst I used to be devout. "God has to exist, in any other case raping is ok." "God has to exist, in any other case not anything might exist." "Everything has to have a motive, besides God, as a result God exists." In fact, there's no which means to existence, considering that which means is only a belief created through the frightened approaches of extremely developed eukaryotes because of evolutionary selective pressures! Organisms need to prioritize distinctive values to outlive, such because the survival in their loved ones contributors, the purchase of meals, self-safeguard and killing matters which can be threats, and so on. If they did not have those homes, they could have died out already. But survival itself can't be externally justified as an intrinsic well. It simply exists so long as it does. If nobody used to be alive proper now, there could be nobody to be unhappy approximately how nobody used to be alive proper now. I digress, however quite, an all-understanding all-robust all-loving author who designs a global precisely like this one may be very not likely. Physical, chemical, and organic causes for the way stuff obtained here's up to now MUCH bigger in scope, application, and accuracy with present knowledge. Though we do not realize stuff approximately the very first actual second of the universe's lifestyles, that does not imply that a magical being did it. That speculation has failed one hundred% of the time ago, so there is not any purpose to maintain maintaining onto it in these days.
2009-08-29 14:49:10 UTC
We don't know how it all really started - in spite of knowing about the big bang thing.

On the other hand we don't know how or even IF god started it all so lets solve one problem at a time if you don't mind.

We do seem to have a good handle on how complicated beings came about - but you would have to study some cosmology to be convinced ot that. I am currently studying up on cosmology so my opinion is from a good source presumably.

In addition, if there were an intelligent god wishing to speak to us it is my (belated - after 75 yrs) opinion that he would be a bit more obvious about it.

As far as I can tell the bible god did not put forth a decent effort.

(as note the first 300 years after Jesus time)
2009-08-29 14:37:36 UTC
The progression from simple creatures to complex through the evolutionary process is well documented, obvious, and no longer open to debate. The ONLY people that question it are those people who confuse religious books with biology books.

Instead of sitting there saying "how could this be?", go LEARN something about our natural origins. It's a story more grand, more sweeping, more subtle, more intricate and more awesome than anything written by men or attributed to their gods.
Christian M
2009-08-29 14:47:41 UTC
Science has proved the existence of God in such a way that as yet, no atheist has found a hole in its proofs. Nor will they. The evidence is overwhelming and when the truth of it is disseminated over the next quarter century it will change the way man lives in the world. Not all men of course. There will always be those who oppose the Truth and the reality that they are not who they believe they are. What power hungry person would want to give up the prospect of gaining power over others? They make fools of themselves and rage when others laugh at their petty efforts to control. That rage is the product of worldliness and not spirit. The product of spirit is peace, love, joy and Bliss and its fruits are balance and harmony and assurance.
2009-08-29 14:39:10 UTC
It is not necessary for God to exist for there to be life. We are random, and I don't see what is so unacceptable about that. Unlikely is not synonymous with impossible. Any other occurrence could have happened, but this is the one that did. In a one in a trillion probability, something still has to happen. Every other occurrence was as likely as this one.

What I don't understand is why you follow a slave-owning, sexist, homophobic, bigot with a superiority complex. God DEMANDS praise. If I did the same, would I not be a conceited jack@ss?

God sickens me.
2009-08-29 14:45:53 UTC
okay, here i go.

what i would like to know would be why its necessary for your God to have created such a complex world. The complexity is easy for scientific hypothesis to prove, but difficult to reason that God did this. Including terminal illness, which is ultimately cruel and unnecessary.

I love this question. It proves utter ignorance by backfiring yet again. We are simply part of life, little cells that have revolutionized into what we are now classified as- human, or homo sapiens sapiens. That being said, we would probably be very different/ nonexistent if there was different amounts of sunlight and oxygen to breath. We have evolved based on survival of the fittest. Humans, as naturally intelligent beings, need reasoning to be satisfied. People questioned the ultimate goal in life, how we were created, and so on and needed answers. Thus, the concept of God was born, because he proved answers... he was only temporary you see.

Ever thought that maybe we were designed for the planet rather than Viceversa?

I believe in the Big Bang theory. Which explains that the world was created 4.6 billion years go out of the solar nebula, a disk-shaped mass of dust and gas left over from the formation of the Sun. Initially molten, the outer layer of the planet Earth cooled to form a solid crust when water began accumulating in the atmosphere. In more depth to your question All of the energy present in our universe came from the initial kinetic energy of all of the released matter from the big bang plus any energy that has been created by the annihilation of matter in all of the nuclear and matter-antimatter reactions that have occurred. Thus, always having been there as you claim your God to have always been there.

That being said it is obvious to proof that we started out as organisms and evolved into what we are now. How we evolved was in result of survival of the fittest and grew to adapt knew climates, regions, etc. Not because of a creation.

All in all, We were designed for the planet, the planet was not designed for us, nice try though.
2009-08-29 14:38:24 UTC
The universe is composed of infinite space and infinte time.

Anything is possible with infinite time allowed for it to happen - even something with a chance of happening one in a million times. If you entered the lottery every time for trillions of years, you would eventually win. It is a matter of chance.

It seems like an anomaly to us as it is all we know. But there was infinite time for life processes to exist.
The Andyman Can
2009-08-29 14:43:57 UTC
You do realize that most of the universe isn't comprised of intelligent, sentient life...right? Most of the universe isn't made up of cells. Most of the earth isn't made up of cells.

Which is more likely: Rare complexity slowly built on simplicity OR a complex being existing before time and space (who needs no explanation) deciding to create a universe made of unobservable dark matter and put his favorite creation on an infinitesimally small rock in the middle of nowhere? Life is incredible, but it's the exception, not the rule. Most of the universe is completely inhospitable to life. Most of the universe is "simple".
2009-08-31 05:07:48 UTC
The question is actually 3-fold:

First, how could nothingness result in something?

Second, how can inanimate matter result in animate life?

And third, how can impersonal forces bring about the personal (as in humans)?

But don't worry, they have no answers, so they will use smoke screens (er - I mean they probably already have) in their answers, arguing inarguable excuses, such as evolution and the like.
2009-08-29 14:37:49 UTC
BECAUSE, you base your truth off of fear. Fear of the unknown, we all have it, even atheists. Our mind gets f*cked up when we dont know something...and the fact that we "accidentally" thought of how we got here, we pretty much came up with anything...cause we are stupid.

Answers become comfort, but sometimes comfort betrays.

Science is not 100% fact, but 99.9% since everything is based on observation, with figuring things out so close to the answer that its basically considered a law.

Now, Im not a religious person...but no one is unbiased.
2009-08-29 14:40:39 UTC
It is all so amazing. So amazing it is hard to imagine no one guided the process.

But there's no evidence that any being had a hand in it.

I don't deny the possibility. I only note the lack of evidence.
2014-06-05 14:12:44 UTC
Weise Ente
2009-08-29 15:02:22 UTC
Because it wasn't chance.

You are forgetting selection.
2009-08-29 15:06:59 UTC
"there must be someone in control of it"


Someone who thinks "chance" is involved in the natural processes cannot possibly grasp them. Since you have, already, chosen to disregard the explanation, I won't waste my time trying to increase your comprehension.
2009-08-29 14:41:22 UTC
Saying it cant come from nothing contradicts your belief in God, where did God come from?

Not sure what its called, but their is a number one rule of something that something can indeed come from nothing, check out Astronomy.
2009-08-29 14:39:59 UTC
I believe in God any day rather than a theory of we coming from monkeys.
2009-08-29 14:56:54 UTC
I would like to make some personal observations . One is about the principle of "reductionism". This is a basis for the concept of evolution: that a complex organism can be the result of cumulative self-modifications by ancestral organisms which are tested by those organisms in the environ and the modifications which are beneficial are passed on through hereditary descent with the result that descendants are literally self designed from the ground up. I believe that Darwin called this "descent with modification". 

The counter argument is called "irreducible complexity." An argument for the latter which is commonly used uses the example of the eye. The eye would only work and be beneficial if all the components were in place at the same time and functioning at once. In this argument if you only had part of an eye it would not function , prove beneficial, and be passed on to descendants, and, in fact, only part of an eye would be counter productive.

Perhaps you have heard of the Human Genome Project. It is seldom talked about much, but geneticists were surprised by what they found. There isn't enough information contained in the genes themselves to account for the complexity of a human being. In other words the entire "information model" that is the "genotype" "human being" can not be reduced into separate simpler units which might have been the result of cumulative changes to a simpler ancestral organism. The complexity of the human genome is not just from it's components but also because of the interactions between those components.

What is interesting to me personally, is the idea that different organisms, which have no relationship to each other, have the same genes, but these genes have different functions and interact in different ways according to the way they fit into the design of that organism. To me this is a signature of the same designer who uses the same building blocks in different ways according to the technical application he was working on. Hebrews uses a word which is similar to "technician":

(Hebrews 11:10) 10 For he was awaiting the city having real foundations, the builder (Lit., "artificer." Gr., te·khni´tes.) and maker of which [city] is God.

Another aspect of this subject which argues against evolution is "assigned complexity". Is isn't enough o have a sufficient degree or amount of complexity to form something which could be called "life": it is also necessary for the elements of that complexity to be "assigned" in an extremely specific manner for even the simplest form of life to exist. On the internet supporters of evolution refer to things like crystals to bolster their argument of a complexity which not only can happen without any outside influence, but which is also inevitable. However this is nothing compared to even the simplest cell. The cell can function only if the complete complement of its components are present at the same time, in their proper and relative position, and only if they begin their respective functions simultaneously. A cell is both a case of "irreducible complexity" (which means that none of the parts could be missing for it to still work). but in addition, a cell is the epitome of "assigned complexity": the complexity is made up of individual components which are unique from each other and in their relationship in regard to one another in order for the entire unit to work. The gulf in complexity between a cell and a snowflake is a chasm greater than the universe in scope. It is not just a question of adding more snowflakes in order to add up to the same degree of complexity since there must be differences between them relating to an assigned function and they must all be synchronized with each other to work together simultaneously and in the correct placements and functions. All the snowflakes on earth, and even of the entire universe, would not equal the complexity of a single cell since the latter works not just because of the number of it's parts but because of the complex design indicating what those parts accomplish when together. We could compare the Taj Mahal with a structure- less pile of sand, (does merely the addition of more sand equal greater complexity, or would the whole ever exceed the average complexity of any one section?) except that the gulf between a cell and anything non-living and not acted on by an intelligence is much, much greater.

Louis Pasteur proved that the spontaneous generation of life is impossible. Hardly more than ten years following Pasteur's experiments Thomas Huxley coined the term abiogenesis. "I shall call the . . . doctrine that living matter may be produced by not living matter, the hypothesis of abiogenesis." --Huxley, 1870.

So Huxley was trying to say that something had to happen which had already been scientifically proven not to be possible. That is basically al the proponents of evolution do,, play word games. It is appropriate that he called it a "doctrine".
2009-08-29 14:39:03 UTC
Complexity is something thats avoided as much as possible when designed.
2009-08-29 14:39:33 UTC
their god is evolution.

evolution is their word for creator.

only their creator is cruel, it does not answer prayer, it does not have compassion. it selects only the fit... the rest it kills. it convinces them their father is a monkey. and that is the extent of his compassion.

but they have something against our loving God who answer prayers and writes love letters to his creation. and sends his Son even for them and for me.

they just stumble in the dark following their noses... like animals.... fools the bible calls them.
2009-08-29 14:37:47 UTC
No one says it comes from random chance except for people like you. Please take a science class.
2009-08-29 14:40:18 UTC
same answer to this question :: christian, how could all these be by a superman in your head?

believe what you will
2009-08-29 14:37:34 UTC
Science does not know what was the catalyst for life. They don't just accept 'goddidit' and stop seeking knowledge.
2009-08-29 14:36:36 UTC
There isn't when the universe was created it was chaos and full of disorder. It was something from an alternate universe and it sure wasn't god.
2009-08-29 14:42:57 UTC
The fact that all is here now is proof that this can have occurred.
2009-08-29 16:42:07 UTC
Perhaps simple and complex are relative. ;)
2009-08-29 14:37:13 UTC
I know energy exists but all I'm saying is that there must be someone in control of it.-

Not someone, but something. That something was and is the Laws of nature that dictate how everything reacts with everything else. It looks simple on the surface, and the more you understand about it, the more sense it makes.

2009-08-29 14:36:54 UTC
Learn science.
2009-08-29 14:36:34 UTC
Argument from personal incredulity... *drink*
Neighborhood dude
2009-08-29 14:35:39 UTC
Ever heard of evolution? That explains our complexity.
2009-08-29 14:36:25 UTC
These are the kinds of questions that Atheists try to avoid.

And evolution isn't going to save your debate.
2009-08-29 14:36:00 UTC
It's Santa I tell you, Santa!
2009-08-29 14:35:21 UTC
exactly they can't explain this.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.