Is it true that, where there are Muslims, there is no peace?
2010-09-12 16:43:11 UTC
Muslims are involved in civil wars in China, Russia, Bosnia, Cyprus, Pakistan, India, Indonesia-Ambon, Indonesian-Halmarhera, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Côte d'Ivoire, Kashmir, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Macedonia, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, Ethiopia, Israel, Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Turkey, Chechnya, Sudan, Thailand, Yemen, Ugandan and East Timor, Algeria, Armenia. (google search "civil wars in the world")

Muslims in Europe and America are at the center of endless conflict, from the Ground Zero mosque to burka bans in Europe.

If a Muslim is within two feet of you, there will be strife and, eventually, civil war. That has been true since the first Muslim extremist, Mohamed, lived. Only now, because of the Internet, are we discovering that truth.

Muslims, you can no longer hide. We SEE you.
Sixteen answers:
2010-09-12 18:22:38 UTC

This remark was passed by him sometime in the mid 1800's

he was right on target. The world had problems with moslems then.
2010-09-12 16:49:18 UTC
That is so not true. How many muslims do you know personally and watching the media give out bogus information is not enough to say all that.

Don't you realize that Christianity is the only religion in the history of this world who has done more innocent killings than any other religion (including WWII, Civil War, the war we are in today)?

Try Googling that.
2016-09-23 14:58:41 UTC
First and for so much, there are not such beings as "actual" Muslims and "flawed" Muslims. People are both Muslim or no longer. The Muslims had been recognized to be peaceable and loving. Muslims don't condemn people who are not Muslim, as stated within the Koran (Holy Book) however in prior wars and such, Muslims condemn the ones considering that they holiday the tranquility. Sort of like frightening the Muslims to head towards all they pray towards. We can not talk for God. People appear to put out of your mind that Muslims additionally suppose within the prophet Jesus, but the histories fluctuate. Would it's correct to sentence humans who combat in warfare for what they suppose in? To the moment query, they're the certain eventualities. Those who tarnish God's names, is punished... despite the fact that they're Muslim.
The Skeptic
2010-09-12 16:53:16 UTC
I really sympathise with you for your lack of knowledge and understanding.

Why just look at the surface and make a decision? Why don't you go and find what was the root cause of the problem? That you people will not do. Some idiot out there will make a stupid comment and without verifying if its true or not, there will be goats who will make a propaganda of that issue. This has been going on for centuries and even in these informed age, people just love doing this!
2010-09-12 16:52:18 UTC
You're wrong, and this is a bigger game than your little head, this is the new world order agenda being involved, in the greediness for the others natural resources ;) Europe destroyed Africa for what it has, and the same thing is happening to the other poor countries throughout the world. Get some real education kid, instead of hate from giving your tiny head to others to think for you.

2010-09-12 17:22:14 UTC
please..... don't go pointing finger on any group of people. America's been going down since centuries ago but no one recognize it until 9/11 took place.

America brought there own disaster since the time they begin to trampled GOD out of school's and working area--band everyone from speaking their faith at work or school's but allowed people to speak their mind???? how stupid is that...???? you can cuss and cursed someone out and won't get in trouble but speaking something about God, will???? huh?? do you see what I'm seeing brother..?!? such an insane rules for the american world eh..??? (new name for america- " inside out" that's how I see america to be right now and b/c of it, america can't hold any good blessings any more.... is falling is falling the great Babylon is fallin..!!! NOT b/c of Muslims/Islam or any other religions or faith but america's own religions and faith plus the rulers therein flip their own world upside down..!!!!

REMEMBER.... CAIN and ABEL... God said to Cain the rebellious "if you follow accordingly, blessings will be for you too, if Not the devils are around your corner and it's up to you to resist it or let it destroy you..?" so for me, the American rulers and the so called religion or faith allowed the devil to step in to do their job among you.......
2010-09-12 16:49:11 UTC
Erm, well research and see that half of those wars are non muslims trying to fight muslims to gain land,etc. Muslims spread peace, its the non muslims that fight us, dont we have the right to defend ourselves?

Burka bans, dont we get a say. Ground zero mosque - its not a mosque and its like blocks away from ground zero....and wait i didnt try to burn the bible!!!

Because of the internet you are corrupting your own minds...

I'm not trying to hide.....but possibly, you are.
2010-09-12 16:46:46 UTC
Oddly enough, most of the civil wars in the world also have Christians involved.

Double standard much.
2010-09-13 02:36:29 UTC
It's not only muslims. However, Turkey could do a brave thing and recognise the Armenian genocide.
2010-09-12 17:02:40 UTC
There is no peace in this world because we live in a fallen world. Why do you blame the Muslims when you yourself are trying to disrupt peace with your insults?
2010-09-12 16:48:43 UTC
wow, if u think we're bad, look up ur own history. U guys caused a HOLOCAUST for god sakes. U almost killed everyone in a religion. And that's the most innocent thing u've done.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
2010-09-12 16:49:00 UTC
The vast majority of Muslims are Arab, and the Muslim leadership is Arab. The Holy Scriptures state that Arabs would be against every man and they would be against him. There will never be peace until God's kingdom comes.
No We Cant
2010-09-12 16:46:58 UTC
all them countries you given, the muslims have been the occupied, not the occupier

shame on the people who call themselves peace and loving, when they massacre many innocent lives
2010-09-12 16:49:42 UTC
Where there are people, there is no peace. Muslim are people.
2010-09-12 16:50:40 UTC
it's not only Muslims .
2010-09-12 16:55:28 UTC
i hope you're getting paid for this, otherwise this is just sad.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.