Atheists do you truly really believe that something can come from nothing?
2015-09-06 15:28:54 UTC
The ATHEIST physicist (Lawrence Krauss), "Something can come from nothing", and "Nothing can make everything". Both are impossible because nothing is nothing. So if atheists are so logical and reasonable then why do they believe this?
156 answers:
2015-09-11 09:56:48 UTC
At the quantum level 'nothing' isn't like the nothing at the macro level. You can even do an experiment. In a super shielded vacuum chamber there exist 'nothing'. Nothing can enter and because of the intense magnetic field nothing can escape. Yet from time to time observable 'particles' come into existence and then just as rapidly vanish. Where do these particles come from? Where do they go? They can't 'come from nothing', but as there's nothing inside the chamber but a super hard vacuum these 'objects' must come from somewhere.

The problem here is that we're talking about two different nothings. Energy is 'nothing', yet it exists, and this energy can produce 'something out of what we call 'nothing'. There's a lot of heavy duty math that bears this out, and it can't be explained without the math. Certainly there's a belief that 'God' came from nothing, though there's no math to back that idea up. Religion is suppose to make us better human beings.. it's not supposed to answer any questions outside of that.
2015-09-07 06:53:39 UTC
To be honest cause I'm a very honest man. Im not an atheist; I'm a Catholic I like to believe in god and heaven and all that kinda stuff it's just nice to believe in something other then dying and see nothing ever again. But I'm not like all these people that somehow found there way out of the stone ages and onto a computer saying stuff against people that are atheist I don't generally get the entire point of trying to bash them with a bible. But also I'm not one of these catholics that believe God caused the big bang and made the entire universe. no I believe something else caused the big bang. And planets are just what happended basically. I also don't believe in God creating animals and humans.. Cause I don't like to believe In incest... It's disturbing. Personally I'd say I'm kinda Catholic as I see the Bible is basically more of a instruction on how to live (be nice to each other and stuff) but I'm more likely to believe in science when it comes to the universe (not sure what Iam
2015-09-06 16:37:30 UTC
I am entertained by the idea that the christians on this board, many of whom are barely functionally literate, have the audacity to think they know how the universe began.

Most of the atheists here will willingly admit that they don't know, and that even if they were presented with the scientific hypothesis behind it, we wouldn't fully understand it.

All we can say is that the very notion that an invisible man created the world in six days is an affront to intelligence and common sense. I would happily listen to someone who has spent years in a scientific environment, and I would not for a moment seriously listen to a fundamentalist who can't even write a coherent sentence.

So the answer is "I don't know, I don't particularly care, but I'm almost certain that YOUR explanation is wrong".

Edited for "Zach": your self-hatred is fairly typical for a god-botherer. You might consider yourself worthless (and your writing level certainly is) but that doesn't give you the right to project your insufficiency onto other people.
2015-09-10 19:11:05 UTC
Firstly this is a loaded question.

Secondly, not all atheists believe that. Atheism is a lack of religion, and that's the only belief that all atheists share.

Thirdly, saying that something came from nothing is as illogical as saying that something always existed to begin with. When it comes to levels of philosophy so far removed from the human experience, our logic hardly applies anyway. Everyday reasoning applies to neither Relativity or quantum mechanics. Things are the way they are, even if they don;t make sense or can't be understood by the limited cognition of humans.
2015-09-08 09:37:16 UTC
I am an atheist, but, regardless, something must have come from nothing (even if there were a God, he would have to have come from nothing), otherwise the universe wouldn't exist. I don't see how it could be possible, but it must be - unless the universe doesn't really exist.

And the claim that "something came from nothing" isn't an 'atheist' claim, it's a phrase that Christians came up with to mock the Big Bang theory. No, the Big Bang theory isn't perfect. Obviously. But it is what the evidence points to - an expanding universe. What logically follows is that the universe must be expanding from somewhere. An origin.

People who blindly believe in Creationism with no proof because of heavy indoctrination as a child mock the theories of people who study the universe for a living because they don't think something can come from nothing, so they think it must have been created by a God (who, they fail to realise, must have come from nothing).
2015-09-09 20:17:43 UTC
At the quantum level 'nothing' isn't like the nothing at the macro level. You can even do an experiment. In a super shielded vacuum chamber there exist 'nothing'. Nothing can enter and because of the intense magnetic field nothing can escape. Yet from time to time observable 'particles' come into existence and then just as rapidly vanish. Where do these particles come from? Where do they go? They can't 'come from nothing', but as there's nothing inside the chamber but a super hard vacuum these 'objects' must come from somewhere.

The problem here is that we're talking about two different nothings. Energy is 'nothing', yet it exists, and this energy can produce 'something out of what we call 'nothing'. There's a lot of heavy duty math that bears this out, and it can't be explained without the math. Certainly there's a belief that 'God' came from nothing, though there's no math to back that idea up. Religion is suppose to make us better human beings.. it's not supposed to answer any questions outside of that.
Paul B
2015-09-06 23:33:40 UTC
Hey, I don't understand quantum theory either, but that doesn't mean I have to automatically default to a supernatural "explanation". It simply means I'm not a quantum physicist. Krauss is.

BTW, it's not atheists who claim the universe claim from nothing. That's a Christian claim... and by magic, apparently. The "nothing" Krauss is referring to is actually "something" at the quantum level, although in this context whether or not he is an atheist is irrelevant. Like I said though, I'm not a quantum physicist. I'm comfortable with the idea that the universe expanded from a singularity. I'm comfortable with the idea that the singularity was of natural origin. No evidence of a deity being necessary.
2015-09-10 08:16:35 UTC
It’s not really like the pursuit of knowledge has already hit the roof. Science has not answered all the questions. There are some areas yet to be filled.

I assume you believe in some deity or supernatural being or some sort of God. The problem is that if you are such a person you a wrong person to question atheists about how they can believe something can come from nothing, thing is, if for some reason you believe that God could for unknown means come into existence how is it difficult to believe that likewise what is called the big bang or the energy that brought everything into existence could be there in existence? The best way of asking is how Richard Dawkins put it ( I assume you know him) by asking to say if God is above everything then even the universe is less complex than him, if one can believe that God who is indescribably complex could come about without cause what more the universe which is less complex? Maybe you feel God being supernatural is not subject to these cause and effect parameters, well at least it demonstrates that there are exceptions to laws. Personally I lean more towards doubt of religion because of its inconsistency and how it does not seem to apply to practical life. I also find it hard to understand someone who says it’s foolish to believe in such things as evolution eventually leading to humans and yet feel "let there be light and there was light' is more plausible. And the attempt to explain sin by saying the snake made some woman eat a fruit and then suddenly we have sin. the idea that God is all knowing and knew me even before I was conceived and yet somehow when he was putting Adam and Eve in Eden he could not foresee that they would disobey him and land humanity into sin. Did he know and just decided to go ahead all the same? The idea that everything is down to choice and free will. God we are told can never sin and yet I assume he has free will, why didn’t he also make man with free will and yet no capability to sin just like him? when science shows that our behaviours are as a result of what we are born with and interactions thereof, that to a large extent we are subject to our biology in as much as we can make decisions to some extent.....well let me say religion does not seem to explain life and therefore I doubt it.
Martin T
2015-09-06 18:51:03 UTC
I find his ideas interesting and her certainly knows the science, but in claiming that everything comes from nothing I think he has gone a little past the evidence into something that resembles theology.

'Nothing created everything'

'God created everything'

I do appreciate that some people regard one of those claims to be reasonable and the other to be nonsense (though disagreeing on which one is reasonable and which one is nonsense!)

However neither make much sense to me. And they are not part of science - how could anyone carry out an experiment to disprove either claim?

Some Buddhist philosophers talk of everything coming from the void. However,

the Buddhist void is not nothing; it is field of potentiality.

'Existence emerges from the void'

I do take that claim seriously . . . And I know that it is not part of science either. However, It is as consistent with modern science as Lawrence Krauss's idea.

And here are a couple of Lawrence Krauss's videos for anyone who can't be bothered to read his book:
2015-09-11 20:26:31 UTC
Atheism is a religious perspective in which you don't believe in one (or more) God/Goddess. Some of the Atheist's may believe that you can make something out of nothing, and some don't.... some are idiots and some aren't. Lawrence Krauss is correct by saying "Something can come from nothing", and "Nothing can make everything". Both are impossible because nothing is nothing.You can not make something out of nothing or nothing out of something due to the law's of conservation of matter/energy. It is physically impossible to do that. ALSO YOU SHOULDN'T GENERALIZE A RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE ONE PERSON IN THAT COMMUNITIES BELIEF ON A CERTAIN TOPIC!!! It would be similar to saying muslims are responsible for terrorism (Just so every prejudiced person in here knows.... they are not responsible. The people that commit that act are responsible. )
Brigalow Bloke
2015-09-06 17:28:50 UTC
Creation ex nihilo is a specifically Christian doctrine.

If you think the behavior of the Universe can be predicted by logic without facts then you are committing the grave sin of indulging in philosophy.

If Krauss said that, and you have not deliberately quoted him out of context, then I am reasonably certain that he has physical or mathematical reasons to back himself up. I wouldn't know what they are, I am not a physicist, and I do not have to believe that he is right or wrong.

Here's something that you may find difficult to understand. I am not very interested in Krauss, Dawkins, Hitchens or anyone else that you might think is some atheist leader. I do not have or want a pope or a pastor to tell me what to think.

Do I make myself clear?
2015-09-08 03:27:05 UTC
Organised religion is one big con. First of all, why do we humans think we are special? We are not. We just happened to have developed a brain that can reason better (well some of us, anyway) than other primates and animals. This wasn't achieved by a divine entity-it was achieved by circumstances on earth. Dinosaurs were on this earth for millions of years-we've only been around a few hundred thousands of years. Why did it take this divine Abrahamic God so long to make creatures in his own image. That's a bloody long wait.
2015-09-08 06:05:00 UTC
Based on this theory it could be difficult to believe in God. This is why it take faith. Not blind faith. From a human standpoint you can not take something from nothing and make something. But when look at our complex solar system and recognize the mathematical order that exist. We have to come to an intelligent conclusion that it has to a intelligent person or designer. Ro 1:20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.
2015-09-07 02:37:54 UTC
Atheist Do you Really Believe that something came from nothing ?

I think you did a spelling Error in your question You put a "A" in front of THEIST Its obvious to me that they hold on to that concept apparently Gods Come from Nothing

Considering gods are Conceptional that may explain why god comes from the minds of some people Ideas thoughts dreams Concepts and hallucination are NOT defined as REAL because they do not exist outside ones mind

show me the dream you had last night or the thought you are thinking at this minute now show me your thought when you think of God

BEWARE of others to Interpret Reality on your Behalf

People only have as much control over you as YOU allow them to
2015-09-08 09:35:44 UTC
Atheists do you truly really "believe" that something can come from nothing?

No because they do not follow any religion, but honestly sometimes I wish people in general would realize that many things are deeper than they appear.
2015-09-06 15:38:05 UTC
Atheists do you truly really believe that something can come from nothing?

---- No. And I never did. Only religious people believe that.
Elsie Treize
2015-09-06 15:50:54 UTC
No. Atheists are people without belief in gods. There is no requirement for an atheist to follow this or that scientific proposal. However, no, I believe in the scientific process. A new scientific theory is considered valid once it has been tested by numerous scientists around the world. Matter existed before the current manifestation of this universe: Valid theories:
2015-09-10 13:12:44 UTC
1.Go to science class

2.You think the Earth was made by a wizard with a long beard

3.Seriously go to science class

4.Being atheist means that you din't have a religion

5.Why live with the guy upstairs when you can be happy without waking up on a early Sunday.

6. I just had to put a six 😈😊
2015-09-08 06:28:56 UTC
First of all, the meaning of the word "nothing" in physics is different than its colloquial meaning. In physics, it means something like empty space with a low-level of energy. You could never say anything scientifically about true "nothingness" because it can't be measured in any way, it's just nonexistence.

As far as whether I believe something can come from true nothingness, I don't know. I would say that in the universe as we know it now, it's probably not possible. However, that doesn't mean in some pre-Big Bang state of the universe, before the existence of time and space, it couldn't happen. I really don't know, but I don't have to know in order to disbelieve creationism.

It might also be possible for something to have always existed much like you believe in regard to God. For some reason theists have no problem saying that God always existed, but if you say some form of the universe always did, they find it completely laughable.
2015-09-06 15:38:31 UTC
When I see a question that asks "Atheists do you truly really believe that something can come from nothing?" It reminds me of how a lot of people can take something and twist it into illogical crap just because they don't understand science. These people are called theists.
2015-09-07 13:02:20 UTC
A haystack in the middle of a field suddenly burst into flame and destroys itself,Why,?How,?it is caused by a process called internal combustion,the sheer weight of the haystack causes the inside of it to get hot and all of a sudden bang it bursts into flames,from nothing,now on a much larger scale a receding universe starts sucking in to a central point every particall of matter including sun's stars, moons and planets,this process is caused by an incredible gravity,this process is started by a central starting point,a million billion trillion light years away,going in every direction in a 360 degrees from the central point,the process itself also takes a million billion trillion light years to start and finish from the original big bagn,so our expanding universe will eventually stop and go into reverse starting up again the is massive collection of matter will also cause an internal combustion of the matter,which no one could ever comprehend the power of,this is called perpetual motion,it never stops and never will,so after the new big ban the particalls of the old universe will again create new Suns,Stars,Moons and Planets,and of course new life forms,nothing to do with a god,it is far beyond any god to create,so that is something out of nothing ok
Lucius T Fowler
2015-09-07 20:13:40 UTC
Lawrence Krauss is, first of all, a physicist, and then an atheist. And in several talks he tried to explain the PROBLEM physics now encounters when they fully recalculate their equations, and they really mean that something can arise out of nothing. That doesn't mean that in the real world, something can arise out of nothing, but in the world of quantum physics, it maybe can.

Krauss seems to be sceptic of the idea of dark matter, as Einstein once was of the idea of the "ether", some invisible medium light travels through. We now know that Einstein was right, and without the application of his theory, we wouldn't have the internet or GPS. Who knows what future physicists will find out about the nature of the universe? Maybe it will give us warp drive.
2015-09-07 20:20:27 UTC
yes.. and they say we believers are irrational... apparently it is much more logical to believe that the "first breath of Life" just happened after a big explosion... I have seen fires and things getting blown up and what comes from that is not life but death and destruction..

to me it is totally irrational to believe that a "building" (e.g) just appeared out of the ashes of an explosion... or that an 'explosion" just happened to make a few molecules.."alive" much less come together completely and perfectly so that there is not only "life" but intelligence and ability to "procreate"; to perfectly and precisely have "EVERYTHING" exactly just right.. so that life can be sustained and lived and come to full term and then die... it's just so precise.. there is no randomness about life... yet this is what they believe...

it as absurd as saying that a machine that has exactly the right parts,the right form of energy and the capacity to perform a precise and intentional job... could just appear out of nowhere.. without a builder,an engineer or a blueprint or even an idea...

It is more logical to think that "Some-ONE" created all matter and energy, and not that everything sprung out of an explosion of nothingness... because even when you believe that there was an explosion you have to ask.. where did the energy and matter that created the explosion come from? it had to have come from somewhere also...

So in conclusion.. an Atheist has to have a ton more blind faith than a Theist to believe that this complex, intelligent and precise universe just happened to have come together randomly through and "explosion" (which is quite destructive, I might add..just look at Hiroshima or Chernobyl- no life sprung from those explosions,I might add) and that the "breath of life" just accidentally happens everyday and ends suddenly ...and has no purpose...
2015-09-06 15:35:01 UTC
1) agnosticism means you do not belief that a god(s) exists but are open to the possibility of it. There is no scientific evidence that supports any God exists

2) There has never been a single example of something coming from nothing however saying a god created it is saying a very complicated being came from nothing. All it does is make everything more complicated.
Doug Freyburger
2015-09-09 12:10:47 UTC
Aristotle believed that life emerged spontaneously. He set out meat and eventually maggots and mold appeared on it. It was two thousand years before experiments were designed and performed that proved him wrong. Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers in human history and he nearly invented science.

Given the mistake made by Aristotle I am comfortable that what now appears as something from nothing will eventually be explained by science. So I don't need illogical answers to be handed to me by religion.

Not that I'm an atheist, just that I have no interest in creationists, biblical literalists and other peddlers of illogic.
2015-09-09 05:41:39 UTC
I am a theist (believe in God ) but of no particular religion.

I believe that the universe came from nothing because I believe that there are two aspects to reality. One is a physical aspect and the other is non-physical. Whatever is selected in the "upper" or non-physical realm sets forth an oscillation between the two aspects or realms. Thus the physical arises out of the "Great Void" or nothingness.

There is evidence for this in quantum physics. We see that subatomic particles, such as electrons, are entities that continually pop into and out of existence.
Bonus Bots .com
2015-09-08 11:46:12 UTC
Most atheists don't actually believe what they pretend to believe. They simply don't want a God running their life. Saying they "don't believe in God" is their personal brand of rebellion. I doubt this will fly on judgement day.

George Wald (Nobel-prize winning Harvard professor of biology) said it best:

"There are only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation, that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That leaves us with the only possible conclusion that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God. I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible; spontaneous generation arising to evolution."
2015-09-07 09:41:51 UTC
From previous discussions, it was said that in physics, "nothing" does not exist. There is always something rather than nothing. Then perhaps Krauss was wrong, at least with the book title.

But after the miserable failure of Evolution theory, most atheists here seems like Krauss ideas.
2015-09-06 17:40:45 UTC
do you truly really believe that something can come from nothing?

~~~ Xtians believe it.

I see it as a meaningless statement that assumes the existence of two 'things', with no real proof or evidence, just notions and beliefs; 'nothing' and 'something'.

It is like attempting to define a Coin by conflicting Heads vs Tails!

The complete Coin is only defined completely by the inclusion of ALL Perspectives!

"The complete Universe (Reality/Truth/God/'Self!'/Tao/Brahman... or any feature herein...) can be completely defined/described as the synchronous sum-total of all Perspectives!" - Book of Fudd


And, as with any and all 'beliefs', there is no 'choice', no 'logic', they are caught and spread like a cold!

Logic is warped afterward, to 'feed' the infection!
2015-09-07 12:40:28 UTC
Logic is the most beautiful thing that humans have. A good logic does not tell the true, but it tells the most likelly outcome with whatever information is available. Many times our logic is wrong and it is shown when new evidence emerges and disproves our previous logic. I choose to believe in logic. I don't know if the theory of everything from nothings makes logic, but I know that the bible explanation does not make any little logic.
2015-09-08 12:45:47 UTC
Never something come from nothing.

From the book: "The Spirits' book" by Allan Kardec, Chapter I:

Questio 4- What proof have we of the existence of God?

Answer: "The axiom which you apply in all your scientific researches, 'There is no effect without a cause.' Search out the cause of whatever is not the work of man, and reason will furnish the answer to your question."

To assure ourselves of the existence of God. we have only to look abroad on the works of creation. The universe exists, therefore It has a cause. To doubt the existence of God is to doubt that every effect has a cause, and to assume that something can have been made by nothing.

2015-09-08 04:03:26 UTC
There are two choices, that the universe came from nothing or that it was created by God. Krauss tries to present the 'coming from nothing' version but it is not very convincing. The physical universe came from other dimensions which cannot currently be measured from where we are. That is different than saying it came from nothing. Krauss is wrong but he supports the scientific position which is taught in public schools.
2015-09-07 06:52:50 UTC
We believe nothing. We know only what we have deduced. We do not know what came before the big bang but who's to say that we won't find an answer in the future. I think the answer, "We don't know but still looking" is far more honest than the self centered answer "I believe a magical man in the sky created everything".
2015-09-09 09:57:08 UTC
Yes, something can come from nothing. That was how Gods were created by man. An Idea can change your life. Ideas can come from nothing. Nothing can come from nothing does not mean anything can come from anything. Something can come from anything , if there is a reasonable mind. But nothing can come from anything with an unreasonable mind.
2015-09-07 06:23:21 UTC
Who says we Atheists believe such nonsense that something can come from nothing? Energy and matter are not born of nothing. It would seem, until you can prove otherwise, your so called god(s) are none-existent and therefore equal to nothing. Show me something that's come from your "god" (and I mean real proof, not a notion cooked up in your head.)
2015-09-07 15:05:14 UTC
That is not a belief of atheism, you moron. That's an atheist's belief. Atheism has no beliefs.

He has no scientific proof to support that statement. Unlike Christianity, no one person or entity defines reality for atheists.

Do you really believe that something can come from an entity that no one has been able to prove exists for more than 3,000 years?

BTW, dumbass, Krause is an economist, NOT a physicist.
Michael Darnell
2015-09-06 18:41:09 UTC
I don't need to *believe* that something can come from nothing, since it is an observable fact that scientists have induced photons to emerge from a vacuum -- repeatedly (see the link below). I do however understand how this is possible, and the fact that you personally do not understand it, does not make it false. The common perception of the nature of reality is not really accurate when we observe quantum physical phenomena.
2015-09-07 09:05:28 UTC
Atheists do you truly really believe that something can come from nothing?

"and now, my son, this boon grant me. Look round at heaven and earth and all they contain; bethink thee that of all this, and mankind too, GOD MADE OUT OF NOTHING." (2 Maccabes 7:28)
2015-09-07 02:27:07 UTC
Clearly, your problem is you either haven't heard the comments by Lawrence Krauss or you don't understand them.

Energy can and does exist as nothing. 80% of an atoms weight is nothing, particles that come from nothing and return to nothing too fast to see. This isn't guess work, it's observed fact.

And please don't mistake an atheist for a theist. If one of the worlds leading theoretical physicists express a theory or an observation that is peer reviewed and accepted by other world leading theoretical physicists we don't presume we can claim they're wrong base on the concept we don't like what they said.
2015-09-07 13:44:58 UTC
The atheists stole that from the Christians. A Universe from out of nothing is a very old Chrtistian concept. The Church calls it "ex nihlo". Which is derived from Hebrews 11.
2015-09-11 04:04:54 UTC
I don't consider myself an atheist nor a believer. But the fact that you cannot explain something doesn't mean you have to believe in a fairytale about it.
Tom S
2015-09-09 11:13:34 UTC
The vast majority of scientist do not believe that something came from nothing, if you are referring to the Big Bang Theory, space-time began to expand about 13.7 billion years ago. The universe may well have always existed. Kraus is a bit of a "fringe" pseudo-scientist.
2015-09-08 10:46:35 UTC
"Atheists do you truly really believe that something can come from nothing"

oh, like your god?

atheists 1

Christians 0
2015-09-08 21:15:57 UTC
I am james wilkes , i love to study historian and science , It matter why i grew up atheist , i am deaf i learned from christian people , and read many books ,did not tell truth , they hide the feeling of shame , it possible telling the lies ????........ i studied where the jews come from before Egypt and long before Jesus appeared . . Jesus is not father of god, joseph lied , He fell in love with beautiful and young Mary , he had wife and many children , so called half brother Jesus . He lead to run away from them to find somewhere is a barn of people's in bethlenham, not at their home ????? why Barn with animals ? its not nice for jesus to birth there ????? Jesus could be misunderstand or his father to decided , he is god's son ???? it was father of joseph . he pulled out mary too far away from His family . that will not like it ???? the bible do not explained clearly not everything , it was missing the truth !!!!!

where do jews come from before egypt .... yes they were from india then Perillan then babyloon of Iraq ... Noah did not able to build 15 oak boat more or less , that count many animals from around the world , the story was told he carried his farm animals two or three male and females and his family only to norther west of africa same time Jews come from Babylon to northwestern africa , it was deresrt they find egypt they had job for them to feed em after nearly 100 years or 500 years or more ?? , they becomed slave , i see all i have more to say , yes its true Moses was there , many names in bible is true but not true story ...otherwise Like Joseph had been adultry with mary and run away ?????? see your self !!/..... only arbrian tell what they belive in God , why not any other world tell the story about God ? no they workship statue, something like that , I believe its was alien from out space ??? i Say its Relay's beleive or not !!
2015-09-06 21:09:59 UTC
I'm a Atheist and they believe in the Big Bang which too my makes total sense so we do believe in the earth was created in something... just not god, I hope this helped
2015-09-06 18:53:39 UTC
I think Krauss is saying not true nothingness, that is what I have seen from many when they say the nothing. It is not true nothingness. Don't make sense why they call it nothing though.

Creation ex nihilio is not specifically Christian as other religions believe(d) that matter or gods came from the nothing.
2015-09-06 19:17:16 UTC
Yes. It can. It's possible. Everything is possible. I'm not God / perfect. I don't know everything. Claiming ANY act is impossible is intellectually dishonest. That would require perfect knowledge of everything.

Why do YOU truly believe that God can be eternal, but the universe can't?
2015-09-08 01:32:50 UTC
That is NOT what Atheist believe NOR claim. Atheism is simply a REJECTION of the supernatural claim.

If you are quoting just the TITLE of a book, you clearly have not read it, nor you understand what Lawrence Krauss is talking about, when he talks about "nothing". His nothing is not what you understnad under "nothing".

Also, many scientist do not agree with Krauss "nothing". And the reason is : we never ever observed a nothing, so we dont have a nothing to beginn with. So please reconsider the Atheist position : it is NOT the belief "somehting from nothing", that is pure creationist propaganda, and it is simply wrong.
2015-09-06 23:51:27 UTC
No. But then I haven't done physics since A level so I'm not really up on the current thinking
2015-09-06 17:11:05 UTC
Both are impossible because nothing is nothing.

- Join the 21st century, "nothing" does not exist. They have awarded a Nobel Prize for proving that. Try doing some intelligent research instead of just regurgitating ignorant fundie captions.
2015-09-08 12:23:31 UTC
The opinion of one atheist is not the opinion of all atheists.

No atheist I know, and no scientist besides Krauss, has ever said something came from nothing.

The Big Bang was hardly "nothing" - it was the expansion of all the energy in the universe. That is EVERYTHING, not nothing.
2015-09-07 09:20:23 UTC
I truly believe that the average Christian believes this is what we understand.

It isn't but I am not wasting any time trying to explain it to you. IF you want that "nothing" defined just ask Google.
Rowan Madison
2015-09-06 20:39:24 UTC
It wasn't nothing, it was an infinitely dense point in nothing called a singularity (kind of like a black hole) that exploded, filled with what would make hydrogen which will fuse and become other elements.
2015-09-07 14:02:07 UTC
You do not understand this theoretical concept of nothing. Technically, there was something - void space, membranes that produce the infinite number of universes. You must be thinking about absolute nothing. Quantum mechanics isn't your strong suit obviously lol
Foot faults are illegal!
2015-09-09 07:52:30 UTC
It seems to me that if you take the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and consider a smaller and smaller volume of space, you come to the conclusion that eventually that uncertainty generates a particle. So I would say that something from nothing seems to be a logical conclusion, not something that requires belief.
2015-09-06 17:29:58 UTC
Christians believe god came from no where at all. that he has no parents

how does that make sense if you argue that something can't come from nothing

special pleading?
Andy D
2015-09-08 13:50:06 UTC
Read Krauss's book - a Universe from Nothing - then come back and answer his own question
2015-09-07 00:58:04 UTC
No. Each of us has our own belief or assumed knowledge. Current theory tells that the Big Bang was fueled by an incredibly bit of dense matter. It may have resulted from a 'black hole'.
2015-09-06 15:38:31 UTC
What I believe has no bearing on what is, or what happened.

I'm an atheist because people assert gods to be responsible for stuff, when they aren't.
2015-09-08 13:34:17 UTC
Claiming to not have the answers doesn't mean "something came from nothing" it just means we won't proclaim to be all-knowing and full of ignorance like Christianity.
2015-09-07 15:23:08 UTC
Even though atheists say that they know many things, in general, atheists do not really believe about "something".

They feel something should not exist without their knowledge.

Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of something e.g. deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is the absence of belief that any deities exist. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which, in its most general form, is the belief that at least one deity exists"
2015-09-11 05:50:35 UTC
isn't that what theists believe? Besides, the universe does not come from "nothing"; it comes from something that is unlike anything we can perceive so it is "nothing" only in the sense that there is nothing in the universe that is like what the universe comes from. It is nothing we can detect, which is not the same as nothing at all.
2015-09-08 08:48:51 UTC
How about this?......"26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing." This the true and right answer. This is how God created the universe....with his dynamic energy and power. Accept it and face the truth. Oh and the bible also teaches that we can live forever on earth, it will be a paradise. Just think, what if this is true?
2015-09-10 14:50:45 UTC
No such thing as "Nothing." Every thing is something, even empty space is pervaded by quantum fields. It is those quantum fields that was the source of the Big Bang. Google "Vacuum Energy" or "Dark Energy" for a deeper discussion.
Vincent G
2015-09-07 14:51:04 UTC
You realize that if a renowned physicist of the stature of Dr Krauss speaks about something that is right up his area of expertise, he stands a much better chance of being right -- and trustworthy -- that an uneducated creationist imbecile ?
2015-09-07 22:09:10 UTC
I am Greek Orthodox and I have been criticized by Atheists because of what I believe in. One time I said to someone "God Bless You" and then an Atheist buts in and then told me that God does not exist and that I need special help!!! He technically told me that I am crazy!!!!!! Atheists blame us children of God that we are the ones criticizing when then they criticize us the most!!!
2015-09-07 15:01:18 UTC
This question should be addressed to physicists, not atheists. By definition, the only thing atheists have in common is non-belief in gods/deities.
2015-09-08 17:32:05 UTC
If God can be created out of nothing, then yes, I can believe that the whole universe has been created out of nothing.
2015-09-07 14:58:24 UTC
Don\t know what you are talking about, I have no clue who this clown is but you seem to think he speaks for all atheists. Atheism isn't an organizational thing we all think for ourselves and have our own opinions.
D g
2015-09-09 04:54:44 UTC
Why does it bother you that others believe something you do not.

Take refuge in your beliefs I'm sure they are absolutely true as all religious videa
2015-09-06 17:55:46 UTC
Well believers claim something came from nothing as well. After all where did god come from. he had to come from somewhere because "something cannot come from nothing".

"Yes, yes, oh yeah!! Can you feel that, honey? Uh, uh, uh? I have exorcised the demons! This house is clear."
2015-09-06 15:34:02 UTC
Laughably they do believe that something can come from nothing. Few are willing to admit.
2015-09-08 07:11:33 UTC
If this is so hard to believe, then where did your god come from? If nothing can come from nothing, then what or who made your god?
2015-09-07 10:30:37 UTC
I think you are confusing us atheists for theists. We were not the ones that believed that something came from nothing, theists were.
2015-09-07 10:15:57 UTC
You say nothing can come from nothing - but aint that exactly what you believe?

According to the bible there was nothing then "hocus pocus" this entity of yours created the universe

So didnt the universe come from "nothing" according to what you believe?

And wasnt that all done by ""magic"?

And if there was "nothing" then "something" where exactly did this "entity" exist before "something" existed?

And if "nothing" existed what exactly WAS this entity- cos according to you say it was "nothing"?

So either this entity existed "somewhere" in which case what the bible says is a lie

OR it didnt exist and "something" came from "nothing"

so which is it?
2015-09-08 16:44:37 UTC
I am an atheist and I believe anything is possible. It's just that we don't see it.
Lisa A
2015-09-10 23:18:41 UTC
Your dictionary is broken. You are confused about the definition of an atheist. The only thing that atheists all agree on is that there are no gods.
2015-09-08 04:36:58 UTC
The atheist (Krauss) is referring to a basic law of physics. I recommend for you to take a class on physics and immerse yourself in the scientific process to fully grasp what he is talking about.
2015-09-07 06:26:54 UTC
Stop dude

No Christian usually comes out and says things like this. Espicially posting this in the pre-school section.

Your an athiest trying to make Christians look bad.

Please stop your making all athiest look bad when most of them are good people
2015-09-07 09:15:52 UTC
Religion is the best way to gather a huge naive population and at the same time very bad people to take advantage of the first.
2015-09-10 20:06:18 UTC
Same answer as always:

Okay I agree. Something can't come from nothing. We all came from God.

Where did God come from? Super-God?

Where did Super-God come from? Ultra-God?

Where did Ultra God come from?

Your logic is idiotic.
2015-09-07 13:33:41 UTC
How do you know you had a great great great great great great grandparents? Have you seen them? No. Heard of them? Maybe. How do you what you heard was true?

Why did they have to exist? Because they made their kids who had kids who had kids etc. till it got to you, your kids, grandkids etc.

Why does God exist? Something had to exist to start the series of events that started the first finite thing: the universe, which led to you being here.
2015-09-07 16:19:05 UTC
First, we are nothing. We think the best way to be something is to absorb everything around us. but when we become nothing we are everything. Everthing is nothing and from nothing comes everything
2015-09-06 20:55:17 UTC
It's not nothing, it something we don't know about yet. Big difference.
Groove doctor
2015-09-09 05:12:08 UTC
The thing that I love about this question is that whatever the answer, if the questioner wants to then reach for a supernatural explanation, how can they justify a theistic god over a deistic one?
2015-09-07 16:59:38 UTC
Don't go making yourself sound stupid by prattling about a topic in which you are profoundly ill-informed. You don't deserve the ridicule that brings upon you.
2015-09-08 15:18:18 UTC
What is nothing nothing is beyond comprehension properties of the universe before the big bang are weird
2015-09-08 01:43:18 UTC
Only one thing left to do now.

Find out if they are evil.

Really looks like it at times i must say.
2015-09-09 19:59:44 UTC
what the heck? do you know what atheism is? many atheists are atheists because they do their research. many atheists minds are science-based. factual information. do you know anyone who believes something comes from nothing?
2015-09-07 12:47:34 UTC
nope, i am buddhist and i believe that the life, material and spiritual, come from cause-and-effect. the cycle of the life is birth, aging-old age, sickness, and death. this exists in the micro-cosm and the macro-cosm. the buddhists have many different religions, however i believe we exist in the ten worlds, and in the 3000-worlds in a momentary state of being. here is the buddha Nichiren's writings on both life-and-death and life and on attaining buddhahood in this life.
Adam Minkler
2015-09-10 21:06:05 UTC
even if I did not believe something could come from nothing, it does not imply a god did it, or should I say *your* god as there are others as equally legitimate to those claiming faith of them
2015-09-07 20:15:45 UTC
To believe in god, one must believe something greater than the universe came from nothing. which is more laughable.
2015-09-06 15:36:07 UTC
Cosmology theories are Astronomy. Astronomy is science. Science is not atheism, but we understand why you cant grasp that simple concept...your brain was made perfect by a sure that is holier and logical
2015-09-06 20:44:27 UTC
First YOU explain where Your God came from And then I'll answer Your question.
2015-09-06 18:12:16 UTC
Atheists have agendas like between their legs
2015-09-06 17:54:14 UTC
The hypocrisy comes when you say that and yet, you believe yourself that the universe came from nothing.
2015-09-06 21:21:52 UTC
Yes but ....... If I am wrong from thinking that, as soon as I see God after I die, I will tell god clearly that he can go f.u.c.k himself and that I'm not apologysing for anything that I've done that he/she/it deems wrong.
Richard English
2015-09-07 01:29:06 UTC
If nothing can come from nothing, then where did this god you keep talking about come from?
2015-09-06 21:12:22 UTC
How do you know that's impossible?

Where did you get your PhD in quantum physics?
2015-09-07 14:58:20 UTC
Atheist do not want to believe in GOD that is their damn right.right. Therefore,let them bang each other in A$$ if they so desire to.
2015-09-07 09:21:34 UTC
It is not entirely without possibility that God created the world using evolution. The Bible does not state in which manner God created all things just that he created all things and the order from which he created them.
2015-09-08 15:56:19 UTC
Why can't Christians comprehend the fact that the universe always was. It's human consciousness that interprets the illusion of time.
Freethinking Liberal
2015-09-07 15:07:15 UTC
No, and that is just one of the reasons I think the whole Genesis thing is BS.

I prefer to wait for the real evidence, not guess.
2015-09-07 09:37:28 UTC
Maybe it's your understanding of Krause that is at fault.
2015-09-08 09:00:43 UTC
Not necessarily but Christians seem to think so. I mean, where else did god come from?
Philip B
2015-09-10 02:10:50 UTC
Can you prove it can't? And when I say prove I don't just mean what suits your opinion.
2015-09-07 12:33:09 UTC
Look, either SOMETHING came from NOTHING, or SOMETHING always existed.

There are no alternatives. Hypothesizing a "God" does not solve the problem, because a "God" is SOMETHING.
2015-09-08 10:11:20 UTC
Fundamental particles of matter continually and spontaneously appear, disappear, and change into one another
2015-09-07 06:39:46 UTC
You believe god came from nothing so what's your point?
Lt Kije
2015-09-07 00:18:12 UTC
Well YOU obviously do. You worship "Gods" which do not exist except in the minds of (some) of mankind. Your logic, or lack of it, is tragic.
2015-09-06 15:30:58 UTC
its either that or they believe in an eternal universe, which their own science tends to disagree with .. i'd say its pretty much 'checkmate' on that one .. we probably need to get back to just dwelling on unicorns and monkeys ..
2015-09-06 15:32:40 UTC
No, but I do not believe in gods. Why is that hard to understand?
2015-09-09 02:27:31 UTC
Possibly he could have been watching too many Seinfeld episodes
2015-09-06 18:07:35 UTC
Quantum physics is unreasonable, with experimental evidence to prove it.
2015-09-08 07:14:10 UTC
Nothing from nothing equals nothing. Nothing plus nothing equals nothing, ans so forth.
2015-09-09 02:48:02 UTC
I believe something else caused the big bang.
2015-09-10 08:21:06 UTC
It couldn't be possible! Can he make tea without milk?
2015-09-06 17:56:35 UTC
Mental states of denial are never rational.
2015-09-07 10:55:38 UTC
someday scientists will discover that our souls are fragments of a perfect, infinite being. we are remote, highly imperfect reflections of a perfect God, who chose fragmentation to escape isolation!
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-09-07 00:56:16 UTC
If the alternative is, a supernatural entity made it all from whatever was there - then yes.
2015-09-07 08:57:09 UTC
All physicists are atheists for obvious reasons.
2015-09-06 19:15:20 UTC
Don't know. I am no a cosmologist.
military supporter
2015-09-08 13:04:22 UTC
Yet, you babble about how "god" made the universe out of nothing.
2015-09-06 15:34:34 UTC
You need to read up on quantum mechanics. It happens all the time:
2015-09-06 15:48:59 UTC
You quite obviously never read the book. Try reading it sometime. I've read the Bible.
2015-09-09 22:40:34 UTC
the reason that atheists believe this stuff, is because they're all "democrats."
2015-09-09 10:03:53 UTC
Sure, why not? Your old man with the long grey beard did.
2015-09-06 15:36:43 UTC
Actually, it is your bible that claims that in Genesis, not Physicists. Hahaha!
2015-09-09 17:12:46 UTC
2015-09-10 04:34:02 UTC
2015-09-06 15:50:37 UTC
"Those who don't stand for the truth will fall for anything." - Chuck Smith
2015-09-07 11:23:51 UTC
nothing can come fron a god if he doesnt exist
2015-09-07 08:44:21 UTC
Of course they don't, they aren't stupid.
2015-09-07 17:16:58 UTC
So then where did your God come from?
2015-09-07 23:20:16 UTC
2015-09-07 11:47:12 UTC
You didn't read the book, did you?
2015-09-07 03:28:30 UTC
no, i do not believe a god can come from nowhere
Billy Butthead
2015-09-08 07:34:20 UTC
Not if you inject a god into the equasion
2015-09-06 15:33:26 UTC
Belief is irrelevant. This is OBSERVED.
2015-09-07 07:36:14 UTC
yes. they will believe anything if it doesnt involve God.
2015-09-08 11:54:13 UTC
come from nature lol !
2015-09-06 20:01:14 UTC
Not sure
2015-09-09 11:19:58 UTC
2015-09-07 18:56:51 UTC
how many of these questions are there? -_-' God damn.
2015-09-10 06:15:39 UTC
2015-09-08 01:40:01 UTC
2015-09-06 18:57:51 UTC
"Nothing" isn't what you think it is.
2015-09-07 10:54:39 UTC
2015-09-07 20:55:00 UTC
well your god came from nothing so....
2015-09-08 09:38:26 UTC
2015-09-10 10:58:43 UTC
2015-09-07 23:21:41 UTC
this pisses me off so much. ******* **** you. **** jesus christ and all your other bullshit.
2015-09-09 20:46:13 UTC
2015-09-06 21:37:31 UTC
gus b
2015-09-06 20:51:58 UTC
word is god.
2015-09-10 12:49:27 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.