sharpen it.
2012-05-15 03:52:36 UTC
a) Life begins prior to conception
b) Life begins at conception
c) Life begins at 40 days
d) Life begins at the second trimester
e) Life begins at 20 weeks
f) Life begins at the third trimester
g) Life begins at birth
h) Life begins at 3 years
i) Life begins at puberty, or other coming-of-age ritual
"Life" can be a broad statement. "Personhood" would possibly be more accurate, but would offer fewer possibilities.
Please - state a reason or source for your answer. Even if God said so, were you informed directly, or through an authoritative religious authority?
... as an afterthought:
There's a third variable called "Viability" which would, for instance, imply that life is potential enough to warrant recompense to the parents in the event of accidental or intentional termination of a pregnancy, but doesn't confer enough personhood to justify a charge of murder. If in fact you believe (b), do you have a position on Viability and sperm donation centers?