why do christians use bible references?
Laughing Man
2008-06-09 19:16:31 UTC
when tring to prove to others that they think they are right.

i'm asking this because as a pagan a bible reference to me means nothing, and i'm sure the same could be said about a atheist.

to me it's nothing more than what some old jewish guys wrote long ago.

how is telling me about something you've been reading going to make me want to believe you.

are you not able to think of a way of explaining things over what is nothing more than ink on paper?
29 answers:
2008-06-09 19:44:43 UTC
I think we should be fair to Christians like they should us. No matter what there book to them is a good set of rules to follow to them. So they make reference to it. Who are we to judge them. We don't like them to judge us do we? Blessed Be....
2016-04-02 04:06:04 UTC
It totally depends on what the question is. If it requires the use of Scripture, I have no problem using it, although I'm much more likely to use it in response to a question from a fellow Christian. Usually, I will use it when someone asks why I believe what I believe. In this case, I feel that it's completely appropriate. And of course, there are those questions which ask for a specific Scripture reference. I would look pretty silly answering those with quotes from Gone With The Wind, now wouldn't I?
2008-06-09 19:25:48 UTC
It should be why do some Christians....

The ones that do usually use a single line of scripture to try to prove a point or provide a frame of reference. I don't do this because there are often several verses that say similar things and if they are not looked at together scripture can be twisted. I don't want to do that.
Perfectly Imperfect
2008-06-09 19:22:51 UTC
I really try to limit Scriptural reference to questions that are specifically about Christianity, the Bible, or asked by other Christians looking for Scripture.

It is difficult as a believer to not be able to include certain passages to support various stances when questioned about my Faith.

Now, on that same token I don't always refer to Scripture either. :)

It really depends on the nature of the question I guess. I see what you are saying.

2008-06-09 19:29:08 UTC
I have to agree with you. As a Christian, I must be able to provide other ways of telling unbelievers about God and why I believe in Him.

For me, I just look at a rose. I once took a rose bud and as gently as I could I tried to unwrap all the petals without damaging them. I couldn't do it. No matter how gentle I was, the rose petals became bruised and torn. For me, this showed me that it takes God to handle the delicate things (and people) so that the delicate pieces that make up each thing don't become bruised or torn. As He did for the rose, He does for me - and anyone else who decides to accept to believe in Him. I much prefer to trust my "petals" to God.
Angel SA
2008-06-09 19:30:24 UTC
Christians use bible references when quoting the bible to make a point about the wisdom and knowledge left to us to learn from. The Holy Scriptures are the inspirations of God and the writing of Prophets that witness Jesus Christ live among man. The Holy Scriptures were written for a purpose; and that purpose is to witness and testify to the Holy Scriptures as the TRUTH about life and God Our Father that gave His only begotten son to die for our sins.

great gig in the sky
2008-06-09 19:28:18 UTC
When people claim God is___, it is expedient, as well as most often necessary to refute with scripture, false doctrine.

The biggest barrier Christians face here is ignorance. Some people say the stupidest things based on what they heard or someone said or their erroneous interpretation. Scripture is the most direct and proper way to refute such things.
2008-06-09 19:27:04 UTC
This makes about as much sense as asking why a doctor uses medical books for diagnoses.

Or why a lawyer uses the law to debate his case in court.
2008-06-09 19:24:03 UTC
because they consider it a valid reference source. Christians consider it the inspired word of God just like Muslims consider the Qua ran the inspired word of God and Mormons consider....etc. OF course that is meaningless in terms of a strictly logical argument, but to a believer it is just accepted as fact in the same way that us requiring air to breathe is a fact. I'm not sure if they are incapable of seeing how circular an argument that amounts to "this book is true because it says it is", but i don't think it makes a difference because to a person who is thoroughly convinced he/she is right without doubt, the protocals of logic get tossed.
2008-06-09 19:24:08 UTC
You've been only talking to "fundamentalist" Christians. Not all Christians think that way, or take every phrase of the Bible literally. If you spoke to more progressive Christians you might even find some that embrace pagan ideas as well (such as myself).
2008-06-09 19:24:12 UTC
I like to use them too

Deuteronomy 17 says Kill everyone who has religious beliefs that are different from your own.

What the Bible says Biblical Justice: Everybody must get stoned

17:2 If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant,

17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;

17:4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:

17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
Ephesians 2:8
2008-06-09 19:36:20 UTC
To MAKE SURE they truly show their obedience to GOD Most High, Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

That a True Born Again Christians; truly rely, trust and depend upon God's grace, mercy, and salvation and not just to a man-made traditions and commandments of men like themselves; Acts 5:29

Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to OBEY GOD rather THAN MEN. AMEN.

Ink in paper but who can write these things?2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture [is] given by INSPIRATION of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 4:2

PREACH the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. Amen.

Besides, we do not forced anyone the issue to make them believe, but we were commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ: Matthew 28

18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.
2008-06-09 21:35:41 UTC
Your entire life could be summed up in ink on paper, does that make you false or non-existant?
2008-06-09 19:21:42 UTC
Two reasons. One, it's the only thing they have. That and some other books from scholars. Two, they want to make it clear that they are intellectuals, and if you cannot talk scripture, you are not able to understand all their glory, you little person.

Also, the intent is to drag you into the Bible for the argument, so you are on their turf. If they went outside, they know their fragile arguments are hard to hold. They are fish.
2008-06-09 19:27:20 UTC
Well when someone asks, "what does ths bible say about..." a bible verse is probably appropriate.
2008-06-09 19:21:55 UTC
some of us are short term memory and need to refer to studies in order to explain our definitions of life and the facts we follow.
2008-06-09 19:24:03 UTC
Fundies think the Bible, like your pagan spells, is magic(k), and will make you see the light. Both are silly, of course.
2008-06-09 19:27:11 UTC are not a why do you care.....just for you to know it is a guide your Salvation....hopefully you will learn before it's to late...Satan has many souls'll find out if you don't work out your salvation that.......Satan got you headed for everlasting hell full of lost souls burning forever....he will be sure to remind you of this warning you just got.........Amen
2008-06-09 19:29:18 UTC
when i use someone else's material.. i dont want to plagiarize but give credit where credit is due.

my highschool teacher in writing class taught that.

2008-06-09 19:26:31 UTC

thats because you dont try to understand it you have to read the above and the after

Laughing Libra
2008-06-09 19:22:59 UTC
Amen, you said it.

I just schem over the words and give it a thumbs down.
j dog
2008-06-09 19:20:52 UTC
well spiritually thats ignorant.

i mean being a non scientist..i could say all your studies and observations dont mean anything to me..since i dont understand it...

so it means nothing to me...

but it still doesnt take away the validity of it does it????
2008-06-09 19:20:36 UTC
Apparently they have no other references to use. It's funny how something as great as God only has a book to prove his existence...
The Asker
2008-06-09 19:22:14 UTC
Ju Ju, yeah right, now the bible is God on paper.
Ju ju
2008-06-09 19:20:21 UTC
The Bible IS God on paper. it gives me access to the min of God...and his intelligence.

These are a few of the proofs.
2008-06-09 19:19:48 UTC
Circular reasoning, isn't it? To prove something is truthful, you have to look outside that thing for evidence.
2008-06-09 19:20:20 UTC
Because the poor dears have only one source to use!
Ladyfair I
2008-06-09 19:20:20 UTC
because they believe it, they expect you to believe it, too. it really doesn't make sense.
Eric H
2008-06-09 19:20:00 UTC
Because they can't think for themselves.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.