well, I don't think christians are particularly expected by society to worship christ, we just do. And on that note, Christ is worshipped because of the belief that he is God, not because he freed people (although, to be fair, Moses freed the Israelites.....hmm...do jews worship Moses? I'm actually not sure tbh I haven't studied Judaism :/)
Actually, Lincoln didn't really free the slaves, he signed the emancipation proclemation, promising slaves in the "rebelling states (confederates) to be free when said states were brought back in the union. Slaves in the Border states in the union were still slaves. Though Lincoln pushed for the 13th amendment, and no doubt would have passed it, it was under Johnson (due to Lincoln's tragic death) that it was finally being used.
Also, it's kinda a hard call to make, I mean Jesus was crucified, one of the most tortuous ways to be killed, in addition to being tortured before hand, and supposedly he accepted this fate, which isn't the lightest weight psychologically (it's not easy to say yes to going through what Jesus was said to go through, regardless to if you believe in the events or not, I would not say yes to a crown of thorns, beating, whipping, carrying a cross, and crucifixion). Honestly, I don't have the wisdom to determine what takes more effort.