what happens when we die?
2009-09-04 05:03:34 UTC
what happens when we die people honest answers please no jokes - something must happen, do all the mysteries of life get answered when we die? there must be a god - ok so maybe the world was made from a big bang - but who put the chemicals there for the big bang to happen etc why are we on earth?
36 answers:
2009-09-04 05:06:49 UTC
2009-09-04 05:23:23 UTC
thats a question no one can answer. its something that has riddled mankind ever since we became aware of our own consciousness. I don't think the answer you seek will be found here. Thats just to easy. Its something you have to discover for yourself, and i know this isn't the answer you want to hear, but its all i've got. the big bang, god, its all too much sometimes and if you keep thinking about it you'll probably just become depressed. thats the problem with the natural human curiosity... we always want answers, but at some point you have to see that t5he answer can only truly be found within yourself. there are many scientists that dont believe in god and will try to tell you he doesnt exsist, then drone on about the big bang or whatever theory they have. but ton the othert hand you have devout religious people who drone on about 'the lord'. here, you will only find people who want you to see things their way, but in reality, this is a choice you must make yourself.. it may sound silly, but its better to think for yourself. take everything on board but sort it out yourself. i suppose i might have rambled quite a bit, but i hope i have helped.

i know you said no jokes, but once, i asked my brother when i was 5, "where does god come from?" he replied "i paper bag"

i suppose i am telling you this cause, we dont know what actually "created" the big bang, as in how the matter got there in the first place, but we dont even know where god comes from either...
The Dark Side
2009-09-04 05:40:59 UTC
Nobody knows as nobody has come back to tell us.

Why "must" there be a god? Your statement about the Big Bang shows that you don't know what the theory is - it didn't start with chemicals, but in all probability with a random quantum mechanical fluctuation in the primordial vacuum.
2009-09-04 05:20:35 UTC
Death is the soul separating from the body.

God exists the world just didn't happen from a chemical

reaction since Someone had to make the chemicals too.

There is the particular judgment before God, you have 3

spiritual places to reside until the end of the world, 2 are permanent

1 is temporary. I recall C.S. Lewis(who was an atheist until he reasoned out the Truth) he says we will stand before God with all our sins and ask to be cleansed because we want to be perfect to live in our new home.

Try reading "Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, its a very small book about the devil its not theology just something to ponder.
2009-09-07 13:51:02 UTC
Because of ALL the IDEAS that are NOT from Gods Word, the Bible, there is a lot of WRONG IDEAS.

A very good booklet that can help you understand that death is a sleep until the return of Jesus Christ and then the people will be resurrected and judgment will begin. The judgment is showing them what the Bible say about living and having them to live according to the 10 Commandments.

This is the booklet :What Happens After Death?

What is the purpose of life? What is Your Destiny?

What is the REAL STORY of Jesus Christ FROM your Bible? Jesus Christ - The Real Story

the original (primitive) Christianity

2009-09-04 05:21:20 UTC
You ever look at dead person? They are very still.

They could care less about what is happening around them for they are completely unaware of being dead or of ever being alive. What happens after we die is that we are dead.

You will be dead forever and ever. It was a long time until you lived, but a much longer time for you in the death mode-- immeasurable.

Quit worrying about it-- Get on with living and live well.
Barking Toad
2009-09-04 05:10:19 UTC
When we die, our heart stops transporting oxygen, which causes the cells of the brain to shut down (and eventually whither and die) because of oxygen deprivation. Hallucinations are common as part of this process, as different parts of the brain dealing with various sensory apparatus shuts down. This is where "near death experiences" come from.

After that you won't feel or know any more. Your body is then usually either put in the ground to decompose or it is cremated (i.e. burnt to cinders).

There is no evidence to suggest that any part of the human consciousness can survive the death of the brain.

There is also no evidence for any "god(s)", and simply saying you don't understand where something came from or how is no reason to invent a supernatural explanation for which you have zero independent evidence.
2009-09-04 05:50:21 UTC
When we died, we reborn, again and again, until we successfully uprooted greed, hatred and delusion from our mind.

There are Gods ( not a God ) and Gods are not the Creator.

There is no Creator. We come to be and vanish to be because of cause and conditions.

We are on Earth because of our craving for sensual pleasures. When such clinging ceases in our mind, we will no longer be on Earth.
2015-12-12 17:17:02 UTC
You(your generation of minds) will rebirth according to what you have done(Karma) in this life(or in previous lives) since you have not attain enlightenment(eternal happiness). If you have done many good deeds you will rebirth in a good place(heaven, human realm). But if you have done many bad deeds you will rebirth in a bad place(Animal realm, evil spit, daemon, hell animal). There is no supernatural being that determines anyone's fate of its own will and everyone is responsible for their own actions and their consequences. I think it is same as Newton's third law of nature. If you have done any of five bad crimes or sins(Anantarika-karma) you will definitely reborn in a hell world. No one even a god can't stop it.

When your last mind(Chuthi Chiththa) vanish from your body(death), your next mind(Prathisandi Chiththa) will start in a new body(birth) but no time delay for this(according to Abhidharma) even if you rebirth in a far away solar system(Isn't this wonderfully? Mind is the most fastest thing. fastest than light).


* You do good deed, good result return. You do bad deed, bad result returns.(There is Karma)

* Helping or gifting to a virtuous person will return many good deeds than to a normal person.

* There is a life after death.

* There are extraterrestrial worlds (including hells and heavens). Some animals came here after death; some animals go there after death.

* Helping or gifting to mother and father will return many good deeds than to a normal person.

* There are some animals who born instantly from their karma without mother or father(Such as gods)

* Rarely, unusual intelligent men are born. Some of them are becomes monk and concentrate their mind with meditation. Some of them are getting unusual intelligent and will discourse a great teachings saying how to become happy forever (Four Nobel Truths). They are called Buddha’s.

Noble Eightfold Path - Right View

The Four Noble Truths by Ven. Rerukane Chamdavimala Maha nahimai ( Tenfold Right Understanding - 152 page )
2009-09-04 05:49:07 UTC
we definetly dont go 2 heaven or hell. cuz 1st of all theres no hell. Ecclesiastes 9:5 - "For the living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead they are consiouse of nothing at all, neigther do they anyrememberance of them has been forgotten." in other words the dead have no conscience n they just turn into dust like Genesis 3:19 says - for dust you are and dust you will return.
2009-09-04 05:12:46 UTC
You know honestly and truthfully there may be no answer that is going to satisfy your craving for "the truth" some people are honestly going to tell you that we rot and thats it , i believe of a beautiful place (you know like in the movies) where i will see the people that i have lost and finally get a chance to play with chico my blue pitbull i lost to parvo...see how i got side tract? You see bro its really what you make it , dont let someone scare you and make you just fear dying , its going to come , i hate the thought of maybe losing my parents one day , but its going to happen , but remember we will all come again together. *On a side note* When i die i want to know the weirdest things you know? ; how many times i farted , how many pounds of pooped i produced haha lol TIVO my life!!!!!! Its going to be mother ******ing comcastic lol remember smile now cry later some **** you may regret now , but you will laugh like **** later about it!!
2009-09-04 05:17:02 UTC
well , of course there's a God who made this world for us to examine us !

we the muslims believe when you die , the happening depends on what you did during your life ! if you were a good person , one beautiful angel come and bring you to a place which is similar to heaven !

if you were a bad person , one ugly & horrible angel come & bring you to a place similar to hell !

after doom day finally God would make decision that your place is heaven or hell ! but as i mentioned it depends on your acts !
2009-09-07 23:03:35 UTC
i really cant give you a sure-**** answer, but i got this idea/theory from the movie "what dreams may come" where you die and you (being your consciousness) goes to your own personal "heaven" and its just the perfect place for you.
2009-09-04 05:10:41 UTC
Depends on what you believe, if you repent and believe in Jesus and what he paid for you and that if you believe you shal not perish and fall under the wrath of God.

If you dont, you are already under the wrath of God and when the great day comes you will be judged and then be cut off and thrown ino the fire (wrath of God) and there will be Much whaling and gnashing of teeth.

Oh by the way. God put you on is also in the bible that the creation is proof of God and His glory. you have no excuse to not believe in Him. so repent and believe that your sins payment has been made by another. and if you believe in Him (Jesus) you WILL be saved.
2009-09-04 05:16:33 UTC
Im going to heaven because im saved by christ but going to the big bang theory it was made up by a Catholic priest, Einstein read what the person wrote said his math was right but his physics was abominable .
2009-09-04 05:09:22 UTC
It all depends on what you believe if you're an atheist than you will have totally different views from a Christian say, personally i am Muslim so i do believe there is a heaven and hell - add details of your religion. and you will get more responses :) hope i helped xx
2009-09-04 05:32:40 UTC
Isn't what happens when we live more interesting? No offense to dead people but they are seriously pretty boring.
L Reborn
2009-09-04 05:12:27 UTC
This is only speculation but I believe we simply cease to exist (mentally of course)

Why must there be a God?
2009-09-04 05:08:33 UTC
(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten.

(Ecclesiastes 9:10) All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in She′ol, the place to which you are going.
2009-09-04 05:10:34 UTC
well it depends on what you believe i guess. i personally dont believe in heaven or hell but if you do then i guess you will get to find out. we will probably never know what happens therefore dont be scared but excited for what will come.. :)
2009-09-04 05:09:12 UTC
ask a dead person and let me know how it goes.

who says something must happen when we die? just because one believes it should doesn't make it so. have you heard of evidence?
2009-09-04 05:20:56 UTC
Where does the flame go, when the candle is extinguished?
Lone Ranger,Christian Israelite
2009-09-04 05:30:05 UTC
When a person dies they go into their grave and wait for the time the Almighty has set for their resurrection.
2009-09-04 05:09:10 UTC
Typically your soul emerges out of your body, and your old body drops like old clothes. You probably then meet your spiritual guides and guardian angels who lead you to the next steps. They say there is a lot of learning we continue to do even after we die, and we then make a choice whether we want to return to earth in order to take another life, or if we want to continue learning more before doing that.

The universe is expanding and will continue to expand unto infinity. Nobody knows the true beginning of the universe, but why would you want to go there, that is so boring. What is more interesting is to engage in powerful co-creation and help in the continuous expansion of the Universe. We are on earth to help in this continuous expansion by actualising our desires.
just another one in a million
2009-09-04 05:07:05 UTC
well you're dead so it doesnt really matter much after that.

You're just dead. Gone. Nothing. Your mind is part of your brain which shuts down and then decays in death.

cheery thought.
Do Something Brave
2009-09-04 05:09:49 UTC
In big letters you will see: GAME OVER
Joey &Shelly M
2009-09-04 05:07:36 UTC
We get to see all our loved ones that have died. Then we review our life and have to answer to all the mistakes we made.
Dirk D
2009-09-04 05:06:25 UTC
No one knows. But if you live a good life of listening, helping, nurturing....your odds of something really special increase.
2009-09-04 05:07:24 UTC
I believe in heaven but i beleive when you die you go to the place you belive is paridise or the place you belive in hell
Chuck C
2009-09-04 05:06:37 UTC
You see a message that says Sorry, Try Again.
2009-09-04 05:08:38 UTC
Well i believe and researched that we pass over to another life as something else anything . But then again i do also believe in heaven.

answer myne back please
Insane P [Thor hammer you]
2009-09-04 05:06:59 UTC
We become a great fertilizer.
2009-09-04 05:22:42 UTC
We die.There's nothing else to it
2009-09-04 05:08:17 UTC
What happens is, it's like you go through someones digestive system. You get eaten, then god poops you out into heaven
2009-09-04 05:06:33 UTC
i believe in heaven, i hope there is one
2009-09-04 05:10:39 UTC
We enter the bardos of death and then are reborn.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.