This is a difficult question for me in a way, as an atheist, because I generally object to them all, although having considered them to answer this question, I must conclude that Islam is without a doubt the WORST RELIGION IN THE WORLD.
I say that even though I have Muslim relatives and I love them a lot. But I cannot stand their religion, its misogyny, its barbaric methods of discipline, its antiquated laws, and its insistence that it is the ONLY correct religion, although this deplorable characteristic is common among monotheistic religions, particularly Christianity, which came in a close second as the worst religion in the world.
I am a pantheist as well as an atheist, but since I do not consider pantheism a religion, it is not relevant to this question. So, for best religion, I must go with my fellow Witches, (although I am not a Wiccan Witch) and award Wicca as the best religion in the world. My Wiccan friends have shown me their religion as inclusive, and the fact that in general, they do not regard the gods and goddesses as real, thinking creatures out there somewhere. Rather, they regard them as archetypes of behavior and guides along their spiritual path. Also, they are very connected to Mother Earth, and in that respect, since my beliefs are very strong in this area, I am happy to say that their religion and practices are the very best that a religion can be.
What a wonderful question!!!!
Bright Blessings,
Lady Morgana
Atheist, Pantheist, and Witch