Why don't most Mormons follow the Word of Wisdom?
2008-07-03 09:20:59 UTC
The lds church is so strict about not drinking coffee or tea, or smoking. But there is one part of the Word of Wisdom (Doctrine and Covenants 89) that almost all of them do not follow:

D&C 89:12-15: "Yea, flesh also of beasts and of fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless, they are to be used sparingly;

And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine. All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;

And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger."

I am lds, so I'm not trying to be one of those trolls that points out alleged flaws in the church. But seriously guys, why isn't this part of the Word of Wisdom important to us? Why do a lot of Mormons eat meat all the time?
Fifteen answers:
Jersey Guy
2008-07-03 10:09:22 UTC
I agree with your assesment concerning Meat and Grains. If taken in the entire context, I think there are very few who obey (follow the advice of) the Word of Wisdom in it's entirety. I know I don't! I eat Meat all the time and also whole wheat bread and love Corn on the cob!

I have spoke in Church on this subject and not always been recieved well! as you mention most LDS only like to think of Alcohol, smoking and Coffee! -----Please remember the first 4 verses of the 89th section. Read in particular the 2nd. For those who don't know the entire text or what is being talked about here I am posting the 89th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants, One of the LDS Scriptures, for you to read in context!------Why are we so hung up on ","'s? Take it in the spirit in which it was written!,20#18

From this link you can read all LDS Sriptures including the Bible. You can also do searches. A great link!

Proud Vet
2016-05-27 08:22:29 UTC
Well you should quit smoking because its one of the DUMBEST habits anyone can have! Honestly, yes, people will look down on that. Not just because its against the word of wisdom but because its a ridiculous, unhealthy and expensive habit. You are 16 and a convert and so most people will see you as a kid that has a bad habit and not some terrible sinner, but you are also at an age where you should be figuring out for yourself if this church is true and something you really want to be a part of completely. If you ever want to go to the temple or serve a mission or hold a calling then you better drop that habit. You need to figure out what it is you believe in and act accordingly. Do what you do for the right reasons, however. It should be because you value your own health and you believe in the church and not just because you are afraid of what others will think. Who cares what others think? What do you think? What would your Heavenly Father think? edit you shouldnt take the sacrament because you arent keeping the commandments You should only be taking the sacrament if you are truly trying to keep all the commandments. Its a renewal of your covenants you made with God. If you are purposely not keeping all of them then you shouldnt be taking the sacrament. No one is perfect and we all sin, but if you are sinning constantly with no desire or attempts to change then you just shouldnt be taking the sacrament. You really should speak to the Bishop about this.' Mormon 9:29 29 See that ye are not baptized unworthily; see that ye partake not of the sacrament of Christ unworthily; but see that ye do all things in worthiness, and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; and if ye do this, and endure to the end, ye will in nowise be cast out. 1 Corinthians 11:29 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.
2008-07-03 12:35:28 UTC
Let me give you something else to ponder:

The Word of Wisdom does not mention coffee or tea specifically. It says "hot drinks". The idea of coffee and tea came from Brigham Young. So...why isn't hot chocolate looked at as a hot drink? Hot chocolate has been around for centuries. And since they didn't have things like iced tea or iced coffee back then, is it really that different than drinking a Pepsi or Coke now? I'm not trying to be rude, but this is one thing I have thought about for a while. I'm a member of the church too, but I fail to see why we seem to focus so much on one passage of scripture and leave out the rest in the section.

By the way, I wouldn't worry about the comma thing. It gives you something to think about it, but in reality, there are lots of places in the scriptures that don't use [what we consider] proper grammar. I agree with what Jersey Guy said, "Take it in the spirit in which it was written!"
2008-07-03 22:53:29 UTC
I wonder why people eat so much meat too!!! "And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used,,,,,, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine." Most just see the "ordained for the use of man" and do not keep reading! They are in denial! I wish I were called to talk about the word of wisdom in my sacrament meeting. I would totally talk about this meat eating every day (and very often every MEAL!)habit...

I am vegan because I am NOT going to support factory farming. So I know how hard is to buy food with NO animal product in it. People have bacon and sausage for breakfast, hamburguer for lunch, and steak for dinner. Sick!

Meat is cheap because cages that are too tight for 1 chicken are now holding 10 or more. They cannot even move, turn around or open their wings. The same happen to cows, pigs, and other animals. This is why there is so much meat available and it is often cheaper than vegetables and fruits. I refuse to eat tortured animals.

*Joseph F. Smith, 6th President: I do not believe any man should kill animals or birds unless he “needs” them for food....Love of nature is akin to the love of God... *

I do hope we can all do better on this aspect.
Big On Drums
2008-07-03 09:35:34 UTC
Mainly, I think because meat is very good to most people. It provides a lot of protein and makes you feel full when you eat it. It isn't a commandment, but more of a suggestion, and it is said we can eat it, just sparingly. I love meat myself, and I have a hard time distinguishing what is "sparingly".

The suggestion is there, and the funny thing is, almost all doctors and studies agree with it. So . . . good question, why don't we follow this more closely?

I didn't have to give anything up when I joined the church, I was already obeying the word of wisdom and law of chastity.
2008-07-03 10:13:07 UTC
I've thought about that part of the Word of Wisdom lately and have made a conscious effort to reduce the amount of meat I eat. However, I don't judge other members that may eat more meat than me. The WofW doesn't give an absolute prohibition of meat like it does of more addictive substances like it's a judgment call...the church isn't going to tell use exactly how many pounds of meat we can and cannot eat.

Personally, I felt like I needed to cut down recently, and in general, perhaps members should pay a little more attention to that part of the WofW...but I truly don't believe anyone who eats a hamburger on the 4th of July tomorrow is breaking any commandments.
2008-07-03 09:25:04 UTC
Are you aware of the comma issue discussed by Joseph Fielding Smith in the verse?

Many BBQ loving leaders wondered if the first comma in v13 should really be there. Not trying to stir up controversy but those are the facts.

You left out v14 which means grain is also listed as "And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger."

All things in moderation. We eat very little meat as a family, but there is an element of personal interpretation in it.

As defined by the missionary lessons the word of wisdom is no smoking, tobacco, illegal drugs, alcohol, tea, or caffeinated coffee.

The rest is up to you!

EDIT: Right, but it also says that about grain since 14 comes between 13 and 15. JF Smith's councilor wondered if v15 was in reference to v14 only. Read it without the comma and v15 applying to v14.

I don't personally subscribe to that viewpoint, but it's an interesting shift in the meaning of that section and certainly merits introspective evaluation.
2008-07-03 09:35:50 UTC
The word of wisdom includes everything about living a healthy lifestyle. i would agree that we focus too much on the 5 forbiddens. I believe for some people Mcdonalds can be just as bad as smoking. (they are getting better though) I'm a huge fan of mcdonalds (or any fast food) so thats my personal belief. We definitely need to work on our health better, including exercising. There's no reason a 300-400 pound member should be so big. You are what you eat.

Meat is a staple food here. 4th of July Barbaque!!!! I can't wait to use my new grill!!!!

Edit: Maz, you would love the sealed portion book that some guy translated the 116 lost pages. Thats all the book talks about. Bashing organized religion. look it up

I agree. If you have a medical condition that causes people to gain that much wieght, they are exempted from the law. I weigh 200 lbs right now which is huge. I choose to be that way though. All i have to do is change my diet, but i don't want to right now. I'm addicted to food (Go Arbys) and therefore not following the WoW as much as i should.
Cholla Cacti are not nice
2008-07-03 09:31:48 UTC
My first thought was that maybe it was subconsciously looked at as a sin of omission vs comission. I have no problem following a commandment of what not to do but I often overlook the portion of what I should do. (If that makes sense.) I'm in that category myself. I don't overindulge in meat, yuck, but I do like red meat and I don't eat as many veggies, fruits and grains as I should. My proportions on my plate are just off. Although I do eat more chicken than red meat. Anyway, I also thought of the topic of caffeine as well. It's not specifically commanded but even Hinkley told Larry King that we don't drink caffeine. I still drink the occasional Pepsi and don't feel it is wrong. Maybe one day I'll change my position but not anytime soon.


Josh, I've never noticed that before!! I had to look it up and re-read it with and without the comma. Amazing what one comma can do to an interpretation of scripture. I'll still believe it as it's been taught but that opened my mind up to something new. Cool!


LDS careful about saying members shouldn't be 300-400 lbs. There are those who, medically, can't do anything about their weight and it's not fair to label them. But yes, there are a lot of members who are morbidly obese and could probably do something about it. Food can be just as strong as an addiction as smoking, alcohol or drugs. I know I could lose another 15 lbs and I'm working on it (lost 30 so far!!) but it's taken many years of reprogramming my brain and how I look at food.
plastik punk -Bottom Contributor
2008-07-03 10:27:17 UTC
A proper and healthy diet is part that I try to follow. I don't eat meat every day, but I do every week. I have heard of some bishops denying recommends because the member was grossly overweight. Don't know if it's true or not, but I have found that people who are usually really unhealthy because of how they choose to eat and exercise don't really take part in going to the temple or doing any service anyway.
book lover duck
2008-07-03 09:34:14 UTC
That scripture isn't encouraging us to become vegetarians or anything. I guess every day is thanksgiving or something for us. I think everyone notices verse 12 so we eat it sparingly, as in only one serving per meal. Seems silly to me. Well, if we are doing something seriously wrong, then I guess we'll all be punished, but i doubt it.
Open Heart Searchery
2008-07-03 09:25:52 UTC
I think the Word of Wisdom has been blown out of proportion, at least parts of it. Other parts, like you mention, are basically ignored.

I mean, Jesus and Joseph Smith (post D&C 89) both drank wine. So how sinful can it be?

I am LDS, and no, I don't have a Word of Wisdom problem. :-)
2008-07-03 09:59:32 UTC
I was LDS for a little over four years. Went to the Temple, did Temple work and such. One thing I did, which not many Mormons do, and that is study and read the Book of Mormon and ask God for the truth in the scriptures. Open your Quad to D&C; Section 29; 34-35.

I left the church because of my love For God. I love the Book of Mormon, and the Bible together you can't go wrong unless you follow men, and not God.

The scriptures above explain God fantastically. If God makes no temporal commandments, then, who made all of the laws of man? Men did, that's who.

Go to the book of Ezekiel; Chapter 14; verses 7-11. See what God thinks of those who ask Prophets and such about him. God wants to teach you about himself. We are not to follow men.

Joseph Smith knew this and in a book I bought through the LDS Bookstore; The Teachings of Jospeh Smith, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith. I want to share a truth with you through Joseph Smiths own words.

Before they had set up stakes as the church grew, Joseph Smith knew he had done wrong starting a church, which he thought would house the Priesthood on earth. Page 321. I say to all those who are disposed to set up stakes for the Almighty. You will come short of the glory of God. To become a joint heir of the heirship of the Son, one must put away all his false traditions.

All rituals of man, no matter what religion, is wrong in the eyes of God. The Priesthood, which they say they have, is a false Priesthood, as false as the Catholics. Gods Priesthood, is a spiritual Priesthood, and I know, for I am in the true Melchizedek Priesthood, which are those who've been pre-ordained a thousand years before we were born.

I left the church to follow Gods true Church which lies inside us. Gods chosen people are under the covenant in the Book of Hebrews; Chapter 8, verses 10-12. Read it. Gods people shall not go out or teach his brother or his neighbor, Know God, for all shall know God from the least to the greatest.

Go to Revelation, Chapter 3; 7-12. Read of the New Jerusalem, and study 12, and he shall go out no more, I tried talkling of the New Jerusalem and I was told by my Bishop not to ever talk of it again. Isn't that sad. We aren't allowed to speak of Jesus. For that is going to be his new name upon his return, and yet, the Prophets of your church doesn't see this in the scriptures, because they are of the world.

Your truly love God, read the Book of Mormon and ask God for truths ony revealed to those who love all truth in all things. The world God loves not. Nor does he love those who love the world. 1 John; Chapter 2; 15,16. & James; Chapter 4; 4. Read them.

I love all people, but I follow God, not men. The only Prophet we are to follow in these last days, is Jesus Christ.

I wish not to anger, but just inform, for my calling is made sure by God. I am a watcher, and shall repeat myself to all who will listen.

Note: How can they follow the world of wisdom which is nothing compared to following and understanding the words of Christ.

May God be with you and God bless you.
Tug Stein™
2008-07-03 09:52:24 UTC
I totally ate a two pound cheeseburger last week.

(It was a challenge.. Not a regular meal..)

Mike C
2008-07-03 09:26:32 UTC
I am not Mormon, but that is a good question. I can't wait to hear there response.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.