I was LDS for a little over four years. Went to the Temple, did Temple work and such. One thing I did, which not many Mormons do, and that is study and read the Book of Mormon and ask God for the truth in the scriptures. Open your Quad to D&C; Section 29; 34-35.
I left the church because of my love For God. I love the Book of Mormon, and the Bible together you can't go wrong unless you follow men, and not God.
The scriptures above explain God fantastically. If God makes no temporal commandments, then, who made all of the laws of man? Men did, that's who.
Go to the book of Ezekiel; Chapter 14; verses 7-11. See what God thinks of those who ask Prophets and such about him. God wants to teach you about himself. We are not to follow men.
Joseph Smith knew this and in a book I bought through the LDS Bookstore; The Teachings of Jospeh Smith, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith. I want to share a truth with you through Joseph Smiths own words.
Before they had set up stakes as the church grew, Joseph Smith knew he had done wrong starting a church, which he thought would house the Priesthood on earth. Page 321. I say to all those who are disposed to set up stakes for the Almighty. You will come short of the glory of God. To become a joint heir of the heirship of the Son, one must put away all his false traditions.
All rituals of man, no matter what religion, is wrong in the eyes of God. The Priesthood, which they say they have, is a false Priesthood, as false as the Catholics. Gods Priesthood, is a spiritual Priesthood, and I know, for I am in the true Melchizedek Priesthood, which are those who've been pre-ordained a thousand years before we were born.
I left the church to follow Gods true Church which lies inside us. Gods chosen people are under the covenant in the Book of Hebrews; Chapter 8, verses 10-12. Read it. Gods people shall not go out or teach his brother or his neighbor, Know God, for all shall know God from the least to the greatest.
Go to Revelation, Chapter 3; 7-12. Read of the New Jerusalem, and study 12, and he shall go out no more, I tried talkling of the New Jerusalem and I was told by my Bishop not to ever talk of it again. Isn't that sad. We aren't allowed to speak of Jesus. For that is going to be his new name upon his return, and yet, the Prophets of your church doesn't see this in the scriptures, because they are of the world.
Your truly love God, read the Book of Mormon and ask God for truths ony revealed to those who love all truth in all things. The world God loves not. Nor does he love those who love the world. 1 John; Chapter 2; 15,16. & James; Chapter 4; 4. Read them.
I love all people, but I follow God, not men. The only Prophet we are to follow in these last days, is Jesus Christ.
I wish not to anger, but just inform, for my calling is made sure by God. I am a watcher, and shall repeat myself to all who will listen.
Note: How can they follow the world of wisdom which is nothing compared to following and understanding the words of Christ.
May God be with you and God bless you.