2012-06-18 23:02:21 UTC
- The universe is amazingly fine-tuned to support life. Special parameters such as Earth's distance from the sun, elemental composition, atmospheric composition, etc. All of them must be perfectly balanced for life to exist. The odds that a planet would have these exact parameters by random chance is 1:10^282 (282 zeros).
- The odds that a single protein molecule would form by chance is 1:10^243
- Everything that happens is an effect that has a cause. So what was the First Cause?
- Jesus fulfilled every single prophecy that was made about Him. The odds that He would fulfill only eight of them is 1:10^17.
- If Jesus had not truly risen, why couldn't His enemies simply produce His body and show it to everyone to prove He was still dead? That would have easily shut down Christianity, but they couldn't do it.
((OF COURSE they couldn't find it.http://www.jesusneverexisted.com))
- Why were Jesus' disciples and other eyewitnesses be willing to be tortured and killed for their testimony to the Resurrection if they knew it was false? What did they have to gain?
- Why did some of Christianity's strongest opponents, such as Saul of Tarsus, suddenly turn around and become passionate evangelists?
((he went a little nutty maybe??)
I realize all of these arguments don't prove anything, and they have all be refuted countless times.
But THESE are the arguments true believers are using. If they used their computers ito actually research these points, they might understand how these arguments are sorely invalid, desperate even, especially the last one.
So my Q is: What's with this information gap? If these are his arguments, then can I assume, given today's access to information, that his arguments, as a christian, are not arguments from ignorance, but rather a WILLFUL deception? Contempt for humanity, even?
Anti-social personality types can and will do such things and laugh to themselves.