7.1) Miracles of Quran
7.1.1) The first revelation of Quran to unlettered Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) was:
"Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), has created man from something that clings. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen, has taught man that which he knew not. (Quran:Surah 96 Al-Alaq:1-5)
Only this verse is full of miracle! How? "Has created man from something that clings" No science, no biology, no zoology and no genetic was known at that time. And just recently science told us, "The sperm clings through the cervical mucus (thick fluid that helps to protect the cervix and uterus from infection), into the uterus, and up the fallopian tubes (channels connecting the ovaries to the uterus), where fertilization normally occurs. If a sperm is able to penetrate, or fertilize, an egg, and if other conditions are favorable, the fertilized egg will travel from the fallopian tubes to the uterus, where it will implant itself in the uterine lining and fetal development will begin. (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2003).
7.1.2) Steps for formation of baby:
Here the steps for formation of baby is mentioned minutely: The stage of foetus, then making of bones from that, then covering of bones with flesh and at last making of creature. Modern biology had told that up to formation of embryo structure of baby remains similar for all animals and after that it is developed out into creature as per type.
Then We made the sperm into a clot of congealed blood; then of that clot We made a (foetus) lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh; then We developed out of it another creature: so blessed be Allah the Best to create! (Quran;23 Al-Muminun-14)
7.1.3) Preservation of the Body of Pharaoh:
We find very strange historical information about the preservation of the body of Pharoah, the Eqyptian king who claimed god-hood and opposed Prophet Moses (peace be upon him):
"We led the Children of Israel across the sea. Fir'on and his hosts pursued them with wickedness and oppression, until when drowning, he cried out: "I believe that there is no god but Him in Whom the Children of Israel believe and I have become one of the Muslims." In response it was said to him: "Now you believe! But a little while before you were disobedient and one of the mischief-makers! We shall save your body this day, so that you may become a sign for the succeeding generations, indeed many among mankind are heedless of Our signs!" (Quran 10 Yunus V-90-92)
Up till start of 20th century all world was asking from Muslims where your God have protected body of Pharaoh? It was found virtually intact by the British archaeologists Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon in 1922. And later mumyphied bodies of all other kings of Pharaoh Tribe. And very recently it is proved that one Pharaoh's mummy has effect of sea water and ooze. And that is Pharaoh who chased Moses (paece be upon him).
7.1.4) Ideas about Creation of Universe:
Then He turned towards the sky, which was but SMOKE, He said to it and to the earth: ‘Come forward both of you willingly or unwillingly,’ and they submitted: ‘ We shall come willing’. (Quran;41-11)
Now science has given proof after Einstein's theory of relativity about this verse. "Big Bang Theory: Currently accepted explanation of the beginning of the universe. The big bang theory proposes that the universe was once extremely compact, dense, and hot. Some original event, a cosmic explosion called the big bang, occurred about 10 billion to 20 billion years ago, and the universe has since been expanding and cooling.
Because scientists cannot look back in time beyond that early epoch, the actual big bang is hidden from them. There is no way at present to detect the origin of the universe. Further, the big bang theory does not explain what existed before the big bang. It may be that time itself began at the big bang, so that it makes no sense to discuss what happened “before” the big bang. (Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2003.)
Allah (The All-Mighty) has created that.
7.1.5) Creation of Living Creature from Water:
Again we see with explaining about big-bang, modern scientific of theory about creation of living creature is discussed. Darwin who believed that man of son of ape in an evolutionary step before millions of years is not correct. He was able to find half truth like blinds; who, touched different parts of an elephant.
Read Quranic verse on that topic: "Have not the unbelievers ever considered that the skies and the earth were once one mass, then We split them asunder? And We have created every living thing from water. Will they still not believe? (Quran Sura21 Al-Anbiya V-30)
And again this topic is discussed in more details: "Allah has created from water every living creature: of them there are some that creep upon their bellies, some that walk on two legs, and yet some that walk on four; Allah creates what He pleases; surely Allah has power over everything. (Quran Sura24 An-Nur V-45)
7.1.6) Modern Plate Theory of Earth:
Here we find the general idea of techtonics.
"And We have planted mountains on earth lest it should tilt to one side with them and We left between them open passages so that they may find the right direction. (Quran Sura21 Al-Anbiya V-31)
7.1.7) Orbital Motion of Planets and Stars:
The orbits of sun and moon is very recent finding of science but Quran tell us about this simply:
"He is the One Who has created the night and the day and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) move swiftly in an orbit of their own. (Quran Sura21 Al-Anbiya V-33)
You see that presence of our earth, as a part of big constellation is very recent information by modern space shuttles but Quran give this information:
"Blessed is the One Who has decked the sky with constellations and placed in it a lamp and a shining moon. (Quran Sura25 Al-Furqan V-61)
7.1.8 Setting places of Stars:
I swear by the setting of the stars, and it is indeed a mighty oath if you but knew it, that this is indeed a Glorious Qur'an, inscribed in a well-guarded Book, which none can touch except the purified (angels): a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds. (Quran, AlWaqiya 75-80)
Stars are visibly very small bodies. But this verse tells us that it is very big if we know and also it refers to setting of stars. It is very recent scientific information that stars are very big bodies million times bigger that our earth. And these are in a process of continuous making and breaking by forces of attraction and repulsion and other atomic reactions. The light takes millions of years to reach to us from these stars. And many of stars are diminished millions years before the light reached to us.
7.1.9 Preservation of Ark of Prophet Noah (pbuh) :
Allah the All-Mighty mentions in Quran about Ark of Noah (pbuh) and inform that this Ark has been made a sign for the people of world. Very recently the fossilized Ark is found in Turkey near the border of Syria.
We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people and he lived among them a thousand years less fifty. Then because of their wrongdoings the flood overtook them. But We delivered him and all who were in the ark and We made that ark a sign for the peoples of the world. (Quran Al-Ankabut V-14&15)
7.1.10 Finger Prints :
The study of fingerprints was made by the Czech physiologist Johannes Evengelista Purkinje in 1823. He proposed a system of classification for finger prints. The use of fingerprints for identification purposes was proposed late in the 19th century by the British scientist Sir Francis Galton, who wrote a detailed study of fingerprints in which he presented a new classification system using prints of all ten fingers. In the 1890s the police in Bengal, India, under the British police official Sir Edward Richard Henry, began using fingerprints to identify criminals. And as assistant commissioner of metropolitan police, Henry established the first British fingerprint files in London in 1901. But we find Quran has mentioned the uniqueness and specialty of these lines of finger tips centuries before when the world was even far away from any type of scientific studies.
Quran mentions : "Does man think that We shall not be able to put his bones together? Why not? We are able to put together, in perfect order, the very tips of his fingers. (Quran Al-Qiyamat V-3&4)
7.1.11 Area for Thinking Power in the Brain :
It has been established very recently by the biological scientists that Emotion, behaviour, awareness and memory occurs and come to action in the frontal part of the brain. But we see Quran has mentioned this facts centuries ago in the following sense:
"Have you seen the one (Abu Jahl) who forbids. Our servant from offering Salah (prayer)? Have you considered, if He was on the right guidance, or was enjoining true piety, why he would forbid someone from prayer? Have you considered, if he denies the truth and turns away, what will happen? Does he not know that Allah is observing all things? Nay! Let him know that if he does not stop, We will drag him by the forelock, a lying, sinful forelock. So let him call his supporters for help, (Quran Al-Alaq V-9&17)
7.1.12 Heart Disease Described in an Example of Feeling of Disbelievers:
Medical specialists know very clearly about the symptoms of heart disease that heart veins are shrunken and flow of blood is obstructed. Allah the All-Mighty told about this situation in Quran while specifying the behaviour of criminals about the truth:
"Whomever Allah wills to guide, He opens his chest to Islam and whomever He intends to confound, He makes his chest narrow and squeezes so tight that, at