Will you believe in Hell after what I have to say?
2006-04-20 19:03:52 UTC
I know you might think of me as some smug atheist, but to me love and understanding is far more important than worship, and a God that tolerates Hell is not God. If you truly believed in goodness, you wouldn’t put up these barriers between people. But no, you go about condemning your fellow man to an eternity in Hell despite the good they’ve done, despite the choices that were forced upon them…how is that logical? How is that unselfish? And where is the independent thought in that? Obey and be rewarded right? That’s what dogs do, we’re human beings. We decide how our lives are meaningful, and we should preach love and peace instead of blame and contempt. Now I don’t have anything against Christianity or any other religion, but this self-indulgent concept of Hell has to end. To believe in Hell keeps you insensitive to the suffering of others. It makes you see a person as less than a human being and that is F*CKED UP.
85 answers:
2006-05-04 14:10:43 UTC
First, being a Christian = being a sinner!

So, true Christians don't really say they are better than others, just compassionate enough to dialog about GOD. Condemning is GOD's job as the the judge of his creation.

God is Loving, Merciful, but Just!

He loves his creation, which means he loves you!

He is merciful, so for you he sent Jesus to pay for your sins and transgressions! Is it harder to cry about GOD creating hell or to accept his simple plan for redemption.

Accept that GOD loves you! He was merciful to pay for your short comings and hell will not exist for you!

However, in the end GOD is a Just GOD!

You have the choice! You don't have to be perfect, Just accept a perfect GOD!

You are not a dog, you have a choice! If you say screw you GOD, God loves you enough to Honor your choice!

You want to be rewarded for doing good! What about when you are bad! Should you not have to answer for how you treat others! Justice says yes!

I hope and pray everyone will accept Jesus and Hell will be empty, But I am glad GOD is Just.
Many Moons
2006-05-04 15:50:22 UTC
Well, I read what you have to say and my answer to your question is, yes I still believe in Hell.

Now I ask you, if you believe that all people are good, with what do you measure this goodness? I mean in order for someone to be deemed good, don't you have to have something bad in order to know that something is good?

How does believing in Hell make a person see someone as less than a human being? Believing in Hell makes one want to help another NOT go there. If we believe there is no Hell, than we let others just go on the way they always have. We might keep on loving them and forgiving them but we are not helping them get to heaven.

Most people have the idea that God sends the evil people to hell. This is not true, the wicked choose the direction they are going.

I believe you are a caring person. I just think you need to learn who God truly is and what it really means to love a person and also to learn what Christianity is really about. I would be glad to answer any questions you may have.
2006-05-04 07:47:58 UTC
Okay, so you're obviously upset at the concept that you might go to hell for not believing in God, right? First off, none of us can say who is or isn't going to heaven or hell. Christ is the judge, no one on this planet qualifies for that job. He will make the decision, He knows our hearts, he will not base it on what church someone did nor did not go to. If anyone tells you you're going to hell, they're basically trying to give themselves His job.

Secondly, I'm sure there is a hell, and it doesn't sound pleasant, with all those demons and serial killers running around. On the day of judgment, Christ will indeed send some to hell, the firey pit, but none of us has the ability to say who will be sent there with satan, regardless of how many of us good, bible thumpers seem to think we are entitled to do His job.

God does not want to lose any of us, He's not in any hurry to throw us into the eternal pit. We'll be given every opportunity to believe and to be saved. The tribulation which is to come is not some punishment against sinners, its a wake up call to non-believers to get their acts together before its too late. By the time the tribulation is over, there won't be any non-believers, but I'm sure there will be a few who reject God, because evil exists, as it always has.
2006-05-04 09:05:22 UTC
Oh yeah you've definitely won me over. How convenient to selectively choose which parts of Gods word to adhere to and which parts to alter to your own self-indulgent preferences.I suppose if you don't like some of the answers in your automobiles repair manual you would just re-write that as well.The bible is a guide of how to live life prosperously and function within the creators specifications for optimal performance.There was this other guy who pitted his logic against Gods, you may have heard of him, his name was Lucifer.God created man above all creatures including angels, it is not his intention anyone go to hell, that is a matter of choice.All the good deeds in the world will not result in the remission of sin or ticket to hell.The manual states no good deeds are sufficient because the problem is separation from God, referred to as sin.Love and being a good person is great but it does not deal with the issue of Hell.If that were the case then Jesus Christ could have saved himself a lot of pain and grief.Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth Jesus is your savior,ask forgiveness of your sin, accept the redemption offered and Hell will not be a concern.It has nothing to do with obey and being rewarded.The manual (bible) says by faith not deeds, perhaps your confusing Christianity and religions that acknowledge Hell with the Buddhist or Hindu's or some other sect that guarantees if you live good and treat others with love and your a good boy you might get to come back as a dog to obey and be rewarded.God said he is love and Jesus said love is the most important character trait to exhort, but neither ever said that was a heaven or hell issue. Perhaps if you studied the concept you might make better choices. Your entitled to your opinion but be careful , the author of love and life has a few things to say about false teachers and those that attempt to dissuade others even its unintentional, which is obviously not the case in your tirade.
2006-04-20 19:19:52 UTC
you have gotten some of the things mixed up. hell was created for pepl who do wrong. there has to be some barrier b/w those who do right and those who do wrong. that is the whole concept of justice otherwise murderers would be walking free. the same concept applies to our ethical moral life. while there really isnt any law that can punish a person for lets say hurting another person's feeling and other such matters not punishable by law, these wrongs do occur and add up during our lifetime. that is where the concept of hell comes into play, its a warning for those who do wrong while on earth. U must not forget that hell is not the only thing that is promised to us. heaven is what is promised if we do right and there u have ur incentive. As regards to whether this punishment/prize for eternity is justified, Almighty knows best coz He is the Kindest Most Merciful being there is. So expect the best and heed His warnings.

Atleast thats what Islam says. Nobody will be punished more than what they deserve. Not even by the smallest atom.
† PRAY †
2006-04-20 19:10:49 UTC
I am to understand that you really wrote that to God and not to the Christians that are here???

You then have a problem with your creator. He has not made you the way you would like and you would inform him how he should make you and the world. Interesting theory to think that the creation is smarter than the creator. You swore twice which would be a sin. You tolerate all religions and some are actually devil worship which would be directly against God. You obviously would not want to go to heaven, then where would you go?? You either submit to your maker or are recieved at rebellious. You don't like it, but don't have much choice. I find being a christian great.

Remember, it is NOT the christian that condemns you to hell, but your creator.
2006-04-20 19:18:53 UTC
I would just like to say that i believe there are two major holes in your argument. First in your sentence "you go about condemning your fellow man to hell" you are very mistaken about true christian beliefs. True beliefs say that no person should judge another person, that judgment is reserved for God, so anyone who condemns another person is not practicing Christianity. Secondly, there is no blame and contempt taught in Christianity. Yes, you are required to take responsibility for your own actions but no one can say that's a bad thing. Also, its not obey and be rewarded, is serve a higher power and receive the blessings of faith, that is complete independent thought because no one and i do mean no one can make that decision for you. If you are a atheist that is your choice, i wont judge you or even assume that i have the power to condemn you. I'll just say that I'll pray for you. To answer you question, I most certainly do!
2006-04-20 19:09:05 UTC
Hey, you have a point there. Let me elaborate on what I think:

So what you are saying is that... a person should be able to go out and blow up entire buildings, go out shooting people as they choose, kill a whole bunch of people their whole life and torture others, and still go to heaven.

Yeah, that'll happen.

Wise up. A person can't just go to heaven if they are truly evil like that, and some people really are. Some people don't even want to go to heaven and believe in the devil and do all kinds of weird sh*t like seances and ouija boards and summoning demons and the whole bit with black magic and whatever else. If a person constantly goes this direction then what else would you expect?

There is of course, a chance for repentance. If someone has been doing bad things their whole life and they truly feel sorry for what they did and they repent to God, then yes, maybe they still have a chance of getting into Heaven. But God doesn't want to be accepting mean and bad people into His Heaven, because he wants it to be a peaceful place! Why do you think he kicked Lucifer out?!!!
2006-04-20 19:37:07 UTC
Hell is actually right here on Earth. It's right before our eyes. Suffering lies around you, everywhere in innumerable forms. Foremost, it lies right in our hearts. Violence, hatred, discrimination... you name it, that's what i call hell. Personally, I don't think there's a need for an eternal hell down below Earth. As soon as you steal, lie, or commit any other shall we say sins, you're the first one to feel anxiety, greed, fear...etc. and you're the first to suffer. (in other words, you've gotten a taste of hell) I don't believe in the extremes of hell and heaven in the after world in which a celestial being with power bestows on humans either rewards or punishments. I believe that we've all pitched in to create our own miniature hells and heavens whether or not we've been victims, whether we were ever aware of it. We all have our ethical values that we each strive to live up to according to our capacities. Only you can judge yourself and forgive yourself. By the way, I'm a Buddhist, and my Zen teacher teaches engaged Buddhism, which is pretty much what you've mentioned on love and understanding being far more important than worship. We've definitely got to put the teachings into our daily lives. (Easier said than done:D) Good Luck to all!
2006-04-20 19:23:36 UTC
I agree with you except, there is one issue I think you left out. personal hell,fears and insecurities does exist.When we accept and hold onto negativity like the shame and guilt and intolerance taught by religion , we create our own personal hell. Also when someone does something bad that you do not deserve ,if you do not tell yourself something like,that person is messed up and beneath me, I dont trust them but I will forgive a snake for being a snake , then you hold and grow your hatred, give youe enemy your emotional power and relive the trauma and this bitterness is like a poison that ages you and becomes another form of a personal hell you live with until you learn to reconcile past negatives into present self worth and acceptance. Intolerant and biased people also suffer in their personal hells because they hate and fear others who are different.Imagine how many times a week someone who hates mexicans gets all angry and upset because another mexican did something wrong, people are not perfect and we unintentionally let ourselves as well as each other down, so ther will always be a reason to be upset and there is too much real b.s. and more important b.s. we have to deal with in our lives without creating the extra drama from intolerance, that will eventually age and kill us faster, life is too short to live in hell or the misery we create for ourselves because we cannot accept the existence of certain groups or individuals
2006-04-20 19:19:30 UTC
You are right when you say seeing others as less then a human being is messed up. The independent thought is your choice to accept the gift or not.Life is all about obey and be rewarded ,school, work, bills,

You are also right about condemning other we are not to judge others or we will be judged the same. God alone is the judge.There again you choose your destiny for all eternity.Choose you this day who you will serve.
2006-04-20 19:43:39 UTC
Okay, so assuming that those are your steadfast beliefs, and I respect them and understand them, b/c the majority of the time, what you have to say makes sense, but you have to be aware that other people have their beliefs, you have no right to change that, and you must respect people for them. Now, I'm a religious Jew, and there's a concept in Judaism that people can only be in "Hell" for no more than 12 months, unless they have committed a terrible crime. Sounds reasonable, no? Well, I'm sure you're still saying to yourself, "What kind of crime can a person commit that would merit him an eternity in hell?". Well, they have to be pretty bad. Here's a prime example. If nobody should be in Hell eternally, does that include Hitler (Yimach Shimo Min HaOlam- may his name be erased from the world!)? Does the fact that he killed 6 million of my brethren and millions and millions more, Gypsies, Homosexuals for example, just b/c they weren't like them, mean nothing to you? You think somebody who CHOSE, wasn't forced to, instill fear in millions of peoples hearts every day for years that they might be slaughtered or lose a parent or child or sibling or spouse or friend b/c of him, and chose to brutally slaughter many people for no apparent reason, should have an end to his suffering? Maybe you should rethink things just slightly, or rather, not be so forward on a topic that is clearly "untouchable"
2006-04-20 19:42:48 UTC
I agree with you.It is insane to believe that 67% of the world's population are going to hell for being raised with the "wrong" religion or for simply not believing an idea that has no proof whatsoever.It is ridiculous to believe that a ticket to heaven is based on who you believe God is.I don't think God,if there is one,would allow so many people to spend eternity in hell for simply not guessing what the right religion is,especially if all he has to do is reveal himself.When I say reveal himself I mean him actually showing himself and saying"I am God and this is what I want you to do",not by us reading the bible which has no proof to be the word of God.

I feel that you should ignore people with such beliefs.You don't need their approval.Let them continue to believe this foolishness.
2006-04-20 19:13:12 UTC
couldn't agree with you more on this one. let me quote my own bible again to elaborate ur point.

"I do not drive too fast, even if i don't agree with the rules. I give too much change back to the girl behind the counter in the supermarket. When i find a wallet on the street, i return it to the owner without expecting a reward ,because the relief on your face is worth more to me than money. In a bar i'll talk to you, when you are standing alone. I will never jugde or disrespect you on your looks, not even on your charactre.

And i do that without any God telling me to do that

I give to charity, i seperate my garbage for a better environment. I rather put on an extra sweater, than to put up the heater. I never throw my chewing-gum on the street. Every week i buy the paper from a homeless person. I will help and support you if you're attacked by drunken guys on the street, i'll avoid the fight, but i'll never leave you alone. I help the old lady cross the street, i'll bring the crying lost little girl back to her mother.

And i do that without any God telling me to do that

I know no rules, except my own thoughts. After thinking everything through, i have to conclude that there must be 'something' to make this all happen. I've looked around and inspite of all the misery, the poorness, the crime, the hate, i don't see humans as sinners, but as people with choices. I don't think that i will be lost if i do not meditate on a mountain or pray under a cross. I don't even believe that the guy who blows himself up between a group of schoolkids will burn eternally.

And i think that without any God telling me to think that

Every person has something good inside. Sometimes on the surface, sometimes deep hidden inside. I hope that the God they all talk about, is not the guy with the beard sitting on a cloud. The God i have faith in, is just a metaphore. A feeling. A sence of all the goodness inside the people. Nothing more than that. And more clear: nothing less than that. The goodness in our heart is the most important thing we have. My God has an extra 'O'...Good.

And i am good, without any God telling me that

Good has no need for symbols. No cross, no boring books, no big fat guy, no cow, no buildings with colored glass windows. Good is everywhere and is eternal. There is no need to pray for something good, because it will always be there. There is also no need to pray to end something bad, because the bad will also always be there. Sure there are bad people. These people are to dumb to understand the good. Goodness, kindness can relieve you. Badness only creates more badness. We can never beat the badness. A bad guy with a gun can only be beaten by a good guy with a gun. But a good guy doesn't use a gun.

And even if the Good will always loose, I'll always try to be Good.

Everything has its time, and its place. In our sadness, in our anger, in our happyness, in our love we can see our humanity. These things make us to be the people we are, they shape us, they teach us, they make us really feel. And in every deep misery, there is always a hidden hope, cause we all know anything can always be done differently. This earth is our playground, to feel, to laugh, to cry, to love and to live.

And i live. And that's good."
2006-04-20 19:30:20 UTC
First of all, I certainly do not condemn anyone to hell. That is God's decision - who am I to make up His mind for Him? We can only go by what the Bible says.

In going by what the Bible says, I see very little evidence (and so far NO concrete evidence) that would indicate that hell is eternal torture and burning. What I do see is that once the final judgement comes, it is death of the soul. Obliteration. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death... not eternal torture.

I do believe in hell, but that does not make me insensitive to others, nor does it make me think of anyone as less than human. In fact, my belief in hell makes me more senstive to others - God desires that all be saved, and so do I. I don't want to see anyone in hell. But I don't go ramming my beliefs down another person's throat. Christians who study the Bible closely will find that they are not to constantly preach to those who do not wish to listen.

I believe that God wants to forgive us, and that would be the reason He made a way for us to be forgiven through Jesus. I also believe that we are to forgive each other and refrain from judging each other.

The belief in hell is a central belief of Christianity, though the concept of what hell really is differs.
2006-04-20 19:11:06 UTC
Interesting. Sounds like you've been talking to some self-righteous religious people. Let me present you with a choice: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved... He who does not believe in Him is condemned..." I don't condemn anyone, I do not own a lake of fire to throw anyone into.

You pride yourself on being a free thinker, but there is nothing new about your ideas. Ideas should be correct, whether they are "free" or not.

I have a question for you. If there is no God, why do you fear being dead, or anything, for that matter?

And why do you feel defensive at this moment?
2006-05-04 16:56:26 UTC
To simply put it read the bible folks, Hell will not exist until the day of judgement (revelations), the great battle with "satan" won't happen till then either. I myself do not believe in Hell, Satan, demons ect. They do not exist in my religion. Our creator is all loving and all caring, we are responsible for our own actions and not some devil. No one can make us do what we don't want to do, there is no "supernatural evil force" out there. It is only an excuse for the less enlightened to use when something doesn't go right for them or they get caught doing wrong.
2006-04-20 19:31:22 UTC
Ok, first of all, the Lord does not deny forgiveness. Forgiveness is ours we just have to ask for it. Secondly, as a Christian, I know that the bible is the Word of God. And if the bible says that there is a hell, there is a hell. And actually believing in hell does not make you insensitive to others it actually makes me more sensitive because I know the fate of the people that do not accept Christ and that saddens me in a way that cannot be explained.
2006-04-20 19:22:32 UTC
I'm a christian, and I don't believe in hell or the Devil. I think that the Bible is talking about our sinfull nature when it speaks of the devil. The meaning of the word (hell) is the grave. which I believe is death. if you read the book of revelations you will read that the beast the dragon the woman and hell are all thrown into the lake of fire, which most people think is hell, but how can hell be thrown into it's self?

But if we take your stand point with no God to answer to then why shouldn't I kill who ever I feel like killing? What's wrong with stealing and why should I remain fiathfull to my wife?

I think you need to find Christ and repent.
2006-05-04 10:36:27 UTC
After reading what you wrote I think you are further down a Pagan path than you might realize. Yay!

Hell is the bad thing that some religions use to scare obedience out of their followers. I agree with you, how can they support an all loving god who also happens to send people to a horrible place because these people don't honor him?

Other religions tell us to be "good" because we should, or because of karma..... neither Pagans or Jews buy into the hell theory... and we are much happier people!
2006-05-04 09:26:03 UTC
Why do you not believe in the basics of Justice.

If a person breaks a law they have to pay the consequences of that law.

No matter how much love and forgiveness you give a sexual predator (even though they in other areas of their life would be considered good) they are still going to molest. They need to be put away from the rest of society because they are bent of taking advantage of them.

Why is it so strange that this rule is followed in the Spiritual realm also?
iso chronous
2006-04-20 19:14:04 UTC
I respect your honesty. The bible says that there will be false prophets and teachings and hypocrites. You have probably seen that happen and Christians saying you'll go to hell if you don't change. Jesus came to save us from our sins because He knows we;re not perfect. God loves us and the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and to love your neighbor. That is the basis of all of his commandments. God is full of Grace and Mercy and Understanding. I think you'll learn a lot if you read the Bible. He grants wisdom when you dedicate your time and heart into reading it and He will show you things that will change your life. Bob Larson's book of spiritual Warfare talks about Satan and how he operates in people. You might be interested in that. God Bless you and keep you!
2006-04-20 19:08:51 UTC
Since we have Free Will, I believe that is what creates our own heaven or our own hell. Think about it, Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within. Then I believe that is also where hell is. You create this for yourself by how you live your life. I know Christians won't agree with that completely, but Jesus DID say that, about the Kingdom of Heaven being within, so there has to be something to it. Heaven and Hell are right here, right now and the after life is something that no one really knows for sure.
2006-04-20 19:18:08 UTC
I've had so many "Christians" condemn me for not being a "believer." What do I say to them? WWJD. What Would Jesus Do? Their own words used on them. Now, whether you believe Jesus was "the son of God" or not is up to you, but all I know is that he was a real man who spoke of peace and love and understanding. He did not walk around condenming those who did not believe what he believed. In my opinion, many Christians have taken the name of Jesus and used it to manipulate cultures and communities around the world in order to gain control. It's not about obeying "God", it's about obeying the men and women (humans) who demand it of you. It's a bizzare power trip that has gotten totally out of hand and infested humanity all over the world.
2006-04-20 19:52:20 UTC
You have some serious issues..and i only hope that before you die you find a way to start beleiving in christ. I am not a big christian, but i do believe in the bible and what it says..Read revalation....the things have almost all come to pass..its only a matter of time until this world will be no more..I Honestly feel sorry for you!!May God have mercy upon your soul..I will be praying for you!!!
2006-04-20 19:20:17 UTC
my church gives these "fire and brimstone" sermons that frighten people. meanwhile, they say they are trying to save souls, but i see them preaching hate speech. if the most important thing is salvation, why even waste time yelling at people about gay marriage? they believe that only thru salvation can one recieve a pardon from hell. if someone is lost, how is going straight going to help them? most people who only know one or two things about southern baptists haven't even heard the evangelism; they just believe christians hate gays, and claim God does too.

the hell thing has always bothered me more than anything else in my faith. most christians believe in hell, but some do not, and i want to study it more. while the bible mentions "hell" the information is pretty sketchy. usually just brief verses like, "or they will be thrown into the lake of fire." but it doesn't really explain the lake of fire anywhere. also, the word "hell" is a composite translation of three words from the original languages of the Bible, and those three words represented different things. two of them were simply like "death" or "the grave".

it hasn't eliminated my worries, but i think the evidence warrents some looking into.
2006-04-20 19:07:23 UTC
Even evil people can do good deeds.

Stalin was a husband and loving father.

Hitler loved children and dogs.

Lots of mass murderers and serial killers are "cool guys" and say please and thank you.

It's not about good deeds,there isn't a point system.

Hell is about punishment for unrepented sin.

And a loving parent DOES punish a disobedient child.

That's why it's obvious that there would be a Hell to match Heaven.

But repent your sins and admit Christ into your heart and hell is a non-issue.
2006-05-04 10:40:26 UTC
Ummm...are u retarded??? Read the bible!!! If everyone would just obey the ten commandments then there wouldn't be hate in the world now would there?!? U have major problems!!! And as for "Obey and be rewarded"...that means abide by gods law(the 10 commandments) and you will be rewarded with eternity in the kingdom of HEAVEN!!! u need to quit dissin' God...
2006-05-04 12:44:53 UTC
There is a very real hell, it is the one that many people create for themselves. I can't define it for you. Each person defines it for themselves. Fortunately, it is not eternal. The escape is to meditate constantly on nothing but the name of God; not the word "God", but the essence of its meaning. Unexplainable in this or any other forum. Beyond the human mind or words. You just have to live it.

Good luck.
2006-05-04 06:25:40 UTC
You talked of everyone deserving forgiveness. Jesus is ready to forgive everyone for the asking. You have used lots of words but have accomplished no thought pattern.

God created us and sustains us. Everything we have is His. He created heaven and hell and He has a right to say who comes into His heaven. He doesn't condemn anyone to hell, we make the choice to go there on our own.

There is not but one God and He is in heaven preparing a place for those that love Him. I hope that you come to an understanding. I hope that you choose wisely and receive what Jesus has for you for the asking. Jesus loves you and wants you to make that choice wisely.
2006-04-27 14:34:28 UTC
Listen, "hell" is simply the common grave of mankind, and NOT a fiery place of torment.

(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all

(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]

(Ezekiel 18:4) The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.

The bible says that Hades ("hell") will be done away with:

(Revelation 20:14) And death and Hades were hurled into the lake of fire

Faithful, patient Job requested that he go to "hell":

(Job 14:13) O that in She´ol you would conceal me

Even Jesus was in "hell" for three days:

(Acts 2:27) you will not leave my soul in Hades ["hell"]
2006-04-20 19:15:06 UTC
Please read your Bible. Hell was created for the angels who rebelled against God. Sin causes separation from God. Basically it goes like this. YOU are give 70 some odd years (give or take) to make a very simple decision. You chose God, go to heaven. You chose to turn from God, your wish is granted. Hell is the separation from God. Ask, and ye shall receive. It is free will, God is not going to force you to love Him. If you live your lifetime not wanting to be with Him for eternity, He is simply granting your wish. Dont blame God if you go to hell, He gives all of us ample opportunity to chose Him.
2006-05-04 07:18:47 UTC
U have some serious thinking to do with your maker. All I can do for u is pray. I guess u dont want that. There is a hell u know. if u believe in hell then u believe in heaven. It is just logic.

Well, ty for the 2 pts.
2006-04-20 19:09:46 UTC
Actually, I think someone made up this eternety in hell bs. I believe the bible (OT) just says you are thrown in the river of fire until you are burnt up (Which is also pretty silly, but no more so than anything else in those old books that were written by the elite to control the ignorant).
2006-05-04 08:41:29 UTC
I struggled with this very question myself - but then I heard this: God does not condemn us to Hell; We condemn ourselves. God wishes we all be with him. God permits us free will, because that is the very nature of love - it must be freely given. Choices are forced on us in life, I agree. However, salvation is freely given. All we need do is ask for forgiveness and salvation. God understands we are imperfect, and WILL err. That's why he sent Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. Jesus did the time in Hell so we dont have to; what we have to do is ASK for forgiveness. Being Christ-like does not mean being perfect, it means striving to care more for others than we do for ourselves. Its not a matter of obedience. God simply wants us to be with him. God is all about love and giving to others. When we act in ways NOT of God, we are choosing to leave him rather than being with him. Hell is a place without God. I personally think the lake of fire is simply an analogy to attempt to get us to understand HOW bad a place without God would be. I know that sometimes in my life, being set on fire would've been a whole lot less painful.

You've so much anger/pain; Been there, and am sometimes still there. One answer: PRAY. Pray for understanding and wisdom. God hears and will answer, but we have to be willing to listen. I pray for inner peace, and the ability to listen; I will keep you in my prayers.
2006-05-04 04:56:06 UTC
You don't seem to possess any understanding at all as to what hell is:

Matt. 3:12; Luke 3:17 - John the Baptist said the Lord will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. This unquenchable fire is the state of eternal separation from God, which the Church has called "hell" for 2,000 years.

Matt. 25:41 - Jesus says, "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

Matt. 25:46 - Jesus says, "they will go away into eternal punishment" which is in reference to this eternal fire.

Mark 9:47-48 - Jesus refers to hell as where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. It lasts forever.

2 Thess. 1:6-9 - the angels will come with flaming fire and the disobedient will suffer punishment of eternal destruction. "Destruction" does not mean "annialition", as some people like to believe. It means eternal exclusion from the presence of God.

Jude 6-7 - the rebelling angels, and Sodom and Gomorrah, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

Rev. 14:11 - the worshipers of the beast suffer and the smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever.

Rev. 20:10 - they're tormented in the lake of fire and brimstone day and night forever and ever.

Isaiah 33:14 - "Who of us can dwell in the everlasting fire?" This is a reference to hell which is forever.

Isaiah 66:24 - their worm shall not die and their fire shall not be quenched. We cannot fathom the pain of this eternal separation from God.

Jer. 15:14 - in my anger a fire is kindled which shall burn forever. Hell is the proper compliment to the eternal bliss of heaven.

Judith 16:17 - in the day of judgment the Lord will take vengeance on the wicked and they shall weep in pain forever. Hell is a place that sinners have prepared for themselves by rejecting God, who desires all people to be saved in His Son Jesus Christ. God sends no one to hell.

In addition, I would also like to add that the Devil's greatest acheivement is convincing people neither he nor his dominion exist - and you seem to have fallen for it big time.

You cannot believe in God & Heaven if you don't also believe in Satan & Hell.
2006-04-23 17:34:14 UTC

One Hebrew word “sheol” is rendered hell. Definition; hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranian retreat), grave, hell, pit. Three Greek words are rendered hell; geenna, hades, and tartaroo. Definition of geenna; a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment: - hell. Definition of hades; properly unseen, that is, “Hades” or the place (state) of departed souls: - grave, hell. Definition of tartaroo; (the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment: - cast down to hell. Tartaroo is used only one place II Pet.2:4.

Christ teaching the Pharisees in Luke 16:19-31 shows us a separation from God is truly what hell is. The “water” is symbolic for God’s Spirit and love. The word “tormented” means distressed in the Greek, not torture. The “fire” is symbolic for the shame and desire not to be separated from God.

So all who die the first death of the flesh return to God Ecc.12:6-7, but on which side of the gulf do they end up?

Hell is not eternal but is done away with in Gen.20:14-15, called both the second death and lake of fire. This second death is non-existence, for death and hell and those not written in the book of life. This second death or lake of fire is like fat drippings that fall into the fire. Just a poof of smoke into non-existence.

Psa.37:20 But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

In my mind what’s worse yet is no memory of you, no tears will be shed for you like you never existed.

Rev.21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

So hell is a separation from God and is not eternal torture or burning. Eventually hell will be done away with or passed away and also some souls. Like fat drippings in the fire, a poof of smoke into non-existence, the second death.
2006-05-04 19:09:25 UTC
Nothing you can say will ever change my mind. People such as you have a chip on their shoulder and blame God because they didn't get their way.

Wake up...hell is real and not intended for any but those who decide to keep that chip on their shoulder and refuse to accept reality.

God loves you but it is the individuals who have turned their back on God and walked away, that keep your heart from accepting the truth. When we sin, God allows things to happen...he doesn't make them happen...things are allowed to happen in our lives to allow it to get our attention.

God is waiting for you...Repent, confess and give God a deserving chance to prove himself to you. What you get is what you rightly deserve, but things can and will be better when you accept God to be God of your life and stop your whining.

Love hurts...the truth does too...doesn't it?
2006-05-04 08:00:48 UTC
I believe the holy word of God, and the bible mentions hell more than heaven. Im guessing because God doesnt want us to go to hell. Its our choice if we accept Jesus as our savior or not. The bible says there is no other name given among men whereby we might be saved, that is the name of Jesus.
2006-04-20 19:13:23 UTC
As you can see from all the answers, these christians have no response, but still cling to their beliefs because their feeble minds need the reassurance of rewards hereafter.

Whatever good a christian would do out of fear of punishment, or hope of reward hereafter, the Atheist would do simply because it is good; and being so, he would receive the far surer and more certain reward, springing from well-doing, which would constitute his pleasure and promote his happiness...
2006-05-04 07:06:50 UTC
Sorry, there is a hell. A place where the really mean, evil

do not want to change, non-believers go. Would it be fair

for all the Christians who have been believing,behaving,

God- fearing, and fighting evil, have to be around that?
2006-05-04 06:31:13 UTC
I believe...

That hell is a choice, the choice of resistance.

That we live in a universe with laws, like gravity, that pull us towards God, our Creator.

That heaven is the acceptance of God as one's path, truth and life.

The conceptions you name are christian. I do not remember, however, reading anything about hell in Jesus's words.

Truly, you must've been judged by people around you for your faith. Hold true to it. "Judge not, lest thee be judged", isn't it? Let them find their path. They think they know all, thus they understand nothing. You, however, have chosen a path.

As for independent thought... I believe we humans have recieved the power of free will. But as with each great power comes great responsability. And, furthermore, in a universe where spiritual laws exist, much like physical laws, we are limited. We can break the law of physical gravity by jumping in the air, but for how long? We can break the spiritual laws by resisting, but for how long? Wouldn't our purpose be to CHOOSE, freely, to embrace the spiritual laws, as we embrace the laws of physics? Wouldn't our responsability be to make good use of our free will?

The answer belongs to you, friend.
2006-05-04 11:21:47 UTC
Well, don't be an athiest. The way I see it, religion gets in the way of being spiritual. Look at as many religions as you can, and don't take anything too literally. I will admit, Christians may seem very dogmatic, but all religious zelots do. Take ways of living from as many religions as possible, and live your life that way.
Thumbs down me now
2006-04-20 19:34:40 UTC
you did not make a single valid point in all of that ranting. i am one of those Christians you are complain about. we do care about what happens to others that is why we send out the warning.accept Jesus as your lord and savior or pay the piper after judgment.yes i believe in hell. i hope i never end up there.
2006-04-20 19:12:41 UTC
your an idiot. Christianity isn't about condemning people and believing in hell doesn't make you insensitive to others. Why don't you talk to a priest or minister and ask him your questions if you want a real answer.
2006-05-04 08:25:24 UTC
Yes there is a Heaven and Hell,but your taking it way to generally. You need to go to church or read the bible, so you know what you are talking about. I'll pray for you. Don't simplize it so much. It can only do harm.
2006-04-20 19:17:41 UTC
man chooses and is not condemned, he has the choice of where he wants to spend eternity. And of course your opinoin really does not matter, my opinoin does not matter, it is God's choice.

And of course most of the people who don't the life the idea of hell are the ones heading that way and don't want to beleive it is real, so they try to justify thierself or thier beleif.
2006-04-20 19:11:43 UTC
Hi, I have no idea who you are or even if you are real or just trying to get a rise out of a Christian, but you may want to spend more time persuing The Lord than riduculing him.
2006-04-20 19:22:58 UTC
I agree ! Don't they know that their concept of Hell is based partly on Egyptian beliefs and mythology. It was something I found out while learning about history as a little kid.
2006-04-20 19:18:01 UTC
Hell,is just a word we use to describe a undesirable

life, a life you have chosen to live . choose the right path you will reside in heaven on Earth, a path of destructive behavior a "HELL ON EARTH" It's your

2006-05-04 06:46:24 UTC
God says there are no atheists in hell. And in the end we will ALL praise Him whether we chose to do it from heaven or hell. You will believe in it once you get there...believe THAT.
2006-04-20 19:10:51 UTC
People will always (generally) treat others, to some extent, as objects. We are ego-centric beings. We exist within the belief of self, which is truly what seperates us from others.
2006-05-04 18:11:26 UTC
I am the Truth and the Way, no man may come to the Father except by Me ! ( Jesus circa 30 AD)
2006-05-04 13:28:34 UTC
imagine a soul in total darkness , and this soul sees the light, but is refused entrance forever - for reasons like : as the tree falls, so shall it lay...This is hell, a spiritual place of no peace, no rest, everlasting searching.
2006-04-20 19:16:46 UTC
Here here brother, go on a rant for the nonbelievers. Also of note I vote the first answer to the question as the best, its priceless.
peaceful light
2006-05-04 15:43:56 UTC
Thanks , you made my day !

With your words not only you are showing you have a brain

that uses that specific part called "logic" (and that some

christians can't find yet),

but you also left them all speechless, with nothing to refute about....

(all those who asnwered in a mean way to you is because they

know deep inside you are right).

When I grow up, can I be you?
2006-04-20 19:19:46 UTC
there are 2 possible endings.

1- if there is no God, you and me both are dont believe , i do but there is no god. what do i lose . nothing.

2- if there is a God Allmighty, and you dont believe but i do; what do you lose?

In addition, if you rob a bank or hit a kid with your car shouldnt you be punished. so if do bad things and die no punishment?
2006-05-03 21:15:56 UTC
You can always go to a priest & ask for forgiveness if you feel you have sinned & then people say that god has forgiven you....i don't know
2006-04-24 00:41:28 UTC
I've never believed in hell, but I constantly have to battle my inner "demons," and that can be a hellish experience.

"Maybe this world is another planet's hell." - Aldous Huxley
2006-04-20 19:07:33 UTC
That's quite a rant you have going.

You clearly have anger issues that you're projecting at God. I suggest serious, long, intense therapy.
2006-05-04 08:02:25 UTC
My favorite arguement that Christians say is "If you simply believe in the scriptures its easy to comprehend the truth" Do I even have to explain what I should say to that?
2006-05-04 10:13:17 UTC
I don't believe anything you say. But I do thank you for the points and being able to speak up
2006-05-04 09:55:17 UTC
I sometimes believe we live in hell now, on this earth. With all the crime, death, diseases, etc. When we do pass all will go to heaven.
2006-04-20 19:14:41 UTC
You have had a bad day and you are very emotional.But,its not bad that you like to spread your fellings but sometimes you just let it get to your head.

I promise i am not trying to be mean.
2006-05-04 07:51:16 UTC
What you have to say does not matter when your talking about eternal things.

Who do you think you are any way?
2006-04-20 19:07:43 UTC
I can't be bothered reading your shpiel but hell is a state of mind so enjoy it
2006-04-20 20:46:40 UTC
i really don't see how you can call yourself a true atheist, and give God the last name of D@mn
2006-04-20 19:07:39 UTC
Hear ye, hear ye! It's good to hear someone intelligent say something instead of "If you don't make Jesus your whatever you will burn in hell forever" drivel that you normally hear here.
2006-05-02 23:23:36 UTC
Only thing I can say to this is when the sky cracks open and the Savior extends his hand to welcome those who served him on earth.........what will you do and say as the souls proceed to Heaven?
2006-04-20 19:06:17 UTC
You have to fill at ease with yourself. And only then, you'll be able to find God.
that person
2006-04-20 19:11:00 UTC
god doesnt support eternal damnation . he sent his son to die for our forgiveness. you should look at a different branch of christianity(lutheran) =)
2006-04-20 19:10:20 UTC
A-MEN!!!! That is to the individual who started this post.
2006-05-04 11:34:26 UTC
you have good points. and you are right, people are lashing out on you for your thoughts.they say you need help. i think they should get help. who are they to judge you, nobody thats who.

they are F*CKed up.

2006-04-20 19:06:10 UTC
You're going to hell!
2006-05-03 12:50:56 UTC
i don't believe in hell now-but if there were such a place,i think you would fit in nicely...
2006-04-20 20:00:07 UTC
hey I'm on your side about this whole thing trying to figure out life. I will do my best to describe how I feel what life is all about.Personally, as a Christian I believe that all humans are equally loved in God's eyes, and that God wants all of us to live with Him forever. God also gave us the freedom of choice, to do whatever we want with the time we have here. That includes not believing in Him or His promise. He's not going to force us to believe in Him and spend eternity with Him if we don't want to. Hell is defined as eternal separation from God, so if we want to be separate from Him, logically that is what happens to us. So it is not God who makes this decisions, accoridng to what I believe. Rather, it is we who makes that choice.I agree with you. There are lots of Christians who use the concept of Hell as a blunt instrument with which to attack other people and scare them--coerce them--into following what they believe. That is totally wrong, and contradictory to everything that the God I read about in the Bible. Christians are supposed to treat everyone equally regardless of their beliefs, and we are the ones who are supposed to humble and submit ourselves before others, not get up on these farcical podiums and shove religious rhetoric down their throats. We are not more or any less important than anyone of any other belief system.Eclusivity is another major problem with Christians, you are right. We set up barriers between ourselves and other that don't exist. We are supposed to accept everyone for wo they are. If they decide to become Christians, we treat them as brother or sister. If they decided to become anything else, we them as brother or sister. This is something many Christians have a problem with, sadly.Concerning what you said about love and peace being better than worship is absolutely correct. In the Bible, Jesus said to the religious authorities in Jerusalem, who built their entire lives out of pious snobbery and abiding by hundreds of inane laws: "To obey is better than to sacrifice." And the two major laws Jesus laid out for Christians is: "Love the lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind--" sounds dogmatic, but wait for what he has to say next: "and the second is just like it: love thy neighbor as thyself." We are not "supposed" to worship God as an obligatory ritual, but because we genuinely love Him and want a deeper spritual relationship with Him. Later in the Bible, it says, "He who worships me but curses his brother is a hypocrite." God Himself acknowledges this.We do not roll over and do tricks, sit, stay, and stay down because we're jmping through hoops. We should be doing it because we honestly want to better ourselves as humans to give ourself a better life here on Earth with our fellow man, because I believe you have to love your fellow man before you can love what which you cannot see, hear, or touch. Please you have to agree with me on this one. Feeling like you are just here by an accident is really harsh, having no purpose just taking up space. I have sure felt that way before. It led me to hurting myself in many ways. When I realized I had a purpose and that I am loved by the creator of the universe I really wanted to live. Ever sence I am a very joyful person. I have changed from a sad person who just wanted to kill myself and get it over with to having the Joy of the Lord that never leaves! NO I am not trying to convert you, please take that thought away I am simply sharing with you how amazing it is to be in the family of God! I'm not saying its all an easy time we still make mistakes and have hardships, were still human, God just gives me a peace of mind and an everlasting joy that will never leave. As a friend I want to share with you and show you you really can have this awesome life with God! It really is. I don't want you to miss out. Please ask more questions on this topic I'd love to answer to as much knowledge and reasearch I can find.
2006-04-20 19:08:19 UTC
What a waste!!! I'll be praying for you!
2006-04-20 19:07:58 UTC
wow dude, tell us how you really feel. just kidding, I'm with you on that one.
Your Name
2006-04-20 19:06:42 UTC
no, still don't believe it. but now i believe in god, ty!
2006-05-04 08:24:30 UTC
yes i actaully do and nothing can change my mind
2006-04-20 19:06:05 UTC
I take it youve had a bad day. :(
2006-05-04 08:04:34 UTC
go take some deep breaths! IN....OUT....IN......OUT there now dont you feel better?
2006-05-04 11:33:14 UTC
2006-04-20 19:08:06 UTC
Amen, You gave me a new perspective. Thanks
2006-04-20 19:05:57 UTC
u are stupid

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