When Hitler Placed People In Camps For Refusing To Go Along With His Evil Schemes, What Colour.....?
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2009-09-11 16:40:10 UTC
..... "badges" did members of your religion get to wear in the concentration camps as ID?

Jehovah's Witnesses had purple triangles for refusing to take up arms and kill others simply because Hitler said so.

If another "Hitler" arose in our day, could you trust the other members of your religion NOT to harm you and yours, thus defying "Hitler's" orders and risking their own necks?
23 answers:
Rummy Sam
2009-09-11 16:48:30 UTC
My goodness Daren, could you be any more racist? Chances are, Vot is either British or from an English speaking African nation. Its only us Americans who took the liberty of bastardizing the English language to suit our own needs.

I digress, I don't think the Catholics had a colored patch. As long as you kept your mouth shut and didn't cause any suspicion, Hitler was OK with Catholics (in fact, Hitler WAS a Catholic at least nominally). The brave priests, monks, nuns, and laypeople who had the cajones to say something, however, weren't so lucky.

I know homosexuals were given pink triangles, so I guess that's the color that would be ascribed to me if, heaven forbid, another holocaust were to happen.

To answer your follow up question, I don't know who I'd be able to trust under such circumstances.

ETA: How old are these Nazi apologists here? Most importantly, who's homeschooling you?
2009-09-11 16:49:22 UTC
Interesting take Vot, it is noteworthy indeed that Jehovah's Witnesses were the only religion** given their own badge as a distinct group in the camps.

So much for the other religions and their 'resistence'

** If we exclude the Jewish star of David as symbolic of their race rather than their religion.

Note for Hali (below) No the purple triangle was ONLY for Jehovah's Witnesses not for 'christians' in general and thus did NOT cover any catholics, protestant etc resistors; those that wore the purple triangle were offered the chance of release if they signed as form renouncing their 'Jehovah's Witness' faith (specifically mentioning their organisation).

Note for Disney: Jehovah's Witnesses where hardly in a position of heroically save the jews since we were being hunted and executed along WITH the jews and in the same boat. The point is where were the heroic efforts of catholic Germans to help protect US from Nazi persecution?!
2009-09-12 02:09:16 UTC
Now for the people defending Hitler, I won't say

you're right or wrong. He may have had an

initial legitimate gripe, but what does that

have to do with this question?

Regardless of his political legitimacy or not,

he instituted concentration camps. So the

question was, what color was your religion's


PS.. Personally, it's a little scary for me when

people feel OK to legitimize Hitler, even under

the anonymity of YA.

"who knows what evil lurks within the heart of men"

what is really going on behind closed doors in this world?

Oh, the question. PURPLE I trust Jehovah and I trust

people who know and trust Jehovah.

To Hali: "Christians in general" were not in the concentration

camps. Hitler was a "christian in general"
2009-09-11 16:52:03 UTC
It would only be by Jehovah's strength that these people could do this. I have toured a concentration camp and the Jehovah's Witnesses were one of the first groups to be put in along with Jews. Act 2:21 "And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved." Also see, Isa 55:6, 65:24. These ones who died are either in heaven and have received their prize or will be resurrected back to the earth. Jehovah hold these people as very dear to him. Any suffering they went through will more than be made up to them.

Just to add: That is how my grandfather came across JW's. He fought in the Navy and another ship was captured. He was one of the guards of the prisoners and when he started to talk to one of them they found out they were of the same religion (Protestant) and they both had small boys. He said it was the first time he really fervently prayed to God when he came home. Witnesses called on him and their neutrality made him listen and learn.
2009-09-11 16:46:42 UTC
Hey Vot, They not only wore purple triangles but, because the Germans knew they would not kill. They were chosen to shave the Nazi SS officers.


Antje Zeiger (2001, p. 88) writes about Sachsenhausen camp: ‘In May 1938, every tenth prisoner was a Jehovah’s Witness. Less than one percent of the Witnesses included other religious nonconformists (Adventists, Baptists, pacifists), who were placed in the same prisoner classification.’".)
2016-05-19 10:00:27 UTC
Right. Is it not written concerning the world's treatment of Yashar-El, "He who blesses you, him will I bless; he who curses you, him will I curse; And in you shall all families on earth be blessed"? Hitler not only set up an extermination mechanism against Yashar-El, but also enlisted assistance from the Islamic world in this task, for practical purposes pursuant to Surah 9--and in defiance of the Covenant recorded in Genesis 12. When the Sovereign LORD of Hosts created the Lake of Fire referenced in Revelation 19:20 and 20:14,15, it was specifically meant for the spirits who rebelled against him, esp. Luwqiyfer Ben-Shahar, as stated in the Dirge for the Prince of Tyre (Ezekiel 28:12-19); Revelation 20:15 confirms it as final judgment for those who will not believe on the Lamb, temporal and otherwise (St. John 3:18-21).
2009-09-12 09:25:59 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses were the only people in the concentration camps voluntarily. I don't mean that they volunteered to go there, but they could have left at any time. All they had to do was to sign a paper renouncing their beliefs and agreeing to support Hitler. Very few signed. Thousands were imprisoned, and hundreds were executed.
Ish Var Lan Salinger
2009-09-12 08:51:01 UTC
Jehovah's Witnesses were prescribed "Purple Triangles".

Ishvarlan is a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

From a genetic standpoint, many Jews were given "star of David", which were 6 pointed yellow coloured stars.

As for a "modern day Hitler" and how people will handle themselves/their friends, Ishvarlan suggests EVERYONE read Maus by Art Spiegleman *not sure on spelling of the Author*.


The name is Art Spiegelman, and in the opening of the first volume of Maus we get a very good commentary on "friends".

While Artie as a little boy was crying to his father about his friends leaving him behind in a race, his father replies "FRIENDS? YOUR FRIENDS?..." "IF YOU LOCK THEM TOGETHER IN A ROOM WITH NO FOOD FOR A WEEK...." "THEN YOU COULD SEE WHAT IT IS, FRIENDS..."

While I think most of us like to think/hope we would listen to the "better angels of our nature" sadly Many do, and will fall short of that, all we can do is Hope and Pray that we, as Christians, and as persons in general, maintain our "humanity" in such a situation.
Disneys Mickey
2009-09-11 18:14:55 UTC
The holocaust was a tragic event in world history, However, I am not sure the color of badges of a minority group were as important as the tattoo's everybody received on their forearms, before they were sent to camps to either be gassed or work for the cause.

The Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. (ie: the Jewish community), acknowledged both Jehovah Witnesses, and homosexuals among those who suffered at the hands of the insane Hitler. However, I have yet to read the heroic efforts of Jehovah Witness's saving thousands of Jewish people. (if so, list any books in your details )

In as much as Jehovah Witnesses stand stalwart in the face of apostates, those blinded by satan, and certainly do go door to door for their faith, , Sunday Lunch is correct in her comment.....I could list quote after quote that agrees with Sunday Lunch. The WTBTS (aka Jehovah Witnesses) says it is the only organization by which Jehovah will accept you, as they are the only ones that have the True Religion. . Vot might like to re think that one

To specifically answer your question, trusting other members of any religion to not defy the coming AntiChrist........and its government.....Yes, I can trust members of several religions, however, it wont be about defending faith as much as it will be about not taking the mark by which you cannot buy or sell or barter.

If we are alive , You and I both will die for what we not take the mark of the Antichrist.. It wont be about badges, it will be about something more evil than that. What will matter most , did we die for a counterfeit Christ or the real one ?
2009-09-11 17:03:57 UTC
I think it is an interesting question and should give us all food for thought.

Trust does not come easy these days. It would be a comfort to know where others stand on such an issue.

Very few of us would even know where our family or neighbors were on an issue like this. We would like to think we know them well enough, but if they are from different backgrounds, that would make a difference.

Religion should provide the perfect answer for this. But for most, it doesn't.
Abernathy the Dull
2009-09-11 16:44:53 UTC
The Germans in the 20's and early 30's probably would have said "No, that wouldn't happen to us."

I've read up on the history of Nazi Germany. People were slow to change their behavior. But nationalism and propaganda slowly over the years changed people's attitudes. And those who strongly disagreed with Nazism, for the most part, stayed silent out of fear.

Jehovah's Witnesses, on the other hand, were the only group as a whole to stand up to the Nazi regime.
'maters Granny
2009-09-11 21:37:16 UTC
They proudly wore the Purple Triangle. Our brothers and sisters knew to whom they were loyal and who would deliver them. We would never put our beloved brothers or sisters in harms way. That would be going against the command to love one another as Jesus loves us.
2009-09-12 12:07:32 UTC
History tells us, that our brothers JW's had purple triangles to identify them from all the other prisoners.
2009-09-11 22:07:43 UTC
You stated and I quote:

"What Colour badges did members of your religion get to wear in the concentration camps as ID?"

As I am one of your spiritual family members, our people wore the purple triangle insignia to identify them as Jehovah's Witnesses.

You stated and I quote:

"If another "Hitler" arose in our day, could you trust the other members of your religion NOT to harm you and yours, thus defying "Hitler's" orders and risking their own necks?"

Most truly I tell you "Vot", that day is rapidly approaching.

At that time the words of our Lord will have a striking fulfillment where it is written he said:

"Further, brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and will have them put to death.”

— Matthew 10:21.

As the 5/15/91 Questions From Readers Watchtower article brought out, the point of Jesus’ warning at Matthew 10:21 was not that many brothers in the congregation will turn against their spiritual brothers, Jesus meant that his followers could expect hostility or opposition even from relatives... physical family.

I have learned (and am still learning) to put my trust in Jehovah our God (Proverbs 3:5 - 7). As for our fellow brothers and sisters, I love ALL of us dearly beyond words, however, the absolute truth is that just because a person is called one of Jehovah's Witnesses and is in the truth doesn't neccessarily mean that the brother or sister has the truth residing IN them. What I have just stated is simply the truth and in no way is meant as a passing of judgement on anyone.

ALL of us NEED to keep strongly in mind that when it comes to ANY imperfect people (which obviously includes we of Jehovah's people), they can only be trusted as far as their love and loyalty to Jehovah is concerned.

Nonetheless, whether or not one of our fellow spiritual family members is strong in the truth, we are under divine OBLIGATION to love one another in the same way the Master showed his loved for us (John 13:34, 35)... we MUST be willing to DIE for one another if need be, and THAT command is not merely for certain ones in our spiritual family whom we may feel closer to than others... it pertains to ALL of us who are of the Father's dedicated and baptized holy people.
2009-09-12 00:32:28 UTC
Yes I could I would if it came to it die for members of my religion may be we would wear t-shirts wit orange dots on them I have already ordered mine
Rachel Marie
2009-09-11 16:48:58 UTC
Yellow Stars of David.

I don't like to think about the Holocaust though. While I do not deny it's existence, it's a touchy subject for me.
Darth Eowyn Loves Plinkett
2009-09-12 10:32:49 UTC
The people of my religion were not given "badges". They were just slaughtered outright. The number of Catholic Priests alone who were killed is roughly the same number as the number of JWs killed in the camps. Not to mention the untold slaughter of hundreds of thousands (especially in Poland) :-( And the slaughter of the Orthodox in Russia and the Ukraine....sad sad sad for all.
2009-09-11 16:50:02 UTC
Even I think you guys are off in that you only accept the Jehovah translation of the Bible, and believe Jesus is inferior to God. You defiantly have some things that show great examples of how Christ would ask us to be. The above is most certainly in that category.

Christians (protestants especially) in general were at the concentration camps. Three million were killed. Especially those who helped smuggle Jews. However, we did not wear the purple badge. This was only for J.W's. I tried to figure out what we would wear for helping the Jews, but could not. Then someone attacked me with a trojan... several actually... six attacks at once. So I had to take care of that before I could come back. I don't know why someone would do that just because of my answer.
Just a guy
2009-09-11 16:47:04 UTC
look into aztec culture. you will see Hitler all over again.

life and death galvanizes people.

another hitler would not share the earth with me. I would make certain of it personally.
2009-09-11 16:43:51 UTC
My fellows got this funny SS badges, and some funny-looking pointy Stahlhelms....

For a strange reason, they always got the best part of food in the camps, plus they were given the task to teach those skinny people how to march....
pharoahs spin the message round the truth
2009-09-11 16:45:49 UTC
please, you know little about what happened. at the time, germany was in a recession, and the jews came into town and bought all the houses/business because they were rich. and they didnt help feed the poor homeless germans. so hitler took a stand for his people. although many germans did still refuse hitlers orders, he simply took back for the germans what was theres. but then he went crazy and tried to take other nations.many people dont know this, i do because my family as germans were dodging bullets.
2009-09-11 16:46:32 UTC
Stop talking about Hitler he makes me frown! )-:
2009-09-11 16:44:17 UTC
You seem to have a lack of understanding of Hitler. Victors write history

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.