If one bangs their head into the wall,...does that make him a head banger?...lol You crack me up sometimes.....
I think anyone that has any true faith and belief in what they stand for are confident in themselves and from them you see no "bashing" of others. I call myself Christian,...but believe me,,it's usually the "Christians" that embarrass me. Many are just pew potato's, cause they sit there week after week learning nothing or "parrots" in that they repeat a scripture their hireling may have said that past Sunday,...and when they repeat it, they usually are void in really knowing the meaning of it. Guys like you just drive them crazy. I believe weather you believe it or not that God is using you in a way. Maybe you've said something that makes one of them actually pick up their bibles and seek it out for themselves,,,instead of listening to a man. Too many "Christians" are lead like sheep to the slaughter because of the hireling they listen to. God says, Cursed be the man who puts his trust in man. I believe that Jesus came to the lost sheep of the Tribe of Israel. Peoples of Abrahams seed. Alot are of that seed and are true Israel, but are so lost as to who they really are and look to the land, the place Israel and say they understand Gods word. How can they understand their Father if they don't even know who they are. ( A very peculiar people is what God calls us) Anyway, my point is, although they are mean at times and seem to do some bashing...and contradicting themselves by their actions, I think they do have good intensions. It's probably the same within all beliefs I guess. I do know that God's got it under control and He does say in Malichi 4:6 And he (Elijah) shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children back to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
As to turning the other cheek,,,that applies like this; If I went up to a preacher, who thinks he knows pretty much of everything in the bible, and I point out where he's wrong about something and try and show him the truth and he gets mad and decks me,...THEN I should turn the other cheek cause I was loading him up with more than he could "soak" in. Now if someone just comes up to me and punches me in the face for nothing,..you better believe I'm going to defend myself. Hope you "soak" this in and get a little deeper truth. Also, god says to "test" the fruit. You seem to have the "gift" of discernment. That's why you see the contradictions. It's easier I guess when you've got your eyes on God, not to look at all the "bashing". But being mankind in the flesh, I guess the bashings here to stay...for awhile.