anybody know about any good pagan communities that i can join?
2006-12-07 23:46:03 UTC
Hi('',) iv been searching the net for all sorts of networking and communities for pagans and wiccans but i havnt been getting alot of luck with if anyone knows of any plz reply or e-mail me('',) thanx
blessed be
Twelve answers:
2006-12-07 23:49:04 UTC
Try for your area.
2006-12-08 00:04:30 UTC
Wow . okay I think I'm going to need a new mouse now after scrolling through Hernandez' post. (which by the way, was very thorough but 1 noted discrepancy... definitely to include the Bay Area in California! There's "Storm's Coven" and a rather well known Pagan named Elaine holds a "Witchy Wednesday gathering."

I've always had the best luck getting hooked up with other like minded people at my local Metaphysical Shops. They always have a bulletin board loaded w/ info. Good luck & Peace...
2006-12-07 23:55:02 UTC
Go to the they have pagan groups in most towns. Go to the pagan book stores in your town and ask if there are any open circles. You can join lots of groups on yahoo. Just put in pagan and your town. If nothing in your town try the biggest one close to you.

I go to the local pagan meetups, and they have lots of good people. I heard that some places its harder to find people, but I can't imagine any place harder than this. I been here 10 yrs and we never had a store open for more than 6 mo's. The cops run them out. But I found lots of fiends to circle with.
2006-12-07 23:50:47 UTC
Well, it would help if you told us what part of the world you were looking. Lacking that information, I'd suggest you check and see if you have a Unitarian Universalist congregation near you. UU's draw wisdom from many spiritual traditions including the big three (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) as well as Buddhism, Taoism, Humanism, Science, Earth Based Spirituality (this includes Wiccan & Pagan). Many larger groups have a coven or circle within the UU congregation.
2006-12-08 07:51:06 UTC
Try or

And do a search on Yahoo for Pagans in Yourarea. Or Wiccan in Your area. Or Unitarian Universalist Pagan in Your Area
2016-10-14 10:19:51 UTC
i don't know any online, yet once you're searching for a team on your section you will possibly desire to attempt a close-by Unitarian Universalist fellowship will many times have a pagan team or verify the witches vox internet website will record some interior sight communities in you section )O(
2006-12-07 23:50:02 UTC
Try Granted, it's got it's pros and cons, but they're some really good folks there.
2006-12-07 23:49:50 UTC
What are you talking about? This whole country is a pagan society.
2006-12-08 19:40:38 UTC
Are you looking for online communities, or physical ones?

I run an online one, you might be interested in. email me. :)
2006-12-07 23:52:33 UTC
Today's Christianity Not Jesus' Religion*

[5:72] Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is the Messiah, son of Mary. The Messiah himself said, "O Children of Israel, you shall worship GOD; my Lord and your Lord." Anyone who sets up any idol beside GOD, GOD has forbidden Paradise for him, and his destiny is Hell. The wicked have no helpers.

[5:73] Pagans indeed are those who say that GOD is a third of a trinity. There is no god except the one god. Unless they refrain from saying this, those who disbelieve among them will incur a painful retribution.

[5:74] Would they not repent to GOD, and ask His forgiveness? GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[5:75] The Messiah, son of Mary, is no more than a messenger like the messengers before him, and his mother was a saint. Both of them used to eat the food. Note how we explain the revelations for them, and note how they still deviate!

[5:76] Say, "Would you worship beside GOD powerless idols who can neither harm you, nor benefit you? GOD is Hearer, Omniscient."


*5:72-76 In John 20:17, we see that Jesus taught that he was neither God, nor the son of God. Many theologians have concluded, after careful research, that today's Christianity is not the same Christianity taught by Jesus. Two outstanding books on this subject are "The Myth of God Incarnate" (The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1977) and The "Mythmaker" (Harper & Row, New York, 1986). On the front jacket of "The Mythmaker" we read the following statement:

" ...Hyam Maccoby presents new arguments to support the view that Paul, not Jesus, was the founder of was Paul alone who created a new religion through his vision of Jesus as a divine Saviour who died to save humanity."

Did Jesus or his Apostles follow a religion called Christianity? Who were the first 'Christians' ? Who founded Christianity and do the teachings of Christianity conform to the teachings of Jesus?

The teachings of Paul, the true founder of Christianity, cannot be found anywhere in the teachings of Jesus or in those of prophets before him.
2006-12-08 04:15:58 UTC
Try this site.
2006-12-07 23:52:00 UTC
Listing various kinds of resources for the Pagan Community, including circles (both open and closed), church groups, meeting places, study groups, and event organizers in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Northern California (down to but not including the Bay Area), British Columbia, and Alberta. Some are looking for more people and are open to everyone, while others are very selective, and a few are not open at all (just wanting the community to know they exist).

A listing here does not necessarily mean a specific group can or will help you. If you can't find the resource you're looking for, create it! Tell us about it, and others will help you with it. That's how all these resources came into being.

To be included in this directory, please email:, or send information to Open Ways, PO Box 87704, Vancouver, WA 98687.


Amity House

Area: Portland, OR

Phone: (503) 626-9074

A Pagan Household sponsoring Ffynnon Rhiannon, a fifty-two acre site in the Oregon Coast Range available to the Pagan Community for sacred use.


An Ceangal Mara Foundation

Area: Eugene, OR



Phone: (541) 686-6136

Address: 27 West Fifth Avenue, Eugene, Oregon, 97401

A non-profit cultural foundation. As a part of our focus we make available to the public traditional Celtic seasonal fairs, festivals, workshops, seminars and observances to assist the individual and the community in reconnecting with or finding for the first time a sense of Celtic Identity. We host a yearly Bhealtaine Festival, Lughnasadh fair, Preparing yourself for Samhuinn, the Celtic New Year workshops, Wren day procession through the streets of Eugene, and a Feast of Brigit banquet. We are available for multimedia presentations and public outreach.


Aquarian Tabernacle Church

Area: Seattle - Everett (Index, WA)



Phone: 360-793-1945

Fax: 360-793-3537

Recording: 360-PYE-WAKT (793-9258)

Seattle's oldest (1979) Open Circle. A fully recognized and accredited Wiccan Church, holding regular monthly worship open to all. (No sponsorship is ever required.) We offer:

Monthly Diana's Bow (new moon) worship services

Monthly Full Moon worship services

Pastoral counseling

Seminary training resulting in ministerial degrees. See

Public Continuing Education classes

Spring Mysteries Festival during the 4-day Easter Weekend

Hekatee's Sickle Festival just after Samh'ain

SpiralScouts, a Pagan oriented alternative youth program with chartered groups across the US and Canada. Charters available to the interested. See

Ongoing classes in the Puget Sound area at several locations. Specific classes, dates, times & locations can be obtained by telephoning the ATC Continuing Education Office, Ray Byrd, Director, at (425) 821-7246.

Active outreach to the mainstream religious community has resulted in a great deal of acceptance; Pete Pathfinder Davis, our founder, has served as President of the Interfaith Council of Washington, and Ray Snyder is the president-elect of the Interfaith Assn. of Snohomish Co. (Everett, WA).

ATC owns and maintains property with our church, offices, The Hekatee Shrine, and an outdoor sanctuary circle of tall standing stones just off Highway 2 near Index, Washington, on the way to Stevens Pass. Drop by for a visit, but phone (360) 793-1945 first for directions. We have numerous other recognized and accredited affiliates across the US, and in Canada, South Africa, Ireland and Australia. ATC accepts affiliate congregations under our Federal/State recognition and exemption umbrella. If you are interested in affiliation, please call us. It is quite simple to qualify.

We would appreciate hearing from anyone in the Portland/Salem areas who has an interest in providing a Wiccan ministry and support to the Oregon Prison Chaplain's Office regarding the practice of Wicca by inmates, or who might be interested in starting and/or sponsoring a SpiralScouts youth group in their community (there are already several in Oregon).


Ásatrú Council of Washington

Area: Renton, WA


Phone: (206) 228-0986

The Ásatrú Council of Washington is a networking and resource organization open to all Ásatrúar and Northern Heathens and organizations. It is not affiliated with any Ásatrú or Heathen organization.


The Bards of Caer Pugetia

Area: Seattle, WA


Address: 1011 Boren Ave. PMB #828, Seattle, WA 98104

The Bards of Caer Pugetia/Bards of the Bards of Turtle Island seeded by the British Druid Order.

We meet 8 times per year in Gorsedd. All are welcome (no fee). Founded in Seattle in 1997. Our newsletter is quarterly, called The Sound and is $5.00 per year.


Bavarian Illuminati M.C.

Area: Portland, OR


Discordian Bikers Cabal.


Caer Wy'east Outer Court

Area: Portland, OR

Contact: Steward Creace


Phone: 503.622.1381

An English Traditional Wiccan Outer Court, offers "A-Year-And-A-Day Dedicants' Training", for Seekers of Traditional Wicca. New training cycles begin around Beltane each year, and are sponsored by two Gardnerian High Priests.


Cauldron of Changes

Area: Eugene, OR



Organizational group devoted to creating and maintaining a public Eugene Pagan tradition. Organizes the Witches Ball at Samhain and a yearly Beltaine Festival.


Central Oregon Family Circle

Area: Central Oregon

Email: or

Family oriented social circle celebrating the Sabbats, Esbats and just having a good time together. Meets at least once a month. Two camping trips during the summer months. Centered in the Bend area.


Church of All Worlds

Area: Eugene, OR

Phone: (541) 744-2517


Church of Indo-European Wicca

Area: SE Washington


The Church practices a sectarian style of Wicca, having as its goal personal spiritual gnosis. For the larger community we offer an outer court, a prison ministry, a priesthood, and congregational membership. We will soon offer open Sabbats for congregational members, which include workshops and ritual. Member coven, Pax Pagani, provides a newsletter, The Wiccan Read.


Church of the World Tree

Area: NW Oregon


Address: P.O. Box 196, McMinnville, Oregon, 97128

Contact: Silverstar Red Crow

Shamanic, Reiki, Tribal Spirituality of American Indian and European origin, training in the occult sciences, Red Witch Tradition. Write for workshop and private counseling opportunities.


Circle of the Sapphire Flame

Area: Portland, OR


Phone: (503) 332-7229

Men and women of all ages and experience levels welcomed!

A highly structured, well organized Tradition (yes, such things ARE possible in the pagan world!) comprised of smaller societies (Covens and Guilds) within a larger community (the Circle whole.) We offer Sabbat celebrations, including two weekend summer festivals, Esbat meetings for the Covens, and detailed lessons that progress through many areas and levels of knowledge. The Path of the Morgan was created for a lifetime of learning.

We are proud of our ability to build and maintain a strong community both within our Circle and between our group and others in Oregon and Washington. There are no "witch wars" here ... no melodramatic scenes nor bitter, grumbling undercurrents. Keeping to our steady and reliable method, we've found that a civilized atmosphere allows creativity and personal expression a freedom seldom found in pagan groups. This is a good place to make and keep friends.

Our Circle opens for new applicants every summer season, June 1st thru August 31st. Interviews are conducted via email and phone, and finally in person. We close each September to allow our newly expanded group time to adjust until the following summer. We provide information on Morgana Wicca and Circle of the Sapphire Flame all year long. 6 to 9 pm is the best time to contact us. We are located in the Beaverton/Cedar Hills area of Portland.


Clan of Ce Cailleach

Area: Boise, ID

Address: 111 Broadway, Suite 133-143, Boise, ID 83702


Coven of the Silver Flame

Area: Salem/Keizer, OR


Phone: 503-990-0120

Contact: Lady Vivianne Star

In the beginning, we feel frightened and confused, as our fears rise up to greet us. Don't despair, just keep following the path. We are being led out of the darkness, and into the Light.

We are a coven of practicing Witches who meet at Esbats and Sabbats. We hold rituals and classes, and have strong Wiccan roots but are more of a traditional Witchcraft group.

At this point, we are accepting applications for membership into the Coven. If you are interested, please contact for details. Come join our Merry Circle and share your life and love with us! Be a part of our Family, and experience the Magick that iso already within you, as well as that which we can help you find.


Covenant of the Goddess (C.O.G.) - Northwest Council

Area: Seattle, WA


Web: NW COG National COG

Address: NWCOG, PO Box 902, Duvall, WA 98019

Northwest Council is a regional network of Wiccan and Witchcraft covens and solitary practitioners. We sponsor open rituals, currently primarily in the Seattle/Puget Sound area, festival workshops and other activities. Please contact us for additional information or details of membership criteria.


Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) - Corvallis

Area: Corvallis, OR


Phone: 541-752-5218

Address: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Corvallis, 2945 N.W. Circle Boulevard, Corvallis, OR 97330

A teaching circle for the present time studying WICCA 101. We also celebrate the "Wheel of the Year" ceremonies with Rev. Gretchen Woods presiding. In the future we will conduct full Sabbats and the Esbats. All are welcome, including families with children, and unaccompanied youth 13 and above with parental permission. Email for our latest schedule of events/meetings.


Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) - Hillsboro

Area: Hillsboro, OR



Phone: 503-357-9716

Address: Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Washington, County 22785 NW Birch Street, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6599

UUCCWC Pagans. Meets twice monthly for ritual and fun.


Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) - Olympia

Area: Olympia, WA



Address: Olympia CUUPs, Olympia UU Congregation, 2200 E End St NW, Olympia, WA 98502

Events are held at the Olympia Universalist Unitarian Church, 2200 East End Street NW, Olympia, WA 98502; or at the church's Bart & Gladys Burns Annex, 2409 NW Division, Olympia, WA 98502.


Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) - Seattle

Area: Seattle, WA


Phone: (206) 525-2651

Events are held at University Unitarian Church, 6556 35th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, and are free and open to the public. Childcare is available on request at least 48 hours in advance; donation requested. Please contact us for more informaton.


Cu' Chulainn's Leap

Area: Vancouver/Battle Ground, WA

This is a Vanc/Battle Ground based Coven, involving a closed innercircle. Openings may occur within the outer circle, as the wheel turns. Emphasis on linking of the souls, to perform nature-based High Magik with one focused intent.


Dance of Life, The

Area: Greater Portland


Address: P.O.Box 572, Clackamas, Or. 97015

We are a group who celebrate life through the worship of the Goddess, through sacred space, song, dance, love, drumming, medatation, and rituals. We are also registered in the State of Oregon to perform marriages, and will be happy to perform them in any style you perfer.


EarthSky Tribe

Area: Salem/Independence

We are a pagan universalists fellowship that meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm at 223 S Main in Independence, Oregon. We also have an open couch chat Tuesday through Saturday from 11:30 am till 7:30 pm, and main circle is Sunday at 11:30am.

We practice in the New World Naturist tradition. Oneness with Nature. Oneness with Earth and Sky. Our magic tradion is WICCA-based but gives honor to the native spirits of the land.

Bring a drum and some of your wisdom for sharing time.

For futher info e-mail me at or phone from 11am-4pm Monday through friday 503-838-4995.


Earth Religions Integrative Network

Area: California Siskiyou

Address: PO Box 482, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067


Eclectic Circle

Area: Portland, OR

Contact: Carla

Phone: 503-246-7859

Now forming (October, 1999). Celebrate esbats and sabats. Meet every other Sunday to pursue diverse interests. Initial members to determine structure.


Eclectic Study Group

Area: Vancouver, WA

Contact: Emily


Phone: 360-258-4267

Last Update: Dec 31, 2000

Eclectic Witch wanting to start study group in the Vancouver, WA, area. Areas to be studied include: Celtic and Norse traditions, fairy magick, candle magick, Tarot, and much more.


FrithGardhr Kindred (Asatru)

Area: Linn County, OR


We are a small Asatru Kindred open to all who follow the path of the Aesir and Vanir. As our name FrithGardhr suggests we are a place where all Asatruar can meet in peace and friendship. We have our own Hof building, where we regularly hold Blots, here in rural Linn Co. We are currently planning ongoing classes, as seasons permit, in mead making, cider pressing, runes, cheese making, herbs and their uses, wine making, and crafts such as soap making, candle making, leather working etc. All who follow our path are welcome. For further info please contact us via email, referencing where you found our listing. Thanks.


Full Circle Temple

Area: Portland, OR

Phone: (503) 238-0675

Address: 3125 E. Burnside, Portland, OR 97214

Sanctuary, Universe-ity, and Place of Worship for Womyn of All Ages. It is time to light the Sacred Flame once again. We honor womyn as priestesses of traditions from all faiths. The gates open for womyn to receive and offer healing, counseling, teaching, ritual, and support. Studying with sister priestesses, we draw upon our own wealth of knowledge and wisdom of sharing. Together, we create new forms while also passing down traditions to our daughters. For more information, call us or stop by between 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. any day except Monday.


G.A.E.A. Project

Area: Portland, OR



"Growth, Activism, Education, Awareness"

Local chapter of the International Pagan Pride Project ( We produce Portland Pagan Pride Day held in September each year. Our main goal is to create an Interfaith Resource Center for the Metro Area. For a schedule of events, including Full Moon circles, field trips, special events, and festivals, visit our website or join our listserve at


Gaia's Grove at UUAT

Area: Puget Sound, WA



Phone: 253-474-4646

Address: Unitarian Universalist Association of Tacoma, 1115 S. 56th Street, Tacoma WA 98408

Gaia's Grove is an eclectic group open to beginners and advanced practitioners of earth religions, as well as those who are just curious. We host 8 open Sabbat circles/rituals a year, as well as workshops, discussion groups, classes and drum circles. We meet twice a month.


Gaia's Kindred

Area: Southern Oregon


Phone: 541-582-2334

Contact: Marc

Recently formed Earth Religion/Spirituality Discussion/Networking Group which is open to all who honor the Mother and wish to help build Community. It's the dawning of the New Millennium,. It's time to step out from the dark of the Broom Closet and join your Sisters & Brothers in the full light of day! We gather on the evening of the 2nd and 4th Wed. of the Month, from 630-800+ PM at a fine, but discreet Public House in Grants Pass. A child friendly environment. Please feel free to contact us for more information.


Goddess Moon Circles

Area: Central Oregon



Phone: (541) 546-6108

Address: Box 129, Madras OR 97741-0029

Contact: Rev Lisa G Whittaker

Our Mother Circle is based in Central Oregon, but we have Circles in Washington and Michigan as well, and are growing quickly. We offer Crisis Intervention , Midwife & Doula Information and Listings, Reiki Information, Handfasting & Wedding Rituals (with clergy listings where available), Study-based Ordination, Homeschooling information, Merchants, Sabbat & Esbat Rituals. Goddess Moon Circle is a service organization offering help to the entire Pagan community, regardless of personal Path.


GoldenOak Coven

Area: Portland, OR


Contact: Thymekeeper

We are an eclectic/Georgian Traditional initiatory group who believe in the balance of the polarities and in personal spiritual growth. We also serve as facilitators for the Roots & Branches Open Circle. We will be accepting new students at Beltaine, 2003.


The Grove Union

Area: Internet


A Pagan organization which uses the Net as its basis.


Hands of the Mother

Area: Portland, OR



Hands of the Mother is a group of Reclaiming Tradition witches working to bring inclusive public rituals to the community at each of the 8 holidays. There are volunteer opportunities for those who have attended at least one of our rituals. All of our rituals are listed on the Portland Reclaiming website. Please join our email list to keep updated on public rituals. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming events!


Hermetic Fellowship

Area: Portland, OR


Phone: (503) 255-7910

Contact: Adam or Isidora

The Hermetic Fellowship explores a broad range of spiritual paths within Western Esoteric Tradition including the Ancient Mysteries, Wicca/Neo-Paganism, Qabalah, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism and other types of esoteric Christianity, Theurgy and the Grail Quest. We meet monthly on the 3rd Thursday for informal presentations and open discussion. Occasionally, we offer ritual and workshops. Each year, we sponsor the popular All Hallows Divination Party. If you're interested, please call the phone number above and talk to Isidora or Adam for directions. For reasonably current listing of upcoming talks and programs, please see our website.


Hecate Nuit Coven

Area: Eugene, OR



Coven of NROOGD tradition, as well as thelemic witchcraft. Established in Eugene, Oregon, 1985.


House of Lonestarz

Area: Hillsboro (west of Portland), OR

Phone: 503-693-6934

The House of Lonestarz is a meeting ground for people of various religious structures, to have a place of worship, and where they can meet with others in a positive learning environment. This is not a coven.


Iðavollr Ætt

Area: Portland, OR


Phone: 509-427-4167

An Asatruar kindred in the Columbia River Gorge Area. We are affiliated with the Asatru Alliance. Those interested in joining and/or participating in discussions and other activities contact us via email or phone.


International Order of the Red Pentacle (IORP)

Area: Worldwide


Contact: Avilynn Pwyll, R.N.

Address: 8802 E. Broadway #313, Tucson, AZ 85710

A support network for Pagan Healers of all disciplines: nurses, doctors, body workers, counselors, veterinarians, etc. There is no charge to join and participate on our online list. To apply, send us some information about yourself and how you serve as a healer to the email address above.


Irminsul Aettir

Area: Seattle Area



Phone: (425) 228-0986

Contact: Susan Granquist

Address: PO Box 423, Renton, WA 98057-0423

An international Asatru organization, headquartered in Renton, WA, sponsoring meetings, events, networking and religious outreach programs honoring the Norse/Germanic gods and ways.


Ivy Moon Circle

Area: Winlock, WA

Phone: (360) 785-4435

An eclectic pagan healing circle. Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. A few openings are available. Request letter of intent.


The Jefferson Index


Area: Southern Oregon & Northern California

A Pagan network for the mythical State of Jefferson (roughly Redding CA to the South, Roseburg OR to the North).


Klamath Basin Pagans

Area: Southern Oregon and North California


A forum for Pagans in the Klamath Basin. Some of my Pagan friends and I decided that this would be a great way to connect with other Pagans and Pagan groups in the area, plan events, and share information. Any disscussions on Paganism and related topics are welcome, and any information about local events or groups is encouraged.


Kindred Borne

Area: Portland, OR


Contact: Gilgamesh


A diverse organization. Celebrating all aspects of life's cycles and paths. A real family oriented group. Our members enjoy having at their disposal an extensive library, classes, workshops, and various other crafty endeavors. We all share the ideal that family comes first. (I.E. If the family/member is in a state of need; we are there for them (period) - "Come hell or high water")

We are always open to new family members. But, there is a process for acceptance. Please feel free to contact us for further information.


Living Wicca

Area: Portland, OR



Pagan and Wiccan arts and crafts, events, parenting and the cauldron kids club all on one site! What ever your need, we have it!


Lyceum of Trees

Area: Portland, OR



Description: Lyceum of Trees is a Portland-based non-denominational Pagan community dedicated to teaching the principles of Earth-based Pagan religions. Rather than teaching one tradition, Lyceum focuses on teaching and studying the fundamentals and helping seekers find their own paths in what can be a confusing forest of choices.



Area: Vancouver, WA



Contact: Sienna

Phone: (360) 693-7349

Mystic Arts Gathering and Information Circle ( MAGIC ). An ecclectic, open, Pagan non-profit group holding regular events 8 times a year in Vancouver WA.


Mist of Shadows

Area: Vancouver/Ridgefield, WA

Contact: Dreamdancer


A Wiccan based circle of study. HPS:Tonia Dreamdancer HP:Vandar. Emphasis on Wiccan Ritual, balancing of Goddess/God energy & psychic development. Please send letters of intent to:

Mist of Shadows

PO Box 903

Ridgefield, WA 98642

or e-mail above.


Morning Star

Area: Vancouver, WA


Contact: Zephra Windwalker

Phone: (360) 699-9286

An old Tradition from the Appalachians. Based in the Vancouver area. Some openings available. - Willing to teach.


Mother Rest Sacred Grove

Area: Blaine/Bellingham, WA


Phone: 360-332-1666

Address: MRSGrove, PO Box 3713, Blaine, WA 98231

Contact: Petherwin

Affiliated with the Gaian Life Church. Located 2 hours North of Seattle, up by the Canadian border. Lending Library open by appointment, Wiccan Clergy available for Rites of Passage. Re-foresting pastures to re-connect with the wetland woods; a Nature Preserve. We have a Legal Eco-Cemetery that accepts Cremains & a Memorial Tree is then planted. There are Shrines & a permanent outdoor Circle. Contact Petherwin for schedule of upcoming classes & Circles Open to Seekers.


Mystics Of The Mother

Area: Battleground/Vancouver, WA

Address: Mystics of the Mother, c/o Open Ways, 602 NE 3rd Ave., Suite E-166, Camas, WA 98607-2156

A Battle Ground/Vancouver based closed Coven, consisting of a women's inner-circle and a mixed outer circle. No openings at this time. There are, however, teachers of various subjects. If interested, send application to Open Ways, Atten: Mystics Of The Mother.


New Beginnings Social Group

Area: Columbia County, OR

Contact: Lady Flaming Star


Phone: 503-397-1100

We offer ongoing Wicca classes, ministerial services and monthly potluck socials for those in and around the Columbia county area. Never a fee, donations gladly accepted. Please contact Lady Flaming Star for more information.


Nine Houses of Gaia

Area: Pacific Northwest



Address: Nine Houses of Gaia, PO Box 14415, Portland, OR 97293-0415

The Nine Houses of Gaia is a non-profit organization promoting interest in Earth-based religions, both past and present. We publish the Open Ways newsletter 8 times a year, and host The Northwest Fall Equinox Festival.


North Idaho Pagans

Area: Northern Idaho



North Idaho Pagans is a friendly, supportive, & comfortable group. The idea is to uplift & support each other, to bring out the best in one another, & to have a safe & comfortable environment for all pagans to come. We are all continually learning together, helping eachother, & helping the community around us. Together we can make a difference among ourselves & in the world.

We welcome all Pagans in the local & surrounding areas, as well as their friends from other areas of the country. No matter how long you've been on your path or how new you are to discovering your path, we welcome all with open arms. We recognize that we learn something from everyone.

We are planning on having monthly potlucks, book disscussion groups, drumming circles, healing group, networking opportunities, family activities, kids activities, coffee get togethers, seasonal crafts, art classes, workshops, open circles & we will even be able to offer handfastings & rites of passage as well as other ceremonies. North Idaho Pagans also offers local pagan businesses, services, & artisans the opportunity to promote themselves so other pagan folk know about you! We are also sponsering a local pagan family for Yule/Christmas with food & gifts. We also have ongoing donations for the Food Bank & Humane Society.


Order of the Mithril Star

Area: Southern Oregon


Our international headquarters and Mother Grove is located in Grants Pass, Oregon. In addition to the Mother Grove, there are Proto-Groves forming in Talent, Oregon, and in Seattle, Washington (to name only the PNW-based groups). Associated with the Reformed Druids of North America.


Order of Northwest Druids

Area: OR, WA, ID


A Pacific Northwest Druid Order. Performs regular open rituals in the forests. Email us for information about the Order.


Ordo Templi Orientis - Coph Nia Lodge

Area: Eugene, OR



Contact: Vandimir, Lodgemaster

Local body established in 1985 of Magicians, Pagans, and Thelemites. Please contact us for more information.


Ordo Templi Orientis - Queen of Heaven Lodge

Area: Portland, OR



Ordo Templi Orientis - Sekhet-Maat Lodge

Area: Portland, OR




Area: Southwest Washington


Phone: (360) 891-7995

Contact: Rebecca

We offer support and camaraderie to Practitioners of life-affirming spiritual paths such as, but not limited to: Wicca, Druidry, Neo-Pagan Shamanism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc... OtherWays also offers members off the community the opportunity to learn about these spiritual traditions. OtherWays is currently headquartered at Clark College in Vancouver, WA, where it is active in promoting Religious Diversity and Tolerance. Please contact us for more information.


Outdoor Worship Circle

Area: Portland, OR

Phone: (503) 650-7193


PACT coven

Area: Portland, OR


A democratic, eclectic teaching/training coven in three parts. A semi-private outer circle--by invitation only, a middle and inner circle for PACT-initiated. Lessons by PACT University--complete with degrees and clergy training. For invitations and information, e-mail us.


Pagans of the Oregon Coast

Area: Oregon Coast

Email: or

We are a new network, on the coast. Seeking other pagans on the coast for networking. IE. Contacts, friendship and support. Dedicated to lighting a candle in the darkness to help open the ways on the coast. We will be holding open circles etc. Email us for more support.


Pagan Powers Group

Area: Western Montana



University of Montana P.O.W.E.R.S group, an eccletic group who meet on Tuesdays at 7pm to give support and education to the Missoula Community. We love to have outside-the-area speakers come visit. Check our website for more information.


Portland Gathering

Area: Portland, OR


Phone: 503-244-8128

A newly formed Pagan group that meets monthly at the downtown library. We offer networking and social opportunities, as well as the chance to learn, discuss issues, and create. All ages welcome, childrens activities provided.

Portland Reclaiming

Area: Portland, OR



Our website lists numerous classes, workshops, and public rituals offered locally in the Reclaiming Tradition of witchcraft. The site includes information on Witchcamps, our tradition, Reclaiming's Principles of Unity and Pagan Political Agenda, and more. Come visit often--we update the site at each of the 8 holidays. Please note: We are not a coven or circle, but an umbrella organization of witches who collaborate in all sorts of creative ways.


Red Cedar Circle (Church of Si.Si.Wis.)

Area: Portland, OR

Email: or

Phone: 360-604-8587 or 503-245-5660

Northwest Coast Medicine Johnny Moses Teachings open to all. Portland/Vancouver area meetings.


Sacred Flame Coven

Area: Greater Portland, OR



Contact: Lady Thyme

We are a Sumerian-based, but not limited to, Tradition. Bringing home the traditions of old, but also enjoy the richness and diversity of many cultures. We are crafters and philosophers, families, and friends. Celebrating the Seasons as they come, and the Moons as they rise, in their fullest glory.


The Sacred Grove at Oak, Rowan and Yew

Area: Portland, OR


A Faery Faith/Druidic Grove & Mystery School. Openings will be announced, as they become available. Focus; teaching the Faery Faith, Faery Shamanism & touching the wild magick. The Grove is currently closed, however, we host a public Yule.


Sacred Oak Circle

Area: Puget Sound, WA



We are a diverse group, working in the Taibhsear (Scots-Gaelic for "Vision Seer") tradition.

We honor the Goddesses, Gods, and Nature Spirits through: ritual, magick, healing, shamanic journey, study, divination, environmental awareness and public/community service.

Outer court teaching circles begin in January of each year.


Sacred Oak Grove

Area: Portland, OR


Phone: (503) 235-5774

Address: 3352 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, 97214

A new grove in the Celtic/Arthurian Wiccan tradition. It is for those seeking to follow the true Druidic path of knowledge, truth, and justice. SOG meets on the closest Sunday's to esbats, Sabbats for ritual and to the new moon for tutorials. Members are expected to commit to both as well as an individual course of study and spiritual growth. For those who enjoy the excitement of discovery and celebration in the Celtic way.


Salem/Keizer Pagans

Area: Salem, OR



Contact: Pixii

A Pagan community club. We have monthly picnics, along with various group projects. For more info, contact Pixii or go directly to the website. Blessed Be.


Seventh Principle Project

Area: Portland, OR

Phone: (503) 228-6389



Area: Vancouver, WA


Contact: Hps Tonia Dreamdancer

Coven empahasizes psychic dev'l and ritual through the Wiccan belief. Members range from Portland, OR to Ridgefield, WA. No openings at this time. But, we love to share knowledge and resources.



Area: Portland, OR



Phone: (503) 736-3297

Address: 3430 S.E. Belmont St., #102, Portland, OR 97214

A women's spirituality organization honoring the Divine Feminine and celebrating Goddess in all Her forms.


Southern Oregon Magick Assn.

Area: Southern Oregon




Spiral Scouts

Area: Portland, OR



Contact: Kristi

SpiralScouts, a program for girls and boys working, playing and learning together, has existed within the Aquarian Tabernacle Church to benefit member's children for over a year. Recently word about it spread on the internet and, due to the great demand, it has been formalized into an expanded program under the name SpiralScouts International, Inc., a nonprofit subsidiary of the ATC. SpiralScouts supplies leadership handbooks, awards, merit badges and pins, embroidered shoulder patches, and activities handbooks to make the program work for you on a local basis.

The program has a unique approach to scouting. Each group is led by both a male and a female adult, to achieve and teach that balance that is so central to Paganism. While it is based on Pagan beliefs and practices, it is designed to be adaptable by other non hostile minority faiths as well, by substitution of the faith based activities with their own. In addition to the usual fun activities and woods lore, camping and the customary scouting activities, the program includes teaching about the many mythologies of the ancient world. Uniquely, it includes a component new to scouting - life strategies and skills for teens, to help them learn early how to have good relationships with their peers and adults, and interpersonal skills that will serve them throughout their adult lives.

Please contact us for more information.


Weekly Wiccan News

Area: Internet


An online announcement community. Created with the busy Pagan in mind. If you don't have time to read the paper, let alone find out important news that could affect you in the Pagan Community, then our list is for you. We report on religious, political, environmental, and any other news that is important for every Pagan to know. Delivered to your email box daily. As members, you are free to post news articles you feel will be beneficial for the community. Please visit our community and peruse our archives to decide for yourselves. Become a part of our family today!


Wild Rose Outer Grove

Area: Calgary, AB


ASG is an Outer Court training group sponsored by an English Traditional coven of conservative inclination: we levy no charges in money, goods or labour for our teachings, and ask of the seeker that they make a sincere attempt to learn whether the Old Ways might be right for them. Meetings twice-monthly (more or less) at various locations in and near Calgary, Alberta. Some homework and assigned readings; students will be expected to write short papers, design and perform rituals.

Students may make a formal dedication of their intent, but per custom we make no guarantees of initiation or placement within a coven. We are most comfortable working with students who have attained the age of 25 years. Please contact us for more information.


Women in Constant Creative Action (WICCA)

Area: Eugene, OR



Phone: (541) 942-0889 office

(503) 266-7308 Portland

(541) 754-2310 Benton Co.

(541) 258-3865 Linn Co.

Address: PO Box 5080, Eugene, OR 97405

A women's church dedicated to the Goddess in all Her many forms. Groups, newsletter, retreats, rituals, classes.


Women Of The Goddess

Area: Seattle, WA


Phone: 206-322-2436

Contact: Janice

Women Of The Goddess is a non-profit, pagan community of women in the Dianic tradition. We mark the eight Sabbats of the year in ritual. Membership is open to all women over 18 years old of good intent who sincerely subscribe to our purpose. Solitaries and newcomers welcome!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.