2011-07-26 12:13:25 UTC
Here is my question; "How can a "newly perceived understanding" of scripture, spring from modern man, that changes the intent, and generally accepted and understood meanings of scripture, that have withstood the test of time, and by whose means, have directed the lives of millions of Christian soldiers over the past 1900 years?
How can this "new light" that changes the perceived understanding from the Holiest Book on the planet, be replaced with the modern interpretation of a few wealthy publishers, and politicians?
Case in point; It has been a general understanding for hundreds of generations, that when Jesus was resurrected, His body was brought to life, as "Flesh and Bone", then 40 days later "made spiritually incorruptable" while he was "ascending" to His Father.
Some of these "new religionists" teach that His body was "Dissolved" in the tomb, by His Father, then appropriated by an angel (Michael) by "materializing, then proceeding to tell His apostles that He "Is not a spirit", and that He IS Flesh and Bone...then He eats boiled fish with them.
If His body was "Dissolved" in the tomb, as this sect claims, (this IS their teaching), then the body of flesh and bone was, according to this sect, was a masquerade of sorts by this angel, to convince the apostles of His being who He says He is, when in THEIR reality, He was a transformed angel, a created being, who was really "the word" spoken of in scripture, old and new testament, and Jesus the man, was never resurrected...what hope would mankind have if this were true?.
Can you see the "change" in Biblical understanding here, by a belief that His body was "Dissolved"?
There is not Biblical evidence to support this claim, and if there were, it would have nullified the Christian Hope of a bodily resurrection...may that never happen!
So, based on this example, is it likely that some religious "Organizations" have taken scripture "out of context" and have even changed words, and added and removed them, all the while claiming that their translations and doctrines are directly from God's Holy Spirit??