Hi.....you, can look to the words...'wisdom', 'moderation', 'excess', 'abuse', and the articles of any conference talk that speaks of 'substance'. What happens is emotional *drunkenness or mental *absence from those around them, and they themselves are not aware of their neglect, in fact, they are feeling 'good' they presume, so they wonder what could possibly be bothering you.
But you are a plant potentially being slowly neglected right in front of him. A substance of any ability to alter a person out of their proper sensitivty---even a little--is misuse (abuse). Go immediately to D&C 121 and find the scripture about unrighteous dominion, and copy it down."It is the nature of almost all men, that as soon as they get a little power [access; opportunity...authority...], they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion (abuse power and opportunity of choice)." It may not seem related, but it is, it show a tendency problem where opportunity shows up.
Dominion over your own welfare is part of the equasion, here, and others have to fall with the dominos. This will give you strength to set your own boundaries of safety, because a person who will not protect himself, will protect you no more. The script is about abuse of dominion, meaning, abuse of the priviledge of agency (self-management over choice of movement).....if these plants alter him in ways that make you feel flat, you've got a problem. Even cocaine, used straight off the plant as a tea doesn't act like it does when concentrated. It's used for stomach ache in south america. It's a whole different story when it's altered, not that I recommend the tea.
Find out if the process is altering the herb. Even water can be abused, so it's not about the substances as much as abuse. Not too long ago, a college boy died of water-hazing, he was simply forced to drink too much at once and was dead by morning.
Still, sometimes it's the slow deteriorations that are worse. I married my first husband with real high hopes, but he turned out to be an addict, and they all say the same thing to *get you to be co-dependant (I call co-dependancy a Sick Support System). They push their will hard, and will do anything to keep their toy.
I'm afraid to say, though, it's the enabler with all the power. A perpetrator can't keep it going without an good Enabler he can depend on!!
Draw the line early, I drew mine too late.
I also say that "love, is to protect someone even from himself".
Now you decide how much you will be loved, not him. If he can pull it off he's lucky to get to keep you. I left when I realized he was already 'gone'. It took 17 years for me to acknowledge his absence right under my nose, and this even included prostitutes, AIDS exposure, and porn exposure to my children.
All addiction is as bad as the next, so I would not want you to think substance is lesser than what I went through. Substance is substance...a protitute is substance. You do not have to tolerate it for some 'grace' period before letting the ax fall, and you shouldn't. I married this guy twice because I thought forgiving him meant I had to keep him. But he did it to me again, even worse.
I am sure your husband's a good person, but let me forwarn you, everyone has *enough good in them to make a sufferer put up with too much for too long. It just starts looking like common daily normality.
Draw the boundaries early, and don't be afraid to be stern about it.
If you're uncomfortable, that should be good enough for him to put it down. If it's not, he's found a new love.
He's separated himself. He has stepped away from yOu, not you from hIm. You just have to recognize for yourself when that point is, when you are left standing alone.
Ultimately, the final requirement for any thing of great nature is accessed via sacrifice. If we stop short of that, that's what we have given ourselves and others...the short end of the deal.
Sacrifice is the determining factor whether nipping a disturbance is the bud will create healing or not..............these are harsh words for him, but how teachable and willing is he?
If he abuses your kindness and takes advantage of it, he doesn't mind your fall, and this can come from underestimating, alone. There are times when a talk will do, and then thee are times when a head needs to cut off..I hope he is of the caliber to put out the sacrifice for you both. ................God Bless