The Bible was written over a 1,600-year period. Its writers lived at different times and came from many walks of life. Some were farmers, fishermen, and shepherds. Others were prophets, judges, and kings. The Gospel writer Luke was a doctor. Despite the varied backgrounds of its writers, the Bible is harmonious from beginning to end.
Some forty men wrote the words contained in the Bible. But, the Bible “is inspired of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16) How? The Bible says: “Men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit.” (2 Peter 1:21) To illustrate: A businessman might have a secretary write a letter. That letter contains the businessman’s thoughts and instructions. Hence, it is really his letter, not the secretary’s. In the same way, the Bible contains God’s message, not that of the men who wrote it down. Therefore, the entire Bible truthfully is “the word of God.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
There are possibly 6,000 manuscripts of all or portions of the Hebrew Scriptures (Or old Testament) today in various libraries. One of the oldest extant fragments containing Biblical passages is the Nash Papyrus, found in Egypt and preserved at Cambridge, England. Evidently part of an instructional collection, it is of the second or first century B.C.E. and consists of only four fragments of 24 lines of a pre-Masoretic text of the Ten Commandments and some verses of Deuteronomy, chapters 5 and 6. Since 1947 many Biblical and non-Biblical scrolls have been found in various areas W of the Dead Sea, and these are referred to generally as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Bible is distinguished as having survived more violent controversy than any other book, hated as it is by many enemies.
The contents of the Bible reveals the past, explains the present, and foretells the future. The Bible Assures Us of God’s Love. The Bible reveals the knowledge of God, his purpose for creating the Earth, Mankind, explains why it is the way it is today, and is a practical guide for living.
So, why has the Bible been preserved? Why does more than 90% of the world’s population have a Bible?
There has to be a sound reason for this to have happened. Many have tried to do away with the Bible throughout history and failed. It is still here and affecting the lives of those who read it.
Is this not what we would expect of a book from God?