mormon haters, why do you hate the mormons? what did we do to you?
2008-02-22 18:17:17 UTC
i want to know why you dislike or hate the mormons. dont give me the stuff about they said this and this and this so i hate them, because newsflash, people are going to say things you disagree with. so cry me a river, build me a bridge, and GET OVER IT. otherwise tell me why you vow our downfall and suffering.
31 answers:
2008-02-23 04:47:11 UTC
Dear Mormons, I would like to speak for the majority of the post-mormon community. We do not hate Mormons. We hate what the church has done, what it continues to do, and how it has hurt us and those we love (our Mormon family members.) We have learned the truth about the church and it's history, particularly about the history of the founder of the Mormon church, Joseph Smith. We have learned the truth about the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Abraham. We have learned for ourselves that the Mormon church is not true, and that the leaders are perpetuating a lie. We know there are some good things that the church teaches, and we have taken with us those good teachings. We also know that most Mormons are good people trying to follow their conscience and trying to do what you believe is right. You are taught by your church leaders that we hate you, and that we are "out to get you." You are also taught that we have left the church due to sin or because we have been offended. You are told this so that you will not listen to the things we have to say. So you will not give any credibility to the evidence we have. You are told that the church is aware of the evidence that we have, and that it is contrived out of hate in order to decieve. You are even told that we are guided by satan and that if you give heed to anything we say, you will also be choosing satan and therefore condemned to hell. We know all of this because we were once in your shoes. We were once members as well. We were held captive by the fear and guilt that is placed on you by the church. However, we eventually reached a point where we realized that God is not the kind of God that would expect us to believe something without examining it from all angles. We realized that if the church really was true, nothing we read or heard could possibly sway us from it. However, in our earnest attampt to find the truth, we learned that the church we had believed in for some long (all our lives for some) was not what it claimed to be. We learned that the same leaders we revered and followed were in fact leading us astray, and keeping us in the dark about our true history. We searched earnestly to learn the truth. Most of this searching we started because we accapted Moroni's challenge and did not recieve the promised answer. Our research did not start out as an attampet to discredit the church or to excuse any supposed sin, as you are told. It was undertaken as an attempt to truly find the truth, having been unable to recieve any witness, despite following the commandments and asking with a deep sincere desire to know. Much of the reasons we left the church come from the churches own writings, both scripture and those of the prophets, not from anti-mormon authors as you have been told. Our attempts to bring our fellow Mormons to the same knowledge that we have now found is made out by your leaders to be a personal attack on you. You are told that we hate you, so that you will immediately become defensive, and dismiss anything we say as hate speech. Some of our attempts may even come off as attacks, but that is simply because of same Zeal you have to teach people what you believe to be the truth, (which many of us did as well) Why can't we leave you alone? Because we have been in your shoes. We believed as you do, and have since found out that we were being lied to, and we now desire to help our loved ones know the truth as well. We have the same zeal to spread the truth as you do. Afterall, we were taught to have that zeal by the same church. So, in closing, we do not hate you. We love you, because we were you. You are our friends, and our family. Our only desire is to help show you the information we have learned and to help lead you to know the truth about the oppressive, and dishonest church to which you have devoted some much time, energy and loyalty. Contrary to what you are taught, we do not seek your suffering, but rather seek to end that suffering. Our motives come from nothing but love for you. We urge you to consider what we have to say. Examine the evidence we have. If your church is the true church, then nothing we have to say could disprove it, nor could it shake your faith. You have nothing to lose by searching for the truth.
2016-12-10 15:40:27 UTC
Mormon Haters
Low Key
2008-02-24 09:40:04 UTC
Mormon haters are a lot like mormon persecuters. 99 percent of them are fictional creations made up by mormons to fuel their persecution complex. For some odd reason, many mormons feel that if they are "persecuted" it proves that their church is "true."

So the central premise of your question is flawed. It is based on the false premise that anyone who tells the truth about mormonism is a mormon hater. But I will try and answer it from the perspective of one who tells the truth about mormnism, and who gets called a hater by mormons for telling the truth.

First and foremost, I do not hate mormons. I love mormons. The majority of my relatives are mormons. I have many mormon friends. If you perceive me, or someont like me as a mormon hater you are projecting your own hatred of people who disagree with you onto them. We don't hate you.

The rest of your sentence is quite difficult to decipher, "vow your downfall," "cry me a river," "build a bridge?" I am just going to have to guess what you are saying there because your writing skills are so lacking, I will assume you aer asking why people say things that are negative about the mormon church.

A: Because the mormon church did a lot of bad things. They do much less bad things today, but they still do some. For example, the mromon church will not allow parents see their childrens temple wedding unless the parents pay the church 10 percent of their income for the past year. How anti-family can you get? I don't know more anti-family or not -but in the mormon church teenage children are taken by middle aged men behind closed doors, and are then grilled on their masturbatory habits!

But the mormon church is much better today. They have not organized any mass murders since the 1800s. They stopped teaching that blacks were inferior and could not hold the priesthood beacue they were less valiant than whites. They even let them go to the mormon temple and can go to heaven as regular people instead of as slaves now. And polygamy ended in the first half of the 20th century, no longer are middle aged men "marrying" 14 year old girls.

The mormon church no longer tells its members where they ahve to live, they are required to attend the specific wardhouse according to what the church tells them, but at least they can move whereever they want without church apporval. The church still requires its endowed members to wear a certain kind of underwear (with masonic symbols on them), but in the 20th century these "garments" were altered twice so that they could be worn with more modern fashions. The temple ceremonies are much better now as well. The treasonaous death oath against the US government was removed in the 1930s. The death oaths and the part about protestant preachers being hirelings of satan were removed in 1990 and the naked touching was removed just a couple of years ago. Sorry for the rambling paragraph, but its point is that the mormon church is becoming less and less cult-like and more mainstream all the time.

Now my question to you, did anything I said above make you feel like I was hating you? If so you are taking reality as a personal attack. Its not an attack, it is just reality. That you perceive the truth as an atttack, assuming you do from your OQ, says a lot about YOU.
2008-02-24 10:03:50 UTC
In my opinion, most people don't hate mormons. They disagree with them.

I think the episode of south park on mormons describes it admirably. Mormons are, as a whole, good admirable people who believe some kooky stuff.

Another problem is that mormons beg to be held to a higher standard. Phrases like "The only true church", "you have some of the truth, we have all of it" (patronizing) and "a chosen people" tend to irritate people. The doctrine is that others have to be baptized into your church in order to get into heaven (in temples). When you say things like that, you better have some incredibly good back up. The historicity of the Book of Mormon is doubtful. Joseph Smith was involved in polygamy with both married women and young teenagers, and he lied about it. Those are two of many things that make the situation look rough. Some (minority) mormons can be incredibly pushy about accepting LDS doctrine, and that experience can negate several positive experiences.

Most mormons I know are very sincere. I would vote for Romney over Huckabee or McCain in a heart beat. I have some very good friends who are Mormon, and they are sincere nice people. I just think they are wrong. I thing many mormon behaviours are great, and should be adopted. I think the mormon religion is demonstratably false. I don't vow your downfall, I predict a leveling off based on current trends. Stake growth rates have averaged under 1% for the last 7 years (using conference data). I don't foresee hellish suffering, but I also don't foresee front-of-the-line priveleges for mormons in heaven.

I will continue to enjoy being with mormons, because I like them. Many people believe wierd things, I still like them. Just don't say if I don't agree with you I can't dwell with God in the afterlife. It gets old
2008-02-23 13:26:54 UTC
I grew up in the Mormon church, and all of my friends and family are Mormon, so I love Mormons. However, there are a lot of people that have been seriously hurt by members of the LDS faith.

There are many inside the Mormon religion that use the power given to them to take advantage of people. The problem is that they often hurt others in the name of "God," which can be especially hurtful.

Given your question, I am guessing that you are not the type of person that would hurt others using the Mormon religion, but the reality is that some people do this. Because of the structure of the Mormon church people are put into positions of power and those under them are at their mercy because there is no way to disagree or question.

Often times when you have been in a hurtful or abusive relationship, you go through the normal greiving process of denial, anger, saddness, and acceptance. People that leave the Mormon church go through this greiving process. Many of them are still in the stage of anger, which is a perfectly normal stage for them to be in.

So, while it may be difficult for you to feel some of this hatred from others, just know that it often comes from the hurt that they have felt from members of the Mormon faith. The way to end this is to love each other. If you see someone angry, reach out and love them. That is exactly what Christ would do.


I came back to this site after posting this a couple of days ago, and I read what others wrote. It made me think of something that I want to share with you.

I realized that I used to be in the exact place where you are. I used to think that when people said things that were negative about the Mormon church, I thought they were haters of Mormons and liars. The reason I thought that, was that I had never heard the things they were saying before. They sounded like total lies to me because they were negative, and nothing like the things I had been taught in church. It is hard to hear negative things about something you love and hold dear to your heart. You have to be willing to really be introspective.

However, when I finally allowed myself to search the real history of the church, I realized that things being said were mostly true. My advice to you is to take what people say here, and see if it is or is not true. Really find out for yourself. Search the internet, search church and non-church books, and allow yourself to see for yourself. You might find that some things are lies, but I think you will find out that most is acutally true. But, don't take my word for it, don't take anyone's word for it. Find out for yourself. It takes courage, but either way it will give you a better understanding of why you think people are Mormon Haters. If you really want to know the answer to your own question, see if there is any truth to what people are telling you.
2008-02-24 08:14:45 UTC
Where do I begin?

1. I've been told by missionaries that unless I become an apostate to my own faith and become Mormon, I will not get into heaven.

2. Baptism of Jewish Holocaust victims, then denying it when the truth was found out.

3. "When the prophet speaks, all thinking is done."

4. Roman Catholicism is the "great and abominable satan."

5. "Ours is the only true church."

6. Deny, deny, deny

7. Mountain Meadows

8. Anti-civil rights (look at Evan Meacham, for instance)

9. Tea is a great thing, but not to Mormons

10. Forced friends

11. You have to follow a procedure to resign from the Mormon church.

12. Mormons say their church is apolitical - tell that to Stewart Matis in California and all the organizations who received money from the church during the anti-gay propositions in several states.

13. The constant indoctrination of the young, beginning with things like "I know the church is twoo" and "I hope they call me for a mission"

14. Only cults send out missionaries to try to convince people to change their faith. LDS has over 50000 out there

15. Most Mormon families, upon hearing that a member has left the church, try to force them back in or say, "better you had never been born" or "did someone offend you? What sins did you want to commit?," etc.

16. Most Mormon families, upon hearing that a member has realized his/her homosexuality, again will cut off all contact and say things like, "better you had never been born" or "better you had died in childhood."

17. "It's all about families"? Their treatment of non-believers or gay siblings/progreny proves this is a farce.

18. Nearly all Mormon rites were stolen from Masonic rites.

19. Lie, lie, lie

Would you like me to go on?
Martin S
2008-02-23 13:13:18 UTC
Don't you think your question is a little "persecution complex" orientated? Many times Mormons have expressed their contempt and hatred for Black people, Catholics, Anglicans, etc.

"so cry me a river, build me a bridge, and GET OVER IT." Perhaps you should follow your own advice? And I do know of which I talk, as I was raised as a Mormon in the UK. And I do not hate Mormons. It is Mormonism that I am not too keen on, to be honest.
2008-02-24 20:32:47 UTC
You asked this question to "mormon haters", so I don't know that I'm the sort of person that you want to answer this question. I just have to point out, however, that I don't think there really are many (if any) mormon haters out there who might answer your question.

As others here have stated, your question pre-supposes the existence of "mormon haters". I, too, think that most Mormons perceive anyone who (a) disagrees with them, or (b) points out negative facts about the organization as a persecuter.

Many Mormons still look back at the mobs in Missouri (in the first half of the 19th century) that burned them out and chased them from the state, and they see themselves -- ever the martyrs, standing firm in their faith. Really kind of a sad way to see the world, in my opinion.
2008-02-23 15:54:17 UTC
I dont hate mormons, I hate mormonism... The Leaders from day one have hidden many, many things from the followers...

I feel sorry for people raised in the church that know nothing more than mormonism. It surrounds them....they truly dont have a choice, for fear of losing family and friends.

I feel sorry for converts, like myself that were decieved about the churchs history and what was and is true church teachings!

I was not told any of the strange beliefs until I was already baptized! By then you are emotionally attached..

Anyone can do some research and try to learn the truth for yourself :) I did.....
2008-02-24 08:48:48 UTC
I think you will find that it is not Mormons themselves that are hated. Most of our family members, and in my case *all* of my family members are still truly believing members of the Mormon church. We still love them and we still love our friends and associates within the Mormon church.

What is "hated" is what the Church has done to us and to others. We do not wish for people we care about to be misled and abused in the same manner that we were.

In seminary classes and in Sunday School, we were not given a true and accurate portrayal of church history. To get that, you must read further into church documents such as Journal of Discourses by Brigham Young.

If the church would be honest about its own history and beliefs, then it would not be hated this way. The church has never been honest about its history and beliefs.

So the alternative wish is for so called "mormon haters" is the complete downfall of the Mormon church.
2008-02-22 18:26:48 UTC

The angst in your question is only going to generate more problems for you in return. You do realize that right?

Don't be surprised if you get a few hateful replies for your question. Just a warning.

As for people disliking Mormons, there are lots of reasons. The most common i've encountered being just a lack of information regarding the LDS in general. I've had to explain to a lot of people that i'm not one of ten wives, that I don't worship Satan, etc etc. There is just a lot of misinformation out there about the church.

Also, there are a LOT of people who left the church on very bad terms. There are people who were raised in the church, and treated very badly for really dumb things. For every happy Mormon i've known, i've met an equally pissed-off ex-Mormon. They usually have good reason too.

There are also lots of Christians from other denominations who don't see the LDS as Christians, and even as evil. Which is sad, but you'll have that no matter what denomination or religion you belong to.

Then there are people who are overall critical of religion. In that case it's nothing specific about Mormons, just religion in general.

I'm sure there are other reasons, but as a member of the church this is just what i've encountered overall.
2008-02-24 09:11:19 UTC
I don't hate Mormons. I like them; they are my family members and I used to be one. I left because I no longer believe it to be true. The Book of Abraham was the concrete, "smoking gun" evidence I needed to know for sure that I was making the right decision to no longer believe. I had believed that the Spirit told me the BoA was exactly what Joseph claimed it to be, but then I learned of solid evidence that it absolutely could not be what it was claimed to be. Not only is it not a translation, or come from papyri old enough to have been written by Abraham, the text itself is composed of plagiarized ideas like "intelligences" from Thomas Dick's Philosophy of a Future State (of which Joseph owned a copy), and plot lines from the Book of Jasher, which Joseph acknowledged being familiar with. I read all of the apologists' arguments from Hugh Nibley to Kerry Shirts to John Gee and others. All of those arguments are ruled out by the evidence. Take a look at Joseph Smith's Egyptian Alphabet and Grammer among the Kirtland Egyptian Papers. I learned that the so-called Spirit is not a reliable way to identify what is true.

One of the most disgusting things you will learn about Joseph is that he took in marriage his own teenage foster daughters, married Helen Mar Kimball when she was only 14 and did not even want to marry him, he married some women who were concurrently married to other men. Joseph hid most of his plural marriages from Emma, his first wife. No one, Mormon or not, who is informed will deny that, because it is absolutely true and supported by credible witnesses. And there is a fair amount of evidence that he had sex with a number of these wives. I did not expect Joseph to be perfect, but I did expect him not to be a fraud, power-hungry manipulator, and child molester. These aren't anti-Mormon lies. Mormons are only kept from the truth because they are warned not to read info that might damage their testimonies. Well, there is good reason for that, because the truth will destroy many testimonies in a fraud sustained by nothing more than good feelings that are in all likelihood self-induced.

If anyone in power or authority warns you not to read something, that is exactly what you should read, no matter if it is Communist China telling you not to read it, or Scientologists, or Mormon prophets.
2008-02-23 12:58:34 UTC
Because I grew up in the Church and was taught that my homosexuality was a moral weakness. After an honorable mission, in which I was assured, if I served, Heavenly Father would "heal me" of my "immoral thoughts", I continued to feel worthless as my god-given sexuality hadn't and wasn't going to change (duh). I read Spencer Kimball and N Eldon Tanner and concluded that suicide was the only way out. It didn't work, and thank God I came to my senses in the hopsital and got out. The Church continues to make gay people miserable and 2nd class. The Mormon doctrines, like other religions deny gay people respect and kindness, divides families over it, and has driven way too many of us to despair. It is still happening, so no, I am not going to Get Over It as long as it continues to hurt people this way. Oh yeah, and, as it turns out, the Book of Abraham is a total fraud, along with the rest of it. Seriously, look it up, the Book of Abraham is the most incredibly obvious fraud - yet they still pass it off with all the other stuff as real and Joseph Smith as a real prophet. Incredible. It's hard to get over being lied to and made a fool of. So build your own d@#$ bridge and cry your own d@#$ river.
2008-02-24 09:23:52 UTC
I can only speak for myself, but I think others will agree with me. I don't hate mormons - that's silly. There are individuals of all types I dislike, as well as like and love. I am disgusted by the Mormon religion, which relies on deception and outright lies to reel people in and keep them there, then tries to control every aspect of their lives through obedience to old white guy's edicts.

It's so unhealthy as it does so much damage to families and individuals. It tears families apart by encouraging them to judge and ostracize their non-LDS members and (gasp!) "apostates".
2008-02-23 13:42:26 UTC
Whoa. Hold it. Who said we hate you? Who said we bash you? Not people who actually read what we have to say. As a former Mormon, I can tell you from experience that the only people telling you that we hate you are your leaders. Believe me, we don't. I still love and adore all of my friends and family that are in the church. I still respect their view-points as they have learned to respect mine.

One other thing: if you want us to not have the "victim" attitude, you as a Mormon should also lose it. You are not being attacked, so stop pretending like we're all out to get you (we're not!)...
2008-02-22 18:58:29 UTC
Well, besides the dubious and troublesome history of both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young, the theology is just plain wrong.

Firstly, there's a rejection of the trinity(God, JC, & Holy Spirit) in favor of a more polytheistic pantheon of gods, then there's the bizzare notion that Jesus and Lucifer were spirit brothers, not to mention the Book of Mormon is seen as a divine revelation superceding the testament. As a stylistic piece the BoM, is a poorly written book of mish-mashed gobbledy **** that lacks any of the beauty seen in the language of the King James Bible.

Throw in the exclusionary practices of Mormons towards non-Mormons in temple rituals(ever try going to a Mormon wedding as a non-Mormon?), the view expressed in the BoM that dark skinned people are sinful, the circumscribed role of women in the church, perhaps the whitest group of white people in the world praying in exclusionary groups that looks more like a cabal of white men, as well as the offensive belief that all of our dead ancestors need to be baptized into the Mormon church. The near obsessive issue of tithing or be excluded from the community is another issue you could investigate too.

I could go on but the bottom line is start thinking for yourself. Frankly, I'm very offended that Mormons dare call themselves Christian or Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ because clearly, the theology and doctrine, and spiritual core are very un-Christian and have little to do with Christ.

Plus, I don't trust anyone who doesn't drink.
2008-02-24 12:13:44 UTC
The question assumes that the questioner knows that Mormons are hated. I wonder if this knowledge was provided by "personal revelation" or "witness". This should be evidence enough that one should not rely on these emotional physiological sensations for acquiring knowledge or confirming ideas.

Mormons are not hated. The Mormon church is not held in high esteem by others than those who are blinded by their commitment to defend and promote the church.

I was an active Mormon for 21 years. A guilt ridden fearful "Jack Mormon" for another 35 years or so. I was so intimidated by the fear and guilt tactics of the church that , even after having serious doubts about church teachings for decades, I refused to trust my own thoughts and I would not research any independent sources of information about church history.

After 9/11, I decided that blindly supporting a questionable belief system was irresponsible. I was as capable of being manipulated by my religion as were the unfortunate Muslim hijackers who were influenced by their unquestioned support of radical Islam to murder thousands of innocent people. I felt that it was my duty to inform myself. I made a decision to find out for myself all the facts I could about the LDS church and resolve the conflicts between my own personal experience and the teachings of the church.

I have found information that enables me to conclude, with great peace of mind, that the Mormon church was just another fraud perpetrated by an ambitious man. It has enticed people to join by use of incomplete, and in some cases falsified, information. It has supplied (and continues to provide) a greatly sanitized (altered) version of it's own history to potential converts. When I consider that the church requires great financial contributions from it's members, and uses false information and high pressure emotional cooertion to encourage members to contribute, I must conclude that morality in the church organization is severely lacking.

No, I don't hate Mormons. I understand Mormons. For many years I was a Mormon. I thought as they do and was influenced to support the church, just as they still are. A large part of my family still suffers under the oppression of the church, so I don't have much respect for the institution.

The interesting thing about Motmonism is the extent it has changed from the days of it's founder, Joseph Smith. If he were alive today, he would be excommunicated if he chose to practice his version of Mormonism. He claimed to have restored Christs church in it's "correct" form. Now the current temple rituals resemble less the rituals JS "restored" than do the original rituals of the Masons (the apparent source of Smith's rituals)

Smith clearly taught, in the "King Follet Discourse", that God, himself, was once a man on a planet similar to ours, who was faithful and has progressed to become a god over his own worlds. However, present day faithful members took no notice when Gordon Hinkley, their beloved "Prophet Seer and Revelator", admitted on National television that he didn't know if we teach that God was once a man, that he didn't know much about that. Such is the influence the church has on the minds of it devotees. Do not question the words of the leaders. Do not compare their conflicting teachings. If something seems amiss, assume that it must be your own flawed understanding, and simply "put the matter on the shelf" and assume that the conflict will be resolved, eventually in favor of the Church's position. I am embarrassed to realize that as devoted Mormons, we are capable of functioning with half our brains switched "off".

NO, I don't hate Mormons. I do, however, hope for their liberation from the mind control organization that I view the LDS church to be.
2008-02-24 10:48:53 UTC
Disrespect, and Contempt are not the same thing as "Hate".

"Fear of Scrutiny" breeds contempt for those who those who believe in doctrine that is categorically untrue, incorrect, and unverifiable. They censure and fire History Professors for shedding light on these Untruths at Church-owned Univerisities - eg. BYU.

They are fearful of owning:

False historical claims, racism, occult advisement, treason, modern genocide, bank fraud, counterfeiting, arson, poligamy, illegal second marriages, Indian grave-digging, Interstate fugitive, declaration of war on U.S., modern drug abuse....and of course Censureship for shedding light on these veriviable historical events.

"Truth"......begs scrutiny.

Mormons are terrified of it.

Scrutiny is not "Hate".

But Mormons condemn anyone scrutinizing their history.

Totalitarianism is above scrutiny.

Stand and deliver. Own your beliefs.
☮ Pangel ☮
2008-02-22 18:22:39 UTC
I do like your attitude

but to be honest with you .... Mormons dont really get a hard time here

occasionally some silly person will come on and spout nonsense about them

but they are defended more than anything else

the regular mormons on here are pretty cool

so chill girl
words for the birds
2008-02-22 18:41:28 UTC
Mormon haters are just haters, period. They're all alike. They belong to Satan, and he directs them to attack anyone who is seeking or serving God. They really need our prayers.

By the way, "cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it" is sassy but cute.
2008-02-25 16:07:22 UTC
I don't hate anyone.

Many Mormons do hate ex-Mormons, though. Wassup with that?
2008-02-22 19:03:32 UTC
We don't hate Mormons, Muslims, Catholics or any other group. We hate the evil they represent.

When Jesus said love your enemies, HE meant love the man/woman cause they were made in the image of God, but hate the evil he does. Pray for their conversion.

By loving them, we show CHRIST love. Jesus came to save sinner. Doesn't mean He loved SIN.
2008-02-22 19:14:58 UTC
Go to and ask there!! Odds are you will get far better answers than you would on here!! This website gets 160,000 hits a day all about Mormons!! Check it out!!
2008-02-22 18:21:50 UTC
I don't dedicate my life hating the mormons. but I will always be in disagreement with its teachings.
2008-02-22 18:25:13 UTC
I'm not LDS but I don't hate any of them. I love the book of Mormon but don't agree with alot of the LDS doctrines. The book of mormon is the most perfect word of God that we have yet the LDS have strayed from it at times. Love in Christ
2008-02-22 18:23:49 UTC
99% of anti Mormons are not Mormon haters. They know Mormon's are generally nice people. I myself just want to enlighten people in the Mormon religion to the lies of their religion.
2008-02-22 18:21:12 UTC
I love mormons. They are my favorite of the Abrahamic religious sects.
2008-02-23 22:45:55 UTC
I hate myself for loving (all of) you.
WTQ(what the quack)
2008-02-22 21:43:18 UTC
i know. haters bug me.

we don't drink

we don't smoke

we don't sleep around

so we must be terrible, right?
2008-02-22 18:23:43 UTC
Mormons don't drink coffee.

There's something seriously wrong with that.
2008-02-22 18:20:46 UTC
Mormons are awesome they are good at gangbanging.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.