When the intellect, bewildered by the multiplicity of holy scripts, stands unperturbed in blissful contemplation of the Infinite, then hast thou attained Spirituality. When a man has given up the desires of his heart and is satisfied with the Self alone, be sure that he has reached the highest state.
Pre-requisite to see the God is -
1) Un-conditional love to all beings
2) Surmount the desires, attachment and material possessions. Give up all desires and wander free from hankering, false ego and possessiveness.
1. Take a warm water bath to purify body and cold water bath to purify the Soul.
2. Prayer in a silent, clean environment.
3. Right action is the one focused on the divine, without expecting fruits from your action.
4. Meditation, breathing exercises and self control helps in detachment from material, people and nature.
5. When you withdraw your senses from the objects on nature, attraction and desire goes away.
6. Perform actions as a sacrifice to the Almighty God.
7. One who sees inaction in action and action in inaction, is a wise person.
8. Physical action is far inferior to an intellect concentrated on the Divine.
9. God shall be realized by one who considers everything as (a manifestation or) an act of God.
10. A person is considered superior who is impartial toward companions, friends, enemies, neutrals, arbiters, haters, relatives, saints, and sinners.
11. Reading Holy Scriptures
12. Fasting once a week
13. Drinking plenty of water
14. Eating healthy food fresh vegetables and fruits
15. Stop taking alcohol
16. Volunteer or take up any charity work or in school or library.
17. Study something new everyday. (Learn and acquire new knowledge) Go to library to keep yourself busy.
18. Share your knowledge with your friends.
say YES to divine pure love
say YES to loving ALL.
say YES to forgive ALL whatever needs to be forgiven
say YES to helping all - whatever help is needed
say YES to action without desires, without expecting results
say YES to action in the name of your favorite God, the Holy Spirit
say YES to YOUR innermost fire of LOVE and accept the HUGE flow of LOVE that IS possible to flow through ALL OF YOU
PRACTICE all above positive affirmations in all possible situations of life and as a positive result you will see progress in your process of LEARNING to LOVE and practice that ever increasing purity of love in all new upcoming and existing situations of YOUR life.
May all the beings in all the worlds be happy;
Peace, peace and peace be everywhere.