Calling on all fellow Christians. please help me, i really need you guys. confused about bible?
2010-05-01 11:00:40 UTC
I have accepted Jesus in my heart and my life has improved so much. i once was a slave to sin but God pulled me back to him cause he loves me so much as does he all his children. here is the situation, my dad (who doesn't live with me) was with God before me so i've always looked up to him for advice and help understanding God's word. well one day we were reading over the phone together and he found that some parts of my bible are different to his. sense then he has urged me to buy a different new king james bible but i was somewhat hesitant because i had sort of grown attached to mine. However one day a was looking through my bible and at the very beginning before the bible starts i noticed a page written by the scholars who translated it. now i wont write down the whole page to spare you all th reading but some parts said this. " the challenge for the translators was to create a text that would make the same impact in the life of modern readers that the original text had for the original readers. In the new living translation, this is accomplished by translating entire thoughts rather than just words into natural everyday english" and they also said " But even good things can be improved" Now how can God's word be improved by human? i thought to my self. plus revelations chapter 22 verse 18 and 19 says we should not add or take anything away from God's word. so i came to the conclusion that i would buy a new king james bible. so yesterday that's what i did but last night and this morning i had such a difficult time understanding alot of what was said. i was able to understand my old bible so much better but im not sure if its ok with God that i read my old one. sense last night i feel as if God is so far away when i know that he is still with me but i just feel like im being lazy or not trying hard enough to understand the king james version. so im asking my fellow believers PLEASE help me. what should i do i have been with God for almost three months now and the name of my old bible is called The Life Recovery Bible new living translations. sorry i made this long but i had to explain it through and through. Please please pray for me
Thirteen answers:
curious dude
2010-05-01 19:31:23 UTC
Hey, I had a similar issue a few years ago. I talked to my pastor about it. Basically, each new translation is done by a different group of scholars (who may or may not include some of the same people) who try to translate the bible into modern English to the best of their abilities. Because of word ambiguity, personal opinion, etc, some passages come out slightly differently than others, and different meanings can sometimes crop up. This is simply an attempt to create a more accurate Bible. As our knowledge of the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, etc languages increases, scholars use this to make better versions and update it to the most common English. This does not mean that the new ones are necessarily better than the old. Likewise, just because the older editions like the King James or New King James versions are older does not mean that they are more accurate. More often than not Bible translators return to the original manuscripts (or the oldest still in existance) and start from scratch. So, having different translations of the Bible is fine, and neither is better or worse than the other. In fact, I would encourage you to buy several translations so you can gain several perspectives on each verse and that way come to new conclusions and epiphanies through the different interpretations, God willing of course. Also, when your bible says "even good things can be improved," it does not mean the Word of God can be improved, but our limited understanding of it. Better interpretation techniques will hopefully lead to a better translation. That is the concept behind that sentence. That's basically all there is to it. Choose a translation (or two or three) that you are comfortable reading and read those as much as you can. I would, however, avoid reading The Message translation, as I feel it is more of a loosly translated Bible commentary and not a serious translation. That is all, I hope that helps, and I will pray for you. God bless.
2010-05-01 11:41:44 UTC
What's written in the Holy Bible is the same throughout different versions - the language is just different. I often go from the King James version to the New King James version when I want to see the difference in wording. I am more comfortable with the original KJV, in spite of the cumbersome language. I've read it often enough to know when, for instance, it says you must hate your parents, it simply means you must not love them (or anything/anyone else) more than you love God. It's an unfortunate translation, but sometimes there is no translation from the original language to English. The KJV will say, hope, charity - but we understand that "charity" comes to mean love - from the word "agape" - some words have so many different meanings, that the one closest to the actual passage was put in.

God's Word cannot be improved - but the wording itself can make it easier and less likely to cause confusion if it's put into everyday language. The essence of His Word is not being changed, just the wording itself - and that was done many, many years ago when it was translated from the original language(s) to the KJV. It is important to understand what you read, so go ahead with the Bible you're comfortable with - when you get a good understanding of something, go to another version (NKJ possibly) and understand how the meaning is the same, just with different vocabulary. Also pray for understanding - keep at it, it will come.
2010-05-01 16:12:33 UTC
The NLT is paraphrased. After doing research I rely mostly on the KJV. Although I have several different translations and like to compare what they each say. The NIV is in more common English, and omits many verses and changes the entire meaning of some verses. The other versions of the Bible arent' that great either. I can't remember the issues regarding the NKJV Bible, I'm sure you could find out. I think it is better source of truth than the NIV. All this being said, Jesus is the true Word of God and if you have Him as the source of truth, He is able to lead you out of confusion and provide you understanding.
2010-05-01 16:58:06 UTC
When you look at it closely, even a little word can make a big different. Take for example in Revelation 13:16, in the KJV they use the word "in" their forehead and right hand is the mark is to be place. While in the newer versions (such as NIV) the word "on" is used instead. I hate it when man thinks that he doesn't understand something in the Bible that he has to change it right away. Back than they never understood how a mark can be place in the skin, because the technology wasn't available.
Bill Mac
2010-05-01 11:12:43 UTC
Your Dad is right... the living translations are paraphrased, not an actual translation.

If you are more comfortable with it, then go for it... just remember it's a rewrite.

On important matters and revelations, you should double check what is being said.

The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into the knowledge and truth you need.

Personally, if you can get one, I would recommend the New American Standard Bible, Open Bible version. It has a cyclopedic index, a concordance and a very good bible study. It's written in modern English and closely follows the earliest texts.
2016-04-12 05:22:06 UTC
Homosexuality is a sin just like fornication, adultery, killing or any sin that is against God. What's there not to understand people? Stop with all this nonsense!! "the bible said this and that." The bible is a guide for human life and the spiritual. One thing that people don’t say much is what happens to you after you die. This is a serious issue!! as a follower of God this world is not your final destination. Sin will never have no place in God’s presents. Yes no one should be judging or condemning that's God's call. But as followers of Jesus we do have the responsibility to stand up for the truth. Sin is dirty and deadly and there are consequences for that.
2010-05-01 11:08:29 UTC
Hmm...well, the king james version really is hard to understand. I think God would rather you read a version through which He can get to you clearly. "But even good things can be improved" I don't think that refers to man, and our ability to translate. Even our good translations can be improved.

I personally read the New International Version, I haven't really looked at too many others, but I do like this one. Don't stress too much about translations. What matters the most is your relationship with God. Hope this helped :)

email me at if you need more help!
2010-05-01 11:12:42 UTC
It is the Holy Spirit that leads and guides all Christians. Part of His job is to properly reveal correct interpretation of Scriptures...which can be as simplistic or deep as His purpose for you at the moment you read it. As you grow and mature, the same passages will reveal new truth to you at deeper or more simplistic levels, according to His purpose in your personal journey.

If you are having difficulty, pray before you read and ask the Father to reveal to you the truth through the Spirit that He would have you know at this time. If it is easier for you to follow in one version other than another, who is anyone to judge you for that? Perhaps read them side by side for a little bit to help you get the most out of the same passage from both. I tend to stay away from some of the "watered down/easy to read" translations, but I am not a new Christian...and I do this because it is a supernatural joy to have the Holy Spirit teach and reveal to you something you know didn't come from yourself, and lighter versions can sometimes rob you of that experience. (I do like the NKJV. The newer published NIVs are okay, avoid the older ones when they made serious errors that they have since corrected, like using the word "young maiden" instead of "virgin" -- errors like that can directly impact theology and doctrine.) However, if you're not going to read a Bible because of it, then whatever one will be read is the one to use!

God bless you in your new journey! I pray He will build your faith and reveal Himself to you more deeply every day!
2010-05-01 11:05:03 UTC
You just need a Bible that YOU are comfortable reading.

I grew up with my KJV and I am quite happy with it, but my wife prefers her Harper Study Bible she got while in College, and my teenage son likes his NIV for its readability.

Translations such as the New Living Translation aren't REALLY translations, as you correctly point out, they translate THOUGHTS and thus become paraphrase, which is another type of translation.

There are several websites where you can read different translations and find what you're comfortable with:

John the Baptist
2010-05-01 12:48:08 UTC
I strongly recommend reading the NIV. It's much more modern in translation, but it doesn't compromise the integrity of the scripture. God Bless!
2010-05-01 11:06:29 UTC
use your old bible

it just paraphrases the thought better into what we know and understand

its not changing the meaning or adding new things in that was not there

i use the king james bible

study the words in the king james with a dictionary to look up the words you do not understand

ask the holy spirit to show you the meaning of the text
2010-05-01 11:08:10 UTC
I too think you should get a different Bible... this is a lengthy topic and not for YA

here is a link to a page on my site giving my position on The Bible.... I invite you to visit

you may contact me from there if you have any question on the basics
2010-05-01 11:04:47 UTC
When the intellect, bewildered by the multiplicity of holy scripts, stands unperturbed in blissful contemplation of the Infinite, then hast thou attained Spirituality. When a man has given up the desires of his heart and is satisfied with the Self alone, be sure that he has reached the highest state.

Pre-requisite to see the God is -

1) Un-conditional love to all beings

2) Surmount the desires, attachment and material possessions. Give up all desires and wander free from hankering, false ego and possessiveness.

1. Take a warm water bath to purify body and cold water bath to purify the Soul.

2. Prayer in a silent, clean environment.

3. Right action is the one focused on the divine, without expecting fruits from your action.

4. Meditation, breathing exercises and self control helps in detachment from material, people and nature.

5. When you withdraw your senses from the objects on nature, attraction and desire goes away.

6. Perform actions as a sacrifice to the Almighty God.

7. One who sees inaction in action and action in inaction, is a wise person.

8. Physical action is far inferior to an intellect concentrated on the Divine.

9. God shall be realized by one who considers everything as (a manifestation or) an act of God.

10. A person is considered superior who is impartial toward companions, friends, enemies, neutrals, arbiters, haters, relatives, saints, and sinners.

11. Reading Holy Scriptures

12. Fasting once a week

13. Drinking plenty of water

14. Eating healthy food fresh vegetables and fruits

15. Stop taking alcohol

16. Volunteer or take up any charity work or in school or library.

17. Study something new everyday. (Learn and acquire new knowledge) Go to library to keep yourself busy.

18. Share your knowledge with your friends.

say YES to divine pure love

say YES to loving ALL.

say YES to forgive ALL whatever needs to be forgiven

say YES to helping all - whatever help is needed

say YES to action without desires, without expecting results

say YES to action in the name of your favorite God, the Holy Spirit

say YES to YOUR innermost fire of LOVE and accept the HUGE flow of LOVE that IS possible to flow through ALL OF YOU

PRACTICE all above positive affirmations in all possible situations of life and as a positive result you will see progress in your process of LEARNING to LOVE and practice that ever increasing purity of love in all new upcoming and existing situations of YOUR life.

May all the beings in all the worlds be happy;

Peace, peace and peace be everywhere.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.