How does this make Atheists feel?
He Is The Alpha And The Omega
2008-01-07 16:46:15 UTC
How does it feel when one of your own comes on here and lies about the deffinition of a word to try and make you all sound intelligent? here is what I am talking about tczubernat asked the following question:

What does it mean for an omnipotent being to "want" something?
If God is omnipotent (without want) why would He want?

And when you look on you can see that the word really means:
1. almighty or infinite in power, as God.
2. having very great or unlimited authority or power.
–noun 3. an omnipotent being.
4. the Omnipotent, God.

Do you really have to lie to try and make your points seem real?
40 answers:
2008-01-07 16:49:53 UTC
This is WHAT... the Word says about.... THEM!

(Rom 1:22) Professing to be wise, they became fools

Thanks for Asking ! RR
Uncle Remus 54
2008-01-07 17:27:33 UTC
I think a lot of people missed the point of your question. What tczubenat fails to realize is that God is love. And a loving being wants to have fellowship with you. And even though he is all powerful, he will not force anyone into submission. Instead he asks lovingly for the prodigal child to return. He wants earthly and eternal fellowship with someone he created before he was ever born.

All that said it's just water under the bridge at this point. Peace to you and to everyone here. Later gator.
Pedestal 42
2008-01-07 16:58:41 UTC
I'm not even convinced it is a mistaken use of the term, given a few moment's thought.

What desire could God have, given he has the instant ability(Omnipotence) to fulfil it, that could remain unfulfilled?

It may not be a deep question, or felicitously phrased, but it doesn't have to be stupid, ignorant or duplicitous.

Your jumping to assume the question involved a lie suggests a precipitous reaction.

To answer a slightly different question: yes there are professing atheists here from time to time who are embarrasssing.

I don't think there's any point of view that doesn't have to suffer that sort of "friendly fire".
2008-01-07 16:59:01 UTC
Was he trying to lie, or did he just get the definition wrong? It seems to me that he was asking an honest question, though not an unbiased one. It is also not unreasonable to think that a being with "unlimited authority or power" could be without want, seeing as he could make anything he desired.

Have Christians never made any mistakes? I've read many deliberate falsifications by Christians. The Lady Hope story, about Darwin recanting his scientific claims on his deathbed, springs immediately to mind.
D Martin
2008-01-07 16:50:40 UTC
If you have unlimited power, what more could you want? Even if there was something you wanted, you could just make it.

And on the grounds of "free will" for mankind, God- being all knowing- would have knowledge of a way to control everything to his will without interrupting free will

And even if her couldn't, he could create an infinite number of parallel universes to allow for anything to exist he could ever want.
2008-01-07 16:51:27 UTC
I don't think that person was trying to "make us all sound intelligent." Surely you know that each of us has our own mind; one doesn't speak for all. I try very hard to never lie.

I feel the same way about the misrepresentation of that word as I do about the others: I feel saddened at the decline of literacy in many people. More people should pay attention to their education and especially should *read* more.
tuyet n
2008-01-07 16:50:58 UTC
Meh. No one represents me but me. I point out irrational posts all the time and I couldn't care less what the person believes or not.

Heck I see 20 or 30 posts every day where people make up crazy definitions for the word atheist. Some even capitalize the word as though it's some formal group.


"Do you really have to lie to try and make your points seem real?"

You must have somehow overlooked all of the evolution critics. Every critic of evolution I've seen on here has had to lie to make their argument.
2008-01-07 16:55:03 UTC
you need to think more carefully about this.

an omnipotent being who desires something by definition has the ability to satisfy that desire.

so if an omnipotent being is baulked of his desire (as for example by satan's revolt) the person finally responsible for that disappointment is the being himself.

god is a masochist, if he be omnipotent, since he causes things to happen which he does not like.

i'm not saying that your god is not a masochist, or that he is - only that he must be one if he is truly omnipotent.
I, Sapient
2008-01-07 16:50:13 UTC
It was a pertinent question. Not a lie. If a being has unlimited power then said being should be able to use that power to do anything it wants. How can it want for anything if it is omnipotent and can just make it be? There is no lie there, it just seems you misunderstood the point.

Which just makes me feel a bit embarrassed for you for not realizing that before posting this question attacking THEIR intelligence!!! Ooops
2008-01-07 19:45:25 UTC
Most will say that we shouldn't judge the atheist; however,

I have a different feeling about judgment....we are to develop our spiritual discernment....which...according to the Strong's Translator...means...determining the excellence or defects of people or things....(paraphrased)...., so this would mean that we should be able to judge good or evil between people or things....After Jesus came and died for our sins, then the judgment began.... If we sin and don't repent...and may or may not be saved....we will be hell judged by God. We are to discern between good and evil according to scripture, so you may call it judging, but it is what we as Christians are to do.
2008-01-07 16:53:40 UTC
I didn't see the original Q & A,

but it is possible that someone confused

omniscient (meaning present everywhere)

with omnipotent.
2008-01-07 16:52:17 UTC
So? Im supposed to give a flying f**k? He doesnt represent me, so I could care less if he has made himself out to look like an idiot...

Can I ask you how it makes you feel when a PROFESSIONAL who is Christian does the same thing?? I was reading a rebuttal to a Talk.Origins website FAQ on Evolution, and the rebuttal characterizes George Gaylord Simpson as a "leading authority" on evolution. Gaylord DIED in 1984. Some leading authority he is, huh? But this professional journalist is passing along lies to further Creationism - and is doing so not on some BS Q&A site, but on a Creationist site...

Looks like your kind are just as guilty. Hows that make YOU feel?
2008-01-07 16:51:55 UTC
An omnipotent being, by inference, is "without want"; think about it, if you had the power to magical conjure up a mug of beer just by waving your hand, how would "wishing you could afford some beer" continue to have any meaning?

Your efforts at semantics are no match for my beer-fueled mind!
Jinx (the crown PRINCESS)
2008-01-07 16:52:23 UTC
perhaps he was implying that if you have infinite power, you have no need for want

or he is omnipotent AND without want

im sure the athiests feel just like you do when some crazy christian yells KILL ALL THE HOMOS! or how the muslims feel when some crazy muslim says I KILL FOR ALLAH
mullah robertson
2008-01-07 16:50:23 UTC
Actually, even though he had the definition wrong, I thought the question itself was quite interesting.

How could an omnipotent being want anything (except, as I answered, through laziness)?
2008-01-07 17:14:34 UTC
Well, the dictionary is providing a definition, it is not mean it is true. God is an imaginary creature, therefore you are free to imaginary how great or how powerful it is, but that does not mean it will be true.
2008-01-07 16:54:17 UTC
Oh dear, you sound a bit desperate to make a point. Any point apparently. I see no 'lie' here. Perhaps you should talk to your parents or whoever else told you that there is an ancient Hebrew deity floating over your head watching your every move. That is a lie if ever there was one.
2008-01-07 17:10:14 UTC
The question made no sense, so I skipped it. I also felt it may have been insulting.

And you are obviously boiling over with some unexplained anger.

And no, I have no need to lie. I have surrogate liars for me. I call them pastors.
Alex H
2008-01-07 16:57:29 UTC
That person was mistaken, not intentionally trying to convolute a definition to make a point (although it's possible).

Besides, that has absolutely NO reflection on me or any other atheist whatsoever. For you to generalize and demean us like that is entirely un-Christ like and mean.

Why people like you get all worked up about such trivial things is beyond me.
Pull My Finger
2008-01-07 16:54:33 UTC
If an omnipotent being wants something, why not just will it into existence?
2008-01-07 16:53:05 UTC
Answering questions asked by simpletons who repeatedly miss quote and fail to fully comprehend questions they answer is hardly a worthwhile effort.
2008-01-07 16:53:20 UTC's kinda the same thing. If you have infinite power, you would be without any wants.
Citizen Justin
2008-01-07 16:53:48 UTC
I'd have sent him/her an email. It's not desirable, certainly. But it's a mistake rather than a lie. Your side also get things wrong.
Moonstruck Lady
2008-01-07 16:53:11 UTC
Do you really have to pick away at everything you don't agree with in order to make your ideas seem more valid?
2008-01-07 16:50:53 UTC
big red
2008-01-07 16:52:47 UTC
this makes me feel like i wan to go into the kitchen and make some pizza rolls. brb
2008-01-07 17:04:59 UTC
What has tczubernat's ramblings got to do with my absence of belief in God?
tyler durden
2008-01-07 16:50:45 UTC
Well gosh, one atheist asks a poor question and you slaughter ALL atheist's...typical. Do you feel bad when a religious nut asks a stupid question? Or condemns everyone to hell? or lies? probably not, since it was not YOU, so why would YOU feel bad?
Dances with Unicorns
2008-01-07 17:09:36 UTC
A mistake is not a lie; get over yourself.
2008-01-07 16:59:20 UTC
Just mistaken,,anyone can do this ,even a Christian

such as I,and we pray for them also.
2008-01-07 16:52:56 UTC
So God does not want me to be saved????

God does not want good to triumph over evil?

Without want there is no volition. Without volition there is no free will.

Is that what you are saying.
2008-01-07 16:55:40 UTC
I have to agree with Don H
2008-01-07 16:49:44 UTC
WHat are you talking about?

The definition from the dictionary is clear.

Having Unlimited Power.

If something had UNLIMITED POWER why would it NEED anything?
2008-01-07 16:49:47 UTC
lol like believers have never misused words?

funny how you, the christ-like one, points it out in someone with an opposing view

spread that love baby!
2008-01-07 16:49:06 UTC
If we consider ourselves Christians, Jesus only left us with only two suggestions for dealing with Atheists.

First He ask us not to judge them.

Secondly He ask us to love our neighbor.

Atheists are our neighbors.

End of discussion.

Love and blessings Don
2008-01-07 16:53:28 UTC
This atheist firstly thinks him as undue in this earth,

Satan tells him don't worry there is no hell,

but atheist wants everybody accompany with him when he accounts for his actions in hereafter

sorry , for atheist , there is no feeling
2008-01-07 16:49:08 UTC
I don't think he was lying. He was just mistaken. And that doesn't make ME look bad. Just him.
2008-01-07 16:54:23 UTC
I really don't care, we're all human.
2008-01-07 16:50:36 UTC
2008-01-07 16:59:43 UTC
great witness for Jesus.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.