Are the 7 deadly sins the sins that lead to all other sins?
2009-01-26 09:34:47 UTC
This is question 2 regarding the 7 so-called deadly sins. I am exploring the 7 deadly sins and their relation to other sins, and am examining the various points of view.

Are there any sins listed in the bible (either old or new testament) that are NOT a result of the so-called "7 deadly sins"?

Please specify any sin that was committed in any of the stories in the bible or any sin listed in the bible that was NOT a result of one of the 7 deadly sins.

For reference I have listed the 7 deadly sins below:

Envy (jealousy)
Sloth (laziness)
Wrath (anger)
Gluttony (over indulgence)
Eleven answers:
2009-01-26 09:51:17 UTC
Greed can lead to stealing for more, which can lead to murder for a financial gain from a will

Pride can lead to starving yourself to look beautiful

Lust can lead to rape, which can lead to you murder your victim

Envy is when you want someone not to have somthing you're jealous of, so you take it away from them. That can mean, say you are jealous of someone's girlfriend, you might kill the girlfriend.

Sloth is when you can either be too lazy to get up, so your bones may become unusable, and because you'd probably to lazy to have any friend's you might actually starve from no food/nutrition or you might kidnap/hire someone, like a housekeeper then treat them like a slave, ending up killing them (that has actually happened)

Wrath is just basically when you want to cause so much harm, usually if somthing bad has happened, say your child was murdered, you found out and you were face - to - face with the murderer, you'd just lash out and kill them. This can also get you killed if they're with friends who might of might not be armed, or you get taken to court and sentenced to death

Gluttony is usually associated with eating too much food whilst others are starving, you can also die if you become too fat and...explode, or more like just block up your arteries.

So it does lead to sin, greed leads to murder, pride to starving yourself, lust to rape and kill the victim, envy to kill someone, sloth to weakening bones, wrath to murder, gluttony to exploding

Hope I helped!
Miss Honesty
2009-01-26 09:41:00 UTC
i cant think of any. did you know that the seven deadly sins were not written back when "jesus" existed. nor was it a calling from god to add it into the bible. the 7 deadly sins were completely man made and were designed to keep a community of people in line so that there would be less crime and more organization. ooo and sloth is not only laziness...sloth is also complete depression that causes one to loath. the reason they made this was bc back then...if a single person didnt work it could throw off an entire family or more. everyone needed to put in their part. and "sloth" was unacceptable. ive also done reasearch on the sins...its very interesting. even though i am not religious and do not believe most of what religion preaches. ;-)

man made. not god inspired. end of story.
2009-01-26 09:38:17 UTC
And the difference between a "deadly" sin and a "non-deadly" sin is?

(Please provide scriptures to support)

Yes - Blasphemy is an "unforgiven" sin. Idolatry? What about breaking the 4th commandment of "honor thy mother and father" is that not a sin? (Of those "deadly" sins, you realize that God is a jealous god, and that God displays anger, greed and pride right?)

Not to mention - Wearing clothes made of 2 different fabrics, eating shellfish, and many many others.

Edit: Idolatry is not a form of pride. Someone who is raised in a culture that practices the religion of another god, is not a belief based on pride.
2009-01-26 09:59:39 UTC
One question that I have is whether or not "fear" might give rise to sin. Pontius Pilot was fearful of the Senhadrin and washed his hands of Jesus' fate. Did Pilot commit a sin by not acting to protect Jesus or was he simply in a position in which it was not appropriate for him as a Roman to make a decision based on Jewish law.

The 7 deadly sins are also called "capital" sins, because by their nature, they give rise to every other sin. Every sinful act in the bible can be traced to one of the above. When it says that Jesus read their hearts, you can bet he detected one of the above.

Based on Bible study and philosophy, early fathers of the Church spoke of the capital sins, e.g. St. Cyprian, Cassian, Columbanus, and Alcuin, and St. Thomas Aquinas. Some cited seven and others cited either. But St. Gregory the Great listed them as 7 and it was retained by the foremost theologians of the Middle Ages.

Two other interesting perspectives to consider are 1. do these also apply collectively, e.g. to nations, and if so, how? 2. What are their corresponding opposites (virtues)?
Light and Truth
2009-01-26 09:43:14 UTC
The incident where a member of the Sanhedrin came to Jesus and asked him what he needed to do, and Jesus responded to be Baptized. "the wind listeth where it blows". Do I crawl back in my mothers womb?

Which one was satisfied when Christ turned water into wine?

Which one was it when he fed 5000 plus women and children? 4000?

Which one when he healed a women with an issue of blood over 12 years? Healed a leper? A man born blind? When he raised Lazarus from the grave after 3 days?
2009-01-26 19:54:10 UTC
not 2 say these arent sins but i believe that the term 7 deadly sins was coined by dante's inferno poem
2009-01-26 09:38:06 UTC
I think those pretty much cover it, except for blasphemy and idolatry.

Those 7 are not listed like that in the Bible though. are they? Wasn't it just made up by someone?
2009-01-26 09:46:09 UTC
"Are the 7 deadly sins the sins that lead to all other sins?"

Yes, they are.
Karl P
2009-01-26 09:39:10 UTC
From what is going on all over the world is Spawned from all these, yes!
Gallivanting Galactic Gadfly
2009-01-26 09:37:53 UTC
stupidity (belief in the patently absurd)
2009-01-26 09:37:26 UTC

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