Has the Kalki Avatar already been born or is he yet to come?
2008-07-03 06:05:18 UTC
It's not been thoroughly proved but there are quite a few similarities.It's said that he would come to earth when injustice would prevail, he would be a forienger (no shendi) meaning outside india, he would be riding a horse(Prophet Mohammed rode a camel) and the avatar's picture also contains a sword.Prophet mohammed also acted by the way of the sword.
Now im not saying that he is defiently coz there are many differences as well, especially in the potrait of the Kalki avatar.But by far the only religion which has been the most fierce in spreading the reiligon has been Islam by the way of the sword and the continue to do so quite forceful.

But it was also said if im not mistaken that he would come in the Kali Yuga which is this Yuga so im not sure.Jesus also was an avatar of god definelty but is misinterpreted by christians that he is not, but he is never mentioned in the Dasavatar as well.So maybe the kalki avatar is yet to be born?
Nineteen answers:
2008-07-03 06:25:55 UTC
Actually, the Vaishnav Shastras and Dasha-avatar was inspired by Christianity and is a rather recent addition to the lore.

You'll notice that the Manu and Shataroopa are almost an adaption of Adam and Eve.

The Matsya Avatar and Kalki are adaptations of the story of Noah and the Ark [which is even featured there] in the former and the Apocrypha is just Eastern-ized in the latter.

The appearance of the Angels and the Demons, Heaven and Hell Concepts, the similarities between the birth of Krishna and the Biblical version and so on and so forth are totally inconsistent with the original philosophy of "Deivehah nirguna, nirakara."

Hinduism underwent a metamorphosis after the Apostle Thomas [the notorious "Doubting Thomas"] fled to India, where he landed in the coastal land of Kerala and founded the Mar Thoma Church and went on to Madras where he finally lay down and is buried according to legend, in the Cathedral San Thome in that City. He brought in the flood of Christian lore and Concepts that the local Brahmin's were quick to adapt to their own folklore

Of course, that event was over 2,000 years old, hence, "recent" becomes relative.

In fact, though this a small digression, the dress styles of India were the product of St. Thomas, who adapted the loin cloth worn by the women of those days [kindly refer to the sculptures on all ancient temples to see the original dress styles] to a nine yard stretch of cloth called the saree which is still in use; and the Jesuits' invention of the abbreviated blouse, which Hindu women still use; were the influence of Christianity on India.

Now, to return to the subject, to Answer the last part of your Question, the "misinterpretation" lies not with the Christians, but the Hindus who believe in the Dasha-avatar.

You might want to note that the Vedic Concept does not accept the existence of Heaven nor Hell and there is no Concept of the Beginning nor of the End of Days there; simply because Hinduism, originally, believed [and the core belief still is] that you were part of the Parama-atma and will return to that Being. Whether it is the Monism or Dualism approach is another story.




There is a lot that people need to know about the Concept of the Redeemer that St. Thomas would have had, being from that epoch; but, I've not discussed that here, because it's essentially not directly related, in the light of these facts, and is too long for this forum.


I don't want to debate the point here, Jared; but, do you happen to know in which year there were some significant changes made to Hindu thinking ?

The Bhakti Movement was a product of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486-1534). Gaudiya Vashnavism was the one that "revived' the adoration of Vishnu and a lot of work on the Ramayan, Mahabharath and even the Upanishads were a result of this.

Vishnu, himself was an avatar of Surya, till this Trinity was made and then, the Vaishnavs gave him prominence.

If you think I'm bluffing, please visit the Temple of Konarak and see for yourself. Vishnu is one of the Avatars of Surya, there.

Please ask the Acharyas of the Ramakrishna Mission or some good Institution. They'll guide you correctly.

I'm just a beginner in the study of Sanathana Dharma, but even I know this much.

There are far more well qualified people who can help you than me.


Please forget the theory that Jesus came to Kashmir. That's a thing that has been disproved.

The confusion, to dwell on this briefly, stems from the name Isa who was there; whereas the real name of Jesus was Yeshua or Yahoshua bar Yosef el Nazrany; a little known fact. Isa, actually, was an Arab.

What cannot be denied is St. Thomas, because his legacy and remains lie in India.

Did Christianity borrow from Hinduism? It's possible. There was a lot of interaction between the East and the Middle East. Also, lest we forget, there were the Magi, three Wise Men or Kings of Orient.

But, could Hinduism or, shall we say, Sanathana Dharma; which was so highly evolved that they had the Concept of Parallel Planes, Levels of Transience and the Concept of Godhood or the Godhead, be the one that could forget these advances and go to simplistic explanations such as Heaven and Hell and Angels and Demons? Now, that's the Question.


Of course, I'm familiar with the Sufi Concepts which encompass the "vision" of everything as symbolic to the coming of the Comforter.

Wa aleikum as sala'am, aziza Zahida Shireen.

Problem is, aziz Jared, that while I do respect the sanctity of any place on Earth, I cannot forgot the fact that God is Omnipresent and Omniscient [please refer the Koran] and, thus, to deem only some places as blessed would be to belittle Allah [subhanahu wa tala'a].

Similarly, in Hinduism, as well as Christianity and in all Faiths, we do recognize the presence of God, call Him Allah, Eshwar or even Yahweh; to be all Pervading and all Knowing.

While I respect your opinion, aziz e aziza, I beg to differ that these signs cannot be taken for the coming of Mohammad bin Abd'allah al Muttailib al Quraish [ṣallāllahuʿalayhi wa'sala'am]. To say that al burraq is the same is, also, at a variance, I'm sorry, aziza. For al burraq is a mule with the head of a woman, borrowed from the Assyrian culture.

However, I must say that it is very nice to meet two Sufis who are well learned in Hinduism and strive to see the One-ness of all things.

La'akum deenakum wa'aliya deeni, aziz and aziza.


2016-04-04 04:51:18 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

The Kalki Avatar is supposed to be the most powerful among all the Dasavathars. What makes it more intriguing is that incarnation has not yet taken place, a fact that adds to its enigma ! The earliest reference to the Kalki Avatar is found in the India's great epic, the Mahabharat. Rishi Markandeya tells Yudhishtir, the seniormost Pandava, that Kalki will be born to Brahmin parents. He would excel in academics, sports and warfare, and thus become a very intelligent and powerful young man. His arrival is stipulated at a time when the earth is engulfed in crisis because of a tyrannical and powerful ruler. Kalki Bhagwan is said to be mounted on a strikingly beautiful White Horse, and is most often picturised in the foreground of a dark sky. This symbolises his coming at a time when darkness (evil) is the order of the day, and he is the saviour to rid the world of its sufferings. This is similar to the Parashuram avatar, where Lord Vishnu killed the atrocious Kshatriya rulers. The Kalki Avatar is the most eagerly awaited one, more so because it will signify the cleansing of the world from all its sorrows that have been accumulated for many millennia. He is to arrive at the end of Kalyug, the dark age, and will mark the beginning of the Sat Yug. According to calculations, there are still many years left for that to happen (The Kalyug extends for a period of 432000 years, and it has just started - 5000 years ago). When we have such advanced military technology today, it will be interesting to see (though we may not, unless we do not manage to attain salvation by then, and are still caught in the rebirth cycle) what kind of weapons Kalki Avatar utilises. It is also said that Kalki avtar will come, when all the three rivers Saraswati, Yamuna and Ganga return to heavens ( dried). Saraswati has already been dead, Yamuna is dying, but Ganga is still at her youth. By the end of Kaliyuga, the Ganges will also dry and then will come the Kalki avtar
2016-12-12 01:05:28 UTC
Birthdate Of Kalki Avatar
Golden Ratio
2008-07-03 11:14:06 UTC
The Kalki Avatar is said to come at the height of evil in Kali yuga. The Kali yuga has just started 5000 years ago. It has a long, long way to go yet. So Kalki will come later, when evil becomes so intolerable.

Simon T, you are misinformed about the Dashavatar. There is definitely no influence of Noah's Ark, or any other biblical account. That's because Matsya Avatar was originally an avatar of Brahma in the Shatapatha Brahmana, and was later taken over by Vishnu. The Brahmana literature is much much older than the era in which Christian ideas were supposed to influence Hinduism. Varaaha avatar is also independently mentioned in the Yajurveda, before it was taken as an avatar of Vishnu.
2014-03-07 02:46:58 UTC
Prophet Mohomad, Jesus didnt save the world they gave more reason to fight they gve strength to Kali

the Iron age we are still misguided by Islamic laws and other religious laws

there is only One god

we create the messenger no body sent them not even god

God never send Muhammad, Jesus and 10 sikh Gurus,

God will come this time by himself to stop all bad things and we are waiting for it

No body knows he will come in which shape and size may be his name will KALKI or any other but he will come definately and first of all he will kill all religion because religion is the main root of fights

I Curse them who start diffrent diffrent Religion weather it is Hindu, Islam, Christianity, or Sikhism, religion gave weapons in our hands nothing else and country like Pakistan and India are the most misguided country on the name of religion, curse to pakistan and all Islamic followers who is living any other part of world

I hate Mr. Jesus

I hate Mr. Mohammed

I hateEach and Every so called messangers
Kumar rahul Prasad
2014-02-20 12:57:58 UTC
muhammed make group of malechha people. These muslims are here in dia to destroy hinduism, hindu and every god scripture of holy land of bharat. It is laughing that muhammad will fight against malech people to save dharma. kalki did not born till the time.
2014-05-13 13:16:47 UTC
i am waiting for him/her to come

2016-04-03 21:36:16 UTC
every conditions mentioned about kalki avatar has proved by PROPHET MUHAMMAD[SAWS] and it is his teachings with which we are living in peace,comfort,modernisation and spirituality.
2014-08-13 18:51:28 UTC
Different religion having different practices to follow. Enlightenment by human beings is accepted by all religions. All religions finally reach there. Peace to all.
2014-09-24 03:21:17 UTC
Anony Mouse ..... it is really good to see that some one is this much interested in learning about the sanathan dharma.

well let me tell you some of the points which will make you think exactly the way you should (just hold on) ...........

as it is said that the person named "jesus" came just 2000 years ago ,... and in his name people created the Christianity ....... then came the islam out of this very Christianity........ then after some time came the person named "guru naanak" ... after whom is said to be the sikh dharma ......................... now my friend .... YOU yourself know that the Buddha came even before the christ was born ...that is by 300 BC ...... and also the Mahaveera came even before the buddha ..that is by 600 BC ................ and it is very clear that both buddha and mahaveer were from the sanathana dharma who attained the state of so called "Bhudditva" or Bhodhisatva" .............. ,..... now let us keep these things on one side ..... and just focus on what was in each and every part of this very world we live in ......

1. It is proved that each and every part of this world the humans used to do "Moorty Pooja" that is worshiping the idols .....

2. It is proved that places like Russia ..Kambodia ...Italy ...Germany ..have had the idol worshiping as the statues of GOD VISHNU has been found that were of 300 BC to 300 AD ......

3. And moreover the Egyptians were worshipping the GOD SURYA as per the Sanathana dharma .....

4. IT is proved that the COINS (money) that were found from the parts of Afganistan ...turkey ...areas were having "Balarama" on one side and "Krishna" on the other side !!!

5. And the word VETICAN is from the word VETICA of sanskrit language..... and the whole vetican formation is of like that of a Great or Huge SHIVA LINGA ............ oit is said that many shiva lingas were found there burried under the ground when it was decided that the sanathana dharma will be washed out and they have to create a new dharma or religion !!! ...... not only in vetican city but also in many other places the shiva lingas and the statues of Vishnu are found.

6. My friend the holy bible and ofcourse the Khuraan which says some things like that of the ADAM and EVE are the copies of the Vishnu puranas

and this cvan be very easily proved by the desrciptions of the whole "THIRUKURALS" which were written in the one of the very ancient languages known as "TAMIL" .... and my friend this was written way before even the so called Jesus was born ....

we even have the scripts of tamil language for the reference that people like you may need them ......

well there is another fact which relates everything to the Sanathana dharma ..that is Meditation which you know Came from Sanathana dharma !!! ....... well there is a crew of members who are actually doing a research and are very near to prove a BIG THING !!!........ yes my friend that is "jesus" was never born in JERUSALEM ....... he was born some where near MYANMAR region .....and came to then INDIA which was known for the biggest UNIVERSITY ever ....known as the university of pataliputra ... which is now in Bihar .................. well people from every part of the world came to india even before jesus was born just to get all those spiritual things so as to connect to the same "PARAMATMA" which is nothing but ADHI SHAKTI or just plain LIGHT !!! ...... and that is why my friends this whole world bends and bows to each and every woman be it of any nature (any kind of animal) !!!! ......... well you people think you are doing research .... but are you really into something ??!!! .... come on man ... you think that you found out the "string theory" which states universe is a hologram ...... but long ago people of india knew that these things which we see are not real !!!! everything is just an illusion !!! ........ .... ok just one thing .....if you rally want to learn things that are necessary ....... you should contact those who are really known for their mastery in every religious aspects ........ and please if you people are from outside of india then don't ever ask some one who wants money in return !!! ...... you want to know just come to india and get to know the things that are meant to be known .................... cause india is not the place where the sanathana dharma started !!! yes that is the truth ofcourse ......... but it will be hte place where the sanathana dharma will end ............ after which the so called KALKI avatar of GOD VISHNU will come ................................... and my friends the best possible way to get to the other worlds is not by "rockets" ..... really that mankind will come to know very soon !!! ...... because the PAATALA Loka where the demons live is said to be finding a way out to reach the EARTH very soon ........... and by the time they find a way and reach here ........ trust me my friends even the great USA ( i like America and every other country as they really TRY hard to do good things) won't be able to stop those foreigners from outside our earth !!! ......... so instead of fighting among ourselves we should prepare ourselves for the foreign bodies ............. yeah this may sound idiotic ...but by chance any of the higher officials get a chance to see this post ........ just feel free to come here ............. because it is the rights of every human to live with peace and happiness and to know that we have to live here and play our parts ...............................and if possible know everything about anything and post it online .......... that doesn't mean that i know things ...... but i can assure you that i know many things .......... and if you want to know feel free to contact me

thank you for being calm and patient
Venkateshwara -
2014-02-23 09:37:40 UTC
Open website for more about Kalki Avatar ...
2008-07-03 06:08:59 UTC
Not born yet. Wait till he comes.
2015-09-01 12:16:17 UTC
prophet muhammad peace be upon hin is the khalkhi avtar
2008-07-03 09:19:05 UTC
simple answer man

kalki avatar was supposed to destroy the kaliyuga

did mohammed do that? definately not
2008-07-04 02:45:06 UTC
Only a fool would ever compare Muhammad to the Kalki Avtar,

The mission of Kalki Avatara is to re-establish the religious principles, which have disappeared by the end of Kali Yuga, the iron age of hypocrisy and quarrel.

yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata

abhyutthanam adharmasya tadatmanam srijamy aham

"Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion--at that time I descend Myself."

From the time Muhammed and his followers started spreading islam by use of the sword and forced convertions there has been more evil in this world,,more terrorist attacks ,more innocents killed,women not respected and treated as equals,,,, its to rid the earth of such evil that kalki avtar is going to be born, sure after muhammed and islam evil has increased in this world.

There are many incarnations of the Supreme Being as stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.3.26): "O brahmanas, the incarnations of the Lord are innumerable, like rivulets flowing from inexhaustible sources of water." However, out of all the various incarnations of the Supreme, the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.3.28) specifically states "krishnas tu bhagavan svayam," which means that Lord Sri Krishna is the original Supreme Personality of God. All others are His plenary portions, or parts of His plenary portions, who descend into this material world to carry out certain responsibilities and to do specific things. This is especially the case when the planets are overly disturbed by miscreants and atheists. In Kali-yuga many years go by in which constant disturbances and social upheavals are allowed to happen, but the Vedic literature predicts that at the end Lord Kalki will make His appearance to change everything, as described in the following verses:

Kalki Avatara

"Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas [Kali-yuga and Satya-yuga], the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Vishnuyasha. At this time the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers." (Bhag.1.3.25)

"Lord Kalki will appear in the home of the most eminent brahmana of Shambhala village, the great soul Vishnuyasha." (Bhag.12.2.18)

"At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher castes, and when the power of government is transferred to the hands of ministers elected from the lowborn shudra class or those less than them, and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser." (Bhag.2.7.38)

The Vishnu Purana (Book Four, Chapter 24) also explains that, "When the practices taught in the Vedas and institutes of law have nearly ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists of His own spiritual nature, and who is the beginning and end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon earth. He will be born in the family of Vishnuyasha, an eminent brahmana of Shambhala village, as Kalki, endowed with eight superhuman faculties."

The Agni Purana (16.7-9) also explains that when the non-Aryans who pose as kings begin devouring men who appear righteous and feed on human beings, Kalki, as the son of Vishnuyasha, and Yajnavalkya as His priest and teacher, will destroy these non-Aryans with His weapons. He will establish moral law in the form of the fourfold varnas, or the suitable organization of society in four classes. After that people will return to the path of righteousness.

The Padma Purana (6.71.279-282) relates that Lord Kalki will end the age of Kali and will kill all the wicked mlecchas and, thus, destroy the bad condition of the world. He will gather all of the distinguished brahmanas and will propound the highest truth. He will know all the ways of life that have perished and will remove the prolonged hunger of the genuine brahmanas and the pious. He will be the only ruler of the world that cannot be controlled, and will be the banner of victory and adorable to the world.

Here in these verses we find that Lord Kalki will come as a chastiser or warrior. By this time the planet will be filled with people who will be unable to understand logical conversations. They will be too slow-minded and dull-witted, not capable of being taught much, especially in the way of high philosophy regarding the purpose of life. They will not know what they need to do or how to live. And they certainly will be unable to change their ways. Therefore, Lord Kalki does not come to teach, but simply to chastise, punish, and cleanse the planet.

Furthermore, we also find the name of the place where Lord Kalki will appear and the name of the family in which He will be born. The family will be qualified brahmanas. This means that a disciplic and family line of spiritually qualified brahmanas will remain on the planet throughout the age of Kali, no matter how bad things get. Though they may be hidden, living in a small village somewhere, it will be this line of bhaktas, spiritual devotees, from which Lord Kalki will appear in the distant future. No one knows where this village of Shambala is located. Some feel that it is yet to manifest, or that it will be a hidden underground community from which Lord Kalki will appear.

In this connection we find in the Padma Purana (6.242.8-12) the prediction that Lord Kalki will be born in the town of Shambala near the end of Kali-yuga from a brahmana who is actually an incarnation of Svayambhuva Manu. It is described that Svayambhuva performed austerities at Naimisa on the bank of the Gomati River for acquiring the privilege of having Lord Vishnu as his son in three lifetimes. Lord Vishnu, being pleased with Svayambhuva, granted the blessing that He would appear as Svayambhuva's son as Lord Rama, Krishna, and Kalki. Thus, Svayambhuva would appear as Dasaratha, Vasudeva, and then Vishnuyasha. Also, in the Padma Purana (1.40.46) we find Lord Vishnu admits that He will be born in Kali-yuga. Thus, He will appear as Lord Kalki.

Srimad-Bhagavatam (12.2.21-24) further describes that after all of the devious and fake kings have been killed, the remaining residents of the towns and cities will smell the breezes that carry the sacred aroma of the Lord's sandalwood paste and decorations, and their minds will then become spiritually purified. When the Supreme Being appears in their hearts in His form of pure goodness, the remaining citizens will abundantly repopulate the earth. With this appearance of Lord Kalki, Satya-yuga will begin again and the remaining humans will produce children in goodness. Thus, when the moon, the sun, and Jupiter are in the constellation Kartaka, Cancer, and together enter the lunar mansion of Pusya, that is when the age of Satya-yuga will begin. Therefore, as related in the Bhagavatam (12.2.34), after one thousand celestial years of Kali-yuga, Satya-yuga will again manifest. At that time the minds of men will be self-effulgent.
2008-07-03 10:56:28 UTC
he is yet to be born if he is born all the bad ones r doomed
2015-08-15 07:21:44 UTC
he has already taken birth
2008-07-04 02:04:44 UTC
I think he is yet to come.
zahida shireen
2008-07-03 08:20:49 UTC
Kalki Autar

By: Prof. Pundit Vaid Parkash

Reviewed by: Mir Abdul Majeed

Broadcasted on BICNews 8 December 1997

Pundit verifies Messenger was foretold

The Message, October 1997

*The Last Kalki Autar (Messenger) that the Veda has foretold and who is waited on by Hindus is the Prophet Muhammed ibn Abdullah (saw) *

A recently published book in Hindi has raised a lot of hue and cry all over India. In the event of the author being Muslim, he would have been jailed and a strict ban would have certainly been imposed on the printing and the publishing of the book. The author of this important research work "Kalki Autar" i.e. "guide and Prophet of whole universe" comes of a Bengali race and holds an important portfolio at Ilahabad University.

Pundit Vaid Parkash is a Brahman Hindu and a well known Sanskrit scholar and research worker. Pundit Vaid Parkash, after a great deal of toil and hard-work, presented the work to as many as eight great Pundits who are themselves very well known in the field of research in India, and are amongst the learned religious leaders.

Their Pundits, after thorough study of the book, have acknowledged this to be true and authentic research work. Important religious books of India mention the guide and prophet by the specific name of "Kalki Autar" it denotes the great man Muhammed (saw) who was born in Makkah. Hence, all Hindus where-ever they may be, should wait no longer for any other 'kalki autar' but to embrace Islam and follow in the footsteps of the last Messenger of Allah (swt) who was sent in the world about fourteen hundred years ago with a mission from Him and after accmplishing it has long ago departed this world.

As an argument to prove the authenticity of his research, Pundit Vaid Parkash quotes from the Veda, a sacred book among Hindus:


Veda mentions that 'kalki autar' will be the last Messenger / Prophet of Bhagwan (Allah) to guide the whole world. Afer quoting this reference the Pundit Parkash says that this comes true only in the case of Muhammed (saw).


According to a prophecy of Hinduism, 'kalki autar' will be born in an island and that is the Arab territory which is known as 'jazeeratul Arab'.


In the 'sacred' book of Hindus the father's name of 'kalki autar' is mentioned as 'Vishnu Bhagat' and his mother's name as 'somanib'. In sanskrit, 'vishnu' stands for Allah (swt) and the literal meaning of 'bhagat' is slave. 'Vishnu Bhagat' therefore, in the Arabic language will mean Allah's slave (Abdullah). 'Somanib' in Sanskrit means peace and tranquilty which in arabic is denoted by the word 'Amina'. Whereas the last Messenger Muhammed's (saw) father and mother's names were Abdullah and Amina respectively.


In the big books of Hindus, it is mentioned that 'kalki autar' will live on olive and dates and he will be true to his words and honest. In this regard Pundit Parkash writes, "This is true and established only in the case of Muhammed (saw)".


Veda mentions that 'kalki autar' will be born in the respected and noble dynasty of his land. And this is also true as regards Muhammed (saw) as he was born in the respected tribe of Quraish who enjoyed great respect and high place in Makkah.


'Kalki Autar' will be taught in the cave by Bhagwan through his own messenger. And it is very true in this matter. Muhammed (saw) was the only one person in Makkah who has taught by Allah's Messenger Gabriel in the cave of Hira.


It is written in the books which Hindus believe that Bhagwan will provide 'Kalki autar' with the fastest of a horse and with the help of which he will ride around the world and the seven skies/heavens. The riding on 'Buraq' and 'Meraj' by the Prophet Muhammed (saw) proves what?


It is also written in the Hindus' books that 'kalki autar' will be strengthened and heavily helped by Bhagwan. And we know this fact that Muhammed (saw) was aided and reinforced by Allah (swt) through His angels in the battle of Badr.


Hindus' books also mention that 'kalki autar' will be an expert in horse riding, arrow shooting, and swordsmanship. What Pundit Vaid Parkash comments in this regard is very important and worth attention and consideration. He writes that the age of horses, swords, and spears is long ago gone and now is the age of modern weapons like tanks, missiles, and guns, and therefore it will be unwise to wait for 'kalki autar' bearing sword and arrows or spears. In reality, the mention in our books of 'kalki autar' is clearly indicative of Muhammed (saw) who was given the heavenly book known as Al-Qur'an.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.