question about my current situation w/ God?
2006-06-30 07:16:40 UTC
I am in my very early 20's and I have only ever been with one person. One of my parents has physically hurt me and so now I live w/ my boyfriend. I have been in school mainly-- because I am lucky enough to have a dad who helps me out and financial assistance...and I just RECENTLY moved in w/ my b/f...and I intend on getting a job very very soon. I just feel like I'm recovering from the aweful situation that was going on back home. I am just worried that I'm being a bad person by living w/ my boyfriend. I love him more than anything in the world and we have already discussed getting engaged. We just want to make sure that everything is right w/ money, jobs, etc when we do. More so him, than me really. I want to be a good person and sometimes ppl (who didnt know the situation back home) throw out little comments like "oh living in sin..that's good!" and it makes me feel bad.. i've never told on my parent..i dont want to live the party lifestyle w/ my friends-am i a bad person?
28 answers:
2006-06-30 07:56:25 UTC
Wow, Pixie. I’m really sorry to hear about what you’ve been through. It sounds like you are a true survivor.

I’m also sorry you’re taking crap from people about your current living situation. Technically, maybe they’re right (the ideal of marriage is the right one), but they are not really loving you as a person. They don’t seem to care to find out why you are in this situation, they don’t offer to help, they don’t even just sit down and listen. (Instead, they drop little comments as ways to manipulate you, out of guilt.)

Well, the fact that you are taking their remarks seriously, despite how you could easily justify what you’ve done, shows to me at least that you have a good heart and that you really want to do what is right.

Ideally, yeah, it would be best not to live together until marriage. Some people don’t see the problem, but that’s simply because any negative results are cumulative and long-term, while there’s enough short-term benefit to cover up any problems.

One reason behind this was to lay a firm foundation for the family, to protect the rights of the wife, as well as any children who would be born. Before dependable birth control was prominent (and genetic testing could prove parentage), the woman would most likely bear children, while the man always had the opportunity to “skip town” if he wearied of the relationship and leave them to fend for themselves. Marriage lays a legal foundation for both parents to take responsibility.

Marriage also provides an anchor to steady the relationship in times of emotional struggle. It’s a commitment that binds you together. Every marriage goes through rough spots, and people need something to cling to as reinforcement, in order to stick it out long enough for the relationship to deepen. Without it, people would quit rather than change and grow.

Marriage provides emotional security. Idealistically, you should feel as if your relationship is a safe haven for you; and if it is, your partner should be willing to formally commit to that.

And, if you are a Christian, then there’s the idea that marriage is the real joining of two spirits, not just physically but in every way. You are sort of “already joined” and cannot extricate yourself as easily as an informal living arrangement suggests. To do so will cause heavy emotional and spiritual damage and make intimacy harder with someone else later. If you are living as if you were married, then make it official and commit to it.

What I would do? If other living arrangements are possible and marriage is not impending, I’d live elsewhere until I was married. If that’s not feasible, then I would get serious about deciding whether or not you two will marry, and go ahead with it.

Pray (w/ your bf) that God would give you a clear indication of what to do and provide another place for you to live, if that’s what should happen right now. Pray about the possibility of marriage.

I would also find someone to confide in about your abusive parent. Even a survivor has picked up “wrong ideas” about who they are and what is healthy for a relationship; it has no doubt impacted you in more ways than you realize. Don’t put yourself down or take an unfair burden on yourself: Take care of yourself and find some support.

In any case, Pixie, please don’t call yourself as a bad person. That’s your mother (or whomever abused you) talking… it’s not God talking, and it’s simply not true.

When I read your question, I see someone who is compassionate to others (even those who might not deserve it) and really wants to do the right thing in this situation, despite any inconvenience to herself.

You’re human, and seeking… and that’s okay.
2006-06-30 14:50:35 UTC
It sounds like you guys intend to be together for life, although I can see why you would want to be financially independent of your father as far as possible before formally tying the knot. This is the 'leaving' part of 'leaving, cleaving and weaving'(1), as the saying goes.

To be on the safe side, might want to hold back on actually being sexually active together until after the wedding, because various things can happen on the way to the altar, and once you've consummated the relationship, breakups *really* are not supposed to happen(2).

Although frankly if the intent is really to stay together for life, I think ultimately that is a matter to decide in your own conscience together. I know a couple from Bosnia who fled to Poland during the war, but had to wait until the war was over to tie the knot formally, because he was from a Muslim family and she was from a Catholic family, and at that time, the bureaucrats apparently were making trouble for folks such as they.

The only thing I can think of here is that folks may think you are 'giving the appearance of evil', and I suppose under the circumstances it would be difficult to explain why it isn't evil, without dragging that parent who abused you into the picture...

So, I see several angles here:

think about how to get independent as quickly as possible so you can marry (doesn't need to be a fancy lifestyle)

consider if there might be a discreet way you can get the point across without telling everything about your family problems, so that you can explain why you have done as you have

consider getting engaged immediately and when the time comes, having a very small, informal wedding where you just exchange vows before witnesses, no justice of the peace, no clergy, etc. (in Pennsylvania, if you can get a so-called "Quaker marriage license", this will even be legally valid, contact a local Friends Meeting for more info)

consider what ramifications, if any, these matters and the Scriptures would have for your relationship *as it presently stands*, pray, and act according to your conscience, giving thought to how you will handle those who have a different take on the situation.

May God bless you and keep you
2006-06-30 14:19:48 UTC
There are a couple things about your lifestyle right now that will be frowned upon by Catholics, anyways, and I would assume other Christian denominations as well. You are living with your boyfriend, and could very well be having pre-marital sex -- a temptation that is all that much more real when you're living day-to-day with the person you love. While this is the reverse-logic with society, it's still a firmly-held doctrine in Christianity. If you really want to follow God's will as understood by your faith, repent and discontinue any sins that you may have already committed. Their cause is easy to understand.

On the other hand, this may not be the situation, and you may be waiting for marriage, in which case, good for you!

Also, in either situation, it truly is fine to live with your boyfriend, especially given the circumstances. And no, you're not a bad person for having grown out of the party lifestyle -- many never get into it, so how can it be a bad thing for you to leave it behind? God is a loving God. He understands what you're going through, and only wants the best for you -- as long as you're happy with yourself and your current situation, you are on the right path.
2006-06-30 14:32:50 UTC
The best person to talk to about this would be a spiritual leader that you trust enough to give them all of the information. The only other information I can give is that you are not suppose to be living with your boyfriend according to what I know from the Bible. Even if you're not sinning by sleeping together, we are not to give appearace of sin.

I don't want you to think that I don't understand the whole, where else can I go? issue. For example, if there is a woman who doesn't have a job, she could go out and sleep with men for money. Is that a sin? It's the same issue - wrong is wrong. You do have choices - there are always choices. The spiritual leader you speak with should be able to help you come up with some.

Also, if he is waiting until everything is worked out financially - you'll be waiting forever. And it's like that in everything - if we wait for the perfect time, we'll just spend our lives waiting.
Steve M
2006-06-30 14:28:43 UTC
I'm sorry this is tearing you up. Ok, this is my perspective. I am a Christian, and I am married. My wife and I messed up only a couple weeks before our marriage, and broke the boundries we set up for eachother. Sure, it was fun, but, we realized what we had done was wrong and confessed aloud to people we trusted. And we held off any more until marriage. The reason I am telling you this, is because once we were married, it all meant so much more. We enjoyed that small period, but it was so much more with marriage. There are people out there who have lived together (non-Christian) and gotten married, and said there is something different about marriage. I would encourage you to find another place to live. And when you two decide to get married, you can enjoy that then. For now, I would say you are ok, since it was a safe place to go right away, but find something else. Don't settle for playing house now, because it could make the time until marriage so much longer (he's gonna be a lot less likely to ask you if he already "has" you, it's just a technicality then). Wouldn't you like to know you are there with his commitment to you?
2006-06-30 14:28:25 UTC
First, have you prayed about your situation? God want's you to be safe. If with your parents isn't a safe place, than that isn't where He'd want you to be. Knowing that living with girlfriends you'll end up at parties where you don't want to be, then that's not where you should be either. Depending on the situation with your b/f, do you feel you are living as "friends" or as "husband and wife"... this is something only you can answer. Living as a married couple before your married would be wrong, but there are a lot of couples that don't live together that do act married when they are together. The real question is... how do you feel about where you are living... and how you are acting while you are there??
2006-06-30 14:21:42 UTC
Your not a bad person.. some ppl make smart comments prob. not thinking the affect it is having on you.. it's your situation, if your life is better out of your parents house then you are where you need to be.. I am all for waiting to move in and all that other stuff until you get married, but every situation is different.. As long as this is a commited relationship and he's not just taking advantage of you and getting the milk for free so he doesn't have to buy the cow.. Just live for you and everything will work themselves out around you.. You can't live for everyone else
2006-06-30 14:24:50 UTC
No, you are not a bad person. You have got to come to terms with what happened to you and leaving with your boyfriend is a solution. If you feel that you are doing the wrong thing by living with your boyfriend than you should pray about it and work something else out. I got married when I was 20 years old and I do not regret it. If you are ready than go for it.I am not here to judge you because I do not know the problem but I will be praying for you. Good Luck and I hope everything works out for you. Hugs
2006-06-30 14:31:56 UTC
Of course not, you are not a bad person. But getting married wont make things worse, just go for it and you will feel better with God and yourself. All you have to wait on having children, that you might not be ready. Have a simple ceremony to have you married and in the future plan a good wedding, it really doesn't matter. But living in fornication I do not recommend, cause if you know the word of God that condemn that sin, then do the right thing. If you love the man, why not go for it, what do you have to loose but your soul in sin if God comes tonight or you die today. You don't know when death will approach us, it happens in a blink of an eye. Don't listen to negative feed back, no one cares for your soul but Jesus Christ. People will criticized even my answer, but we have to go by the word of God, not by men opinions.

But then again, you have a free will, to choose between good or bad. God will never force you to do something you don't feel in your heart. He is a gentleman that respect your privacy, but you will pay the consequences is something happens to you or your boyfriend, both will be judge in the same way.

Who is writing you is a disciple of Jesus Christ.
2006-06-30 14:26:39 UTC
Why do you want strangers to make this judgment? No one can have any idea what really has been going on in your life or what is going on now. You have to follow your own heart on this. Do what feels right to you. Who cares what people say. Everyone is trying to find their way in this life. Do you know anyone that does not "sin" in one way or another. I don't believe in sin. I don't believe in reward and punishment after this life. You need to learn what works for you and then just try to be the best person you can be. When people throw these negative comments at you why don't you just ignore it or let them know how such a thing makes you feel. This is your life and you have to be responsible for it. Don't allow others to treat you lesser than you are worth.

Love & Light


One Planet = One People
2006-06-30 14:26:00 UTC
and what does god have to do with this? In my opinion, you should live life yourself. God gave you that gift, so use it. You can go to school without your parents help. you can get your own appartment, it's like you think you have to make these decisions because their is no other way. Here's some of my own experience...You are engaged when their is a proposal and a ring on your finger. Everything else is just boyfriend girlfriend. If you live together for the wrong reasons (like you 'think' you will get married, or 'convenience' because you can't make it on your own) it will end, and you will have to move out, and their will be more problems. We all have problems, and we all have to get a thick skin, and deal with them. And who cares what other people think of you. They will never think it is O.K. to live in sin, and you will never change their mind. But who cares? At the end of the day, you have to look at yourself in the mirror. You are responsible for you, and if you aren't happy, do something about it. God helps those who help themselves.
2006-06-30 14:23:37 UTC
I'm sorry, but I think the whole "living in sin" thing is crap. Your boyfriend has rescued you from a dangerous situation (and you have every right for telling on your parent, btw. Abusing anyone is far worse than living in sin) and you are far better off removed from that place. You're doing the right thing making sure you've got your finances and career in order before getting married. I think you need to get your ducks in a row before walking down the aisle. If you believe in God, then you know that he knows who you really are inside, and that you're a good person. What you're worrying about right now is that other PEOPLE will think you're bad, and really...who gives a crap what THEY think if YOU know you're a good person?
2006-06-30 14:32:00 UTC
Tough question to answer. As to being bad I don't think that's the right question. Is God pleased with what your doing might be better. All have sinned and need to be united to Christ to be acceptable to God. Anything you do or don't do won't be acceptable to God outside of Christ. If you are in Christ then you are a child of God and He wants you to trust Him as your Father in heaven. Because He is God following His ways are always best. When we think we know better that Him we make our self more important or smarter than God and He won't bless that. Sometimes His ways may not make sense to us but they always turn out the best because He knows what He is doing and knows the future. Trust Him and His ways. He does not approve of living together before marriage. I would look for a different arrangement until you get married. When you get married you want it to be a great marriage so do it the way God has said is the right way. As to your needs if you are in Christ He has promised to care for you. Who would you rather trust? You or Him? This is a way to know if you really trust or even know HIm.
2006-06-30 14:23:40 UTC
No, you're not a bad person. You have lots of issues that have you confused right now. Since you know about prayer and God, then pray about it..Lots! God will give you the right path. I know that may sound nutts to some people, but God has led me my entire life. I've been in many situations where HE led me thru. When, at times, I felt like giving up. God is real and HE loves you and wants the best for you. Don't give up...
2006-06-30 14:25:36 UTC
You are not a bad person, but you and your boyfriend should do the thing right, I really think your to young to get married, but if you're not young to leave your parents I think you are ready to make this decision. I don't know what happened with your parents but for me, that is worst that living with your boyfriend, try to understand them (of course depends of the situation), and get on their shoes, sometimes when were young just a simple No get us mad, and think we have the worst parents, but sometimes they just do those thing because they love us. Think a little bit and clean your heart forgiving your parents. Good Luck.
2006-06-30 14:24:45 UTC
No, if you are to mature to live with your friends and it is emotionally impossible for you to live with your parents then no. If your boyfriend and you can work out living together [like paying bills, money in general, etc.] then there is nothing wrong with it. By living with him you are having a better chance at future life god will more than gladly understand you choice. With every rule there is a exception and this i believe would be one of them. If you and your boyfriend are planning to get married when everything works out then think of this as practice. See this as can i really live with this man? Good Luck in school!
2006-06-30 14:24:40 UTC
Why would that be bad? If god is real then he had to have changed his mind a little about the boundries by now. If god keeps it as stict as always then Satan would win by a LOT. I think if there is an after life it depends on your actions not on a set of rules that was created to long ago to help anymore. did you try to harm others or live well? Are you kind or cruel? You are not hurting anyone, and as long as you keep yourself on a good path then do not worry.
Real Friend
2006-06-30 14:25:06 UTC
Sin is a concept that transform natural human behavior as evil according to a supernatural Deity. In order to create a sinner. Thus each of us is a sinner, thus each of us needs saving.

This is twisted thinking and doesn't deserve attention.

All that matters is that you will think about consequences of your actions and take responsibility for those consequences when they happen. I suggest getting a better support group that deals in honesty rather than sin.
2006-06-30 14:32:22 UTC
There is no such thing as a "bad person" or a "good person". To claim someone is "bad" would mean that they always make bad choices and behave badly. To claim that someone is "good" would mean that a person always makes good choices and behaves responsibly and in the best interest of everyone. Don't drive yourself crazy listening to people who want to label you. Take care of yourself first, and stay away from people who don't support you or want to manipulate you with their negative ideas. Quite often, family members are the people we need to stay the farthest away from.
2006-06-30 14:30:50 UTC
It doesn't sound to me like you are doing anything wrong. Wrong has been done to you and you are dealing with it in a most appropriate fashion. It sounds as if, despite what has happened to you, you still have a good head on your shoulders and the only mistake you could make is listening to the wrong people.

What happens to us in our lives is not what makes us who we are; it's how we deal with what happens to us that makes us who we are.

Good luck to you and your B/F and may you both have a life time of happiness.
Madeline B
2006-06-30 14:30:14 UTC
I have total faith in the great power of forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ. I do not believe He ever gives up on us but that we give up on Him and on ourselves. Just because you are living at the same address as your bf does not mean you must engage in sinful behavior. If you both truly love each other and want what is best for the other and for yourselves, the eternal salvation is the ultimate best wish. My son and his fiancee live at the same address but are not "living together." It is because of what happened "back home" for her that they are not married. I know God loves them both and that they love each other. This is why they protect each other financially, physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually.
2006-06-30 14:27:38 UTC
No your not a bad person... but you are at risk of being gravely disappointed later in your marriage. It is cool for him to just walk out of your life for any reason because there are no strings attached... but marriage is a commitment and I am not sure he will go for that... especially if he finds out he is a daddy.

I used to live in sin too. It created havoc for my marriage. My wife never truly believed I loved her because of those days. It has been over 20 years and if we had waited she would have known that I loved her for who she was and not just for her body. I grieved daily for years because she had such low self esteem and self worth... if someone really loves you... it is worth waiting for... that way one can give honor and dignity to one's wife and be spared of what I went through. I made a mistake... and I am responsible for my youthful foolishness.

You should separate for a while... and see if He really loves you and will cherish you. If he agrees... perhaps he is worthwhile... if not...dump him.
2006-06-30 14:27:12 UTC
Why dose it make you feel bad when people say stuff like: "oh living in sin..that's good!"? I think you know what the answer to this question but you are fighting it.
2006-06-30 14:20:39 UTC
Let's see, you are spending all your time with someone who you love and who loves you, and no-one is being harmed.

How can that be considered bad? If you have a god that is that arbitrary, maybe you need a new god.
2006-06-30 14:30:11 UTC
Galatians 5:14

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

1 Corinthians 6:12

All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

1 Corinthians 10:23

All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.

If your conscience is pure, don't worry about the petty comments of the Pharisees,
2006-06-30 14:22:53 UTC
first off this wouldnt make you a bad person,period.

now, what are your intentions??????? what are his?

you may get hurt on this path and you may grow, it all depends on your seriousness and his.

History will judge you later. If you get screwed over, than you made a mistake. Welcome to the human race.
2006-06-30 14:19:37 UTC
iM GUESSing you are christian by the questions you ask. let me give you some good advice. there are other religions out there besides christianity. you are young enough to explore other paths. btw you are 20 and thats way too young to get married. i got married recently and im almost 30. dont sell yourself short by being with one guy. Most Pagans have NO PROBLEMS with live in boyfriends. They dont see sex as evil like christians do. dont feel pushed into marriage because the christian religion tells you to.

Recently, I spoke the truth of hell not being eternal to a person bound by traditional christian beliefs. This led to this person's church elders contacting me and basically telling me they love me, but I am no longer welcome in their church building. No problem. I would rather be outside religious walls than in them, anyway. But, when discussing this with my friend Jay, he pointed out something very interesting to me. Jay made the point that all one has to attack is the false doctrine of an eternal hell, and the religious feel threatened in all their beliefs. And truly, all their beliefs are threatened if they cease to believe in an eternal hell. Why? As Jay so wisely pointed out, their entire traditional christian doctrines are founded on this false teaching which envokes fear. It is fear of not pleasing God and suffering for an eternity. Hence, their entire teachings are fear-based and not of love. Fear is not of God, but man-made. God is love.

Now, all I pointed out to this person who is bound by religion, was that the word "hell" is not in their Bible (in the original greek or hebrew), and neither are the words "forever" and "eternal." The word mis-translated "forever" or "eternal" is the greek word "aion," which means for a set period of time - meaning it has an end. The words mis-translated as "hell" mean grave (sheol and hades) or a trash dump outside of Jerusalem (gehenna).

Why was I such a threat to the whole church that the elders would meet and then call me? Was it out of love for me, believing me to be lost? No, it was all motivated by fear - fear of losing control of their club (church) in the name of Christ. If they loved like they say they do, then they would show it in action. Instead they showed they are walking in fear (afraid of me) by telling me I am no longer welcome to visit them. Closed minds are always bound closed by fear.

Here is a simple thought to consider:

Since God is all-knowing (omniscient) and all-powerful (omnipotent), then why wouldn't He simply create those who He knew would make the choices He preferred and therefore not have to destroy any for making the choices He didn't prefer? Otherwise, we have a blood-thirsty God who is evil, if He created people whom he already foreknew He would have to destroy because of bad choices. God would make the choice to destroy maliciously when there was no need to create that which had to be destroyed! If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, He should have easily been able to create those whom He desired and save us all from ever existing and facing wrath, if we make wrong choices. Again, religion doesn't make any sense when you think it through logically.

I believe God foreknew everyone as stated in the bible:

"For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His son..." Romans 11:2

"God did not cast away His people whom He foreknew."

Romans 11:2

If we are eternal beings, then we have always been (in God). Therefore, we will always be. Anything that has a beginning, must have an end. You cannot create eternal from the temporal. God will save all. From a poem entitled, "A Ghost Speaks," by Gloria Ladd:

"Your joy is your heaven, your sorrows your hell."

(For more on hell visit our hellpage.)

Traditional Christian Teachings Are Based Upon Fear


Copyright 2003

"They bind the minds and souls of men with ropes of fear, and then tell them they are free...






Fear is learned...created. Religion is fear and therefore is also a creation of man.

. . . . .
2006-06-30 14:23:32 UTC
Why are you asking us? You should be asking God,He is the one you are supposed to be pleasing not man.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.