2009-11-08 01:40:50 UTC
1. Don't say "because the Bible says so!" That is an illusory argument. The Bible was compiled by Constantine I based on several earlier versions of various Bibles. Even assuming that the earlier Bibles were genuine, we have no idea if they were accurately transcribed. Further, Constantine's decision to convert appears to be purely political; an effort to preserve his rule.
2. Major events described in the Bible are not supported by scientific analysis. The geological evidence does not support events such as the great flood. Further, archaeological investigation has found thousands of dinosaur skeletons yet has found little described in the Bible. DO you really think Noah built an arc large enough to house a zoo? Please don't argue that the scientific investigations are part of a conspiracy. That would assume a world wide, orchestrated fraud by a civilization incapable of coordinating something as simple as adopting a universal programming protocol.
3. What existing today cannot be explained rationally. The mapping of the genome shows us that genetically we are almost identical copies to apes. The Big Band Theory, quantum mechanics, and astrophysics describes macro systems (the universe) and micro systems (atomic inter-dependencies and string theory). I am a physicist. People ask "How do you find that interesting?" I would reply by studying astrophysics and the workings of the universe we are gaining insight into the mind God. To our understanding, we live in a universe bound by defined dimensions. The universe is constantly expanding since the Big Bang. If God does exist and the university of constantly expanding would not God eventually be encompassed by that which he created?
4. It is possible (even probable) that a person named Jesus did exist and was crucified. Is it possible the whole rising after death scenario was created much later as a parable?
5. If I don't believe in God but live my life in accordance with the commandments is God so petty that I would be denied eternal salvation while someone who lived completely immorally but "was born again" on his/her deathbed would be granted eternal salvation? If God is just how can this be? So some dirt farmer in Nepal who grew up Buddhist is screwed but some child-molesting priest is good?
6. Lastly, if my leg is amputated here on earth will it be waiting for me in Heaven?