Why do religions keep talking about a 'soul', when science proved decades ago that it was a lie?
2017-10-20 20:25:47 UTC
For thousands of years religions across the world have promoted the idea that our bodies house 'souls'. but In 1970 the great Dr. Robert J. white proved that all lies when he performed the first ever successful head transplant in which he decapitated a monkey and attached its head to another decapitated monkeys near dead body. The monkey then came back to life with the same responsiveness and intelligence, tho it died shortly after. This proves that the body houses no soul. our 'self' is not this 'soul' or our 'hearts'. We are nothing more than our brains driving these constructs we call bodies as we would a car. Knowing that, we, or I should say Dr. White found the path to true immortality. Not some nonsense in some old book, but science. If brain transplants could be perfected, people could truly live forever switching bodies every so many decades to a century. Simply Amazing. Thank you for this most profound contribution to the advancement of humanity, Dr. White.
82 answers:
2017-10-21 04:20:33 UTC
Longer than decades. The concept of a soul can be traced back to Descartes. Not long after his discovery, which to be fair, was logical, we discovered that injuries to the brain can, in certain situations, change someone's entire personality.

This quite literally disproves the idea that the 'soul' of who you are is ever present, unchanging, and eternal. There's only one element of consciousness that's eternal, and that's the electricity within your brain, firing even as you read these words. Our brains can only sustain this energy for a time, before decaying. When we die, said energy goes back from whence it came.

But it doesn't have your brain structure anymore, yet another detail provided by science, that is the reason why everyone is a different person. Even twins. Our brain's structure is unique, and once it's gone, YOU are gone. The energy that powered your existence may eventually go back into another human, but it won't be you.

This is why the idea of a brain structure that's indestructible is so appealing. If you can preserve the brain, you can preserve your existence. Religion is not going to get us to a society that can prolong a person's mind well past a century. Science is. If you really think putting a dollar in the pity plate every sunday is going to stop you from dying, you are certifiably stupid.
2017-10-22 23:22:56 UTC
Because people are in denial
2017-10-22 22:08:48 UTC
Science hasn't proven anything of the sort. The experiment you cite sounds more like an exercise in animal cruelty than anything that would in any rational way be probative on the issue of a soul.

If you want some measure of proof, you'd be better served looking at people with damage to their brains - Phineas Gage, any Alzheimer's patient, people with significant frontal lobe trauma. The "soul" as any sort of incorruptible or immutable piece of "personhood" is doubtful, just based on these observable events. People as distinct individuals are the result myriad connections between neurons formed over their lifetimes. Break those connections and you break the individual. If a person has a soul and the soul is something eternal and distinct from the human body we shouldn't be able to do that. But we can.
2017-10-22 08:29:18 UTC
Religions that claim a god always talk and claim man has a soul. The reason is that the religion makers know that the weaker minds of believers can be made to remain in the religion if they are taught that they have something to save; that soul you mentioned.
2017-10-22 01:20:13 UTC
The experiment you cite does not prove what you say it does. The mind is the consciousness of the brain but we also have a "central consciousness".
2017-10-21 20:13:37 UTC
your body is the spirit your heart is the soul

2017-10-21 19:08:13 UTC
Scientists never proved that
Roberta B
2017-10-21 16:23:07 UTC
The Hebrew word for soul is neʹphesh, literally meaning "a breathing creature". The word for spirit is ruʹach, which means breath, wind, or vital force. The Bible shows that they don't mean the same thing. The popular ideas about souls come from Greek mythology and philosophy.

These are different subjects from what is studied legitimately in science.

But science. not sticking to godless theories, can provide support for faith in the God who created us.
2017-10-21 15:33:26 UTC
The notion that science, which purely studies the natural & not the supernatural, has somehow "disproved" the existence of a soul is laughable at best because, like I said above, science pertains to the study of the natural world, thus science couldn't disprove the existence of the soul as the soul does not consist of natural particles, thus the soul pertains to supernaturalism, meaning that it would be an impossibility for science to somehow disprove something that goes far beyond the natural realm which science is dedicated, & was made to, study.
2017-10-21 07:26:52 UTC
Religions keep talking about soul?

I don't see dissertations in ANY religion about soul.

Yes they do talk about soul but not with extensive information about it.

So what do you know about soul apart from what religions say?

The reality is Yes there is something called Soul, But only God knows what exactly it is.

It may not be some spooky smoky body that is a ditto copy of human as we see in movies but it may be something humans have never imagined.

I rewrite here again. No religion tells extensively about souls. But Only God knows what exactly a soul is.

And replacing heads never means that souls don't exist. Lol
2017-10-21 03:03:37 UTC
Religion is all about things that are not real
2017-10-22 13:00:07 UTC
"Science" ~ a WORD to which you assign such misguided "reverence" ~ is your god.

After reading of your faith in monkeys and macabre experiments, I dismiss your drivel.

I am assured that your "premise" is moot, you haven't the slightest clue about matters

of a spiritual nature, and your motive here is just to attack what you don't understand.

I would bet the mythical "Dr Frankenstein" and his butchery fills you with perverse awe.
2017-10-22 12:20:44 UTC
The Bible teaches at Genesis 2:7 that man is the soul. And, in Ezekiel 18:4 is clearly says the soul is mortal.
2017-10-21 23:35:01 UTC
Perception is very limited, and each persons perception is unique, our judgement even through scientific means isnt infallible. Science get rewritten often, science is progress which we gain more insight the more we percieve often by experience, so yes the soul may exist, science can be limiting in itself, and the soul idea predates religion.
2017-10-21 22:55:30 UTC
. Because you are my
2017-10-21 21:11:55 UTC
Haha you can't disprove the existence of a soul without the approval of a higher power. Why do you care so much anyway? Just go about your business.
2017-10-21 19:37:37 UTC
The true religion does not teach the religious lies of immortal soul and eternal torment in hell.

It teaches that God is love.
2017-10-21 17:45:17 UTC
Many religions has the misconception of the soul is. The Bible does not teach that the soul is separate from the person. Person is the soul.

King James Version

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Because the soul is the person it can die.

King James Version

Eze 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
2017-10-21 15:11:19 UTC
Okay, prove it smart as.s?
2017-10-21 14:33:49 UTC
Where belief in an immortal soul comes from. Christian denominations that believe in an immortal soul get this teaching, not from the Bible, but from ancient Greek philosophy. The Encyclopaedia Britannica says: "Biblical references to the soul are related to the concept of breath and establish no distinction between the ethereal soul and the corporeal body. Christian concepts of a body-soul dichotomy originated with the ancient Greeks."

God does not condone merging his teachings with human philosophies, such as belief in an immortal soul. Instead, the Bible warns: "Look out that no one takes you captive by means of the philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition."- Colossians 2:8.
The teaching of Darren Henry
2017-10-21 12:53:23 UTC
You just prove that the body contains a soul.If I drink coffee every morning at 7am .You change my head and I still drink coffee every morning at 7am.Its not my head that's controlling my need to drink coffee every morning at 7am.Animal's are differ from us,they don't contain a soul and a spirit. Dogs don't have spirit just a soul.Bees and ants don't have soul but a spirit.Dogs feel pain while ants don't.Ant leader communicate and control their every move from a far
2017-10-21 10:28:29 UTC
The body is a bio-electrical machine, one that evolved out of evolutionary processes. When the last bit of electricity has been used by it, it becomes a dead battery.
2017-10-21 04:52:30 UTC
I agree. Religions promote this 'soul' nonsense to make their followers believe they have an afterlife to keep them loyal to the end. It is a total con. I don't see this question as a trolling question but a sensible one. When humans know the only life they have is the one they are living it brings the whole concept of life on Earth into perspective which makes our time on Earth more significant. To live our lives hoping to end up in 'heaven' when you die is a total lie and a waste of time on Earth.
2017-10-21 04:12:34 UTC
science is a lie.
2017-10-21 03:56:13 UTC
So many ignorant people in this world are going to be in hell sadly.
2017-10-20 21:23:28 UTC
I'm not sure, especially considering that the death of the brain clearly makes the end of the person.
2017-10-20 20:34:13 UTC
Science has neither proven NOR dis-proven the existence of a soul.

As for transplanting your head onto other bodies to "gain immortality", what's stopping your head from aging through the years and finally dying?

The one certain thing in this world is that we ALL die.
2017-10-20 20:33:54 UTC
Religion needs to keep people sick and afraid in order to provide the only "cure". Without the concept of an immortal soul, it's a harder sell. That's why.
2017-10-20 20:32:37 UTC
I think you could just argue that the soul is actually housed within the brain. More difficult for the soul theory is the fact that people who get blows to the head, will sometimes have a complete shift in personality. As if they have become a totally different person. This has been observed in people from all different types of religions, and doesn't make sense if people are a certain specific type determined by an unchanging soul. This gives more credence to a person is determined by the state and condition of their brain, not some kind of soul.
2017-10-20 20:31:51 UTC
2017-10-20 20:29:18 UTC
What is this rant about as it proves nothing. Did you know it has been proven that something leaves the body upon death. Call that what you want but it is a proven fact.

(dead fundie.. say what you want but this has been well documented if you are smart enough to look it up.)
2017-10-23 01:32:52 UTC
Religious peeps do not trust science.
2017-10-22 23:46:35 UTC
Silly Boy. No Proof, Every hear of a Near death experience?
2017-10-22 22:04:19 UTC
They dont accept it as truth because religious people like money so if everyone went atheist exept for church/mosque ect owners they will go greatly out of buisness because no one will go there
2017-10-22 11:31:53 UTC
The word “soul” in the Bible is a translation of the Hebrew word neʹphesh and the Greek word psy·kheʹ. The Hebrew word literally means “a creature that breathes,” and the Greek word means “a living being.” * The soul, then, is the entire creature, not something inside that survives the death of the body. Consider how the Bible shows that the human soul is the whole person:

Adam, a living soul, at the time of his creation

Adam was not given a soul—he “became a living soul”

When Jehovah God created the first man, Adam, the Bible says that “man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7, King James Version) Adam was not given a soul—he became a living soul, or person.

The Bible says that the soul can work, crave food, eat, obey laws, and touch a dead body. (Leviticus 5:2; 7:20; 23:30; Deuteronomy 12:20; Romans 13:1) Those activities involve the entire person.

Is the soul immortal?

No, the soul can die. Dozens of Bible verses refer to the soul as being mortal. Here are some examples:

“The soul that sinneth, it shall die.”—Ezekiel 18:4, 20, King James Version.

In ancient Israel, the punishment for the most serious offenses was that the “soul shall be cut off.” (Exodus 12:15, 19; Leviticus 7:20, 21, 27; 19:8, King James Version) The person would “be put to death.”—Exodus 31:14, King James Version.

After a person dies, the literal term “dead soul” is used for the corpse in some Bible verses. (Leviticus 21:11, footnote; Numbers 6:6, footnote) Although many Bible translations use the terms “dead body” or “dead person” in those verses, the original Hebrew uses the word neʹphesh, or “soul.”

“Soul” can mean “life”

The Bible also uses “soul” as a synonym for “life.” For example, Job 33:22 uses the Hebrew word for “soul” (neʹphesh) as a parallel for “life.” Similarly, the Bible shows that a person’s soul, or life, can be risked or lost.—Exodus 4:19; Judges 9:17; Philippians 2:30.

This use of the word for “soul” helps us to understand verses in which the soul is said to be “going out” or “departing.” (Genesis 35:18; King James Version) This figure of speech indicates that the person’s life is ending. Some translations render this expression at Genesis 35:18 as “she breathed her last.”—Good News Translation; New Jerusalem Bible.

Where belief in an immortal soul comes from

Christian denominations that believe in an immortal soul get this teaching, not from the Bible, but from ancient Greek philosophy. The Encyclopædia Britannica says: “Biblical references to the soul are related to the concept of breath and establish no distinction between the ethereal soul and the corporeal body. Christian concepts of a body-soul dichotomy originated with the ancient Greeks.”

God does not condone merging his teachings with human philosophies, such as belief in an immortal soul. Instead, the Bible warns: “Look out that no one takes you captive by means of the philosophy and empty deception according to human tradition.”—Colossians 2:8.
2017-10-22 01:10:14 UTC
Science didn't prove anything about a soul, it cannot measure one.

The soul is energy not matter, it is indestructable, like software.
Maximus Williamitis
2017-10-22 00:33:15 UTC
Watch this, and it may open your eyes to a whole new aspect on reality:
2017-10-21 20:26:45 UTC
Science can't prove anything spiritual. Those scientist have never had firsthand experience
2017-10-21 17:00:01 UTC

Many people are perplexed when they try to fathom the meaning of the word ‘Soul' or ‘Atma'. They assure and presume the meaning , according to their own intellectual wave length and remain contended and satisfied.

According to the author's perception, the definition of the Soul or Atma is as follows :

Soul = Spiritually Oriented Universal Light.

Atma = Automatic Timely Moving Aspect.

In truth, the Atma is that supernatural power (The Inertia) created by God with His Sankalpa (Will and Command), which always was, still remains, and will always be present. The Atma never perishes, nor it ever dies. It always remains because it is the Truth. It is God.

Electricity is supplied from the power house to all the inanimate objects, all over the world, known as various gadgets, such as Ovens, Cookers, Refrigerators, Air-conditioners, Washing machines, Televisions, Theaters, Automobiles, Computers and many more such gadgets. Though the supply of the electricity is the same, yet the functions of each and every individual gadgets is entirely different.

In a similar manner, the Atma is the supernatural power or the energy created by God and supplied by God, not only to all the human beings all over the world but even to the birds, bees, plants, inanimate objects, planets and to the entire Universe. Without this Atmic power or energy, the entire Cosmos will come to a standstill, just as in the case of electricity, when the supply is cut off, nothing functions and there is chaos and turmoil all over.

Now the difference between the electrical supply from the power house and the Atmic energy from the source of God is that the electricity is generated and produced through the human intellect and resources, and can also be destroyed through the human resources, like a sabotage operation or by waging a war. But the Atmic energy cannot be destroyed, unless it is withdrawn by God Himself as per His Will or Command. Because Atma is God.

Many people always quote and it is also firmly believed that, "Not even a leaf moves without the Will of God". This statement is also confirmed by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in His present human form. But people try to mis-interrupt the above statement and put the blame on God for everything they do whether good or the bad. God is only a witness to the circumstances. He is not the doer of all the actions committed by the human beings. The fact of the above statement is that the Atmic power which is God who resides in our hearts, prompts us through His energy to act this way or that way. Without that energy, we will not be able to perform any action but will be like a dead log. So, Atmic energy is the Will of God, and not the actions deliberately done by the human beings could be considered as the Will of God. This illusion is the cause of the greatest error on the part of the human beings. God is Love. God cannot hurt anybody or harm anyone. God is Caring, Consoling and Healer of the all the wounds. How can He ever be revengeful? It is a bad and vicious judgment on the part of the human beings to hold God responsible for all their deeds and actions.

The most oft-used question of all the human beings today is, "Why God created this Universe, with all the misery, agony, hatred and confusion?" The answer is, "God never Willed it this way. It is we human beings, who are the cause of all this turmoil in this beautiful creation of the Loving God, who is so Compassionate and Perfect".

As the story goes..God was all alone and He felt the urge of loving Himself. He could not do it single-handed. If one wants to express love or experience love, one needs at least two people. So God said, "Let Me become many". This He did in order to experience to love Himself. As per His Will He became many. Then He thought of the pleasure and comfort of so many people created by Him. So He created the entire Universe, with the intention to provide all the comforts and happiness to them, because everybody was Him and Love was the Source. He then implanted the secret knowledge in the mind of human beings, to enable them to come back to Him, as and when they so desired. Along with this true knowledge He also gave them a little of free will, to enable them to know and understand the purpose of their creation and ultimately to go back to the final source that is Him. The human beings used this little free will for their own benefit and physical comforts and got themselves so entangled in the graph, they themselves planted around them that they forgot the way back to their true home land and are wandering hither and thither aimlessly and are constantly blaming God for taking their memory away as they are not able to find the way to their true home land.

The Merciful God is now caught up, in His own plight of creating this wonderful Universe which has now become a vicious circle. He even cannot undo now what He has already Willed to do. But still out of His own Compassion, He has been kind and generous enough to take this human body as Sri Sathya Sai Baba and is doing His utmost to revive the memory of all the human beings after entire world and is personally guiding them and showing them the way to reach their true destinations, the aboard of Eternal Peace that is Bhagavan Baba Himself.

He says, "As you eat nourishing food to sustain your body and keep it healthy, so that you can enjoy life, you must also give proper food to your Soul (Atma) to remain fit and trim and that food for the Soul (Atma) is doing Namasmarana (Singing the glory of the Lord through the Chanting of the Bhajans) every day. This will sustain your Soul (Atma) and keep it healthy". He further says that it is only through the healthy body and the purified Soul (Atma) that you can reach your destination - that is you can get Moksha (Liberation).

Let us all resolve today and put an effort to lead our lives and move to the path as shown by Bhagavan Baba, so that we all the individual Atmas can get merged with Paramatma (The Power House of all the Atmas).

I cannot refrain but to mention here a small story about the Love and Compassion of the Lord which I read somewhere, and cannot get it erased from my memory.

There was a man who always believed in God. Since the very young age, he trusted God, and was sure that God was all the time moving along with him walking, talking and guiding him all the time. When he became old, he tried to recollect all his past thoughts. He saw a vast forest and could always see the two pairs of footsteps imprinted on the sand of the forest; only to find out that act the fag end of his life, when he was passing through a desperate situation of his life, he could notice only one pair of footsteps on the sand. He then cried and prayed to God and said how can He the all Merciful Lord leave him alone when he needed Him the most. There came the reply from the God, "Oh, my dear precious child, when you see the one pair of footsteps on the sand they are my footsteps because during that period of time, you were so exhausted that I was carrying you in my lap". This consoled the man and tears came to his eyes.

Let us also learn to cry for the mercy of the Lord. We cry for so many things in life; whenever desires are not satisfied, or when something we want, we do not receive. But have we ever cried for the God Himself? Cry for the Love of Bhagava Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Tell Him that your eyes are yearning to see Him, and to have His Darshan. Cry out to Him that you cannot live without Him. And see the Miracle of all the Miracles to happen.
2017-10-21 10:16:15 UTC
They strictly follow their family tradition, as they have full faith in it. It is difficult for me to change their MIND.
2017-10-21 10:08:45 UTC
"If brain transplants could be perfected, people could live forever by switching bodies..." The brain, like anything, ages, shrinks and accumulates toxins over time. There are no eternal brains that will continue to exist indefiniately so that you can keep switching bodies.
2017-10-21 05:15:57 UTC
I didn't know it had actually been disproved. I didn't think it could be proved real or unreal, to be fair.
2017-10-21 03:25:45 UTC
We don't have a soul, we are souls. Adam "became a living soul." Genesis 2:7.
2017-10-20 23:08:57 UTC
Interesting. However, the Bible has known that the soul is the tangible being itself for thousands of years (Genesis 2:7).
2017-10-20 22:36:42 UTC
I have no idea where any religion gets the idea of a soul any person who has ever read the Bible has seen where it says and God breathed into the nostrils of Adam and Adam became a living Soul that's right if you're a man or a woman you are a soul you don't have one you are one
2017-10-20 21:05:47 UTC
The fact of the matter NO, that is not true, the soul that sinnerth it shall die, if it is unsaved; read Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord . read Galatians 5:17-23
2017-10-20 20:31:19 UTC
The soul is the same - Spirituality is the proximity of the individual's soul (In Christ - In God)
2017-10-20 20:31:17 UTC
Science use to say that black slaves suffered from a disease that caused them to want to be free lol.
2017-10-20 20:27:12 UTC
I hadn't heard about that study. But of course, religious people will tell you that's because the brain is the control panel for your body, and that particular monkey hadn't given up on his body yet.
2017-10-20 20:27:10 UTC
Never the two shall meet.

Science has proven nothing last time i checked.
2017-10-23 16:44:42 UTC
Peter Gore Seer,

When Science Proved Decades Ago That It Was A Lie, Over Baked Comes To Mind.
2017-10-22 17:21:40 UTC
SOUL has no reference to anything you said !!!

Degrees of soul

There is a nested hierarchy of soul functions or activities (413a23).

Growth, nutrition, (reproduction)

Locomotion, perception

Intellect (= thought)

This gives us three corresponding degrees of soul:

Nutritive soul (plants)

Sensitive soul (all animals)

Rational soul (human beings)

These are nested in the sense that anything that has a higher degree of soul also has all of the lower degrees. All living things grow, nourish themselves, and reproduce. Animals not only do that, but move and perceive. Humans do all of the above and reason, as well.
2017-10-22 11:49:52 UTC
The traditional rendering of the Hebrew word neʹphesh and the Greek word psy·kheʹ. In examining the way these terms are used in the Bible, it becomes evident that they basically refer to (1) people, (2) animals, or (3) the life that a person or an animal has.

(Ge 1:20; 2:7; Nu 31:28; 1Pe 3:20; also ftns.) In contrast to the way that the term “soul” is used in many religious contexts, the Bible shows that both neʹphesh and psy·kheʹ, in connection with earthly creatures, refer to that which is material, tangible, visible, and mortal.

In this translation, these original-language words have most often been rendered according to their meaning in each context, using such terms as “life,” “creature,” “person,” “one’s whole being,” or simply as a personal pronoun (for example, “I” for “my soul”).

In most cases, footnotes give the alternative rendering “soul.” When the term “soul” is used, either in the main text or in footnotes, it should be understood in line with the above explanation. When referring to doing something with one’s whole soul, it means to do it with one’s whole being, wholeheartedly, or with one’s whole life. (De 6:5; Mt 22:37)

In some contexts, these original-language words can be used to refer to the desire or appetite of a living creature. They can also refer to a dead person or a dead body.—Nu 6:6; Pr 23:2; Isa 56:11; Hag 2:13.
2017-10-22 03:15:02 UTC
You are right about one thing, monkeys don't have a soul.
2017-10-21 22:22:43 UTC
As many religions would maintain that monkeys don't have souls anyway that's not really very helpful. And what it says about anyone who could conduct such a cruel and revolting experiment is another thing.
Freethinking Liberal
2017-10-21 19:09:52 UTC
When I studied psychology, one of the things that became obvious is that the soul has no function at all in the explanation of a human. Indeed, it just gets in the way of understand a person.
of Me of Him
2017-10-21 17:24:43 UTC
Our -- bodies are the receptors (soul); the soul that is a living word a body, that by the way will never die!

47"Timeless truth I speak to you: 'Whoever trusts in me has eternal life.'" 48"I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Bread of Life." 49"Your forefathers ate manna in the wilderness and they died." 50"This is The Bread that came down from Heaven, that a man may eat of it and he shall not die." 51"I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Living Bread, who have come down from Heaven, and if a man will eat of this bread, he will live for eternity, and the bread that I shall give is my body that I give for the sake of the life of the world."

“And you shall not be afraid of those who kill the body that are not able to kill the soul; rather be afraid of him who can destroy soul and body in Gehenna.”

26"Therefore you shall not be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden, that will not be known." 27"Whatever I tell you in the darkness, say it in the light, and whatever you hear with your ears, preach on the rooftops." 28"And you shall not be afraid of those who kill the body that are not able to kill the soul; rather be afraid of him who can destroy soul and body in Gehenna." 29"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny, and not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father?" 30"But your hairs of your head are all numbered." 31"You shall not be afraid, therefore; you are better than many sparrows."

“For what does a person benefit if he gains the whole world and lacks his soul? Or what will a person give to his soul? Matthew:26

“'And you shall love THE LORD JEHOVAH your God with your whole heart and with your entire soul and with your entire mind and with all your power.' This is the first commandment”

“Behold, now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say: My Father, deliver me from this hour? But for this I have come to this hour.” John 12:27
2017-10-21 15:17:01 UTC
The Bible describes the 'soul' as a 'trinity' modeled after the divine 'Trinity.' Science hasn't 'discovered' it because their own method hobbles their ability to acknowledge it. However, I can describe for you right now what they have been ignoring simply out of intellectually laziness.

The human 'trinity':

1) The simian animal, (the 'favorite' of science);

2) The gathering of microbiological life;

3) The gathering of electrical and other energy;

The Biblical 'soul' can be observed by simply including ALL three of these in EVERY observation we make about the 'human.' By pretending that they are separate, we create fictions. They cannot be separated in reality without causing an instant dissolution of the 'human' itself.

The basic scientific tenet, 'First isolate, then analyze' is the culprit, compounded by Occam's razor, which further admonishes the scientist to choose the path of inquiry that is the least 'complex,' (meaning, that we should choose the path that is most likely to yield the quickest and more easily applicable data, creating faster results). There is NO actual proof that this method is best for arriving at truth, only evidence that it produces a large volume of 'easy' data and results.

The observation of the human 'soul' is the basis of proof for GOD's existence, since what unfolds during these observations repeatedly demonstrates the 'Original' from which this 'copy' was designed and animated. Science has not even addressed the 'soul.' It has simply redefined it until it vanished and no longer represents a reminder of their own laziness.
2017-10-21 14:46:17 UTC
A lie. Science did not such thing.
Kazoo M
2017-10-21 13:53:56 UTC
A soul is spiritual and not physical, why do place such a limit on God - when we reflect upon the word "limit" we begin to realize our soul is not limited either.

Our soul is temporarily within our human form, it is this very aura that allows the first breath and the last breath before leaving the mortal form to await judgment.
2017-10-21 11:22:20 UTC
One assumes you aren't actually being serious ...?

Some might say you are a cruel bas***d for not realising how inappropriate this is ....

"Dr. Robert J. white proved that all lies when he performed the first ever successful head transplant in which he decapitated a monkey and attached its head to another decapitated monkeys near dead body. The monkey then came back to life with the same responsiveness and intelligence, tho it died shortly after."

Unnecessary and unacceptable cruelty to at least two monkeys and possibly dozens or hundreds more.

Did that not actually occur to you?

I answered a question recently about what is the most meaningless thing in life.

I may have been wrong in the answer I gave but it did actually give some indication that this might be a possible answer.

He cut the heads off MONKEYS thereby proving that HUMANS don't have souls?

Is this how desperate some atheists are to prove their case?

Today I will teach you the meaning of the word absurd ............



wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.

"the allegations are patently absurd"
2017-10-21 08:50:52 UTC
Seeing as our soul cannot be seen there is no way to prove what U say or white trumped up.
2017-10-21 06:29:42 UTC
I believe despite way poeple say somethings just can't be explained, so example poeple say when you die you return to the body in the afterlife exactly the way you do in the former you had before. And I read somewhere you a few grams lighter after death. And something so powerful as that how would anyone know

Not to mention all these near to death expierence poeple how did the reach their without a soul?
2017-10-21 03:21:57 UTC
There's plenty of proof of a soul too. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Keith J
2017-10-20 20:57:49 UTC
Here is the truth about your soul from the Bible.....

Your soul is eternal like the angels and demons.

Matthew 10:28

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Here, destroy means separation from God, and everyone else.

You have a body on this earth with a dead spirit.

Hebrews 9:27

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,

Your spirit is dead because of Adam and Eve who passed it on to us.

That is why Jesus came, to seek and save the lost and destroy the works of the Devil.

John 3:16-19

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For those who will believe, you are given a new spirit. If you die with a dead spirit, you go to hell

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Bottom line: You become born-again, by repenting of your evil ways, believe in Jesus, and receive eternal life. Or you go to hell, If you do not belong to God.

In other words, if we die with a dead spirit (inherited from Adam and Eve), and because our soul is eternal, we don't go to heaven with God, we go to hell and are eternally separated from God. That is why Jesus came, to give us who believe in Him a new spirit so we can have eternal life in heaven.

If you do not know Jesus Christ (God incarnate) and you die your soul and spirit go straight to hell, and you have conciseness according to the Bible.. see Luke 16:19-31 for an example of what hell will be like.
Jim V
2017-10-20 20:39:16 UTC
Such is hardly a proof against souls.

But, maybe you are one of the soulless people.

Re Update:

Yes, humans are animals .. .but humans are not /just/ animals.

Some animals have more 'soulish' qualities than others (nephesh in Hebrew).

But only humans are souls created in the image of God.
2017-10-20 20:37:30 UTC
2017-10-20 20:33:44 UTC
What's the question?

Does a scientist have a soul? Is that it?
2017-10-20 20:28:52 UTC
Religion is nothing but one big ignorant fairy tale scam to keep the masses fear of death placated. There is no 'god'.
2017-10-20 20:27:05 UTC
Unless the soul is housed in the head. Or unless, as many religions teach, non-human animals don't have immortal souls.
2017-10-22 18:21:01 UTC
2017-10-22 03:07:41 UTC
Who knows
2017-10-21 23:51:40 UTC
Beacuse we live in a multiverse with INFINITE possibilites. And space aliens are capable of 10000000000000000000000099 x more things than humans.
2017-10-21 17:16:19 UTC
To say that our spirits don't exist is the height of ignorance or the conspiracy of lies
2017-10-21 11:20:00 UTC
So this "scientist" could distinguish a SOUL in a monkey. Please tell me how he knew one soul from another in a monkey. Was he intimately familiar with the spiritual thoughts and beliefs of the monkey?
2017-10-21 10:19:27 UTC
interesting. will future brains evolve into some other form?
2017-10-21 07:33:20 UTC
Some people have souls -some NOT. People with a soul have feelings as love , hate ,cry, laugh and etc.
brother trucker
2017-10-21 02:15:49 UTC
Would someone slap him in the head with the book of knowledge. Brain and head transplants have nothing to do with souls. You dont know what your talking about.

Science is still divided on whether souls exist or not but the best research ties the soul to electrical impulses that continue after clinical death occurs. These are not limited to brain waves.
2017-10-20 22:21:42 UTC
The sole is in our Brains!

LOVE comes only from and with GOD, so Believers of GOD have lives filled with LOVE; LOVE is still in our Brian!

Metaphorically people like to think of LOVE with the heart, because our hearts keep beating steady; plus speed up, when we are excited!
2017-10-20 20:57:27 UTC
"Science" has NEVER proved any such thing about the "soul"

The Bible says we do not HAVE a soul - - WE ARE A SOUL

The remainder of your diatribe is pure B U L L S H I T , and

your wickedpedia reference is a lie . . .

Addendum :

I do not believe youtube, cnn, cbs, etc either -

The only work I believe 100% is the Holy Bible

No one has ever proven the Holy Bible to be in error.
Benoni "Light"
2017-10-20 20:37:58 UTC
Animals don't have souls according to most religions that possess the idea that such a thing exists so you basically killed yourself intellectually by saying that this experiment proved such a point.

Edit: That is the belief of secular science. Once again the vast majority of religions with the concept of a soul do not teach that humans are animals. Jesus for instance said we were much more than the animals God created.
2017-10-20 20:30:58 UTC
science proved soul weighs a few grams. they weighed dogs at moment of death and after death (no mass change). they weighed humans similarly (few grams were lost). forgive me.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.