Do you know that Christ son of Mary will be taken to task on the Judgement day for calling himself son of God?
2010-08-16 11:57:12 UTC
Today I heard these verses in Taravih Prayers:

116. And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say
unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah.?"
He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say).
Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou
knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou
knowest in full all that is hidden.

117. "Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to
say, to wit, 'worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over
them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast
the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things.

118. "If Thou dost punish them, they are Thy servant: If Thou dost forgive
them, Thou art the Exalted in power, the Wise."

Don't you think it is in accord with the Commandment not to attribute a
partner to God Almighty ?
25 answers:
2010-08-24 06:10:03 UTC
Did you know that Muhammed (MHBIH) will Stand in Front of Christ to atone for his denial of Him ?

Jesus is God, accept it and get over it, "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me," (Isaiah 43:10).

John 1:1 - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

A.John 1:14 - "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."
2010-08-19 00:10:22 UTC
If I remember correctly, according to your Qur'an Christ never called himself son of God, so if your main question is correct, Christ will be accused by Allah of something he never did, and since Allah is called the all-knowing (knows everything) wouldn't Allah be knowingly making a false accusation?


"Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah.?"

(Did you say that you and your mother were gods to be worshipped, which is a sin against me?) That is a question which sounds just like an accusation of blasphemy from Allah himself.

"Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it."

Allah would have known that Christ was innocent, so why is Allah accusing him when Allah should already know who was responsible?

It's like me asking you "Did you kill Fred?", when both of us know that you didn't.
2010-08-20 09:14:33 UTC
You really are a hate filled little person, aren't you? And will your prophet be called to task for making up stories about flying horses?

2010-08-16 12:05:47 UTC
With respect, and not wishing to go against you,

but must, so sorry to do that. Jesus did not have

a mother or father, only 'surrogate', Mary was chosen

as the vessel for Jesus. This is the miracle, the

virgin birth. Mary mothered Jesus the way some women

mother orphans but Mary was never the mother of Jesus.

(This is clearly shown in scriptures.).

Jesus died to take all the cosmos sins upon Himself

so His creation could become clean spiritually.

There is very strong scripture to show that we did

not begin in this lifetime. This is not karma, either,

but this is the 'end of the line', 'the last stop',

before the judgment which Jesus will perform.

Yes, that is very different from this teaching

above, more evidence that the religions

have nothing in common. God is actually

not the right word in Christianity. It should

be Theos or Jehovah, and they are a family.

There is evidence for all of this.
Cader and Glyder scrambler
2010-08-16 12:46:54 UTC
You are assuming mohammed is a genuine prophet of God.

But he was never prophesied. He claimed to be from the line if Ishmael, but all God's prophets came from the line of Isaac. In fact Ishmael in the Bible stands in type for false religion, striving by ones own desires to be significant and through works of the flesh without God's involvement, and Isaac stands for true religion, which is through faith and trusting in the promises of God, and God working out his salvation in you. So it seems to me that although Mohammed was deceived by a fallen angel, God in a sense permitted this for all time, as Mohammed's type of religion stands for the true false religion through self-effort and violence, and Jesus' for the true type of religion through grace and love. Note also that Jerusalem centres on the rock of Zion, and Islam in the deserts sand of Mecca, themselves a symbol of false religion. You have trusted in a false prophet. A false prophet receives a very unpleasant reward. And what will the follower of a false prophet receive?

Note Jesus' warnings about false prophets coming after him. You'd know them by their fruit. You wouldn't see Jesus tearing a critic literally limb from limb, or see him having sex with a child, or engage in war and chop off the heads of those who wouldn't accept you; God is patient. Also Jesus knew one should know the Bible, which Mohammed knew bits of from some Jews and a few badly-informed christians, but refused to study, assuming his angel was God's angel. Not what a genuine prophet would do.
2010-08-16 12:07:38 UTC
Not according to what I've read. In my Holy Book, Jesus is the Son of the living God Who will sit in judgment of all people on that Day:

Mat 25:31-34 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.


That sure doesn't read like Jesus getting a lecture from Daddy to me.
2010-08-16 12:03:26 UTC
The Father indwells The Son of Man for He Is The One I AM, among creation, peoples, nations, and languages The wonders and Love of God expressed in various forms... from glory to glory is Paul.

You are all children of The Most High is David Psalm.
2010-08-17 07:01:38 UTC
So the Judge will be brought before Judgment.

2010-08-16 12:03:17 UTC
Nonsense my friend.

Jesus Christ is both God and man, Fully God and fully man!

He came to redeem mankind for our sakes, for we were incapable of being righteous under the Old Testament Law.

Your prayers are sadly in error.

CONSIDER: Your Prophet when in Sinai (Gaza Peninsula in Egypt now), came to the Monastery of St. Catherine (the worlds oldest continually functioning monastery). Did you know that he wrote a commandment that gave his eternal protection to the monastery?

He did this because he knew that it was a holy place. A copy of this order is maintained on display in the monastery museum. If your Prophet acknowledged the holiness of Orthodox Christianity, perhaps you should also?
Catholic Philosopher
2010-08-16 12:01:27 UTC
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not three separate beings or parts of God, but are three relations within the One God - the Father is Father because He begets the Son, the Son is Son because He is begotten by the Father, the Holy Spirit is Holy Spirit because He proceeds from the Father and the Son - on the basis of these relations alone are they distinguished.
2010-08-16 12:04:21 UTC
When I look at what Islam says about Christians, and then what Christians say about everyone, I tend to believe Christianity... i'm just sayin.

It's like the Bible will say something like: God said be nice to everyone, even those who say what you do is wrong and what they do is right.

Then the Koran will say something like: Allah says what Christians do is wrong, and you must follow Allah and him only.

*It seems like the Bible is always a step ahead, and nicer.
2010-08-16 12:03:26 UTC
No, I don't know that. Even after all the stuff you wrote, I still don't know it. Why? Because you offer nothing but baseless assertions.

Nothing real requires faith.

2010-08-16 22:04:52 UTC
Walid Sahib – you are an old man – At this ripe age realize how you have spent your life. Instead of writing questions on other religions, question yourself. When your prophet Muhammad was your age, he married and had sex with a 10 year old girl called Ayesha, who was probably your grand daughter’s age.

Do you think that was right. Would you permit any person of your age to marry your grand daughter ? Should you revere such a pedophile prophet ? Read the following below, then argue with yourself, realize the truth, convert out of Islam and die in dignity.


Muslims say that these are not misconceptions spread by non muslims.

My Answer - Your 6 major books on Hadiths actually state this clearly.

A – Sahih bukhari Book–Most Muslims view this 9 volume Book as their most trusted collection of Hadith and it has been called "The most authentic book after the Qur'an. Sahih Bukhari is the work of over 16 and covers almost all aspects of life in providing proper guidance of Islam. Before writing any Hadith in this book the author asked guidance from Allah. Then he would do the necessary research and investigation, observing if the particular Hadith fits in to his strict criteria of authenticity and if he is sure that the Hadith is authentic, he wrote it in the book.

B – Sahih muslim Book - It is the second most famous Hadith collection among Muslims and it is considered as the most authentic book of Hadith after Sahih Al-Bukhari. Each report in this collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an. , and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. But you mischeviously say that this book contradicts the Koran.

C - Sunan abu da'ud book – Another part of this series of 6 books, but some Muslims say that some Hadiths here are unauthentic, which makes his book different from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. In other words, all Muslims universally ( with 1 exception – Mr Constant ) consider them authentic.


Muslims say that there is no part said in the Qura'an that a minor girl can be married with major man. Any statement which is contradicting to Qura'an can not be taken as a preferred one.

My Answer - The Koran did not specifically say that Muhamad DID NOT MARRY Ayesha, so if another extremely Holy Book says so, there is no contradiction.


Muslims say – “Can any body prove that a 9-10 year girl old girl can not reach to her maturity age. Prove it scientificaly?”

Muslims also say “It’s a fact that female menstruation in hot climates starts much earlier than in cold climates, so females in Arabia matured as early as 8 or 9; they also aged earlier than other women.”

My Answer - . So what if a kid matures early. The thought of a 55 year old man becoming aroused by a 10 year old child is one of the most disturbing thoughts that makes us cringe as it reminds us of pedophilia and the most despicable people.


Muslims say “ pedophile has no meaning as when Prophet Muhammad was 25 years old, his first marriage was with a 40 years lady.”

My Answer : That is an illogical argument as most pedophiles are married to mature ladies.


Some Muslims make this shocking statement regularly - that "marrying a ten year old girl is better or raping a 10 year old girl."

My Answer : That is a shameful argument – I should rest my case here itself, but there is more to come.


Muslim say “social traditions …….. considered Arab females as women as soon as their menstrual cycles began. The custom was to give daughters in marriage at that age.”

My Answer : Many Muslims have this argument to state that what the Prophet did was custom. But does a prophet not need to have a higher standard. Is a Prophet not supposed to improve the world ? What’s the point in being a Prophet then ?


Muslims say “It’s a neglected fact that before she was married to Muhammad, `A’ishah had been engaged to an infidel, Jubair ibn Mus’ab ibn Ady. Her fiancé broke the engagement on the basis of religious difference.So her father, Abu Bakr, agreed to give her hand in marriage to the Prophet.”

My Answer – …………just because she her marriage to an infidel broke up ? So was the Prophet doing her a favour ?


Muslims say Aisha came from a learned house, had a young, intelligent, receptive mind, later she taught thousands of men worldwide, and is considered among the most prominent Islamic scholars.

My Answer – That fact is irrelevant to Child marriage. Muslims have to make unessary statements so that they can escape from discussing this point.

Most Muslims will make statements about other Gods and Goddesses instead of defending the prophet – because they know they cannot defend him.


I have a feeling that you are uncomfortably aware of what your prophet was up to so you will put up wrong arguments. This is the habit of Muslim apologists, because, in their heart of hearts, they know the sick truth.
2010-08-16 12:12:42 UTC
Dear sir,

And my friends. When speaking of the day of judgement.Jesus clearly gave evidence of a limitation on his knowledge when he said, ; '' BUT OF THAT DAY AND HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN,NO,NOT THE ANGELS WHICH ARE IN HEAVENS,NEITHER THE SON. BUT THE FATHER'' [God] [MARK 13;32 and MATT 24;36],

The Qur'an rejects the concept of the trinity;God the father,God the son,God the holy Spirit, as strongly as it rejects the concept of Jesus as the son of God,This is because GOD IS ONE,Three cannot be one, Qur'an addresses Christians in the following verses; '' People of the book,do not go beyond the bounds in your religion ,and say nought as to God but the truth. The Messiah,Jesus,son of Mary ,was only the messenger of God and his word that he committed to Mary,and a spirit originating from Him, So believe in God and His messenger,and say not '' Three' to refrain is better for you.Allah is only one God, glory be to him-that He should have a son ! To hom belongs all that is in heavens and in the earth,God siffuces for a guradian

Surah ;An-Nisa,

Thank you,
2010-08-16 12:00:19 UTC
And here I thought Muslims revered Jesus as one of Islam's most important prophets. How silly of me.
William I
2010-08-16 12:07:43 UTC
According to Christianity that is not true.

Christ is God.
Richter 8.6
2010-08-16 12:03:22 UTC
I think it's as convincing* as the babble spouted by any other unsubstantiated religion in the world.
2010-08-16 12:02:11 UTC
Since Jesus is one with God the father, he is by definition not a partner, since one cannot partner with oneself. You are free to disagree, but that decision is by no means binding on me.
2010-08-16 11:59:09 UTC
Cool story, bro.
2010-08-16 12:05:16 UTC
Anything that is said by a false prophet remains FALSE. No worries ^ ^
2010-08-16 12:01:34 UTC
In your religion that may be so, according to Jehovah God, no. Jesus being the Son of God put himself beneath God, not = to. If you have a son, that son is not you.
big red
2010-08-16 12:47:37 UTC
Ha ha ha!
2010-08-16 11:58:03 UTC
Did you have a question?
2010-08-16 11:58:16 UTC
by your moongod ?
2010-08-16 12:00:04 UTC
If Islam was not complete bullsh...boloney, this could be a problem

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.