Why do atheists hate Easter so much?
2012-03-29 11:15:05 UTC
So this morning we had our annual Easter cookie-swap at work, and as usual I made my grandmother's Easter macadamia nut cookies and put them in little gift bags with a nicely printed Bible verse to distribute to everyone .

We have one of those Satanic "Wiccan" people in our office (I know this because she has big dangly earrings and wears black a lot). So when I got to her cubicle I said to her "I'm sorry, but I made EASTER cookies, not HOLIDAY cookies, and since your perverse lifestyle doesn't allow you to celebrate EASTER, I didn't make any fo you." Then I politely told her that I would pray for her to turn away from her sin, before moving on to the next cubicle..

And then after lunch my manager calls me into the office and spends half an hour insulting my religious beliefs before telling me that because of that intolerant and bigoted Wiccan there would be no cookie-swap next year. It's bad enough that the Wiccan troublemaker had to spoil things for everyone, but I had never realized my manager was one of those atheists who just ignores the Constitution because they hate Jesus.

The end result is that I have until the close of business on Tuesday to write the Satanist a formal letter of apology and I have until the end of April to present proof that I have attended and completed the company's "voluntary" Diversity Training sessions.

Whatever happened to Freedom of Religion? Why am I being persecuted for my beliefs? Why doesn't the ACLU stand up for decent people like me instead of atheists and muslims?

Bonus Question: What Bible verses should I include in my letter to let the Wiccan know that even though she is evil and destined for Hell, I still pray for her and that I understand that she couldn't help persecuting me because she is enthralled by Satan?
44 answers:
2012-03-29 11:17:25 UTC
Bunnies killed my wife.
Greg J
2012-03-29 11:32:46 UTC
"We have one of those Satanic "Wiccan" people in our office (I know this because she has big dangly earrings and wears black a lot). So when I got to her cubicle I said to her "I'm sorry, but I made EASTER cookies, not HOLIDAY cookies, and since your perverse lifestyle doesn't allow you to celebrate EASTER, I didn't make any fo you." Then I politely told her that I would pray for her to turn away from her sin, before moving on to the next cubicle.. "

You sound like a Poe little troll.
2012-03-29 11:29:29 UTC
You did -

"So when I got to her cubicle I said to her "I'm sorry, but I made EASTER cookies, not HOLIDAY cookies, and since your perverse lifestyle doesn't allow you to celebrate EASTER, I didn't make any fo you."

Just how unchristlike and hateful of a human being are you???? If you'd been my employee you'd have been put on adminstrative probation as a precursor to being fired. You have NO right to single out another person at work, unload on them then pat yourself on the back.

FREEDOM OF RELIGION extends to people who disagree with you too.

I really hope this is the biggest troll post to ever hit R&S, because if it's not, this lady has hurt the cause of everyone who believes as she does.
2012-03-29 11:32:27 UTC
I really can;t tell if you are serious or a troll.... but lets assume you really that stupid. No one is persecuting you..... you persecuted her because of her religious beliefs and you shoved it in her face by making a point to tell her she wasn't getting cookies BECAUSE she is wiccan. It is against the law for you to push your religious beliefs at work... which you did. BTW please do put 3 or 4 bible verses in your letter and be sure to tell her she is going to hell. Then come back here and complain how it is all her fault that you got fired.
It's your truth, you prove it.
2012-03-29 11:23:23 UTC
Wiccans and Satanists are not Atheists.

Atheists simply do not believe in gods/deities. You are confused.

I honestly, don't care what anyone calls holidays. "Holiday" itself is derived from anglo saxon "holy day". Which as an Atheist, I don't believe in holy days. Not to mention Easter traditions are derived from Pagan roots.

I also don't care if you want to call Christmas by that name. I find it strange hearing people referring to Holiday trees. Although decorating an evergreen tree during the winter solactic. Is a pagan tradition. Along with many other modern Christmas traditions.

Anyways, point being... I'm not offended by anything anyone wants to call these things. It's up to you, infact... I think I'll refer to my Yule/Christmas tree as "Fire Hazard".

I celebrate the traditional Easter/Christmas because that's what I grew up with. It's a cultural tradition. I just don't celebrate the Christian god and Jesus part.
2012-03-29 23:57:04 UTC
I am an atheist and I TEACH the Constitution

YOU are an igorant ***** who can't be bothered to READ it.

Here's a hint.

Jesus isn't in there.


Not once.

You were not reprimanded because of what you BELIEVE.

you were reprimanded because of what you DID.

Soooo, everyone who wears dangle earrings and black clothing is a "wiccan satanist"?

Cosmos Jones
2012-03-29 11:26:39 UTC
They were frightened by Peeps as a child.Some of that mushy yellow goodness got stuck in their throat. Bunnies stole their prize cabbage for 4 H Fair.

Cholesterol from eggs caused an early death in their mother. A large chocolate egg melted in their Easter basket and the cat thought it was a litter box. Bunnies bit their index finger off .
No Chance without Safi
2012-03-29 11:23:44 UTC
Why wouldn't I celebrate Easter?? It's named for the goddess, Eostara, and has everything to do with early spring, growth, and fertility.

Eggs and bunnies are both fertility symbols. It's spring, and there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Why you try to drag it all down with the Jesus thing, I have no idea. It's a happy holiday! Go get some Cadbury Mini-Eggs, and enjoy yourself for once!

2012-03-29 11:23:16 UTC


2012-03-29 11:21:26 UTC
I love it.

All those chocolate Easter eggs.

Our supermarket is really beautifully decorated with thousands of them.

And it's fun watching some people stay up all night hoping god will get through the ordeal alright.

Of course everyone knows he will pull through just fine.

I do wonder what all the fuss is about.
2012-03-29 11:23:37 UTC
This is the worst trolling attempt I have seen in a while

Why did you call out Atheists and bash a Wiccan? Wiccans are not Atheists nor do they believe in Satan.
2012-03-29 11:22:19 UTC
Easter makes no sense, all religious holidays are like encouraging the goofy fat kid in school by laughing at him, you know that you're trained to just ignore him but you for some deep down reason just can't I mean you act un-interested by looking away and other subtle body language maybe even the occasional "just ignore him" comes out but in the end it's impossible to ignore fat kids when they have had too much sugar in school and that is what Easter is like for me . It makes no sense and it's glorifying religion something our species needs to grow out of if we are to advance .
2012-03-29 11:21:05 UTC
The way you talked to her was very wrong. Jesus would not have said that. He would have shared cookies with her, wished her a happy Easter and later prayed for her to His Father. If you are a Christian, you don't represent me. I'm a Christian and would NEVER talk to a Wiccan that way. And just becuz she wears black and earrings doesn't mean she is a Wiccan. How judgmental you are! And wrong ! I don't blame your boss for talking to you.

ACLU stand up for the minority. You aren't a minority as a Christian. They usually stand up for atheists.

Wiccans aren't evil. They are lost and should be prayed for, quietly. You need prayers!!!!!!!! to be Christ-like.
2012-03-29 11:39:33 UTC
Maybe you should have just asked her if she wanted a cookie. If she says no, then leave. Then you could have avoided the whole situation.
2012-03-29 11:31:11 UTC
Obvious troll is obvious.

And no, I don't hate Easter. Except those tempting Reese's eggs. I can't resist those things.
2012-03-29 11:22:12 UTC
lol your company will be much better without people like you in it. Why don't you get a job where you'll enjoy the company--perhaps sweeping the floors in a church--cleaning the toliets etc. Someone as dense as you should be good at that.
Sun is Shining ❂
2012-03-29 11:23:00 UTC
Wanna cookie?
2012-03-29 11:30:30 UTC
35 answers in 15 minutes.

Pretty impressive.
2012-03-29 11:19:22 UTC
i disliked Easter when i was christian. i actually like it more now that i am an atheist.

i celebrate this things culturally not religiously.

o and after carefully reading through what you did. your are an ***. you deserve to be sued and fired. what you did is illegal in every state. Freedom of religion doesn't cover harassment which is what you were doing. you were profiling and judging someone for being different. that is prejudice and to exclude based off of this prejudice is a hate crime.
2012-03-29 11:16:35 UTC
I don't. I love going to Walgreens the day after Easter and buying candy at 50 percent off...
2012-03-29 11:23:59 UTC
I don't hate Easter, I just don't believe in it.

You are an evil a$$hole. You judge people without knowing all the facts.

I hope you lose your job, you f*cking retard.
2012-03-29 11:18:20 UTC
Why do you equate atheists with Wiccans and Satanists??
Acid Zebra
2012-03-29 11:52:51 UTC
Classic copypasta is classic and remarkably successful, given that's it been around longer than Y!A has.
Sakura Chan
2012-03-29 11:18:07 UTC
They see you trollin' they hatin'

Anyways, Easter was and always shall be a Pagan holiday. Honestly, I'm starting to think Christians do not like history....which is quite sad because history is incredibly important!
2012-03-29 11:37:10 UTC
You were rude and disgusting. And you are blaming everybody else.

You need to learn some manners.
I have PMS and a gun
2012-03-29 11:27:01 UTC
I don't, I love it at Easter time when my kid goes to sleep so I can steal all her Reese eggs.
2012-04-01 17:22:32 UTC
You're either a troll or a nut.
2012-03-29 11:26:22 UTC
You are a moron and a bigot. Maybe you should stop sucking on Jesus' ****, it's already caused brain damage.
2012-03-29 11:20:18 UTC
actually easter originates from a pagen holiday celebrating the fertility of the goddess esther for bering the sun god (baile's) son who grew up to be the king on Babylon. the Catholic church just MADE it a christian holiday in order to convert pagens to christianity.
2012-03-29 11:23:16 UTC
We don't -- we simply disregard the claims about the supernatural that it's based upon.
2012-03-29 11:19:20 UTC
You sound like a typical hate filled Christian. I am sure you and Hitler could have been best buds.
2012-03-29 11:34:11 UTC
You are either a moron or a poe, I'm going for poe
2012-03-29 11:17:13 UTC
The ACLU doesn't exist in Canada, idiot. That's what the 'A' denotes.
2012-03-29 11:18:21 UTC
I don't like eating "eggs" that have been crаpped out of a bunny's аrse.
2012-03-29 11:17:41 UTC
I don't. I love spring. And you can follow any pagan holiday you wish to follow.
2012-03-29 11:17:18 UTC
i don't hate easter.

i hate the fact the Christians have to steal pagan holidays and then call it their own.
Wesley B
2012-03-29 11:23:12 UTC
Boring troll is boring.
2012-03-29 11:17:22 UTC
You're either extremely stupid, or a lazy troll.
2012-03-29 11:18:58 UTC
i never wicca has a 'satan' concept.
2012-03-29 11:33:16 UTC
I hope you will get fired you idiot!
2012-03-29 11:17:14 UTC
It's one of their tenets? lol

(Visit Yahoo's message boards @ for alot looser rules and no Q&A format.)
2012-03-29 11:20:00 UTC
I hate all religions, and everything that goes along with them, for all the harm and destruction they have caused. All religions are retarded bronze age nonsense!!

Include these bible verses in your letter to the Wiccan-

"And I the Lord will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend." - Jeremiah 19:9

"Behold, I the Lord will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it." - Malachi 2:3

"Then you shall eat the offspring of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters whom the Lord your God has given you" - Deuteronomy 28:53

"The King asked her, 'What’s the matter?' This woman said to me, 'Give up your son so we may eat him today, and tomorrow we'll eat my son.' So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him....The king said, behold, this evil is of the Lord." - 2 Kings 6:28-29,33

"Samaria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword; their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open!" - Hosea 13:16

"And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." - Numbers 31:15-18

"I defiled them through their gifts, the sacrifice of every firstborn, that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the Lord." - Ezekiel 20:26

"Then I heard the Lord say to the other men, 'Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all -- old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin right here at the Temple.' So they began by killing the seventy leaders. “Defile the Temple!” the Lord commanded. 'Fill its courtyards with corpses. Go!' So they went and began killing throughout the city." - Ezekiel 9:5-7

"This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'" - 1 Samuel 15:2-3

"Their roots are dried up, and they will bear no more fruit. And if they give birth, I the Lord will slaughter their beloved children." - Hosea 9:16

"And Aaron's sons the priests shall arrange the pieces, the head, and the fat, on the wood that is on the fire on the altar; but its entrails and its legs he shall wash with water. And the priest shall burn all of it on the altar, as a burnt offering, a food offering with a pleasing aroma to the Lord." - Lev 1:8-10

"And I the Lord will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine." - Isaiah 49:26

"I the LORD told them, 'I won’t be your shepherd any longer. If you die, you die. If you are killed, you are killed. And let those who remain devour each other!'" - Zechariah 11:9

"And the daughter of any priest, if she profane herself by playing the whore, she profaneth her father: she shall be burnt with fire." - Lev 21:9

"Through the wrath of the Lord of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother. And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied: they shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm." - Isaiah 9:19-20

etc, etc, etc...





Watch this AWESOME video for much, much more!!-
2012-03-29 11:18:01 UTC
We do?
Halie ♡
2012-03-29 11:17:08 UTC
they shouldnt even care about it if they dont believe...?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.