Why do some people not believe in God?
2016-06-21 23:53:54 UTC
Okay first I'd like to say this question is not meant to be offensive or rude at all so I don't want to see any arguments in the comments or I'll remove them. I am a child of God a strong Christian and I've tried to understand why some people may not believe in God or may believe in something else. Some people feel like the big bang theory makes sense because of science, but nobody knows what came before the big bang theory just like how we don't know what came before God. Some people say they don't believe in God because science doesn't prove it. Well if science proves that there was a God wouldn't that still be believing in science? In that case science would be what lead you to God. That doesn't make sense to me. I mean our personalities and the way we act can't be from dead stars. Or is it because some people know God is there, but choose not to follow him because they want to choose their own future or destiny? Because they want to continue living the life they choose with their own freedom of choice? These are really good and honest questions I have. I mean with the things we do and how life was created, like sex for example, if you think we came from stars how was sex created? I know these are a lot of questions, but I want to know people's response. Some people will say "People believe in God because they were raised that way" that's not true one of my friends is atheist and her parents believe in God and vise versa. If that were to be the case then that's not belief.
171 answers:
The Arbiter of common sense
2016-09-13 10:01:36 UTC
There is no evidence for the existence of any God. None. Ask yourself why you believe in God, not why others do not. What ACTUAL, repeatable evidence can you provide that makes you think God exists?

I have yet to have a theist give me anything. In the end, you will fall back to 'faith', or ' my personal relationship with God' Neither of those are logical or rational.

Remember, because this is very important to your question: you need to explain why YOPU Believe, not try to take down what someone else thinks. Simply not knowing the answer to something is never a good argument for the opposite. The idea of the Bog Bang could be completely wrong, that would not give us a speck of knowledge about God. The entire theory of evolution could be wrong, and that would not give us any support for the idea of Noah's flood.

So sit back, and think about it carefully. Does whatever you think convinces you of God actually exist, or are you just creating gaps into which you are willing to paste the God idea?
2016-07-03 05:23:34 UTC
Some people choose to. Because they are afraid of who God has chosen them to be. Some people get angry, depressed, & upset with God over issues that are people's fault or The Devil's. That we all have FREE WILL. So do the angels, demons, & God does too as does The Holy Spirit. The Saints that help too. People expect it to be The Easter Bunny or Santa Claus in their prayers. It is not, once your in high school-18 or older you need a reality check. I think sinv e The Church has lost its voice and people won't show people the way to God through Christ or even the Jewish faith.

Gen Y and younger for the most part have loat faith; except The Bible Belt. We are fighting and Lord knows I hate shutting up. But that is why they stop throw in indoctrination in entertainment, media, news, & academic education level and government. That is why most don't believe.
2016-07-02 12:53:16 UTC
Because most people believe in what they choose to believe in, whether there's concrete evidence or not. There is no reason for anyone not to believe in God. There are many gods, but one True God Jehovah. The true God is not a nameless God. His name is Jehovah, which is stated at Deuteronomy 6:4 & Psalms 83:18. He is God by reason of his creatorship stated at Genesis 1:1 & Revelation 4:11. Jesus said at John 7:28 says, "Then as he was teaching in the temple, Jesus called out: “You know me and you know where I am from. And I have not come of my own initiative, but the One who sent me is real, and you do not know him", which means that the true God is real", a person, and not lifeless natural law operating without a living lawgiver, not blind force working through a series of accidents to develop one thing or another. Also, the fact of the existence of God is proved by the order, power, and complexity of creation, macroscopic and microscopic, and through his dealings with his people throughout history.
2016-06-29 13:47:36 UTC
I guess some ppl choose whether to believe or not. I think we should respect other's beliefs and not interfere unless they are harmful. I guess atheists believe there is no evidence for existence of God, and Christians believe there is. People can go both sides of the coin, and they deserve freedom to choose. There are a whole lot of other reasons, but i don't feel like going into it cos i am too lazy
2016-07-05 11:47:06 UTC
There are many reasons some people do not believe in God. The flip side of this question is why do some people believe in God?
2016-07-05 22:17:01 UTC
It is hard to explain. The best way I can help you is to show an example. Ok now let's say you instead grew up in Asia. You were raised with or found Buddhism. It's teachings ring true to you down to your core, just as real you believes in christanity, and you truly believe it to be to be true as you reach for reincarnation to nirvana. Now the Buddhist you meets a Christian and they tell you about Christianity and one true God. However, Buddhist you instead can't understand why this person believes in a false God as Buddhism is the right way and you know it down to your core. Now the real you believes truly in Christianity now if I was a pagan and came to you insisting the Egyptian Gods are the true Gods. You still are Christian after I talk to you because to you I sound absurd because you found God and my Gods mean nothing to you because you truly believe my religion to be false. Other's don't believe because they trust their beliefs just as strongly as you do yours, hope that helps.
2016-07-03 09:14:50 UTC
Religious hypocrisy, such atheistic teachings as evolution, and the prevalence of wickedness have caused many to doubt or even deny the existence of a Creator. However, the choice, therefore, is not between being an atheist and believing in any religion. It is not as simple as that. Once someone has recognized the need for God, that one must seek out the true religion. As researcher Émile Poulat [male] nicely put it in Le Grand Atlas des Religions (The Large Atlas of Religions): “The things [religions] teach and demand are so greatly varied that it is impossible to believe them all.” In agreement with this, the French Encyclopædia Universalis (Universal Encyclopedia) says: “If the 21st century does return to religion, . . . man will have to decide whether the sacred things he is offered are true or false.”
2016-06-29 16:41:35 UTC
The fact that there are many reasons to believe that God exists does not mean that God exists. The fact that some people do nice things because of their faith doesn't prove anything either. The bottom line is that, absent any kind of evidence, it makes no sense to believe that God exists. It makes a lot of sense not to.
2016-07-02 11:37:36 UTC
Athiests grew up around non-believers or experienced harm or made a decision based on scientifically verifiable evidence. Belief in God takes faith, and trauma makes faith hard. I've seen it said that belief in God is learned/engrained in childhood. The same is often true of disbelief.
2016-07-02 04:13:04 UTC
It's not that we all don't believe in a higher power.

We just don't believe in the christians interpretation of god

Science freely admits it does not have all the answers,

But you can't simply say "god did it" & consider the matter closed

Pagan )O(
2016-07-01 12:42:01 UTC
They don't see proof somehow! There's all the proof in the world yet they make excuses! Think of it this way, a child needs hearing aids but doesn't want to get them. She keeps making excuses for not hearing or that she doesn't need them but she gets tested and finally either agrees to having hearing aids or she's forced to get them. Then she wears them and can hear well and be happy. That's how atheists are but unfortunately they often don't quite get to God like the girl gets hearing aids.
2016-07-02 21:57:02 UTC
It comes down to one simple thing: FREE WILL. Those that are happy with what they choose to believe, or not believe, either have FAITH or they don't. The age old argument won't be answered here. You'll have to rely on your own... and remember, it's FREE WILL. NO ONE is forcing you to believe, or not believe. YOU decide on what will make you happy and feel cofortable with yourself.
2016-07-04 18:32:40 UTC

Ignorance but mostly hard hearts if they not only believed but obeyed and trusted God our world wouldn't be the complete mess it's in now

Matthew 13:14-15

In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: "'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.'
2016-07-01 05:22:07 UTC
Because all organised religion is about money. Go to church and they pass around a plate for you to put money on. Did you ever see a church leader dressed in rags riding a push pike? Nope? Thought not. Yet Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

Cross on the back of a donkey
2016-06-28 06:11:53 UTC
Because God is a spirit. It is hard to believe in someone we cannnt see.
2016-07-01 11:50:49 UTC
Because since they can't see Him and we can't prove to them that He DOES exist, they choose not to believe it. We can't see the face of God with our eyes while living in our bodies.

But another thing is because Satan blinded the world, nobody understands the truth anymore.

In Exodus 33:20 God said: "You cannot see my face, for no one can see me and live."

We are blind of the Spirit until we truly accept Him. We don't see Him with our eyes or bodies. We see Him with faith. We don't hear Him with our ears, but we hear Him with the Word of God. The Bible is telling you!
2016-06-29 13:30:38 UTC
They may not have been brought up to believe in God.
2016-07-01 21:38:13 UTC
It is normal. Don't find fault with them. We should ignore "some" people who are in minority. Praise the majority of the people who believe in God.
Tom S
2016-06-30 18:41:21 UTC
A complete lack of credible supporting evidence. BTW which god of the thousands people have come up with?
2016-06-28 17:17:58 UTC
2016-06-29 10:55:49 UTC
Because when other people tried to tell them about it, they went "Really? Doesn't sound very likely to me" - i.e. nothing has convinced them any gods exist
2016-06-26 15:35:01 UTC
I researched long and hard before becoming an atheist. It is my right.....did you research or just accept what your parents or church say?

Mo University Lecturer Atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparative Religious Studies, Philosophy of Religion and English Literature.
2016-06-23 20:54:50 UTC
I can't tell you why other people don't believe in God because I'm not them. Yes, some of they could have been brought up. Others focus on the negativity and cruelty of the world and say if there was a God, why would he let this happen? Maybe people don't have the faith that you have that their is an eternal being. Or it's just the same thing; lack of evidence. That's pretty much all I can think of as to why some people don't believe in Him. Now in my own personal mindset, I'm unsure whether or not He exists. I really don't think that anyone knows for sure. He might exist, he might not. Nobody can prove it or disprove it. That's just my personal belief though. I hope my answer explains as to why some people don't believe in Him.
2016-06-23 13:43:27 UTC
The thing is GOD exist and there is lots of things to prove this and one of them is-->Nothing is created from the void,if you look around you will find that everything in the universe is moving around because something else is pushing it to do so and everything in our life was created by someone or something we made so it's so obvious that someone made this whole universe that we live in and this methodology we follow becuase qe are so week that any disease could kill easily and I encourage you to check "Islam" and ignore stereotypes or was media says, go ask Muslims about it and search on it from Muslims not others and you will find it so logical and truthful.

But some people live knowing that others believe god and choose to ignore it will other believe that it's not seen and there is nothing to trace this believe (while it is not true) so they simply ignore it, some believe that god stuff is bullshit actually and it's like believing in ghosts.So many points collide together.
2016-06-23 04:41:12 UTC
I know for a fact that the reason some people don't believe in God is because they are lazy, stubborn or they don't want to change. People can't be bothered not sinning or resisting temptation because they like the way how it is. Some people can hear God calling them out of a situation but block him out and choose to make their decision based on what society tells us to do today.
Qidong Jiangsu
2016-06-22 22:15:50 UTC
Because they are not convinced of such existence.
2016-06-22 21:48:29 UTC
Because life is what you see. Have you seen God? No. Cause he doesn't exist.have you seen... Idk... Bagels? Yes? Because bagels exist
2016-06-22 15:08:01 UTC
Believing in something that you cannot see and that cannot be proven is called faith. Not everyone has that capability.
Roberta B
2016-06-22 06:22:46 UTC
1) Many atheists state that they lack evidence of any God.

However, what many atheists call "evidence" is not the same as what makes them atheists. The reason for this is that people will usually accept what is in agreement with their world view, and evidence has no such bias.

This is true of pretty much every philosophical stance, so ultimately, no matter what evidence you or anyone presents, a person must make up their mind and heart. There is great wisdom in this arrangement, because by our choices we reveal who we are, and that is what a super-intelligent God who gave us free will would want for us to reveal.

A primary negative effect of atheism is the denial of the reality of a universe that includes obvious signs of intelligence in its design. The laws, including complicated mathematical constants in the physics of the universe, are information, not blind data, and intelligence produces information. This denial is the only way to reason that humans are not accountable to anyone greater than themselves for their actions. But that attitude also prevents the atheist from discovering the actual answers to important questions about existence.

Scientists acknowledge the existence of things based on their effect on other things.On this basis,God can be perceived,because faith in one Creator can move someone to have the humility to repent and change their lives.God can also provide an unimpeachable incentive that our own resolve does not.

2) So many atheists are atheists because they choose to reject the obvious evidence in the universe that there is a creator.

Many atheist authors, including Dawkins, claim that the universe has only the appearance of design, but there isn't. This assertion really confirms that evidence of design is obvious enough for them to recognize it. How can human beings deny the testimony of their own eyes and reasoning abilities?

3) Some people say that there can't be a God because there is a lot of evil in this world, that is, a lot of self-destructive, selfish, violent, senseless behavior, and this is a puzzle in the minds of many of the most dyed-in-the-wool evolutionist/atheists, because they would expect that all of these "millions and billions of years of evolution" would result in a more productive behavior pattern. But it is caused by the evil in many humans, not because there is a lack of God. Consider: why is there war and crime and hunger in a world of plenty and lots of scientific discovery? It is not about the man made aspects of some religions, it is about man needing God to guide their roadway. They are doing a pretty bad job of it now.

God teaches that the reason for evil's existence is the rebellion of our foreparents, and because Satan, who promotes this evil, is the ruler and god of this world. John 14:30; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 God our Creator, because he is a just God, has a plan to get rid of the evil in the world, and undo the evil that has been done.

On the positive side, one of the things that move many atheists to reconsider God, especially those who are science minded, is the tremendous complexity and interconnectedness of the universe, and the very specific laws that govern it all, indicating that there is far more order than chaos here. Especially life - even the simplest life forms on the earth are discovered to be increasingly amazing organisms, with ingenious structures that we can often copy to our advantage, with a little effort.

4) Finally there are lots of examples of people who, in the name of religion, do horrible things. Again, this is not because there is no God, or because God is evil, but it is the evil in humans that skew and disobey the positive teaching from God.

Instead of believing the accusations of people who resist the clear evidence of a righteous God, a systematic study of the Bible with a person of faith can clear up any honest questions. In the Bible God justly punished evildoers, and will do so again, in his time, which is evidently very close at hand.
O Man
2016-06-22 00:02:00 UTC
Sane/rational/intelligent people don't believe in god for the same reason they don't believe in fairies or goblins or unicorns or any other mythical creature - lack of proof. There is as much evidence for the existence of god as there is for any of these things.
2016-06-25 11:15:13 UTC
1- bloodline : sons of God had sex w the daughters of men ... Ge 6.4. Demon+human hybrids will not accept God. They come from bad seed.

2- people who are worldly : these have no interest in things spiritual.

3- people who are interested in God but due to lack of knowledge, get stuck in idol worship.


the soul that search for God ... will be found by Him.

Such a soul will become the chosen one.
2016-06-24 18:57:27 UTC
Because Satan, the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who believe not, lest the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them.
2016-06-23 14:34:15 UTC
The Bible says it's because they are fools.
2016-06-23 12:26:49 UTC
Because a godly life means dying to yourself. Giving up your dreams and self goals. It basically means sacrificing your life to live for jesus. And people really don't like the sound of that.
2016-06-23 08:33:57 UTC
Cause it doesn't exist.

Dumb a_ss N8gger.
2016-06-23 05:32:53 UTC
Some people don't want to consider God because it leads them to places they are uncomfortable going. In reality the answers to your question are as diverse as the people involved. The problem is that many people want to or need to humanize God and bring God down to their own level in order to understand the concept of God and frankly that cannot be done. God is Spirit dwelling in a Spritual realm and not confined or defined by the physical realm which we occupy.

I belive God cannot be understood or comprehended just as many other things are beyond the limited understanding of humans and mankind. Consider the concept of Eternity, past and future. Can anyone really comprehend or understand eternity? I submit not! It's impossible to comprehend something where all of our standards, such as time or measures of distance fall out of the equation and cannot be considered. You cannot consider time with eternity for you cannot define it in years as there is no end, no end going back or forward and the same in distance. Can anyone really understand infinity, going on without end or beginning? Such is the nature of God so to begin with God is beyond human understanding.

Others get bent out of shape when you metion God as they see a judge or someone that is there to restrict them, put boundaries upon their freedom and tell them what they cannot do. This is false but it's a straw man argument that lets others feel good about themselves. You cannot go to Science to define God for Science deals with the Physical Realm and fails when you attempt to use Science in the Spiritual realm or even imaginary. It's like asking someone to define love or prove love exist for Love comes from inside and is a feeling, an emotion.

God can be understood from the standpoint of FAITH. Faith in that which we have not seen or touched or that which we cannot prove yet have the same assurance it exist even though we cannot prove it or see it. God in turn rewards those who, by Faith, accept Christ sacrifice on the cross by giving the believer a gift, a present which is God's own Holy Spirit dwelling and living within our human bodies alongside our own inner spirit/soul.

Christians look to God as being the all powerful, all encompassing deity, Lord, God but consisting of and taking three forms yet remaining ONE singular. God the Father, ultimate Spirit dwelling within the Spiritual Realm encompassing all.

God the Son, God's Spirit dwelling in Human form. You will hear many people state that God doesn't exist or he would present Himself unto Human man, mankind. God would come to mankind and say here I am I'm God, Worship me and if he would do that then I would believe in Him. Here is the rub for those who make such statements. God did just that! God came to earth, to the Physical Realm, in human fleshly clothing, the seed of the Holy Spirit and the woman Mary. God came in Human the name well call Christ jesus born to Mary, seed of God's Holy Spirit not from the sperm of mankind though so as to remain sinless and so as to have the ability to be a perfect sacrifice on the cross for all mankind's sins, past, present, and future. God did come to earth, to mankind and say here I am Believe in ME. He also came to SAVE sinners, save that which is lost and by Faith if we accept Him and His Sacrifice then we become intimate and know the other form of God.

God in the form of the Holy Spirit, Promised by Christ in John 14, God's Holy Spirit has many ministries and duties and accomplishes a ministry with each believer by dwelling within the body of the believer being and serving as PROOF to that believer that HE IS REAL and valid. There are many other ministries that God's Holy Spirit provides but basically, as Christ defined it, God's Holy Spirit was remaining with mankind until Christ returns for the Church at the Rapture in the End days. God's Holy Spirit is mankind's confirmation, Guarntee that God is legit and real. Those who do not accept God, who are not saved, do not though know God's Holy Spirit for the Spirit is only given unto true believers for a ministry unto them.

Why do some people not believe in God? Because they never have met God's Spirit and because they want to bring God down to Human level and terms and when we do that then they find God is no longer perfect but they start humanizing God in imperfect ways. The ONLY way a non-saved, non-believer ever knows God's Holy Spirit or experiences God's Holy Spirit and the power of God is when they are under the Conviction of God's Holy Spirit. When basically God is talking to them, direct to their mind/heart explaining to them, to the human, that we have a NEED and that NEED is to know the Creator, to know God. Mankinds response to that conviction and that Godly communication will determine what follows from there.
2016-06-23 05:03:28 UTC
it's either:

1. They don't want to

2. They don't believe that he exists

3. They worship some other god
2016-06-23 03:44:48 UTC
Believing in god is faith, some do not have nor want the faith to believe in god. I personally do not believe in him at all and I think what I can see with my own eyes is what it real
2016-06-23 00:58:39 UTC
So you believe in wizards, Talking snakes, A "loving" God who flooded the earth, that a guy "died for our sins", The ability to control weather, the ability to walk on water and turn water into wine etc.. And you find it strange that I don't believe this?
2016-06-22 22:00:01 UTC
If you take what Jesus said,

He was trying to show us that we are not separate from God. "Everything I can you, you can do". God is everything. I know in my heart and in accounts of near death experiences that there is a heaven. We come here time after time when we are ready to leave home to gain experience. Experience is the only growth. You cannot grow in heaven. You have to be tested , put through hardships. Then you will become a better soul/God.

Plato put it nicely. If one was born a bright, brilliant star, they would not know how bright and brilliant they were. It is only through outing us through trials in a different state do we know, fully and completely, just how brilliant we are. For you, I recommend the book "Conversations With God" by Neale Donald Walsh.
2016-06-22 19:43:30 UTC
Because you are using a computer or a cellphone to log onto yahoo answers and asking this question.
2016-06-22 19:21:06 UTC
I guess some people either don't have a personal connection to god or they just understand it or maybe they believe in God but relate more to Satan or they could just not help but find plot holes
2016-06-22 18:36:17 UTC
Hmmmm probably because God is just a messed up concept made to scare people into doing certain things, mainly fighting to the death over the beliefs over some random idiotic ancients who were like "Hey! Lets write down what we want everyone to do and then say a non-existent all powerful being will torture them for eternity if they don't!"
2016-06-22 17:26:26 UTC
For reasons THEY believe
2016-06-22 17:26:14 UTC
because their experience in life is marred by umpteen sorrow, pain, neglect and so on negative vibes.
2016-06-22 11:18:03 UTC
Presumably they look at some of the other tossers who claim to.
2016-06-22 08:10:44 UTC
I was raised as a catholic and went to catholic grade school. I don't believe in God and haven't for years. I don't give thought to what happened before us, or the hows and whys of science. I don't care about that. The fact is that we ARE here, in our present form.
2016-06-22 02:16:48 UTC
Human beings are ruled by spirits but humans must learn to control and rule the spirits. Spirits possess people according to the mental state of the human beings and keep them in the same state until they are rejected and replaced by another. This is an all time phenomena occurring in all humans. Human beings are always under the influence of spirits. Certain situations and circumstances causes the possession of certain type of spirits. Often thinking and talking about bad subjects or bad imaginations even for fun can take serious turns on one who think and talk. All spirits (good and bad) have the dominating character. They can take you to the extent of sacrifice or suicide.

All of your activities, talks and even thoughts determine what kind of spirits you will have for your life. Only these spirits are the reason for your positive and negative thoughts of your life. Generally spirits determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. All knowledge, skills, emotions, feelings, interests and everything are spirits. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another they think and you just listen and choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. Human beings are just unprogrammed robots made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., by birth and toys of the spirits for their games.

God is a mystery even to spirits. That's why you are able to see atheists even in this miraculous era. Spirits were also created by God. Their lifetime is approximately 500 years (if what the spirits have said is true). The people who born in this era think that this is natural. But this is not natural. They must understand that they are living in a temporary miraculous era created by God. I am the living evidence for the existence of God.
2016-06-22 00:09:10 UTC
I don't believe in God for two reasons.

1. I just can't see any compelling evidence for the existence of any kind of god.

2. I feel no desire or need for that kind of belief in my life.

I know many people who take great comfort from their faith, and that's wonderful for them. But what none of them seem to understand is that I don't need that comfort in the same way they do. I don't need to believe there is someone looking over me, or that everything happens for a reason, or that things are in God's hands. None of that means anything to me,

As for how we have personalities, or how was sex created - evolution. We are complex beings who evolved from simple beings. The science is there to back that up. Evolution is one of the most widely agreed scientific theories there is.
2016-06-21 23:58:17 UTC
Some peoples personalities dont let them believe in god. They dont listen and they think they are always right.
2016-06-23 18:38:53 UTC
Personally I didn't believe in GOD because as a child my school tried to force Christianity upon me and that put me off when I was younger.

However, now that I'm older and understand things better it's simply because in my PERSONAL OPINION I think that if god did exist there would be proof, there isn't even theoretical proof and it just seems insane.

I am however a absolute believer in science and that everything couldn't have came into existence simply because some dude decided it should because if so then who made god and then who made that person/being etc.

Keep in mind this is my own opinion so please don't take any offence as none was intended
2016-06-23 18:21:56 UTC
Look at the world
2016-06-23 15:28:14 UTC
To get you started.....please read any and all essays by Robert Ingersoll.
2016-06-23 13:54:36 UTC
People just choose not to. I consider myself to be an agnostic atheist, which only means that I don't believe a God, but I don't deny his existence. I guess one of the main reasons why I don't believe in him at this point in my life is because of all of the things that my grandmother has gone through, and the people who I have lost in my life who haven't done anything but mean well for people. So, I feel like, if he does exist, then it's a pretty shitty world we live in. Meanwhile, people are out there murdering, raping, and just doing bad things in general, yet they are alive and well; and without regret!

So, I honestly just don't know what to think.
2016-06-23 12:45:01 UTC
Well i do believe in God but other times i feel like he doesn't really do anything i went threw alot of bad experience i would pray and fast unto him about what i needed for him to do for me like protecting me, healing me and much more but guess what?? nothing really had happen unfortunately because so many people so many evil things and he sees it all but never does anything but lets the wicked prosper.
2016-06-23 09:47:39 UTC
I don't believe there is an omnipotent person that punishes us for what we do. I also don't think he pardons people and forgives us for what we may do. That is a cop out on living and being a good person. How we live and who we are depends on us and our actions. While church may bring communities together which is a good thing, it makes some people think they are better than others just because of going to church rather than really being a person one could be proud of. the people on her judge others and really are not in a position to do so. Believe as you will but don't push your beliefs on my children in school and please stop banging on my door every week.
2016-06-23 06:46:42 UTC
Every SINGLE person believes in some kind of God. They just don't know it. Each person is their own god; they make their OWN miracles happen. The persons that you see everyday that believes in the "god in the sky" are the ones that don't believe in themselves as gods and miracle makers. They feel that "someone else" should do it for them. Those that say they don't believe in god mean that they believe in THEMSELVES and create their own ways of life. Their own answers to challenges. At the end of their lives they are more healthy and more fulfilled than those that go to church.
2016-06-23 06:34:45 UTC
some people do not believe in god because they cant see god and thus deny his existane,forgetting that there are many things they believe in that they have never set their eyes on them,for instance a teacher told his students since u dont c god then he doesnt exist, one of his students asked sir, i cant see your sense,does that mean you are sensless??so god exists.

some do not believe in god just for some incidents in their lyf,lyk death of a friend or relative,loss of job,failure to make it in life and so many others....

2016-06-23 02:55:52 UTC
some people? meaning society or myself?
2016-06-23 00:51:57 UTC
Everyones different
2016-06-22 23:06:19 UTC
The thing about being an atheist is that we are content with not having the answers to everything currently. But we do stride to find those answers. Christians, as well as many other religions, made up a god (or gods) to make sense of what they don't understand. They aren't content with not understanding everything so they make something up that makes sense to them.
2016-06-22 18:54:08 UTC
Personally I believe in God, but I understand why others don't. To me I think events in your life will help decide whether you believe in God or not. One of my best friends was a strong Catholic but when she turned around 13 or 14 she was diagnosed with depression and it was and still is really hard on her, she tried killing herself twice before she took therapy and got better. She stopped believing in God because she doesn't understand why he would let her go through those horrible years if the Bible said he loved everyone.The same thing happens to lots of people, like how parents don't understand how God could let their baby get cancer, get kidnapped, raped and all the other horrible things that happen on Earth. The bad events in life will turn people away from God, and those people then turn their future children and friends away from God. And unlike you I do think how you are raised can have an impact on whether you are religious or not, when I was younger I believed anything my dad told me like most children, so if my dad told me God wasn't real I would believe him and probably keep that belief until I was old enough to make my own decisions. I think though its mostly personal reasons why people become atheists, like something bad in their life turns them away from Him or they just feel like they can't have faith in someone they can't see.
2016-06-22 12:05:20 UTC
It's all about philosophical stance of mind that make up that logic.

The evidence comes later.

Atheists don't believe in God because they attempted to grasp the logic behind the concept of God which always ended up with a paradox.

This is what surprise me the most.

How come Theists can't see the paradoxes in concept of God ?
2016-06-22 08:39:48 UTC
I do not believe in any god. I have two reasons for doing so. The first lead me to the second and the second one is my now principal reason. I found that what the Christian church often taught and what it did were mismatched. I found Christianity to be very hypocritical. As my education progressed I realised that there is not one shred of evidence for the existence of any gods. If humans and other organisms were created by an omnipotent god why are there so many flaws? Why if the Bible was divinely inspired is it so full of contradictions? The trouble is most people are smug in their religiosity and believe simply what their minister tells them every Sunday. Most Christians are not even aware of what their religions contains in full. Most are Christians because their parents were not because they know it is the best religion which holds all the truths. In many ways it is like an adult continuing to believe in the Easter Bunny, Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy beyond childhood.
2016-06-22 06:10:35 UTC
Why do some people not believe in God?

- Because some of us have functional brain cells.

I am a child of God a strong Christian

- Sorry about the head injury.

I've tried to understand why some people may not believe in God or may believe in something else

- Because "believe" is accepting what has zero evidence, many of us choose to "think" rather than "believe".

Some people feel like the big bang theory makes sense because of science,

- There is that evidence, proof, and intelligence stuff associated with it.

but nobody knows what came before the big bang

- SO? That still does not disprove the big bang, nor does it prove a deity.

just like how we don't know what came before God.

- You have yet to prove a deity exists so it is a "belief" not a reality.

Some people say they don't believe in God because science doesn't prove it.

- And like a brain dead fundie you conflate two totally opposite words. If there was "proof" then "believe" would be a moot point.

Well if science proves that there was a God wouldn't that still be believing in science?

- No, it would be "accepting" science. Those big words are confusing for you aren't they.

In that case science would be what lead you to God.

- SO?

That doesn't make sense to me.

- You are confused by a great many things, simple words for one.

I mean our personalities and the way we act can't be from dead stars.

- WOW, off the bridge of ignorance into the morass of stupidity.

Or is it because some people know God is there, but choose not to follow him because they want to choose their own future or destiny?

- And again, believe and know are opposite words.

Because they want to continue living the life they choose with their own freedom of choice?

- Some of that free will your fantasy deity gave to us.

These are really good and honest questions I have.

- Of that I have no doubt, incredibly ignorant, but honest.

if you think we came from stars how was sex created?

- DNA eventually developed into the XX chromosome of the female and eventually mutated into an XY chromosome of the male, thus parthenogenesis became sex.

Some people will say "People believe in God because they were raised that way"

- If there is ONE god then why do Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and about 1000 other religions exist. It is not because of a "god" it is because of a culture.

one of my friends is atheist and her parents believe in God and vise versa. If that were to be the case then that's not belief.

- No, that is belief verses gaining intelligence.
A Nonny Mouse
2016-06-22 00:54:44 UTC
OK, firstly you can't remove anything posted here - you don't have that power (unless your god gave it to you, that is).

Why do some people not believe in god? - Because there is not now, nor has there ever been any evidence to suggest a god has ever existed. Ever.
2016-06-22 00:24:40 UTC
Because there is not one single piece of evidence in the whole universe for an interventionist god. Not one and I defy anybody to provide any.
2016-06-22 00:12:46 UTC
I think lot of religious believers put too much onus on someone being an atheist is because of the belief in the 'big bang' theory.

It's actually not... That is just one part of why I don't believe in a god and you'll most likely find that most atheists would say the same.

Firstly it's a choice based on many things, from education to actually researching the claims of a god, from believing there is no need for a god to understanding that life is not for serving anything else but is for living.

So I am an atheist and continue to be so with an abundance of love, care, compassion, empathy, kindness and unbelievable happiness.
2016-06-22 00:01:59 UTC
free will
2016-06-21 23:59:34 UTC
Which God... or do you mean all of them?

Think of it this way... in India a bunch of Hindus for the last 4,000 years have believed in Shiva... do you believe in Shiva? Why not?

Now you understand why people don't believe in your God.

Scientists are trying to figure out the facts behind natural phenomena. Just because all the facts are not yet known doesn't mean something magical must have been behind it. Used to be people thought thunder was magical but I'm sure you realize it's a perfectly natural phenomenon, right?
2016-06-27 15:55:21 UTC
The fact of the matter, the reason why most do not believe in God is because they do not want to be judged by no one including God, there creator, that is why most do not believe in God, so they turn to science, but in the end everything will be judged, so they are in a lose, lose situation, whether they know it or not, we all have to face it that there will be a judgment and some will escape it if God saves them, only by the grace of God will we escape judgment, but if we walk by the law, then the law of God will condemn us to death, as it is written in God word the bible only, Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
2016-06-25 18:08:11 UTC
It makes absolutely no sense. I find the whole idea rather unbelievable and we're supposed suspend belief and embrace all kinds of crazy ideas that according to the laws of this universe cant possibly happen and haven't since the beginning of time
2016-06-24 08:29:03 UTC
Most people who belief in a god do so because they where taught such by their parents or society.

They belief it because as a child they were taught it was true.

That's how the cookie crumbles.

But some people begin to ask questions, "Why?" "How?" "Who?" "How do you know that for sure?" They begin to doubt. And believers can't offer them anything that satisfies those questions. Sure some might be downbeat into "Just believe else we will hit you so hard" .. threatened back in belief.

But many simply walk off seeing little reason to belief. They think, they doubt and they get no answers. No answers that either make sense or can be used.

Even worse for the believers out there, with free information these early doubters quickly learn that they are not alone. That they are not the only one doubting religion and faith. They learn about the questions, the answers given and why it doesn't works nor make sense.

In the end they just walk off. That what in the past satisfied them to belief in a god... stopped working. Only left them with more unanswered questions!

These unbelievers just walked off because they knew to much. They understood to much. They.. couldn't lie to themselves anymore. They couldn't!

And hence they are freed from faith.
Doubting Like Thomas
2016-06-23 18:38:38 UTC
May as well admit it:

Even with all the evidence, SOME people do not believe in the God known as Poseidon.

He DOES use His Infinite Powers to move the tides, EVERY ocean, EVERY day.

Does anyone SERIOUSLY think that the tides EVOLVED the ability to move themselves?

Do YOU believe in Poseidon?

if not, why not?
2016-06-23 13:07:26 UTC
A lot of people don't believe because they don't have "proof" of his existence.
2016-06-23 08:37:42 UTC
You disbelieve only one fewer god than the most profound Atheist. Out of the thousands of gods that have been postulated you declare all but one false - creations of man. Atheists just see no need to extend an exception to your particular man-made god just because it is fashionable to still go through the motions based on a thoroughly disgusting ancient desert culture that promoted slavery, genocide, gential mutilation and other fun pastimes in the name of "Love".
2016-06-22 18:37:07 UTC
Not sure
2016-06-22 16:11:52 UTC
2016-06-22 14:01:17 UTC
Because they're hopeless idiots that's why!
Doug Freyburger
2016-06-22 11:54:25 UTC
Only around 1-2% of the population have direct personal observation of deity. This is called testimony when the experiences are told to others and does not count as evidence in science. That leaves around 98-99% of the population who need to depend on the testimony of others or on evidence. There is plentiful testimony but zero evidence.

Disbelieving is simple. One is not in the 1-2% of sensitives and one decides to require evidence. There is zero evidence. Done.

Believing other systems is simple. One is in the 1-2% of sensitive and one experiences a different deity. Done. Or is not in the 1-2% of sensitives and one chooses to believe the testimony of other systems. Done.

For those in the 98-99% who are not sensitive, believing in the Christian system is a choice. The Christians have a brilliant but evil public relations campaign - They falsely claim to be the one source of truth and the one source of morality. It's a clearly false assertion. It takes more than just making an assertion like that for the assertion to be true. But there are a lot of people who were taught it in their formative years who never question the assertions. And there are gullible people who decide later in life to believe the assertions.
2016-06-22 11:08:44 UTC
Just wanted to touch on a couple things you said.

If science proves that there is a God, yes, it would mean that you are still believing science. But why can't you believe in both science and God? I think it's short-sighted to think that they have to exist in opposition to each other. After all, wouldn't God have created the science? In which case, we would be using the God-given science as a means to see Him more clearly.

Personally, I strayed away from Christianity because: 1. I found a bunch of contradictions in the bible/ teachings (mixing clothing materials, eating seafood, etc), 2. I found contradictions with it and science (predominantly evolution vs the story of Creation), and 3. I thought that science was more compelling with it's evidence. But I mean, science and math were always my favorite subjects, so I guess I may have had some favoritism. However, I was a huge Christian and went to church every Sunday before that. Basically, my decision had nothing to do with avoiding God's rules; I even still conduct my life by some.

"'People believe in God because they were raised that way' that's not true one of my friends is atheist and her parents believe in God and vise versa." This quote just means that you believe the things you do because of your upbringing. For instance, if you grew up in Indian, you might have been Hindu. And if you weren't challenged on it or introduced to alternatives, you would very well be Hindu your entire life. It's a cultural thing. People can change their beliefs (Christianity to atheism), but it would be because of outside influences. Just like if your parents never cursed and taught you not to curse. You wouldn't curse unless other people introduce it to you and you favored it.
2016-06-22 10:28:58 UTC
We've given the matter a lot of thought and came to the conclusion god(s) doesn't/don't exist. We're perfectly fine, so don't worry about us, just do unto us as you'd want us to do unto you when it comes to faith and non-faith.
2016-06-22 07:21:59 UTC
Because I did a lot of research. I cannot believe in anything without finding out all about...I expect you did the same...but you came to the opposite did, didn't you ?

Mo University Lecturer Atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparative Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion.
2016-06-22 05:32:19 UTC
1. Too stupid

2. Too lazy to read the bible

3. Brainwashed by a false religion from infancy

4. See only the hypocrisy in false religions.

5. Believe what they get from evil is actually happiness

6. Abused by evil parents who claim to believe in God.

7. Dumb enough to think that by denying God they can get away with

whatever they want to do.

8. Have a little education and now think they

know everything.

9. Etc.
2016-06-22 04:29:39 UTC
Because every religion has different God and we dont know which God is true

Example : Allah is God for Muslims,Jesus is God for Christians,Jehovah is God for jews,Shiva,krishna,brahma are hindu Gods etc.

Every religious person thinks that there God is true

But there is no evidence of any of these Gods except religious scriptures which are man made so God is man made too

No one knows God exist or not but due to lack of evidence it seems like there is no God

But if there is God he/she is definetly not the God of any of these religious books
Robert J
2016-06-22 02:20:32 UTC
The best reason is simple reading the Bible (& other religious works) completely through and looking at all the contradictions and inconsistencies it / they contain.

Take those away and there is nothing meaningful remaining.

It's just ancient fiction-to-explain-the-unknown, the same as all the Greek, Roman, Norse etc. mythology.
the internet
2016-06-22 01:12:13 UTC
Okay first I'd like to say this question is not meant to be offensive or rude at all so I don't want to see any arguments in the comments or I'll remove them.

"I am a child of God"

Is that an euphemism for not knowing who your actual parents are?

a strong Christian and I've tried to understand why some people may not believe in God or may believe in something else.

"Some people feel like the big bang theory makes sense because of science"

You don't know any scientist, you have never been near a university. You don't even know what science actually is.

"nobody knows what came before the big bang theory"

Before the bang. There is no before. Time started with the bang. The idea of 'before' is not applicable to the bang.

"just like how we don't know what came before God."

We do know what came before god: Other stories about different gods.

"Some people say they don't believe in God because science doesn't prove it."

Not really. It is more like people who don't believe in fire breathing dragons and wizard. It is because nothing indicates that they actually exist. Same situation with gods.

"Well if science proves that there was a God wouldn't that still be believing in science?"

Yes. If science proves that Batman exists that would also still be believing in science.

"In that case science would be what lead you to God."

Or to Batman.

"That doesn't make sense to me."


"I mean our personalities and the way we act can't be from dead stars."

Why not?

"Or is it because some people know God is there"

Nobody does.

"but choose not to follow him"

You can't. Once you believe in him you can not not follow him. The threat is too strong.

"because they want to choose their own future or destiny?"

No, it is because they are better than you at telling fiction and reality apart.

"Because they want to continue living the life they choose"

No. It has nothing to do with that. It is that the stories about gods are just that - stories. There are thousands of these stories about thousands of different gods. None of them is true.

"with their own freedom of choice?"

No. It has nothing to do with that. You can not chose what you believe to exist.

"I mean with the things we do and how life was created"

Life was not created, life occurred naturally.

"how was sex created?"

Sex. Sex as the way to produce offspring by mixing the genes of two individuals is a very advantageous trait in evolution. Without sex, you can only produce clones.

If two different beneficial mutations occur in two different clones, cloning will never produce an individual with both of them. For that, one of the mutations would have to occur again in an individual that already has the other mutation.

With sexual reproduction both mutations can spread through the population.

"People believe in God because they were raised that way"

Yes. That is the only reason. Some people manage to get out of religion even though they were raised that way.

Try to explain you god story to an adult from Japan or China. It is so embarrassing bizarre, no sane adult person would believe it.

Every civilization had their own religion and their own gods. Later they all turned out to be nothing but stories. There is no reason that today's religions are any different in that regard.
2016-06-22 00:43:56 UTC
Some people prefer knowledge instead of belief, reality instead of make believe, facts instead of fiction. See now? Cheers! 🙂
2016-06-22 00:15:05 UTC
Some babies are born in this world with knowledge of their previous lives... Some are born into their first life as a human...

Some people live on God's love alone. They don't even need water or Sun... Some people eat junk food their entire life, stuck into some entertainment...

Some people are theists, although they have never had any spiritual experience. Some people have experienced Astral Projection and label themselves as atheists.

Knowing God is a steady process... You know God, but yet you hang to material existence like a parasite, don't you? I bet you are not a raw vegan at least, so ponder on your own knowledge of God. Don't judge others.

Not knowing God is like being capable of connecting your a, b and c dots in great manner. How could you ever suppose that there could be a d dot? How could you suppose that there is something beyond your common sense perception of reality, until one day something divine happens... but, only until then, because the rational mind, dwelling within its own confinement, cannot grasp the divine, and it is not meant to do that. I know because I was there...
Muhammad Javed
2016-06-21 23:58:08 UTC
Regular and punctual times of sun rise and sun set are a proof of existence of God. Science will grow one day to recognize the Reality of God.
2016-06-27 07:06:04 UTC
Substitute "God" with "Allah" There is the same non-evidence for both. Now do you see why?
2016-06-24 07:26:18 UTC
Many Atheists don't believe in God for the simple reasoning that EVERYTHING about religion is a contradiction. For example; many say God is a forgiving God and yet believe that if you act a certain way you will be sent to the pit of hell. Contradiction. Many believe we have "free will" to do or act as we please and yet in so many specific instances, will thank God for doing/not doing something for them. Contradiction. Some will thank God for sparing a loved one's life after a near-death experience, but why were they put in that situation in the first place? Contradiction. Some thank God for their "blessings" when they encounter a windfall, yet so many same believers are stricken with poverty. Why would God choose one over another?
Lucius T Fowler
2016-06-23 18:43:11 UTC
> Some people feel like the big bang theory makes sense because of science, but nobody knows what came before the big bang theory just like how we don't know what came before God.

Here we got it. In German, we say, the snake bites its tail, or circular logic, or a tautology, if you love Greek.

Fact is, we don't know what was before the big bang, and probably we cannot. I don't say we defintely can't, because we're getting closer. But do we really want to release these energies? Last times we did it lead to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and several nuclear desasters, like Three Mile Island, Czernobyl, and Fukushima.

Physicits know a lot about the universe and the energies out there, but why on earth don't they come up with better ideas than heating water and driving a steam turbine by nuclear power? There must be a better way to use it.

Relating to your question once again, God is within the smallest of particles, God, if you want to believe, is within us. We are stardust, and my preferred religion is Hinduism, as they say exactly that, you can find god only within yourself.
2016-06-23 15:39:55 UTC
Some people say they only believe in what they can see, as in scientifically. I personally believe that you can see God in every baby, every blade of grass, in most everything I guess. I admit I have major problems with why awful things happen to some people and not to others. Why does one premature baby die and another survive when both sets of parents are devout Christians and are desperately praying? I don't know; maybe one day we will understand this but it gives me a lot of heartburn. Also horrible things happening to animals as I believe they are sentient beings.
2016-06-23 15:35:47 UTC
Some people do not believe in God as they don't find the idea of it, somewhat logical. I for one, cannot stand to read the bible because it sounds like a storybook meant to brainwash people into worship. (I don't mean to offend you at all for your belief, if I did, I apologize) In a world of physical and chemical evidence of where we had supposedly stemmed from, it made more sense than a story about Adam and Eve who failed a test by eating a fruit, persuaded by Satan. Plus, most don't find it comforting to pray to a being they can't see. You could say we lack faith. I hope that helped a little, for you to see into this perspective.
2016-06-23 13:00:19 UTC
It is hard for a lot of people to believe in something that they cannot see. Science is very concrete and real and it cannot prove the existence of a higher power.
2016-06-23 06:35:51 UTC
I tried hard to find evidence of god in any proper way but god failed to prove his existence from when I was a teen, so I think from then that god doesn't exist,
2016-06-23 02:09:14 UTC
I do not believe in god. Put it this way. Why are there different races? Why black, why asian? Evolution is why. Black people are because of the hot weather in Africa. Through evolution, the color of skin helps with the weather. And asians? Why do they have slanted eyes? Evolution. Helps to see in snowy weather. It doesn't get simpler than that. On the other hand, people expect me to just believe in a book someone wrote years ago. Sorry, but it's just a faery tale like all the other untrue stories. I don't believe in god, I believe in the power of good people. Why do people need a book or religion to just do what's right? I'll tell you why. Weak minded people need some grandiose reason to make sense of things they can't control. Preachers are just cult leaders. Telling people to believe in whatever religion because they said so. It's all ridiculous.
2016-06-23 01:10:58 UTC
I don't believe in god because I cannot believe in some magical being that can't be proven to exist. Much like the Easter bunny or unicorns. God isn't any more real than they are. The belief in god and what is modern religions comes from a time before man learned about science and fact and believed that the sun was a god. The resection in religions comes from the sun going down at night and then rising in the morning. There most likely is powerful beings in the universe but I wouldn't worship them or consider them gods. I believe in things that can proven.
2016-06-23 00:51:44 UTC
It's about their pride. Lucifers pride led him to try to take over heaven and become God. Similarly, peoples pride lead them to try to be the god of their own lives. During the thousand year reign, unsaved people who survived the tribulation will be able to stare into hell and see what awaits them if they dont accept Jesus. And according to the Bible, people will still reject him. It all comes down to pride.
2016-06-22 19:52:52 UTC
Because they dont find a valid reason to Trust God I guess
2016-06-22 12:35:48 UTC
Why did some people not believe in slavery?

I mean slavery benefitted all who believed in it, right?

I think the main reason for NOT believing in something is because it doesn't benefit you directly.

Some people who didn't believe in slavery recognized that it was holding back the progress of mankind. Some people who don't believe in a god also recognizes that the idea of a god is holding back progress.

Human evolution created gods and it will one day destroy them.
2016-06-22 05:07:02 UTC
Why do some people not believe in God?

Lack of any credible evidence for any gods.
2016-06-22 04:50:09 UTC
Not every one is capable of thinking for themselves and rejecting the brainwashing strategy to recruited new blood for the religious mob.
2016-06-22 04:15:53 UTC
It's very simple: Modern-day atheism is based on mental laziness. It's too much trouble for most people to ponder the mysteries of life. They'd rather ponder sex or a submarine sandwich or one of the latest movies or theme parks. Penn Jillette (an atheist) wrote, "God, No!" and I thought it was going to get to the issue of no God. It didn't. Atheists never actually get around to explaining atheism. Their "reasoning" goes something like this: They don't want a God to exist. Therefore there is no God. That's it. "Profound," eh? According to Stephen Hawking, a so-called "scientist," the universe "came from nothing," and spirituality is nothing more than (according to him), "a faerie tale." People flock to fall at his feet to hear what he has to say, simply because he wears the title, "scientist," but so few have actually analyzed what he's said. Carl Sagan was of the same mindset as Hawking. He had no knowledge of spirituality, yet he spoke against the possibility of there being an afterlife. Did he know this for certain? No. He was simply too lazy to investigate. Which means that his idea was unscientific. Niccolo Machiavelli said that "most people have eyes, and are therefore able to see. Few, however, are capable of reason. Therefore appearances are everything." Yes. Most people are swayed by appearances. Hawking and Sagan would be interviewed and appeared to be very intelligent, and based on those appearances, people bought into their half-baked ideas, and being that most people are not capable of reason, they have stupidly accepted Hawking's notion that what we behold around us here in the world and in the galaxies all "came from nothing." It was an "accident," in other words. Is nobody questioning this?? Not many. Not enough. Most people let "experts" do their thinking for them and that is never a good policy. It's dangerous, actually. It's easy to listen to an atheist and conclude, "Well, he's the expert, so I guess he must be right!" That's the conclusion of a mentally lazy people, and that's why there are presently so many atheists in the world ... because it's easy, you don't have to think, to seriously ponder. Trying to determine whether or not there is a God is a process that takes time and it takes effort. Not many want to put themselves through that. They'd rather have a beer...
2016-06-22 01:50:33 UTC
becuase he is not a god to begin with, and if you use your brain you'll know that all of the religion was imposed by the jews to enslave humanity.
2016-06-22 01:39:25 UTC
Because they have not the True Faith...

"Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen. 2 For by means of it, the men of ancient times had witness borne to them.

3 By faith we perceive that the systems of things were put in order by God’s word, so that what is seen has come into existence from things that are not visible" (Hebrews 11:1-3. Bible).
2016-06-22 00:45:49 UTC
In my long life I’ve never, ever, seen, heard, felt, thought, sensed, or been told anything whatsoever to make me think that a god exists.

And even if I had, I wouldn’t waste my time or energy worshipping the jealous, insecure, vengeful, narcissistic, impotent, violent, unfair, selfish, cruel, indecisive, capricious god described in the bible.
2016-06-22 00:32:12 UTC
Some people care about evidence more than others do...
2016-06-21 23:58:29 UTC
Because there are none of them around to believe in. Nothing was ever created out of nothing, & everything evolved & continues to evolve.
2016-06-27 07:59:22 UTC
(Psalm 14:1) The foolish one says in his heart: “There is no God.

“It never occurred to any writer of the OT [Hebrew Scriptures] to prove or argue the existence of God,” says Dr. James Hastings in A Dictionary of the Bible. “It is not according to the spirit of the ancient world in general to deny the existence of God, or to use arguments to prove it. The belief was one natural to the human mind and common to all men.” This does not mean, of course, that all men at that time were God-fearing. Far from it. Psalm 14:1 and 53:1 both mention “the senseless one,” or as the King James Version says, “the fool,” who has said in his heart, “There is no God.”What kind of person is this fool, the man who denies the existence of God? He is not intellectually ignorant. Rather, the Hebrew word na·valʹ points to a moral deficiency. Professor S. R. Driver, in his notes to The Parallel Psalter, says that the fault is “not weakness of reason, but moral and religious insensibility, an invincible lack of sense, or perception.”

The psalmist goes on to describe the moral breakdown that is a result of such an attitude: “They have acted ruinously, they have acted detestably in their dealing. There is no one doing good.” (Psalm 14:1) Dr. Hastings sums up: “Counting on this absence of God from the world and on impunity, men become corrupt and do abominable deeds.” They openly embrace ungodly principles and discount a personal God to whom they have no wish to be accountable. But such thinking is as foolish and senseless today as it was when the psalmist wrote his words over 3,000 years ago.

The person who turns to transgression begins to discount God as a factor to be considered when making decisions and plans. (Job 34:27) Such a person allows his heart to blind him to the wrongness of his ways and he loses insight. (Ps 36:1-4) Even if claiming to worship God, he puts men’s precepts above God’s; he prefers them. (Isa 29:13, 14) He rationalizes and excuses his loose conduct as mere “sport” (Pr 10:23) and becomes perverted, brutish, stupid in his reasoning, to the extreme of assuming that the invisible God does not see or discern his wrongdoing, as though God’s powers of perception had failed. (Ps 94:4-10; Isa 29:15, 16; Jer 10:21) By his course and actions he says, in effect, “There is no God” (Ps 14:1-3) and leaves him ‘out of the picture.’ Not being guided by divine principles, he cannot judge matters correctly, see the issues clearly, evaluate the factors involved, and arrive at right decisions. According to God's will.—Pr 28:5.
2016-06-26 20:53:32 UTC
They want to do their own thing, call their own shots, do what they want to do, when they want to do it. God's in the way.
2016-06-26 05:24:58 UTC
Some people do not believe in God because they have no good reason to believe that God is real.
2016-06-25 16:39:32 UTC
Simply because they have no deep love for others. They love themselves more than anything else. Selfishness leads to all manner of evil, including a fear/hatred for God.
2016-06-23 15:51:26 UTC
I was raised a Christian. I went to church, said the words, looked down on the right people. But I NEVER truly felt it in my heart. There was always a strong disconnect. Then I went away to college, to a Catholic school ironically. World religions was a mandatory class and upon taking it I discovered ...."well this is crap, really." There are so many religions in the world claiming to be the "right" one. Some revolving around punishment of those who do not follow, others merely centering on its followers. It's not at all justifiable to say "MY religion is right" when there are so many that have existed even longer than Christianity itself.

Then comes the nature of Christianity. Pagan mythology as a belief system was wildly imaginative but in the end, promoted a more meaningful society. The evolution of politics, the treatment of human sexuality etc. all things that helped shape society. Then came Judaism and Christianity, then came Islam, and then came perhaps one of the most vile and despicable acts in human history: The Crusades. Christians tend to forget about that. They raped, murdered and pillaged in droves, after the attempt at tolerance on behalf of Constantine the Great. Then we must look at the teachings. Today a growing number of atheists are holding steadfast to humanism. As a humanist, it is difficult to accept a book saying people will burn to death just because of the sexuality they were born with. It's impossible to accept the role of women as inherently subservient. It's hard to imagine the hypocrisy of it all, weaving tales of incest while saying what someone else can or can't do, or threatening hell for not agreeing with their concepts. For those of good hard, those things are not possible to accept.

And now we look at its modern impact. Today, the world is at war. At war over beliefs, mainly of Abrahamic faith. Thanks to Christianity we now have the long running practice is many countries of violating boys bodies needlessly for the useless practice of circumcision, which despite agenda in this country, there is irrevocable prove looking elsewhere it's not necessary. It's not until recently consenting adults were permitted to marry, not being straight. The persecution continues, as evidenced by recent events. While people will rush to say "that's not representative of such and such religion," while the book may not say "go shoot fifty people," the idea came from the faith and its refusal of acceptance. Still today women face ridicule for expressing their sexuality and even still having kids outside of marriage.

At the end of it all, I cannot believe in a deity because religion is man made. Scientific evidence is in complete opposition of some Christian beliefs. No one can claim one religion to be right. More than that, I've become such a better person after eliminating it from my life. I care much more deeply for others now, whether they be friends or strangers. I look at things from a different perspective, instead of being driven by emotion. I do not judge people for not agreeing with my "faith" as I once did. I'm easier to get along with, much more mellow, have found purpose in helping others instead of worshiping the unseen. The only god I believe in is science. And I'm just fine with that.
2016-06-23 13:53:57 UTC
God is Real
2016-06-23 11:48:08 UTC
Well, there is an actual scientific explenation on how earth and the whole galaxy was made. So yeah, why would I believe in someone or something that there is no proof of? The only thing science is, is proof. My theory of why people become religious is because they are scared of what comes after death. Because once you have an explenation of what happens to you after death... and it sounds good to you... like going to heaven or paradise or wherever your religion brings you, you feel safe. And the feeling that you are not alone and that something or someones watching over you and protecting you. That is the only explenation that makes sense to me for why someone would be religious. But it's everyones own choice if you believe in god or not.
2016-06-23 10:33:38 UTC
I personally do not believe in God but that doesn't mean that I don't posses morals and that I don't wish to be a good person. Some people just feel like God doesn't exist. I don't hate anyone that believes in God nor do I hate God himself. It's not a bad thing that some people happen to be atheists, it's just their choice and we aren't scared of going to hell for it because we don't believe in hell. There are bad atheists too though, just like there are bad Christians. It doesn't make since to base your opinon on someone's morality and kindness off their religious views because every religion has an abundance amount of people, all of which have different personalities, priorities, and opinions.
2016-06-23 10:28:59 UTC
Some people are from cultures that have other religions. Some people find no logical reason to think that any gods exist. It s simple enough. Your reasoning is very bad.
2016-06-23 06:14:04 UTC
This is pretty good:

Non-believers are more likely to think along "scientific" lines. Science doesn't rely on faith, It relies on measuring what it's studying, being peer reviewed and works on everything must be replicable and open. Religion just asks you to just believe in ????. Science has experiments or things you can measure. So for example we know that the "average" body temp is 37C but can range between 36 and 37.5C. Go under 35 and hypothermia starts to appear and a fever starts at 38 but by 40C there can be problems. This all comes from lots of measuring temps. This sort of stuff is written up in medical journals. You could reproduce this (and measure say 100 or a 1000 or 100,000 people) and see how accurate that is. Religion picks a random number (let's say 36.87C) with no evidence and then says if you're temperature is 36C then God is possessing you and making you special but if your temperature is 37 then the devil is possessing you and bringing hellfire with you...

??? Out personalities / behaviour has nothing to do with dead stars or living ones for that matter! It comes from a variety of things like genetics and biology, environment (past and present), social etc...

Isn't that (free will) one of the big basis of religion? That people have the freedom to choose their path? And maybe being a non-believer is just their choice? (And being a non-believer does not make someone "moral". There's a "moral" question that goes there are 3 political candidates - It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates. Candidate A - Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two Mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. Candidate B - He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening. Candidate C - He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife. Who did you pick? (Let me guess? Candidate C? Congrats you just voted in Hitler! The other two are Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill)

How in the heck do sex and the stars have anything to do with each other????

A LOT of the time believing or not believing in God comes from our families. But welcome to human kind! We're not cookie cutter copies of each other!
2016-06-23 04:50:27 UTC
They know it , but everybody must belive in god
2016-06-22 23:53:43 UTC
If someone could prove God existed, I'd believe. I wouldn't disregard facts. However, your point about personalities and people coming from stars makes no sense. Yes, people technically are made of the same elements as stars but our personality is shaped from those elements. We are shaped from them. Our brains and our nerve cells are technically made from the same things as stars, and those are what give us personality.
2016-06-22 19:22:46 UTC
In my opinion, people do two things in their youth regarding religion. They look at it with logic and attempt to understand things, or they ignore it and find no value in changing religion and just sticking to the religion of their family. Those who do the former are atheists if they see the logic of the world being that religion such as Christianity is impossible, or are Christians if they see the logic o the world being that God existing makes sense and/or is comforting to believe in. Those who do the latter tend to be Christians, due to the fact that there are more Christians the United States and more religious people than non religious people in the world period.
Dillon Williams
2016-06-22 18:26:01 UTC
I'm an atheist and have been for a while and I don't see any shame in it. The reason I don't believe in God is because there's no real testable evidence to prove otherwise. When I was younger I thought there was a god, just like I thought there was a monster was in my closet but the bogey man doesn't exist so why should God. I've never had any miracles happen to me, no prayers answered when I needed them so it's like calling someone in the phone but they don't pick up (because they're not there). No offense?
2016-06-22 17:34:01 UTC
They honestly believe they believe in nothing. That's my final answer.
2016-06-22 09:39:19 UTC
"O ye people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may have the chance to learn righteousness" (Koran)
Jackie C
2016-06-22 06:53:14 UTC
It's hard to accept something that only a few witness. G-D is deity. When man started to move from a hunter society to agrarian without all constant movement the mind questioned because it had time, some people worship nature thats fine
2016-06-22 00:59:21 UTC
No evidence or reason to. For instance atheists dont beleive in your god just as much as you dont beleive in thor or zeus.
2016-06-22 00:37:01 UTC
All religions were created -- by man -- to explain what couldn't be explained. The Greeks created Gods for the many aspects of life. Abrahamic religion is based around one God who created all aspects of life.

Science is the advancing study to explain everything that cannot be explained. We got proof against geocentrism, flat earth, and a load against creationism, too. The two main ideas that still have not been explained are how the universe came to be and what happens after death. As far as I know, these two things cannot totally be proven with our current technology, however I hope that we advance so that we can learn the truth behind these things.

I put my faith in science rather than the Bible because I trust that it has the capability to find out the truth about everything we don't know rather than what was thought thousands of years ago. You wouldn't trust a 2,000-year-old medical book to treat your sickness, right? Most people wouldn't trust a 50-year-old medical book for that. Why should it be any different with understanding the world around us? Technology advances more rapidly every year. It makes more sense, to me, to embrace the future rather than trust the comfort of the past.
2016-06-22 00:10:39 UTC
Do you mean in Christian God?
2016-06-27 00:16:54 UTC
why would i believe in something that doesn't exist? by the way, read the whole entire bible––the homophobic, sexist, anti-atheist, pro-rape remarks and everything––and you'll feel a hell of a lot different about your oh-so-innocent, heroic god.
2016-06-25 21:40:44 UTC
It's because we all think differently from one another. It's actually cool to see different religious opinions and even nice to see why some don't believe in God and why some do. It's honestly just what we personally believe or think as an individual. It's like food preferences: we all have them, and they are all different, which is perfectly fine as long as you don't obsess over it.
2016-06-23 16:38:03 UTC
They can not believe in God truly because they have not been touched by the Holy Spirit. I was one who didn't believe in much of my adult life until I met two wonderful pastors who showed me that people try to find answers from God, but you should first seek to ask the right questions. In doubt we explore, in exploration we come to the truth. It is a life long quest. Sometime the truth pushes back at you, you struggle, and seek some more, and find more dimensions to your answers. Good luck.
2016-06-23 15:46:18 UTC
there is no proof; and making up a story doesn't explain what happened before the big bang either..
2016-06-23 14:03:42 UTC
I personally don't believe in god because it doesn't make sense to me. Why are we worshipping someone that is dead? Why are we doing things and praying to a dead person when we should be living day by day and doing what we want to do? It doesn't make sense that theres things we shouldn't do and that we need to ask for forgiveness when we do something bad. It doesn't make sense that people believe we're being watched by "god" who no one even knows for a fact is real.
2016-06-23 09:13:22 UTC
2016-06-23 05:34:04 UTC
Believe on GOD is faith. Some people not have these faith
truth be told
2016-06-22 23:46:43 UTC
I'm not going to say I don't believe in something, but I wouldn't say I believe in a God I believe in spirits, I believe in good and evil.I believe we all have someone watching over us,I heard a saying once that said man made God out of ignorance and fear I believe that I thinksomewhere down the line we created a almighty being so we had something to look forward to,I don't believe heaven and hell,if there really is,I would say what we are living now would be hell,and we are all here trying to do the right things in life,and if we don't we are reincarnated until we do.when we get it right we become the ones watching,trying to guide loved ones in the right direction.if we become the guides,we no longer hurt,get sick,or age yet we still have to watch our loved ones have to go threw their life,we will endure emotional pain and sorrow from watching loved ones fail, some will feel happiness if loved one succeeds and get to join the watchers I don't think what I believe in is a actual thing
2016-06-22 23:24:25 UTC
Because people have not seen alot of evidence that he exists.

And devoting your entire life to something that is probably not real is in their opinion really stupid.

Or more comfortably put, a huge gamble.
2016-06-22 21:49:45 UTC
******* fake **** waste of time. Stupid mom forcing me to go to stupid ******* church
2016-06-22 18:48:10 UTC
because they're stupid
2016-06-22 17:10:15 UTC
Because it seems illogical to me. There has been no empirical evidence to support a deity.
2016-06-22 16:02:39 UTC
Most religious families force their religion on their children, giving them the idea that they won't be accepted if they don't believe in what others do, scaring them out of trusting their family/coming out if they aren't straight, and make them feel like whatever they have to say or believe in excepting their family's beliefs isn't something worth fighting for. I'm being forced to get confirmed, despite telling my mother that I don't want to get married "to" the church and that I probably won't get married anyway (if I do and it happens to be the same sex, why would I want to be married in a church where so many people are gawking at us with confusion and hatred?). I don't know what I believe in anymore, if I'm honest, mostly because I feel like I should be focusing on the future at hand rather than something I'm not sure of.
2016-06-22 13:54:28 UTC
They need a psychiatrist
2016-06-22 12:39:38 UTC
why should they?

Why do YOU for example claim "god" is responsible for the things you claim

Do you for example have any actual evidence that "goddidit"? - or just you assume it cos you cant think of anything else

If you have that evidence then lets hear it

If you aint then dont you think its stupid to assume an answer when you have no actual evidence the answer is correct? -

atheists think thats stupid - thats WHY they are atheists

you say this for example

"but nobody knows what came before the big bang theory"

MY question is - so what?

How is that evidence of anything?

Science does know if there was even a "before".

It dont claim to know - it says "we dont know if there was a "before" or if there was then what it was like"

YOU on the other hand say "I dont know- therefore "god" must have done it"

this is just stupid

"People believe in God because they were raised that way" that's not true one of my friends is atheist and her parents believe in God

How is it not true?

WE are saying people believe cos they were raised that way.- that dont stop some of them rejecting what their parents told them

SOME of however dont and stay believing COS THEY HAVE BEEN RAISE THAT WAY
Your worst nightmare
2016-06-22 07:51:44 UTC
Our atheist friends, the waking dead, have to see to be able to believe, where as Christians believe first, to be able to see the brilliant light of Christ in their lives.
2016-06-22 07:04:44 UTC
I have every respect for those devout people who believe in your god with every fibre of their being and who's faith overcomes all doubt. As a non-believer I am also fully committed to my absolute lack of belief without reference to science or any external factors.
2016-06-22 02:28:01 UTC
The complete and utter lack of evidence is pretty much the sole reason I don't believe in a god.
2016-06-22 02:12:09 UTC
The first person to produce a single tiny little piece of verifiable evidence for any god will become world famous and mega rich!

Academia states that in the absence of any sort of evidence of the existence of something it must be deemed not to exist until verifiable evidence is found - thus god is held not to exist pending some sort of verifiable evidence.

The bible is what is called "Faction” A fictional story set in a factual time and place. Thus the time, place and real historical characters are all correct but the fictional characters and stories are not!

There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record - that is right - not one! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah - all of whom are well recorded!

There is not a single contemporary record from any source and even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?

Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!

Pilate is recorded in the Roman record as a somewhat lack luster man but no mention of a Jesus, a trial or crucifixion that would surely have been used to make him look brighter!

At best he was an amalgam of those others but almost certainly never existed!

Not one word of it is contemporary with the period and was not written until several hundred years after the period the story is set in!! How did the apostles write their books more than a hundred years after they would have been dead?

Christianity is an invention of the Italians and that is why it came from the Holy ROMAN Catholic church!

Please realize that those claims for the Old historians are worthless since they were not even born until long after everyone in the stories would have been so long dead!

Josephus AD 37 – AD 100

Tacitus AD 56 – AD 120

Suetonius - 69 – 130 AD

Pliny the Younger, 61 AD – 112 AD

Justin Martyr (Saint Justin) AD103–165 AD

Lucian - AD 120 -180 AD but he was hostile to Christianity and openly mocked it.

Pamphilius AD 240-309 AD

Eusebius AD 263 – 339 AD

Photius AD 877 – 886 AD

Thallus - But there are no actual record of him except a fragment of writing which mentions the sack of Troy [109 BC] Showing that he was clearly not alive in biblical times.

Some even try to use Seneca. 4 BCE – 65 CE but as a Stoic Philosopher he opposed religion yet made not a single mention of a Jesus or Christianity!

Even funnier is trying to claim Celsus AD ? – 177 AD Who said that Jesus was a Jew who’se mother was a poor Jewish girl whose husband, who was a carpenter, drove her away because of her adultery with a Roman soldier named Panthera. She gave birth to an illegitimate child named Jesus. In Egypt, Jesus became learned in sorcery and upon his return presented himself as a god.
2016-06-22 00:01:43 UTC
Because religions around the world have dreamed up more than 50,000 different gods in the last 5,000 years, and have never produced a shred of evidence for any of them.

That's why.
2016-06-26 20:57:05 UTC
makes no differnce since of god goes back to god and of god is not god. we know "not" what we do and "not" god murders thou that returns to murder "not" god as [false thoughts].. shalt means shall crosses..and.. be not decieved..means be not god knowing your decieved
2016-06-23 13:51:12 UTC
It's all about faith. My dad is a pastor. The Bibke frequently talkes about faith over and over. In fact, the big bang theory is never 100% ptoven to be true. It scares me sometimes because everyhing gets confusing and I don't want to end up in the wrong place. How old are you may I ask? The people who don't believe in God are not bad people. And we are not here to question them or to judge them, because again, the Bible says we are hypocrites. The Bible says not to judge those who are lost but to help them. It is by choice. Usually, peopke who grow up wih non believers become nonbelievera. Same with Christians. But some people don't have enough faith and thier little minds cant comprehend what faith is. So they stick with unproven theories. Of course, theories may have a bit of fact but they are not 100!% and there are over 8 different theories abiut how the world was made so we do have a wide range of what we can believe. But don't worry about other people, worry about yourself. Don't let thier "facts" mess up YOUR beliefe ok? They will get hier consiquence and you will be rewarded. Hope this helped!
2016-06-23 10:45:22 UTC
I think the are not people, they are animal.
2016-06-23 06:47:30 UTC
he's omnipresent yet he only got word of his existence to one section of the world
2016-06-23 00:15:31 UTC
Because he doesn't exist.
2016-06-22 13:07:55 UTC
Because God is a fairy tale.
2016-06-22 09:50:58 UTC
2016-06-22 09:22:44 UTC
I don't believe in God because if there was no religion then humans would be more technologically advanced.
2016-06-22 03:02:40 UTC
Free will.
brother trucker
2016-06-22 01:49:12 UTC
I believe in God because what most people point to as science is very incomplete. Real science must by nature deal with all realities including philosophy.
2016-06-22 00:56:04 UTC
"I don't understand how sex evolved or earth formed" is not an argument for God you know. It's an appeal to ignorance fallacy. You should go to a library. Or pay more attention in school.
2016-06-22 00:08:14 UTC
The correct term is "gods" as mankind has after all created thousands of them. There are many who understand why man created the gods in the first place. Just because mankind finds something significant in life yet does not understand it does not a god create. The fact that we are so uncomfortable in our ignorance and will be the reason we create new ones once todays has ceased to fill a need. Your issue is that you don't understand what a belief actually is as presented in your bible and think that one "believes" in science or that a god created science. It seems that much does not make sense to you such as they don't "know" but believe in the gods. We are of the same materials as the planets and stars but we have evolved to be so creative that we can create the gods. One can be raised to believe just about anything but we are born without the need of the gods and only contract this need when exposed to those already dependent. Atheists do not believe in the gods and you choose to but understand that it is a choice and not an obligation for it is after all just a belief.
2016-06-30 23:04:04 UTC
Maybe they didn't know God.But God is waiting him forever.
Alan H
2016-07-03 12:08:34 UTC
Perhaps if Christians behaved more redeemed, more would believe in their Redeemer.
2016-06-27 17:37:25 UTC
Perhaps because they think it's more fun to sin.
2016-06-29 01:09:48 UTC
Why do you spend so many free time to tell something they wont listening. Society is free to talk and listen, you want talk they think this is wasting time.

Maybe you have to change your story!
2016-06-29 12:12:25 UTC
The Bible does say there would be those that do not believe so they prove the Bible is correct.
2016-06-28 21:30:17 UTC
quantum theory proves that something is observing us therefore we exist.
2016-06-28 02:29:39 UTC
Why do some people NOT believe in "GOD" ?

When one can tell me what ones "GOD" did today VOID of Human ACTION . one will have an answer

this might help NEITHER ATHEISM or THEISM are RELIGIONS they both address a Single PROPOSITION / CONCEPT

RELIGION one will note glancing to the left at categories one has to go to SOCIETY & CULTURE to get to R & S RELIGION is the CULTURAL system of BEHAVIORS and practices world views ethics using "sacred text " forming SOCIETAL ORGANIZATIONS that relate HUMANITY to an order of existence .

There are Theistic religions and non theistic religions or atheistic religions EXAMPLES Buddhism non theistic Quakers Taoism Confucianism ( NO GODS )

Will one agree that god concepts are SPECIFIC to human beings not demonstrate in any other animal social group ....

... Will one agree that any human being can formulate a CONCEPT of a "god" and NEVER belong to or participate in any RELIGION

One would agree that the origin of any " RELIGION " aka a societal organization of human beings groups to regulate human behaviors and practices are a product of human beings

. so ALL religions theistic or atheist present some MANUAL of BEHAVIORS for LIVING LIFE SOCIETAL Group "A" or "B" or "C" with a god or without a god are all saying we have the right rules

. the THEISTIC ones say But ours are better a "GOD" gave this "SPECIAL HUMAN " the answers who wrote it in a book . How did one determine that that "SPECIAL HUMAN" did not formulated the concept of the god since human have that ability

. So if Humans presented claims of god BEFORE a SPECIFIC Human proclaimed "YOUR" god were was your god before that ?

an example the Egyptians presented gods and afterlife TEXT dating to 3100 BC . But MOSES is 1550 to 1430 BC Moses introduces his "NEW" god at age 80 about 1470 BC No one else sees the burning bush or hears the voices .

. but suddenly he has a "NEW" manual for living life to regulated human behaviors and practices .....None of which any human being could think up and the Code of Hammurabi 282 Laws chiseled on a STONE SLAB from king Hammurabi ( 1792 to 1750 BC ) 300 years earlier .

if humans can formulated rules WHY is the "GOD" needed ? its like a CAR sales man Oh but mine are better mine has a "INVISIBLE ENTITY " that speaks especially TO ME ......which makes ME SPECIAL when one show me a INDEPENDENT self evident god NOT dependent on human assertion as in WHAT DID a GOD DO TODAY INDEPENDENTLY .. of humans asserting it does accept SOUND WAVES EXIST if the god is talking we should all be hearing what ever it says in real time at the same time and we should all be hearing the same thing it never happens . but for some they get it all from a book .. written by whom Oh Humans

so if you tell me you have a CAT that lives in your house and I go to your home and there is no evidence of a liter box no fur on the couch no cat food cat dish cat toys no CAT WHY should i conclude you have a CAT and you then say Oh But its an INVISIBLE CAT

..the test for any statement of TRUTH is VERIFIABILITY . how do you make a DISTINCTION between what you self invented a product of ones own imagination and thought and what is REAL

lets take the 613 laws of MOSES / GOD THY shall not MURDER . meaning the "ILLEGAL " Killing of people so MOSES SAYS you can Kill as in stone to death Disobedient children Adulterers men who lay with other men and the man who picks up sticks on the Sabbath and he also slaughters 3000 fellow Hebrews who made a golden calf Clams a god said to slaughters the Midians takes 34000 virgins as slaves takes other peoples lands animals and property which now sets the standard if MOSES says it all he has to do is say the god told him and its justified so you can ELIMINATE the God its just a stamp because Moses just has to stamp anything he says with GOD .so your not breaking # 10 because Moses will make up a REASON its Justified Oh they did not follow my god which is actually Me MOSES with my rubber stamp

how did you determine the god said it or just Moses did But then it goes against commandment # 10 thy shall not COVERT thy neighbors wife man servant maid servant cattle or land so Moses becomes the only LINK so one can actually eliminate any GOD because it all comes from the MOUTH of a man as do all religions to regulate other humans behaviors a god only becomes a TOOL a RUBBER STAMP a CONCEPT of any man to regulate society all One has to do is CLAIM a god told them and David Berkowitz .( SON of SAM ) ...killed people and claimed a DOG told him to ....... how is that any different than Moses did you determine Moses voices were any different than Berkowitz ?

how is MOSES any different than ISIS..the common LINK to any god is it all comes through the mouth of Men all you have to do is claim YOUR SPECIAL and stamp what you say with the word GOD and YOU become the AUTHORITY
Robert S
2016-07-03 08:44:33 UTC
If they did, they might have to change how they live.
2016-07-03 21:55:39 UTC
just kuz.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.