And to provide answers, like God and Jesus is the truth and the way and if you fail to heed this, nasty things could befall you!
That's a LEGITIMATE religious answer.
That's like someone warning Oppenheimer that Truman might actually DROP the BOMB on someone if he builds it.
Remember that great line from Jurassic park
Everyone is so busying thinking can we do it that they never stopped to think SHOULD WE DO IT.
It's a legitimate answer.
Should you take the route you take. What are the consequences of that route from ONE point of view that is different than yours.
The rest is up to you.
You can't say you weren't warned.
Never complain if the Bomb is dropped near you, for no one BOTHERED to WARN Oppenheimer PEOPLE MIGHT ACTUALLY USE IT.
Look at how Schindler handled it. He had a plant in Nazi Germany that INTENTIONALLY made weapons that DIDN'T WORK. He must have had a God, because he did the most rightous thing he could have done to survive with a clean conscience.