Do all Muslims really feel happy about 9/11?
2012-12-04 19:26:46 UTC
Okay so this is a question that I've had in the back of my head for quite some time, but do ALL Muslims really feel happy about 9/11? I mean, I mean, I'd like to think that a small minority of them do, but to think that the majority of Muslims are rejoicing about 9/11 is ridiculous.

Yes I'm an American, but I'd like to think that I'm not closed-minded. I've met several Muslims in my life, and they happened to be some of the nicest and most gentle people I've ever known; I find it quite hard to believe that the majority of Muslims are happy about 9/11. It just seems a little ridiculous to think so, from my opinion.
Nineteen answers:
2012-12-06 10:06:56 UTC
Why muslims should feel happiness about 911. This event has changed the lives of muslims all over the world, people starting to think negative about muslims due to this propaganda. Don't think that bunch of muslims were powerful enough to be involved in 911. It is definitely an inside job so to have control over resources and land. It is forbidden to kill innocent in ISLAM, and so no one feels happy on the killing of innocents.
2015-01-26 12:45:20 UTC
There is just too much evidence now that suggests an inside job: the fact that ALL THE WRECKAGE WAS SHIPPED ABROAD as soon as possible, the fact that even ROLLS ROYCE themselves have said that the engine recovered at the Pentagon WAS NOT the type of engine used on the type of plane (b757) that was said to be responsible. The fact that some of the 'hijackers' are still alive: the fact that no jets were scrambled in time; that no significant plane debris was found at the pentagon site (planes do not vaporize!); that the buildings seem to be demolished, especially building 7; that jet fuel cannot melt steel, even though molten steel was seen "flowing like lava"; that the first responders heard explosions in the basement and within the buildings before they collapsed etc...

-WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitted that building 7 was pulled down by a controlled demolition: (He changed his story the next day)

-The technology to bring down buildings with thermite and thermate in nano capacity was developed in the 1980's. They liquidized it in the mid 90's so it could be painted on like a gel coating. The twin towers underwent 'maintenance' for a whole year and guys in white hazmats suits 'painted' the core columns.

-Official version claims the towers collapsed due to 'pancake effect', meaning the floors came detached from steel girders and fell on top of each other, collapsing the tower. If that's the case, why weren't any of the (core column) steel girders left standing?

-Pictures show smoke coming from the basement seconds before the plane hits. People (including firefighters and employees) also heard explosions from below the towers, moments before the plane hit. PEOPLE WERE KILLED AND SOME SERIOUSLY INJURED IN THE BASEMENT.

-Pictures show steel girders with diagonal cuts in the them. This is exactly how controlled demolitions bring down buildings:

-Designers of the WTC say they were built to withstand MULTIPLE impacts from such an aircraft.

-Official version states the plane that hit the pentagon 'vaporised' which is why very little traces can be found. Yet they said they managed to find DNA to identify all of the victims on board. Furthermore the building didn't 'vaporise' in any way. What type of plane vaporises, leaving the building and human DNA relatively undamaged.

-The passport of one of the hijackers in the aircraft was supposedly found in the rubble at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and explosion, therefore it must have been planted.

-All CCTV footage from around the pentagon has been hidden and never released. Why do that if there is nothing to hide?

-86 CCTV cameras show no airplane???

-Released Pentagon Security Camera (FOIA) does not show a b757 and is clearly Missing a frame.

Apostate Son Of God
2012-12-04 19:44:15 UTC
Not all Muslims feel happy about 9/11. Some Muslims feel really sad about 9/11 because their beloved ones died there.
2012-12-04 19:31:59 UTC
Not sure where you got that statistic from, I guess one might think that since we (meaning the US) are at never-ending war in the Middle East.

In my opinion, the vast majority of Muslims are just normal people who want to live their lives without war, and are willing to live in harmony if they themselves are not persecuted. Every Muslim I've ever discussed it with felt strongly that the hijackers were murderers, not martyrs, and a poor example of how to follow Islam.
2016-10-11 11:25:53 UTC
previous guy isn't a patriot, he's a racist who helps the U.S. authorities's setting up of dictatorships international. If we'd want to imagine earlier we act, we does not be at conflict immediately. The MOAB remark is basically ill. i do not recognize a unmarried Muslim who grow to be satisfied about the September 11th attacks. They mourned alongside with something else people. i do not keep in concepts us profiling each veteran after the Oklahoma city bombing.
2012-12-05 05:17:01 UTC
Of course not -_-

Islam is a religion of peace :)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) taught us the power of peace and tolerance :)

So in my opinion those who claim that by killing innocent people

They will be rewarded with heaven ARE wrong

I for one regard 9/11 as a blatant show of extremism
2012-12-04 19:31:47 UTC
Never.Religious Muslims hate Terrorism.
2012-12-06 10:45:27 UTC
I would think so. Just that some would be more vocal than others. Some would shrug their shoulders in apathy but support it in their hearts. Some would denounce it to a non-muslim but support it when with those in the islamic community. You get what I mean.

2012-12-04 19:30:51 UTC
Well, there were quite a few rejoicing (some even giving out candy like it was

some holiday) around the globe

Youtube has quite a few vids on this subject

The out-pour was comparable to the street riots when Momo was pictured

A sample,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=debf621590c78544&bpcl=39468505&biw=1024&bih=626

2012-12-04 19:31:58 UTC
No why would you think just because some people on the news said that? Think of this if one person from the muslim race jumped off the bridge do you think the rest would ? No they wouldn't so no.
2012-12-04 19:29:19 UTC
the majority does indeed feel happy about the terrorists destroying the western world. They came here for a better less repressive life, yet are trying to force the life they left behind on the rest of us.
Mark F
2012-12-05 03:13:33 UTC
Do the vast majority of Christians support abortion clinic bombings and murdering doctors?

Do the vast majority of Christians support IRA terrorist bombings?

Do the vast majority of Christians support Tim McViegh in his bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building?

Then WTF would you think most Muslim's support 9/11?
2012-12-04 19:32:21 UTC
9/11 was an inside job (which the US govt. was involved in), used to justify the illegal wars and invasions in the Middle East which have murdered millions, as well as destroyed homes and lives. Innocent Muslim died on 9/11 as well.. why would any Muslim be happy about it when all it has brought for us is misery? The answer is – No.
2012-12-04 19:32:19 UTC
Of course! 9/11 is to Muslims as July 4th is to Americans! They all hate us deeply, and we were justly at war for this act of terrorism. And who knows? First planes, what's next? Bombs? I know for a fact, that a man as smart as George W. Bush would have legitimate reason to believe that threats exist in another country before he claims they're there, right? #racistwhiteguy
2012-12-04 19:29:06 UTC
Definitely not.

Those who celebrate 911 are supporters of Al Qaeda, to be specific.
2012-12-04 19:30:27 UTC
They don't. Don't believe propaganda and the garbage that the media spews. Sure you will have some radicals that are happy about it but they don't represent the majority.
2012-12-04 19:28:30 UTC
Not the ones that served in the US Army with me. They felt the jihadists were an insult to their religion. Damn brave Americans.
2012-12-04 19:32:45 UTC
I would imagine that most Muslims would be ashamed of it.
2012-12-04 19:28:16 UTC
9/11 was obviously an inside job.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.