Science shows there is indeed an actual purpose to all life as well as meaning of individual life - something that reconciles modern science with ancient scriptures and spiritual writings!
It suggests we consider how everything in the universe is ultimately comprised of energy, as shown by Einstein’s famous equation E = MC2. Everything that you see and experience is energy - even the solid things around you are fundamentally comprised of energy and will one day return to it. It is energy that gives you life, is the basis of your perceptions, thoughts, memories and even character – and maybe even soul.
One of the most important principles of energy is that it doesn’t like differences and works out ways to reduce and balance them. This is why energy flows from where it is concentrated (like the sun) out into the colder universe. This flow sometimes sees energy join with other bits of energy in a process that ultimately formed chemicals and then molecules. Some of these molecules thrived, even replicated, as they helped energy flow better. Over time, some of those developed into living organisms and life as we know it.
The chemistry was important, but it was the energy flow underlying those reactions that was key, and saw human life ultimately derive, say scientists such as Eric Schneider, Dorion Sagan (Carl Sagan’s son), Arto Annila among others.
It might not seem a noble purpose to help energy flow and balance, but science shows that it is the ultimate purpose of all life.
The same laws of energy indicate that a meaning of your own life is to find how your energy flows best.
A large part of you is energy. While the 25 chemicals that comprise you are the same as those in everyone else, the way energy is mixed with them is different in each of us. We all have bodies with similar brains with a similar number of nerves in each, but the way those nerves are connected is different in each of us. The experiences, learnings and resulting nerve connections are unique and are what makes you whom you are - makes your character and personality. Science can’t precisely tell you how your character and personality works, but you know you have one that stares at you from the mirror each day, you know it exists.
What does your energy enable you to do best? This can be as simple as determining what you are truly passionate about or what you do better than anyone else.
How you use energy best varies for everyone - therefore, everyone has a slightly different meaning to someone else. Ignoring this means your energy will be all mixed up and your life will be chaotic. Is this science echoing those scriptures that suggest you have your own unique ‘gift’ that you should use?
This is what most scriptures and spiritual writings are trying to tell us, but just didn't understand energy well enough. If you look at ancient scriptures and spiritual writings in terms of energy you start to realise that they, and modern science, are all saying something similar.
Whatever you believe, whether you agree with the science or not energy is integral to life. Yet few of us ever consider this and the difference that in doing so can make to your life – and how it can explain the meaning of your life.