Does Everything Have a Purpose?
2010-10-13 14:00:54 UTC
look around you, in the same room, outside up in the sky day or night, look all over. Does everything have a purpose, and what is the purpose of life?

Thank you.
31 answers:
2010-10-13 14:47:05 UTC

Yes, I believe everything has a purpose. Take the stars; mankind has used them for centuries to guide and navigate while at sea. The moon not only gives a lesser light for the night hours that we can see, but it also has an effect upon the tides of the waters. The sun rules the day giving life to plants and sustains our planet in heat; now giving us through solar technology an opportunity of power production. The gravity necessary for this planet Earth is held in place by both the sun and the moon; otherwise, we would fling off into space. God is a Creator, and as mankind takes pleasure in what he/she creates, so does God.

The purpose of life? LOVE. I've been watching the deliverance of those Chilean miners today from the captivity of a frightening and potentially deadly situation. I've noticed as many all over this world have, a caring, dedicated team of loving people with all kinds of skills and technologies striving for all their worth to deliver those men. Now there is 'purpose' with a big P. Faith was very evident amongst those men, and even a repentant heart to change things in their lives that they really knew were not quite right. Out of a bad situation comes the revival of faith, the pulling together of a nation, the uniting of believers in Christ all over this world to pray for the successful deliverance of the miners. There is indeed a reason and purpose for absolutely everything.

Do we as mere men sometimes get thing very wrong, and mess up on the true purpose of things? Sure we do! When God speaks to an old miner (and other younger ones it seems), and infuses them with faith, and gives them a thankful heart towards God, their employer, their political leader, their rescuers, and were so thankful to God that they confess to the world that it was God that delivered them; what purpose is there in it all? God's message to a world that thinks it can get along just fine without Him.

There was no mistake in the miners choice of terminology when they referred to their ordeal as being in hell - a dark and hot and stenching place were fear was constantly trying to rule. This was a shadow of what hell is described as being like in The Holy Bible. The fact that there were 33 miners made me think that before Christ ascended to heaven, He descended first. Christ spoke to souls in the bowels of the Earth. God has been speaking to many souls who were trapped and separated from their loved ones in that place beneath. Strange thing is Christ was 33 when He went down, and subsequently rose up. Purpose? I cannot even imagine the extent of purpose.

Love in Christ to you all
2010-10-13 19:07:45 UTC
Yes everything DOES seem to have a purpose. If you had asked me 15 years ago I would have said no.

You could have everything perfect. Created perfectly.

Then someone comes in and throws a stick in the spokes of your smoothly moving life.

The perfect ride had a purpose and the enemy has a purpose.

Perfection+(greed + free will which means - God) = chaos

The purpose could be to show what happens with the absence of a major player.
2010-10-13 14:24:07 UTC
Purpose is a hard concept. We notice things around us because to us there is something inherent. There is something that is apart of what makes us human.

I think things do have purpose. There is a design of sorts to just about anything. Its what makes the Scientific method useful for experiments. We have use for cause and effect.

What does that make the purpose of life? There are many different ideas on that topic. I think that our purpose here is to worship. Some of us worship God, some of us worship sports, some of us worship video games or entertainment if you will. What we focus our time on becomes what we aspire to give our life for. I think our purpose here is for the glory of God. One day when the veil is finally lifted and the actors are seen for who and what they are we will understand the workings of the stage...

Ultimately its not an easy topic and because we only have SOME information to go on, we will end up with those that are close to the greater truth and those that are farther. SOME information is a dangerous thing. Total information can bring us close to truth.
2010-10-13 14:07:34 UTC
Fireball, you are always flying through the clouds with your delusional opinions about god.

In repsonse to the question, I would say no, not everything has a purpose, but it is something to think on in those quiet moments when you are just looking around. The purpose of life is a favourite question asked since time imemorial but who knows, life just is so be happy, accept that and make your life a positive one. If I had to guess a purpose I would say it is to improve ourselves and be all that we can be - in every respect - physically, spiritually, and materially. That self improvement includes helping those around you to of course.
2010-10-13 16:35:34 UTC
Yes there is a purpose for everything.

Solomon speaking about any individual’s fate or describing the eventual outcome of one’s life, the inspired was speaking of God’s purpose and how it would affect mankind. How do we know that? Basically, that is what the context tells us. After mentioning many things that appear to have “an appointed time,” Solomon wrote: “I have seen the occupation that God has given to the sons of mankind in which to be occupied. Everything he has made pretty in its time.”—Ecclesiastes 3:10, 11.

God has given mankind many occupations, or things to do—Solomon listed a number of them. God has also given us the free will to choose what we want to do. However, for every task, there is a time that is right, or favorable, producing the best result

(Ecclesiastes 3:10-11) I have seen the occupation that God has given to the sons of mankind in which to be occupied. 11 Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the [true] God has made from the start to the finish.
2010-10-13 14:05:22 UTC
Yes everything that happens, happens for a reason. Everybody has purpose in life.
2010-10-13 22:39:24 UTC
Science shows there is indeed an actual purpose to all life as well as meaning of individual life - something that reconciles modern science with ancient scriptures and spiritual writings!

It suggests we consider how everything in the universe is ultimately comprised of energy, as shown by Einstein’s famous equation E = MC2. Everything that you see and experience is energy - even the solid things around you are fundamentally comprised of energy and will one day return to it. It is energy that gives you life, is the basis of your perceptions, thoughts, memories and even character – and maybe even soul.

One of the most important principles of energy is that it doesn’t like differences and works out ways to reduce and balance them. This is why energy flows from where it is concentrated (like the sun) out into the colder universe. This flow sometimes sees energy join with other bits of energy in a process that ultimately formed chemicals and then molecules. Some of these molecules thrived, even replicated, as they helped energy flow better. Over time, some of those developed into living organisms and life as we know it.

The chemistry was important, but it was the energy flow underlying those reactions that was key, and saw human life ultimately derive, say scientists such as Eric Schneider, Dorion Sagan (Carl Sagan’s son), Arto Annila among others.

It might not seem a noble purpose to help energy flow and balance, but science shows that it is the ultimate purpose of all life.

The same laws of energy indicate that a meaning of your own life is to find how your energy flows best.

A large part of you is energy. While the 25 chemicals that comprise you are the same as those in everyone else, the way energy is mixed with them is different in each of us. We all have bodies with similar brains with a similar number of nerves in each, but the way those nerves are connected is different in each of us. The experiences, learnings and resulting nerve connections are unique and are what makes you whom you are - makes your character and personality. Science can’t precisely tell you how your character and personality works, but you know you have one that stares at you from the mirror each day, you know it exists.

What does your energy enable you to do best? This can be as simple as determining what you are truly passionate about or what you do better than anyone else.

How you use energy best varies for everyone - therefore, everyone has a slightly different meaning to someone else. Ignoring this means your energy will be all mixed up and your life will be chaotic. Is this science echoing those scriptures that suggest you have your own unique ‘gift’ that you should use?

This is what most scriptures and spiritual writings are trying to tell us, but just didn't understand energy well enough. If you look at ancient scriptures and spiritual writings in terms of energy you start to realise that they, and modern science, are all saying something similar.

Whatever you believe, whether you agree with the science or not energy is integral to life. Yet few of us ever consider this and the difference that in doing so can make to your life – and how it can explain the meaning of your life.
2010-10-13 14:16:03 UTC
No purpose to life. It's a phenomenon. Purpose means something is a tool. Your life isn't a tool.
2010-10-13 14:20:34 UTC
no - just look at the appendix. No purpose whatsoever. Purpose and function aren't the same thing, necessarily. "Purpose," as a concept, is a human invention, borne of a mind that needs to see patterns and order where there is only chaos.
Zsolt H
2010-10-13 14:15:18 UTC
Yes, everything has a purpose.

And everything has only one purpose, to lead us to the purpose of our existence.

We have to think that whatever we see "outside of us" is a movie full of special effects, actors to show us the most suitable picture from which we can find the best entry to our "path".

Later we will understand there is nothing actually "outside of us", that whole reality is a game, and as we change ourselves on our adjustment path, accordingly the "world outside" changes too, until we arrive to the final destination, when our actual perception will agree with the one, true picture, which is whole and perfect.

And we can arrive to this destination here and now, while still seemingly existing in this physical world...

I hope this answers your question, all the best.
2010-10-13 14:03:27 UTC
Possibly. The answer to that question is unknown, because everyone has a different answer and opinion on the subject. I don't believe life has come with a purpose. We make life have by making choices and decisions in life.
2010-10-13 14:26:43 UTC
I could say some deeply philisophical meaning but really, isn't the answer obvious?

The meaning of life! Duh! That's why it's called life! Just get on with your life and carry on living! Enjoy it while it lasts.

Oh yeah and while I'm at it,death is called death for a reason, you DIE. You can't live after death otherwise you haven't died, which goes against what 'death' means (not living!!). It's as stupid as believing in life before birth.

And on that happy note I suggest you start enjoying being alive right now! (religion and spirituality is stupid/false/irational/illogical/a waste of time. Do something more worthwhile)
2010-10-13 14:10:23 UTC
Nothing has a purpose. Nothing needs to have a purpose. It simply just is what it is. But we can facilitate purposes. Purposes are made by us. Kinda like we made god muahahhahaha bahhhaahah ahhhh im F****** up

edit: i dont understand what you're trying to point out.
2010-10-13 14:06:10 UTC
No, but everything is in God's purpose.
John 3:16
2010-10-13 14:13:32 UTC
Yes, everything has a purpose. The meaning of life is to glorify God.
2016-08-10 09:11:25 UTC
Yes everything has a purpose.

Plants --------for clothing, habitat for animals

Animals ------for riding, before cars,buses mostly animals were used for transport.

Rivers --------for transportation, even in 21st century we cannot ignore sea transportation.

Fire ------------for cooking, and many other things

Water -------- Washing face,Washing car,Drinking, Brushing teeth,Flushing the toilet.

Atmosphere ------for water cycle

Winds-----------to move clouds throughout the World

Sun ------------to give light on earth

Gravity-------- to pull things towards earth, solar system

Decomposers----to decompose dead things so that dirt would not pile up.

I hope this will help...
some random person
2010-10-13 14:15:17 UTC
It has only so much purpose as you assign it. The purpose of your life is whatever you want it to be.
2010-10-13 16:54:37 UTC
Depends on how you define purpose. Sometimes the purpose might just to be... :)
2010-10-13 23:14:56 UTC
of course everything has a purpose...
2010-10-13 14:10:21 UTC
2010-10-13 14:04:35 UTC
Everything is just there. Atoms work in systematic ways.
2010-10-13 14:02:15 UTC

Does anyone else imagine a funny girly voice when reading Fireball's answer?
neil s
2010-10-13 14:02:59 UTC
Purposes are devised by us. Nothing inherently has a purpose.
Arizona Knight Wolf
2010-10-13 14:04:11 UTC
Where do the answers come from?

Well, that’s all part of the Human Experience. It’s what we’re here to find out. And I bet you, the real answer to the nature of our existence is going to be more unbelievingly amazing than we can possibly conceive!
2010-10-13 14:07:12 UTC
Most things, except some of the fixings in Ikea flat packs.
2010-10-13 14:10:46 UTC
yes it does, and our purpose is to seek and Know God through His Son Jesus Christ
2010-10-13 14:03:05 UTC
Anyone with a correct and definitive answer not only gets 'best answer' but also an interview with CNN, MSNBC, and all the rest.

For the rest of us, the answer is: I don't know.
2010-10-13 14:03:22 UTC
No purpose. :\
2010-10-13 14:02:49 UTC
all things do work together for those who love God...but some purposes arent thrilling...we cook so we eat...we work so we eat...we are physical...THINK ABOUT FLYING...THE SAVED WILL FLY WITH will be so awesome!!!!
2010-10-13 14:04:35 UTC
turn turn turn
2010-10-13 14:04:18 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.