10th Century Obscenities
Vile Princes of the Papacy
"Popes maimed & were maimed, killed & were killed... Without question, these pontiffs constitute the most despicable body of leaders, clerical or lay, in history. They were, frankly, barbarians. Ancient Rome had nothing to rival them in rottenness."
– Peter de Rosa (Vicars of Christ, p48)
John XII (955-964).
Born from an incestuous relationship between Pope Sergio III and his 13-year-old daughter Marozie. John, in turn, took his mother as his own mistress.
Pope at 18, he turned the Lateran into a brothel. He was accused by a synod of "sacrilege, simony, perjury, murder, adultery and incest" and was temporarily deposed.
He took his revenge on opponents by hacking off limbs. He was murdered by an enraged husband who caught him having sex with his wife.
11th Century Horror
Church lords over ignorant squalor of millions
1095 - Pope Urban II calls upon the Franks to invade the more civilized Muslim world. Begins five centuries of warfare.
"Let those who have hitherto been robbers now become soldiers."
– Urban II addresses his gangsters.
1009: Rivalry from Islam prompts eastern churches to break with idolatry. This 'iconoclasm' begins breach with idol-worshipping Catholic west. Centuries of bloodshed ensue.
1079: The Council of Rome: Persecution of Berengarius & his followers who cannot stomach the dogma of 'transmutation of bread & wine into Christ.'
12th Century Criminality
Christian Church ally of murderous kings & rogue princes
"Warrior Monks" - Muslim heads catapulted into the besieged city of Antioch by Christian Knights (Illumination from Les Histoires d'Outremer by William of Tyre 12th century, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris).
1118: Christian fanatics captured Saragossa; the beginning of the decline of Muslim civilization in Spain.
1184 Council of Verona condemns Waldensians for witchcraft. The charge is later extended to condemn heretics.
13th Century Wickedness
Vile Crusaders Plunder & Murder for God
1204 Christian crusaders sack & ruin greatest Christian city, Constantinople.
1209 Pope Innocent III launches Albigensian Crusade against Christian Cathars of southern France. 7000 massacred in La Madeleine Church alone.
1211 Burning of Waldenses heretics at Strasbourg begins several centuries of persecution.
German Teutonic Knights butcher their way through the Baltic lands, savage Catholic Poles & Orthodox Russians.
1231: Pope Gregory IX authorizes Inquisition for dealing with heretics.
1277 Pope John XXI, alarmed by rumors of pagan heresy among “scholars of arts in the faculty of theology" pressurizes Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, to prohibit 219 philosophical and theological theses. The "Condemnations of Paris" is the first of 16 lists of censorship.
14th Century Catastrophe
Church hostility to medicine allows plague to decimate Europe
Burning of the Jews of Cologne – blamed by Christians for the Black Death (Liber Chronicarum Mundi).
World Domination?
"We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman pontiff."
– Pope Boniface VIII, Bull Unun Sanctum, 1302
1311-12: Ecumenical Council of Vienne. It authorises the brutal suppression of the Knights Templar (mercenaries of the church who have outlived their usefulness).
1316-1334: Pope John XXII, world's richest man and first pontiff to promote theory of witchcraft. Sanctions bull allowing heresy charges to be brought against dead people. In 1320 he instructs French Inquisition to confiscate all property belonging to blasphemers or dabblers in black arts.
1347-50: The Black Death sweeps across Europe, killing one-third of the population.
"Jews were burnt all the way from the Mediterranean into Germany... under torture confessing to have spread the plague by poisoning wells... the poison made from the skin of a basilisk (a kind of mythical serpent)..."
– N. Cantor (In the Wake of the Plague)
15th Century Malevolence
Tortured Bodies by Sadists of the Lord
16th Century Mayhem
Pogroms & civil wars in the name of Jesus
"My advice... is: First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire.."
Martin Luther ("On the Jews and their lies" 1543)
1517: Martin Luther posts 95 theses at Wittenberg. The Reformation will turn Europe into a battleground.
1517 A Dominican monk Johann Tetzel swells papal coffers by selling indulgences ('souls freed from purgatory'!)
1524: Luther – no friend of the downtrodden – encourages savagery of German princes in putting down the two-year Peasants’ Revolt.
Book Burners for Christ–
Dominican monks in the service of Ferdinand proudly consign the wisdom of Moorish Spain to the flames (Berruguete, Prado Museum, Madrid)
1553 John Calvin, the "Protest