This question is ONLY for Muslims...Please Read, I need help!!?
2006-11-23 19:45:04 UTC
Well, first off, I am a 23 yr old caucasian American girl who was born into Christianity. My whole entire life I have never felt a connection to Christianity and I have never been able to accept Jesus as my God. For the past 5 years now I have been researching Islam, reading the Qur'an and familiarizing myself with the Muslim religion. I feel that Islam is the religion for me, 100%. I, with all my heart, want to convert to Islam. However, I am afraid that I will not be accepted by Allah because of all the herendous sins I have commited in my considerably short life. Sins including drug use, being promiscuous, having a child out of wedlock, stealing and lying. I regret my sins so much that it makes me physically and mentally ill. I wish so much that I could be forgiven for my sins and live a pure life. So I guess what my questions are is, can I be a Muslim considering the horrible sins I have committed? Would a Muslim man be allowed to marry me? I am worthy of Islam? Please help me...
32 answers:
2006-11-23 20:09:26 UTC
I am going to be very blunt with you. Like it or not, your post made the hair on my arm stand on ends!

This is Hypocrisy at it is best. You were born into a Christian family, lived you whole life as one, and yet you have lived your life as you pleased without any consideration to what you might do, and what might happen to you, and then you won't to convert to Islam, implying that your free life was caused by you being Christian not by what you have done. Don't blame Christianity for your past life, and now you are looking for a way out!

If you truely regret your sinns, then you should confuse your sins to God and never do them again. Not leave God, not abandon God, and pretend you are looking for the right path! you seem had never been on the right path. And you are worried if a Muslim man will marry you! you better believe it, many will be happy to marry a convert to their faith. After all, you have forsaken your religion for theirs.

Can you be a Muslim? Yes you can. and don't forget that Muslims also sin, they are not far from sinning nor are they Angels, if that what you think.

A Muslim man is allowed to marry you. Don't put yourself down so much. You sinned, so what, everyone sinned one time or another, some sinn more than other, but we all sin, inculding the Muslims, and those whom you think are worth more than you. You sound as if you are begging for a Muslim man to marry you. Look for a Good man, not just a muslim man.

Now I am going to get it for this. Islam is not worthy of you. Help you!! God help those who help themselves. If you ever been a christian then this blessing for you. If you think Islam is 100% for you, then you should learn a little more of what you may go into.

IN the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy SPirit may you have peace in your heart, soul and spirit.

Don't forsaken your Lord who put his life on the line for you, and never forget his teaching. Amen.


I regret posting this message to you, not because I don't believe in what I say, but because you will not hear my words. I wish you well. Muslims claim to say they believe in Jesus Christ, and at the same time, they don't give him the proper respect. I know the muslims so well. If you are really a christian! Islam is not for you, believe me. But it is up to you. Think hard, long and wise. Finding a man to marry you, not so hard to do. I say this to you with all respect.

I like to ask you a question, if I may!

They tell you by converting to Islam that all your past sins will be forgiven?! Don't believe it. the question. How do he Muslims get their past sins forgiven!! do they convert to Christianity?

In the time of the judgment day, Jesus Christ will be the one who will be judging you. Christians and Muslims believe he will return for the judgment day, not Muhammad, But Jesus Christ. Ever wonder why it is Jesus and not Muhammad! think about it, and you will know why. Don't forget that.

THINK HARD, LONG and be WISE. and Good luck to you.


You study it for five yrs! Beating the women or wife!

Wife Beating in Islam - The Rules

Debate on Wife Beating as instructed in Quran

Wife Beating in Islam - Only a rod will help!

If you want to convert and marry a muslim man, find a modern man, wo he will not look into his Quran and if he decided to beat you, his book will tell him it is fine, because he is the man, and his job is to teach you how to behave!

P.S. I truely wish I didn't post this message, but I started, and I must finish what I start, at least this post. Good Luck to you.

May the Lord Keep you safe and Happy

Another ADD:

I know I am wasting my time, but I only wanted to help. In some ways I was in your place, but I would never convert to Islam, respectfully to you, it is just me. Those who gave me a thumb down. Thank you for not taking the time and read my post, and so quickly judge and give me the thumb down. not surprise.

Good Luck to you again.
2006-11-26 19:48:15 UTC
No matter what sins you have committed or how wild your past was. You can still become a Muslim.. Islam erases all sins committed prior to becoming a Muslim. Prophet (may the peace and blessings and mercy of Allaah be upon him) said, “Islam annuls what came before it.” (narrated by Muslim in his Sahih, no. 121).As soon as you become a Muslim all your previous sins are forgiven and you start a blank state. Or a complete clean record.

Muslim (121) narrated that ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When Allaah put Islam in my heart, I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “Give me your right hand so that I may swear allegiance to you.” He held out his hand and I withdrew my hand. He said, “What is the matter, O ‘Amr?” I said, “I want to stipulate a condition.” He said, “What do you want to stipulate?” I said, “That I will be forgiven.” He said, “Do you not know that Islam destroys that which came before it?”

Best of luck and God bless.......
2006-11-24 09:37:48 UTC
Your family is Chrisitian, not you, and from what you said, you don't know much about Christianity. You lived your life as you please, sin, having a child out of wedlock, drugs, promiscuous etc. Don't blame that way of life on Christianity, that was your doing. Christianity is agianst sin, drugs, out of wedlock kids. If you know anything about it, you would have also known that when a person ask for forgiveness, they receive it.

You either have been Muslim all your life, or already converted before the your studying of the Quran. Five years and you don't know what the man has rights over the women! it seems the five years were not enough. A man can beat his wife, as long as he doesn't break skin, make her bleed or break her bones! that is in Islam. A Muslim man is suppose to teach her how to behave. You didn't know that!

If you are afraid if you not going to be accepted, don't worry, you are the treasure that many of them seek. To them you are what they want, to convert the whole world to Islam, if you didn't know that, then you don't know much about Islam either.

Are you looking for the easy way out, or are you looking for a Muslim husband. It seems you have already decided. In the eye of Islam, you are already muslim, if what you say is true. You are young, don't worry you will have plenty of men wanting to marry you. As for your sinns, only God is the one who will forgive you sinns, and if you mean it, and never do them again, as you know, he will know, and forgive you. You are not alone, we all sinned one time or another, only in our different ways.

If you know the Quran, then you must have read the story where Muhammad was screaming in pain, and the Angel Gabrielle came to him and was praying for Muhammad so as God will forgive his sins. Yes, Muhammad sinned and was praying to God to forgive his sins. Read yourself if you don't believe.

Last and not least, Good luck to you, and may God forgive your sins, if that is what you want. One more to your sins is you lied. You said, today I am a Muslims. You have already converted why is this question asking for help when you have already done it?!
2016-05-23 01:31:00 UTC
I feel like I'm in another world, life and going through what the writer went through .. it's hard to explain but to be honest it feel great =)... it's better Mainly I read Romance, Non - fiction but I would like to try other genres
2006-11-24 07:30:45 UTC
One of the first things you will be taught upon accepting Islam is that all your past deeds, good or bad, are discounted. Anyone coming back to Islam is welcomed as an equal with all rights and worth.

Forget about your past sins and not waste energy regretting. It is not a question of being forgiven your past sins, they don't count. Go ahead and concentrate on henceforth living as pure a life as you can. Your are entitled to be married by the best of Muslim men. And you are worthy of Islam.
2006-11-23 20:42:06 UTC
I'm going to put my answer on here, even though I am not Muslim. I think that you deserve praise for first of all, having the courage to convert to a religon that must be so foreign to your childhood religon; that takes bravery and courage. Second of all, the Muslim religon is a peaceful religon, and who are any of us outside of the Muslim religon to dictate to you how you will worship? Blood has been spilled on all sides, and you deserve accolades for moving on, and still choosing to keep your faith, which is more than many can say. You are keeping peace in your heart. I hope that one day you can see that sincerity in pennance, and determination to live a pure life, in any heart, makes you worthy.

I say again, I am not Muslim, but your post has touched my heart. It is such a relief to see that there is someone like you out there, who has the courage and the tenacity to do as their heart dictates.

Do not lose your faith. And do not listen to outsiders that might take a different stand. If the Muslim religon is what's right for you, and if the Muslin G*d (I don't want to offend anyone, so that's how I'm phrasing it, and deepest apologies if I do offend anyone) is the G*d you want to worship, then by all means, ignore any dissenters. Their agenda is not what beats in your heart.

I apologize for answering, though not Mulslim. I have only a layman's knowledge of the Muslim religion, so I won't be able to answer most of the questions you posed. I just wanted you to know that there are people out here that, even though we may not be Muslim, we stand by your decision, and support you, and we would try to stem the critisism that may come down on you, if we could. Suffice it to say, you are an inspiration.

I wish you the very best of luck and life.
2006-11-23 19:50:05 UTC
I am also a 23 year old caucasion American girl who was born into christianity. I am now a 23 year old muslim woman. I started studying Islam when I was about 14. 4 years ago I converted. I did horrendous things as well, including promiscuity. I almost had a child out of wedlock, but I lost it when I was 4 months and had to get a D and C done. WHen you become a muslim, it's like you start life fresh. You are given a clean slate. Everything you did before is ignored, because you were not a muslim then. It's in the Quran, too, I think. Now you know you did those things wrong, and you are sorry about them. God won't hold them against you. A muslim man is allowed to marry you, but make sure he knows Islam and doesn't follow his screwed up culture.

Sister, I don't know if this helps, but I hope so. By becoming a muslim woman, you gain honor and respect. You will be tested very hardly by Allah/God. But it's becuase God loves you. God tests those He/She loves the most. And converts are no exception. You just need to hold on to your faith and know that it's better for you in the future. Good luck sister. Let me know your decision.
2006-11-23 22:15:02 UTC
The questions have been answered by other Muslim brothers and sisters (real ones).

All I have to say is God Bless you. Good luck with your trip, It'll be kind of hard in the beginning, but your true faith will help you all the way through.

God bless you again, and if you want, I'll always be more than happy to help. (what else can be more precious then Islam).

Peace sister.
2006-11-23 20:20:09 UTC
once you are a Muslim all the sins of your past are forgiven. You are judged from that day on.

Yes you can still find the man of your dreams.

I can understnad your fears. I was divorced with two kids. Yet I met and married the most wonderful man in the world. I have many Muslim friends that do not care about my past only my future.

I will be honest though there will be people just as in any part of society that will judge you on your past. My in-laws still do not except me, but I am ok with that. Inshallah (God willing) you will not have this problem.

Assalaamu alaikum (peace be upon you)
2006-11-23 20:54:20 UTC
All praises be to Allah, who showed us the straight path.

Once you are converted to Islam your innocent like a new born baby. All your past sins will be forgiven by Allah. He's most mercifully. More and more people are researching, studying about Islam and finding the truth. Muslim man will gladly marry a Muslimah. Welcome to Islam in advance.!

May Allah strengthen your faith and make your life peaceful.
2006-11-23 20:14:10 UTC
May God's blessings be upon you. I am a muslim and was very happy upon your interest in Islam. Yes, before you make any decisions it is important that you be 100% sure. All your previous sins are forgiven and you are as pure as a new born child once you accept islam... and you are rewarded as much as 9 muslims. According to Islam everyone is born a muslim, but since you have been brought up in a christian home, you had unknowingly converted to Christianity. Now as you show interest in Islam, you would be 'reverting' back to islam.

Now answer to your questions, yes you can be a very good muslim, any good educated muslim man will marry you, and your interest in Islam makes you very worthy, and you will be if you follow it properly. Your child will be blessed to grow in Islamic environment.

Dear Sister, it is indeed a very big step... I recommend you to see debates and speeches on dvd of two of my personal favourite people. Dr. Zakir Naik and Late Dr. Ahmed Deedat. Any confusion, even 1% will be clarified God-Willingly.

Good Luck... May God show His guidance and make the path easy for you. Ameen.
2006-11-23 19:48:53 UTC
Once you convert to Islam, all your sins will be forgiven, Insha-Allah.

But you have to repent sincerely, and determine that you would never do such sins again. Also, be known that Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

When you turn Muslim, you become a part of the Ummah, meaning you are a Muslim just like any other Muslims. And, if you sincerely give up all kinds of bad deeds, and lead a good moral life, I don't see any reason why a Muslim man would not want to marry you.
2006-11-24 18:57:11 UTC
Just look at this :
2006-11-23 20:08:11 UTC
First of all, no one is born into Christianity.

Secondly, You never had a connection to The LORD if you have rejected him.

Third, It matters not what YOU believe about Islam and how YOU feel in regards to a percentage. Truth of the matter is in true Christianity, God does everything for you, YOU can do nothing to please God. All our attempts to please him are as dirty rags (that's a nice way of saying used menstrual pads!)

God has already forgiven your sins. (past, present and future) Your only responsibility is to believe by faith that this is true.

It's as if you have decided Islam is for you without even understanding the truth about God through Messiah. Still it is your decision. God always gives us just enough rope to hang ourselves with. It is how much He loves us and is willing to let us make up our own minds about his son.
2006-11-23 20:02:50 UTC
Hello. I am a 20 year old caucasian American woman who was bor into Christianity and alhumduAllah converted to Islam 2 years ago. Good luck on yourjourney sister. InshAllah you will be forgiven by Allah for all of your sins because you have given up those behaviors. You are a strong woman and I have nothing but the deepest respect for you being able to turn your life around. You are going down the right path sister. And making a good life for your child, who inshAllah will be raised as a good Muslim. Salam,

2006-11-24 01:17:53 UTC

You might have read it before...:-p...when you turn Muslim, its like you're a new born child, all your past sins are cleared.

Once a pagan man came to the Prophet Muhamma(pbuh) and accepted Islam. As he was leaving, he fell off his camel and died. Muhammad(pbuh) said that he was a sinless man, and was in Heaven.
2006-11-23 20:45:39 UTC
Your quest is to seek love and to be love and that you find comfort in Islam's law & theology than Christianity.

Comfort is NOT weather you being Islam or you're Christian but for you to really understand oneself.

To be Islam, it is not brandname and only for one, just to apply an application from a textbook, doesn't make them to be a muslim. It is actually the way of leaving, thinking & most of all understand who you really oneself are.

Truth: understand God is much less complex than understanding you, yourself.

No human can say on behalf of Allah for your journey. If you repent than you have done justice for the love of yourself.

I wish you well.
2006-11-23 20:50:44 UTC
God is all forgiviness, and all merciful

[65] And if only the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) had believed (in Muhammad (peace be upon him)) and warded off evil (sin, ascribing partners to Allâh) and had become Al-Muttaqûn (the pious - see V.2:2) We would indeed have expiated from them their sins and admitted them to Gardens of pleasure (in Paradise).

Quran 5:65

[69] Surely, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh, in His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) and all that was revealed to him from Allâh), and those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, - whosoever believed in Allâh and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

Quran 5:69
2006-11-23 20:21:56 UTC
[25:70] Exempted are those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life. GOD transforms their sins into credits. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[25:71] Those who repent and lead a righteous life, GOD redeems them; a complete redemption.

This is Prophet Noah's Prayer to God:

[11:47] He said, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You, lest I implore You again for something I do not know. Unless You forgive me, and have mercy on me, I will be with the losers."

Sounds like you sister! Allah will forgive you, his is the Most forgiving and has the abilty to erase your bad actions. You have a fresh life, but will still be tested. Allah has guided you to Islam, no one but him has guided you, he saw good in you! You are a believer, and that's a special thing. Pray and ask for forgiveness and Allah will give you peace and resolution in your questions, ISHA.

Your Muslim Sister Artisit :)
2006-11-23 19:55:08 UTC
Yes dear, God is most merciful oft-forgiving. And as said by Affan, the moment you embrace Islam all your sins would we wiped out as if you were born today inshallah.

Just say: "Ashadu Ana La Ilah Ila Allah Wa Ana Muhammed Rasul Allah"

Which means: There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
rajni l
2006-11-23 19:51:49 UTC
How about finding a caucasian American man who also converted to Islam then you will have a match made in heaven. How does converting to Islam fit in with marrying an Islamic man???

One advise:

before committing to the religion pliz practice being covered head to toe for at least a year and reallly c if it is a religion for you.

otherwsie you will be religion jumping all over the place!
2006-11-23 19:55:57 UTC
Allah will forgive your sinful past indeed. the moment you believe with all your heart that Islam is the truth you should revert to Islam so your good deeds be counted.

of course you can get married to a Muslim man. and Yes every one in the world is worthy of Islam.

2006-11-23 19:54:15 UTC
I'm not a Muslim, but I've studied Islam. My answer is too long . Feel free to email me and I will explain.
2006-11-23 19:56:20 UTC
When you become Muslim and accept Allah as your Only God, He will forgive all of your sins in the past....

But dont forget, dont do those again...


Welcome to the path of truth, sister......
A fan
2006-11-23 19:47:50 UTC
Dear sister, the moment you embrace Islam all your sins would we wiped out as if you were born today inshallah.

A Muslim man can marry you of course. What's inside ones heart is more important and Allah knows that. Don't be afraid sister and make your step, you have your brothers and sisters to support and help you!
2006-11-24 05:17:40 UTC
each time you turn to allah is the best time for you.
2006-11-23 20:31:30 UTC
Be careful of what you say! How can you doubt having sins greater than God's Mercy? God said, “My anger falls upon My servant who thinks his sin is greater than My Forgiveness.”

Here are some things about God that will make you feel much better (these quotes are all based on the sayings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH):

God said, "I swear by My Glory and Honour, if they ask for forgiveness, I will forgive them. Whosoever repents and comes to Me, I will receive him though he is far away. And whosoever turns his back, I will call him closely telling him, ‘O My servant, where are you going? Have you got any other God besides Me?’ "

God said, "O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partners to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it. I appreciate even the slightest effort, and I forgive even the biggest sin. My Mercy precedes My wrath, and I am more merciful to My servants than a mother is to her newly born child.”

A man said, “By God, God will not forgive so-and-so. At this, God the Almighty said, “Who is he who swears by Me that I will not forgive so-and-so? Verily I have forgiven so-and-so and have nullified your [own good] deeds!”

The Messenger PBUH said, “When one of God’s servants asks for forgiveness and insists, God says, ‘Truly My Mercy is upon My servant.’ So God calls Gabriel, ‘My Mercy is upon so-and-so!’ Gabriel then calls The Holders of The Throne, ‘God’s Mercy is upon so-and-so!’ The Holders of The Throne then call the inhabitants of the heavens, ‘God’s mercy is upon so-and-so!’ Then the inhabitants of the heavens say, ‘Truly, the Mercy of God is upon so-and-so!’ ”

A man came to Muhammad PBUH and said, “I am a man who has committed great sins. Could God ever forgive me if I repented?” So Muhammad PBUH replied, “Yes, He would forgive you all your sins!” So the man said, “O Prophet of God, and my betrayals and debaucheries?” So Muhammad PBUH answered, “And your betrayals and debaucheries!” The man then repeated, “And my betrayals and debaucheries?” So he said, “And your betrayals and debaucheries!” So the man lifted his arms to the sky and cried out loud, “Allahu-Akbar! He is ‘The Pardoner’ who forgives us our sins!”

Another man came to the Prophet PBUH and asked, “Who will handle our judgement on the Day of Resurrection?” So Muhammad PBUH said, “God will.” The man then asked, “Will God do it personally?” He said “Yes, He will.” At that, the man smiled and rejoiced. So the Prophet PBUH asked him, “Why are you smiling?” The man replied, “The Generous pardons when he can, and when He judges, He forgives.” So Muhammad PBUH said, “You have spoken the truth, for there is no one who is more generous than God.”

In another instance, a man asked Muhammad PBUH: “If I committed a sin, will it be written?” He said, “Yes, the angels will write it in your book of deeds.” The man asked, “What if I repented?” The Prophet PBUH said, “It will be erased.” The man then asked, “What if I returned to it?” The Prophet PBUH said, “It will be written again.” The man continued, “And if I repented?” He answered, “It will be erased again.” The man repeated his question several times and then asked, “How many times will it be erased?” The Prophet PBUH said, “God does not ‘tire’ from forgiving until you tire from repentance.”

The Prophet PBUH said, “God has created a door to the West, as wide as a seventy-year walk. This door was created the very same day the heavens and the earth were created.” So he was asked, “And what is this door, O Prophet of God?” He replied, “This is the ‘Door of Repentance’. It shall never be closed till the sun rises from its direction. ”

“Whenever someone commits a sin and then says, ‘O my Lord! I have sinned, please forgive me!’ God says, ‘My servant has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for it. I, therefore, have forgiven my servant.’ If that person commits another sin and says, ‘O my Lord, I have committed another sin, please forgive me,’ God says, ‘My servant has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for it. I, therefore, have forgiven my servant.’ Then, if that person commits another sin and says, ‘O my Lord, I have committed another sin, please forgive me,’ God says, ‘My servant has known that he has a Lord who forgives sins and punishes for it. I, therefore, have forgiven My servant, he can do whatever he likes.’ ”

Truly God is the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy.

If you want, you can check out the book I've written to learn more about Islam. Here's the link:

I hope this is not too long.

If you have any questions, plz dont hesitate to contact me :)

Peace be with you

EDIT: Yes a muslim man would be allowed to marry you. If God forgives you - and He will if you repent sincerely - than why would you not be allowed to marry a Muslim? and who is he that can tell you otherwise when God affirms that He forgives all His servants' sins? Remember than the moment one converts to Islam, he/she starts with a clean slate. Past sins do not matter anymore. So there's nothing to worry about
2006-11-23 19:49:30 UTC
yes, you can become a muslim and a muslim man would marry you, but you may not be his only wife. also, he will likely not treat you the way you want to be treated as muslim men are honestly allowed to beat their wives and Muhammed sanctions this. good luck and alhumdulilla
2006-11-23 19:48:13 UTC
I feel so discriminated against when a questions says ONLY "x, y, z" religion. ... : (

(Just kidding ...) Good luck in your quest.
2006-11-23 19:48:00 UTC
Muslims (and Islam) say Jesus was a prophet but they reject all His teachings ....that is hypocrisy.

They reject Christ's divinity;

they reject his claim to be the Son of God;

they reject his death on the cross...

they reject His ressurrection..

They reject Jesus is the Christ/ Messiah...

Need I say more...?

Don't be deceived. The Islamic god is totally different than the God of Jesus Christ
2006-11-23 20:13:30 UTC
yes, you must believe the koran is true! i've never read it because i'm illiterate, but its true anyway.

convert now or i will issue a fatwa on your bunghole!
2006-11-23 19:48:23 UTC
I just got off the phone with Allah, he says he'll consider it, he's leaning towards no though.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.