why do christians insist the noah story is true, why cant they let it go ?
2013-02-22 10:02:55 UTC
they have to believe the following.......

a very old man built an unimaginably large boat
he rounded up every single creature on earth from all corners of the globe
even from undiscovered countries in order to find the thousands of indigenous species

he would have needed to include, lions, tigers and dinosaurs, poisonous spiders, scorpions, snakes
which he managed to get on board without any off them killing him or trampling him to death
and he needed enough food to feed all these creatures

then of course noah had to repatriate all these creatures back to their native homes
one can only wonder how long that would take today with our modern transport and knowledge of life on earth, but we can assume in noahs time it would have been nearly impossible.

especially as most of the world hadn't been discovered yet

now you either have to accept all those things
or you have to deny the words of the bible, the word of god

it seems to me to be quite obvious that the people who wrote the bible were not aware of just how many creatures there are on earth

perhaps in those desert lands there are such an amount that could fit on a single boat

also you might say that with god anything is possible, he could have beamed the animals across the globe in a second, or indeed created them all again from scratch. (why did he even need noah)?

but this is not the account we are all familiar with

so my question is...

WHY DO THEY CLING TO THIS RIDICULOUS STORY, what about it is so fundamental to the religion that it cant be non-literal, or even false, a myth, an elaboration

anything but actually true!!!!!!!

it just adds to reasons why the religion is unbelievable and fallacious

25 answers:
2013-02-22 10:07:10 UTC
Some Christians believe that if they don't take everything in the OT literally then their faith in Jesus is unfounded...

Ironically the very words Jesus spoke is taken figuratively by these fundamentalists. So Jesus saying sell everything and give to the poor holds less value than believing Noah's ark was factual.

It's easier that way.
2013-02-22 10:31:16 UTC
Before I answer, let me tell you a little about my spirituality. I believe in God, but I do not believe in the bible's interpretation of Him. It is a proven fact that the Bible as we know it, is a compilation of hand selected stories bound into a spiritual guide book. I personally believe, that the Bible, while it may have very well been proposed with the best intentions, has over the years been manipulated in order to suit the specific "needs" of one governing body or another. (To all of you who will thumbs down this response, consider the presence and contents of the Apocrypha. Don't disagree based on your lack of knowledge. Disagree with me because you have an educated difference of opinion.)

Regardless, the stories in the Bible are metaphorical. They require that the reader be able to see the forest for the trees. Obviously the story of the ark is one of the brightest examples of this. Why the writers deemed it necessary to teach these concepts in the form of stories other than just giving us a list of rules to follow, is any one's guess. There could be hundreds of reasons. Perhaps the biggest is that life is not black and white and with vague expression, comes the ability to make personal judgments.

Asker, do not discredit because you do not understand. A jury can not convict a murderer based on one snippet of evidence alone. Good luck to you my friend.
David F
2013-02-22 10:21:11 UTC
Your disbelief (nor intolerance) does not falsify the beliefs of others.

Neither does absence of proof necessitate proof of absence.


Here is what we found on Mount Suleiman:

The object consists of dark rock with an uncanny beam-like appearance in several places.

The color and texture of the rock appears to be unique in the area.

The object fits the approximate dimensions of Noah's Ark

Some samples tested by an independent lab showed signs of petrified wood. (Not the entire object.)

The object is at 13,120 feet but the nearest tree is at about 8,000 feet (and there are very few trees even at that level).

Takht-i-Suleiman means “Solomon's Throne.” It is the only mountain we know of in the Middle East outside of Israel with a Hebrew name.

Wood at the Summit, which may be from the shrine, has been dated to be around 500 years old.

We found abundant sea life at an adjacent summit.

We found microscopic sea life in a rock sample from the object (a foram, which is normally only found at the depths of the sea).

All major climates are close by along with all eco systems.
2013-02-22 14:28:28 UTC
first things first,

it was not an "imaginary" large boat. God gave Noah definitive measurements.

next noah did not gather up any animals, they came to him by the will of the spirit of God, i heard someone say if there were dinosours on the ark they were gathered by eggs.

however, at least one prophetess claims dinosours were science experiments by men.

as for myths and non literal scriptural testimony is concerned. both Abraham and Moses were eyewitnesses to the creation. Moses was the accepted law giver and his books have been preserved faithfullly.

i reaffirm, that there is a God, and i have seen the glory of jesus, with a visitation of angels. that alone should make all atheists listen rather than willingly choose to ignore the testimonies of great men that have gone before.
The Lightning Strikes
2013-02-22 10:20:31 UTC
We keep insisting the Story is True because those like you keep asking questions like this, You keep throwing it in our faces and forcing the issue, so take that finger and turn it around and point it back at yourself.

Could Noah's Ark Hold all the Animals?

Answering the Critics of Noah's Ark

Creation in the 21st Century Noah's Flood Fact or Fantasy 1 of 3
2013-02-22 10:09:44 UTC
but they found the found the ark in the mountains of mt. Ararat in turkey exactly where the bible said it would be. Not only that the dimensions of the boat are exactly as the bible said it would be. Scientific evidence prove that what is there is defiantly a man mad structure.

check out the youtube video when you get a chance. I know youtube is not really a credible source but the people presenting the evidence are more than credible. Atheist tried to debunk these findings and admittedly raised some very good questions (of course) but the evidence for is way stronger than the hypothetical evidence against.

A man boat like structure 100+ miles away from any body of water exacty the size and location as the bible says? come on man?
2013-02-22 10:07:04 UTC
Well, obviously the story is false on many grounds.

Just move on to the important question. What means do we have for deciding what parts of the Bible are to be read literally and what are to be read metaphorically? Even fundamentalists interpret some parts of the Bible as literal and some parts as figurative. But they don't have a clue they are doing that or what was the means they used to make the distinction.

Tyrone, no one has found an ark on Mt. Ararat. But the locals do make a good living selling "pieces of the ark wood" to gullible people who visit nearby towns. I've met such a fundamentalist who was very proud he had a piece of the ark. Sad how stupid people can be.
2013-02-22 10:10:56 UTC
For starters you're putting all the onus on Noah and forgetting that we have an Awesome God! God was orchestrating everything even told Noah exact dimensions for building the ark.

By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Hebrews 11:7
2013-02-22 10:13:03 UTC
Well had you took the time to read the apocrypha (books removed from the bible in 1666) google it!! The book of Enoch and Jubilees tell that the flood occurred because when Azazel came with the fallen angels they then tries to prevent the birth of the "Christ" by having children with the daughters of men and mixing man with animals so because of that the flood was done and the devil was locked in the abyss... So there is the purpose of the flood. As far as Noah he was the son of Jared who was the son of Seth who is the son of Adam and God had already made a promise to Adam to leave his seeds on earth to regain it from the trickery they faced in the garden of Eden when eve ate from the tree of knowledge so we were converted to animal flesh and given free will like the angels now you make your choice live for Jah or live for yourself and forfeit your soul... Read more
2013-02-22 10:07:00 UTC
There is some scientific evidence that there was a "great flood" at some point... it didn't cover the whole earth but certainly a large part of it.

By what you've written, I can see that you really haven't attempted to read the Bible with even a hint of an open mind. You probably dipped in purely to scrutinize and criticize it, and didn't really try and understand it.

I'm gonna get thumbed down into oblivion for this... but you really should read it again. There are a lot of meanings that you've totally missed.
2016-11-04 03:47:17 UTC
before each thing, the theory that the flood of Noah's day change into "global" isn't Logically Conclusive, because the "face of the completed earth" (Genesis 8:9) is likewise used of a localized plague. (Exo 10:5, 14-15). second, because the textual content specifies "ha Adam" (Gen 6:a million-2), the aims of the Nephilim were the decedents of Eth ha Adam of Genesis 2:10-14, 18-19, and in no way the sixth Day creation. this may reduce the geography even extra. third, eretz, rendered "earth", is likewise rendered "land" "united states" "floor". you should be difficult-pressed, for this reason, to prepare that the flood change into "global". for this reason, one can be difficult-pressed to prepare that "2" of each animal "on the globe" entered into the ark. in words of organic physics, the tale turns into extra credible.
2013-02-22 10:25:04 UTC
your question is wrong because you have not understood what is religious language. Do not confuse it with historic or scientific language. Language of the scriptures are not scientific or historical. Scripture language is not giving you any historical scientific information. it connects you to the primordial time which is beyond the historical human memory and the eschatological time which is beyond our imagination about future time. you must know that we live in historical time with unconscious links to the primordial time which is no more in our memory and unconscious hopes related to the future eschatological time that too is not in our conscious mind now. all our languages are dealing with historical time while the scriptures deal with all three times. thus you need a different mindset to understand the scriptures of religions. learn more gentleman. you can contact me mxaviersvd@yahoo,com
2013-02-22 10:10:17 UTC
You sir, are very funny. Really? You are really asking that? Isn't the Noah' ark story part from the Bible? If it is in the Book of God, without question wouldn't you have to throw your pointless thoughts away and just believe in Him? Thoughts get you mixed up and twists your faith. That's why in Isaiah it says to "forsake your thoughts." I mean really, he is a GOD. Of course a god would have power, to do the impossible. If he didn't, then what make the difference between God and I? But he is God, Heavenly Father, He can do the impossible. So simple.
mark h
2013-02-22 10:05:24 UTC
Suffice to say, It has a much more profound meaning beyond the logistical miracles that you point out.

If it were just about an old man rounding up animals on a big boat in a big flood, I could easily let it go.

The truth is, I do not think that is what the story is about at all. It is a far more rel event and important retelling than most people realize.

I know Christians who study this story for years and fail to see the signifigance, and then I know Christians who get it in five minutes. It all depends on your perspective.

Your analytical methodology will never lead to the wisdom contained within it.

Hope that helps.
2013-02-22 10:14:16 UTC
Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. Another reason Noah’s story cannot be true is the amount of water it would take. Water cannot disappear! It is either in a body of water (ocean, lake, streams, ground water) or it is in the air (clouds, humidity). If all the glaciers of the world melted, it would still not cover all the land on earth. Yes, we would not have many low altitude coastal lands. But, that’s not total and complete flooding.

The problem is that people go overboard in their beliefs. Instead of interpreting stories in the bible as analogies of how one should live their lives, they interpret them as actual history. Never mind that we all don’t share DNA features of Noah. That’s science, which religious zealots’ think is their advisory because it disproves biblical stories. Yet, science does nothing to discredit the morality of the biblical lessons.
2013-02-22 10:06:51 UTC
I am an atheist, but, when I grew up episcopal, and most of them do not believe in the myths of the old testament as being the literal truth. There are other denominations that will most likely kill off Christianity by forcing the issue of biblical inerrancy, which is totally absurd. The whole debate leads one to wonder if there is any reason to believe any part of the Bible.
No Life Absent Christ
2013-02-22 10:12:05 UTC
John 5:46-47

46 For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. 47 But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”
2013-02-22 10:11:42 UTC
Because the truth sets us free.

The basis comes before and then all thing become correct. Pft I might change that!!!!!
2013-02-22 13:27:55 UTC
because it's their religion. they have faith in it - and its not up to you to judge them or whether they should believe it or not, its not for you to decide. at least they don't have faith and people like you that make fun of other peoples beliefs for no reason- please keep your opinions to yourself in the future.
2013-02-22 10:10:32 UTC
We/I believe it's completely true and I am as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours so why are you bothered do you feel threatened in some way?
2013-02-22 10:07:24 UTC
Not to mention the size of the boat would have to be enormous
2013-02-22 10:05:46 UTC
Just because you cant acheive that feat doesnt mean Jehovah cant.Make yourself perfect.Keep yourself from getting sick growing old and dying then you can talk otherwise Jehovah will show u at Armageddon how powerful He truly is.
Jack with a magic carpet
2013-02-22 10:06:37 UTC
I'm sorry to say this but your objections to the bible are based on false premises. If this is one of the reason that you don't consider God seriously, you are mistaken.

And just to show that You have false premises, I will show you all the mistakes in your argument.

1. "a very old man built an unimaginably large boat"

- Noah was one of the men of the bible that lived to be hundreds of years old. this is not possible today for the short reason that the earth is deteriorating. If the bible is true, then God created the earth to SUPPORT life. It was perfect, if you look at the geneologies given in the historical accounts of the bible, you will see that as time progressed, people began to live shorter and shorter lives ESPECIALLY after the flood of noah. this happens because God cursed the earth because of man's sin.

The 'unimaginably large" boat.

- Really? We are given the dimensions right in genesis.

2. "he rounded up every single creature on earth from all corners of the globe

even from undiscovered countries in order to find the thousands of indigenous species"

- "...EVERY SINGLE CREATURE..." I would Love to see where you got this idea. The Bible says he got 2 of every basic kind of creature. that would mean today he got a male and female from the cat family, from the "dog" family (a wolf, or hyena etc) and so on and so forth. I don't even know why I have to explain this...

-"...from all corners of the globe

even from undiscovered countries..."

- we have absolutely NO idea what the earth looked like back then. Notice something, the Bible says that the waters of the flood came from the sky AND UNDERGROUND. that changes alot of things. it is possible there were no oceans back then.

" find the thousands of indigenous species..."

- again, we don't know the exact number of animals in the ark. And species? see my explanation of the "kinds" of animals.

3. "he would have needed to include, lions, tigers and dinosaurs, poisonous spiders, scorpions, snakes

which he managed to get on board without any off them killing him or trampling him to death

and he needed enough food to feed all these creatures"

- "... without any off them killing him or trampling him to death..."

- If God created the universe just by commanding it, is he bound by the laws of nature he gives his creation? Is it impossible for God to direct his own creation to a specific place and not Kill the man that will save them? Noah was not on his own in this, God was with him the entire time.

-"...he needed enough food to feed all these creatures"

how is this a problem?

4. "then of course noah had to repatriate all these creatures back to their native homes."

- Umm, no. According to the bible, after they went out of the ark, they did whatever they wanted and eventually spread to the rest of the earth, without Noah's assistance.

5. "now you either have to accept all those things

or you have to deny the words of the bible, the word of god"

- the former

6. "it seems to me to be quite obvious that the people who wrote the bible were not aware of just how many creatures there are on earth"

- of course they weren't. they were only men confined to a single location. But God who created everything and knows everything, he alone knows how all things work which is why he commanded Noah to take in specific kinds of animals. so that they would eventually reproduce and the result is the amazing amount of different species we see to day

7. "also you might say that with god anything is possible, he could have beamed the animals across the globe in a second, or indeed created them all again from scratch. (why did he even need noah)?"

- God has his reasons. If he simply wiped everyting out in a second and recreated the animals, then Noah would not have time to continually warn the people of their sins and God's coming judgement. watching him build the ark served as a reminder of Noah's warnings which all of them chose to ignore and mock. deserving God's judgement. it took Noah 120 years to build the ark, and throughout all this time he warned the people of their sins. If God simply wiped them out, he would still be justified in his actions but because of his love for them, he warned them of what he was going to do and gave them 120 years to change their hearts

8. "WHY DO THEY CLING TO THIS RIDICULOUS STORY, what about it is so fundamental to the religion that it cant be non-literal, or even false, a myth, an elaboration

anything but actually true!!!!!!!"

- i) it is a historical account of God's judgement and his ability to get rid of what he hates. sin.
2013-02-22 10:05:35 UTC
All things are possible with God
2013-02-22 10:05:00 UTC
Highly oppionated question is highly oppionated.

Good day, Sir.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.