Athiests who refuse to belive regardless.?
2011-10-01 16:37:24 UTC
Athiests are always telling christians they don't believe, if they can't see evidence of god. But, there is evidence. Theres the bible for example who, were gods' words. ( But athiest refuse to believe that) ... Then theres a particular video that i posted, Giving evidence that gods' face was in the clouds. But someone deleted it, which probably was an athiest because i posted the title that said, "Athiest, heres gods face in the clouds" For them to see, and help them believe, and give them atleast some great evidence. So, posting a video of god, got deleted by an athiest.... Do athiest just refuse to believe even though the evidence is right in there face? Do they just deny god even if the world saw him? Are they just in denial about god, that they fear god so much, enough not to believe. ? Athiest, You don't have to be afraid of god, The one thing you should be afraid of is Earth itself, With so much evil in the world, even god himself said in the bible, "Living in heaven is better than living on earth" . I hope someday an athiest can actually open there eyes. And believe there something bigger, than this earth. And that is, God almighty. But then again an athiest is gonna look at this and say " Nope, don't believe it," Or probably laugh.
33 answers:
Openspaces 101
2011-10-01 16:51:29 UTC
I believe in these days that we are living in that God is reaching out to the lost through so many different ways because He loves His creatures and isn't willing that any should perish.And that includes people from all different walks of life, of all different religions and of no religion at all .
2011-10-01 17:01:40 UTC
Why don't you believe in the flying Spaghetti Monster when the evidence is all around you? Who did all this? Answer? THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER! How do you explain the undeniable facts? It's all written in the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! How do you explain how a mature tree looks like the FSM? Answer, THE FSM MADE IT! The Evidence is all around you and all you need to do is bow to his noodlyness and he will bless you with a beer volcano and a stripper factory.

If you think I'm being serious (and I hope you don't) please just listen to me. You say that God made the world because it's so suited for life, when we cannot without artificial aids survive in anywhere other than on Land, near a food source with water. You say the universe was created for us, yet we are merely one tiny speck in a universe with perhaps, it's own life. We have found earth like planets, we're not unique.

You point to the bible as evidence when, if just pointing to the bible was evidance enough, I could point to the Poetic Eddas and claim that Thor is real, would it make it so? No. I could try make points like "Odin promised to end all Frost Giants, there's no Frost giants around, therefore Odin exists" and it would hold the same amount of water as saying "The bible is true".

When I look at the world I don't see God. I see something better. I see a Fractal. I Fractal that gets better and more extra ordinary with every level I fall down. Is there a God, I don't know. Nobody knows. Is that the same as saying "No" or "You are right"? No. We cannot, by God's very nature prove that a creator exists outside our realm, one day we might make contact with this being. But really I see no reason to believe that a God exists and even less reason to believe that once specific deity exists (like your God).

I do not see proof of any Deities, and I see less and less proof of the Abrihamic God as time goes on.
Gabby Johnson
2011-10-01 16:49:08 UTC
"Do athiest just refuse to believe even though the evidence is right in there face?"

You haven't presented any evidence. None. Zero. Squat. You say that atheists refuse to believe that the bible is the word of God. But by saying that, what you are saying is that the notion that the bible is the word of God is nothing more than your belief. And regarding the whining about a deleted video, please. Have a little self respect.
2011-10-01 16:46:13 UTC
The Bible is so riddled with errors and contradictions, that it's a big source of evidence that God does NOT exist.

You will believe in something just because you see a picture of it in the clouds? You're not real particular are you? And how do you know it was an atheist who deleted it? Do you always jump to conclusions without evidence or proof? Oh, wait, you're a believer. I guess you do.

Atheists are afraid? Of what? A god they don't believe exists? You're not making any sense.

You're right. I laughed.
Denny M
2011-10-01 16:44:16 UTC
Well, you're right about one thing. I am laughing . . .

No offense, but SAYING the Bible is the word of God does not make it so. And the evidence does not support you in this case. It's just a baseless assertion on your part, and is contradicted by the wealth of obscenity, contradictions, and inaccuracies we know are in the Bible. Is there some truth? Sure. There are certain historical facts, there are even a few good morals/lessons (offset by the very bad ones, but still). But that doesn't make it the word of God.

As to seeing God's face in clouds? 1.) How do you know what God looks like? I'd love to hear your reasoning on this. 2.) It's called pareidolia. 3.) It doesn't prove anything regardless.

I'm not afraid of god - as I don't think there is such a thing. I'm not afraid of hell. There is just no decent reason to believe the silly stories present in the Bible. Religion is childish and is a relic of the infancy of our species. It should be treated as such.
Joe Mohar
2011-10-01 17:03:43 UTC
See the thing is, you believe that we are all going to hell but the funny thing is that we don't believe in fairy tales and the idea of a heaven/hell falls into that category. You can't prove to me that heaven or hell exists. Why does it matter if I live a good or a bad life? It's my life. The bible is a book that religious people read kind of life the Qur'an, Torah, Kojiki, Zhuangzi to name a few. The problem you have with atheists is that they don't care about your books' teachings or the next ones'. I live my life free of bigotry and racism and have very strong morals and values. I don't need the bible or any other book to teach me these things. If you kill someone you inherently know you did something bad or wrong. No one is afraid of god life people always preach you should be because of his wrath blah blah blah. It's bullsh*t and its just petty crap to scare people. There is something bigger than this earth and it's called our galaxy which is known as the milky way and it includes around 50 billion planets.
2011-10-01 17:01:29 UTC


There is good reason to disbelieve in god.

God is touted as an all-powerful entity that can do anything that it pleases.

Furthermore, god is described as a good thing.


Put those two things together and they don’t describe the image of god in

front of us.

Why would god create an unstable Earth?

An Earth that has volcanos, earthquakes, floods, etc.

God could have constructed Earth in any way that god wished to.

In fact, god made the Earth exactly as god wished too, right?

So it was god’s intention to create an unstable planet that would create a

tremendous amount of misery and injustice and pain to innocent good people

who die and who lose loved ones and who become orphaned and disabled

due to god’s intentional design construction of the planet.

So god wanted unhappiness and unfairness to be part of human life.

But god is supposed to be a good thing!

Clearly you can’t believe that the resulting pain from these natural [god’s] events

is a good thing. How can they possibly be ‘good’?

Would it be worse if the Earth didn’t have volcanos and earthquakes?

I’m asking you a question you id__t; would it be worse?

No, of course not.


So how am I supposed to believe that this wonderful thing called god could ever

build something that intentionally causes ugliness. It makes no sense. I don’t

believe things that don’t make sense.
mike s
2011-10-01 16:50:33 UTC
and how do you know what is written is his word? the book tells you - that's not evidence.

a face in the clouds is not evidence. a face in toast is not evidence. a face in a potato chip is not evidence. i think god could do better. like make a mountain in his image.

you also don't know who erased it or why.

there is nothing to fear but fear itself. god is a just a story in a very old book. he's not kind, he is petty though -according to his own rules in that book.

we cannot fear for what does not exist - there has been very little credible evidence of his so called existence. the fact that just one person saw him in a cloud is not evidence.

find something with more meat on it. show me the giant that is god, show me him on this earth creating humans and sheep. show me all the wonders you put on him - then i'll believe in the possibility. otherwise it's just a tall tale.
DCV Titan
2011-10-01 16:53:31 UTC
"Theres the bible for example who, were gods' words."

Then we must also accept the following as real, since they have the same amount of evidence as proposed by the bible:


Harry Potter

Iron Man


Star Trek

Star Wars


The Babylonian gods

The Egyptian gods

The Greek gods

The Norse gods

The Roman gods

:"Then theres a particular video that i posted, Giving evidence that gods' face was in the clouds."

Please see, pareidolia.

"Athiest, You don't have to be afraid of god,"

I wouldn't be afraid, even if it could be proven that it does exist.
Vincent G
2011-10-01 16:47:18 UTC
The bible has so many contradictions in itself than it cannot be 100% true in the eyes of anyone but the most stubborn, illogical, brain washed fundy.

As for the face of god being in a could, here is my question for you:

what and where is the original picture of god so that we can compare?

I do not know how old you are, but if you are less than 15 years of age, you may eventually get mature enough without feeling really stupid for your current lack of judgement, being able to pass it on as the consequence of being too young to know.

If you are more than 15, seek help: you head is not really working properly.
2011-10-01 16:46:04 UTC
What part of we don't believe don't you understand?? A book that is old and that many different men wrote is not proof. A cloud or a potato chip that looks like god or the virgin mary does not prove anything! I saw a cloud that looked like a giant pig should I start worshiping pigs??

I am not afraid of something that I do not believe to exist!

What you provided was opinion not proof.
2011-10-01 16:46:16 UTC
The bible is not evidence of god, it's a contradictory book.

Your god is no more valid than Thor.

Every major religion claims to be the correct one, while none of them have produced any evidence.

When you can prove it's your god up in the sky, i'll believe you. Until then, I will happily remain an atheist.
2011-10-01 16:54:57 UTC
" But, there is evidence. Theres the bible for example who, were gods' words."

Take a logic course.

"The Bible is god's word" presupposes the existence of a god.

God's existence is questionable - wait the Bible is god's! you haven't proved an apriori existence of a God!


HOLY CRAP! I see a spaghetti monster in the clouds! Proof of the existence of FSM!

wait.... how the hell do you even know what God looks like? Whatever happened to "no graven images"?
2011-10-01 16:48:09 UTC
Unless I got my religion wrong, a true Christian will tell you that God's face is not (just?) in the clouds, but in the face of the dirtiest, smelliest, craziest homeless person ranting about how he sees pink unicorns in the sky.
Purportedly Magic Jew
2011-10-01 16:38:43 UTC
1. The Bible is an example of evidence, so therefore Spiderman movies are evidence for Spiderman.

2. If cloud patterns depicted by the human perception is evidence for a particular deity, then clear skies is evidence for no deity.
2011-10-01 16:40:32 UTC
So, in all those words, exactly what evidence did you give for god's existence?

Oh, thats right, "The bible is proof of god, because its the word of god". Do you understand the concept of a circular argument?
2011-10-01 16:40:13 UTC
Why do you refuse to believe in the invisible magical pink unicorn from the future that goes back in time and rapes ppl who do not believe in him, you claim theres no evidence but this post about him proves
2011-10-01 16:45:40 UTC
I don't think you're going to convert any Atheists.

I'm a Muslim and I won't purposely try to convert anyone, the majority of people that converted to Islam (as far as I've seen) have done so because they observed Muslim friends and liked the idea of the religion.
2011-10-01 16:41:19 UTC
"there is evidence. Theres the bible for example who, were gods' words"

First, to clarify, the bible is the words of men claiming that it is the word of god. Second,Fantastic Four #38 is not evidence of the existence of Galactus.
2011-10-01 16:42:15 UTC
Have you even read the bible? That is the reason my mom left the Catholic Church... plus all the crap they put her through.

You know it is really sad that you can't see that evolution is true "when the proof is right of you! Do you just refuse to belive it?"
2011-10-01 16:38:56 UTC
I refuse to believe the Bible because it was written by men 2000 years ago to suit the needs of men 2000 years ago. And from there your arguments fall apart.
2011-10-01 16:44:44 UTC
"Athiest, You don't have to be afraid of god"

LOL...Brother I ain't fraid of no baby murdering book god. Egypt's first born, Amalikites, Flood, She bear sent to murder 40 children.

Worship a baby killer? Seriously? LOL

Kill a baby killer yes...worship him, never.

I am an Atheist. I have superior Morality. Not into worshipping a baby killer with anger, jealousy and selfishness problems...supreme my butt. LOL
2011-10-01 16:39:24 UTC
I refuse to listen anymore because people have been trying to convert me soo much for like the past year that I don't even want to hear it. It made me stubborn that's why I refuse to believe regardless.
2011-10-01 16:44:41 UTC
Charles two things, you gave no evidence and belief is only needed when the proof is missing.
2011-10-01 16:42:14 UTC
Gods face in the clouds IS proof...

that you are off your phucking rocker. It's not good to skip on your meds.
2011-10-01 16:44:25 UTC
I only hope you find enlightenment soon, my friend, because your thinking is so messed up!

Does "evidence" mean anything to you?

You'd be wiser to spend your time and energy trying to save yourself than others.
2011-10-01 16:43:04 UTC
Why would atheists bother to check out the video you posted when you won't even check the spelling.
2011-10-01 16:41:10 UTC
God is real but religion is man made lies to maintain order. It sounds ridiculously funny to hear this crap come from peoples mouths.
2011-10-01 16:38:39 UTC
I stopped reading as soon as you cited the bible as proof.
2011-10-01 16:40:17 UTC
So the earth is a flat circle?
2011-10-01 16:38:38 UTC
You are absolutely right.

I laughed.
2011-10-01 16:44:08 UTC
Can't tell if troll...or just a total dumbass...
2011-10-01 16:38:23 UTC






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