Christians, how do you explain these questions? ?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Christians, how do you explain these questions? ?
Twelve answers:
2008-09-07 18:05:21 UTC
The crusades took place in Europe and the middle east.

America was an unknown during the crusades.

Native Americans did not exist, because their was no Americas.

Indians were not in Europe, nor did the crusades go to the American continents.

Christianity was technically a religion when Jesus came and taught it. However, the apostle paul is the one who gave Christianity a name.However, Paul got the idea from what paans called followers of Jesus.

Zeitgeist is a movie that lists conspiracys, none of the stuff they state is fact, only speculation and as I said conspiracy. for example,One of the things they said was that the twin towers had bombs strapped on them. and that the bush adminstration is in on it. If that was a fact, bush would be impeached and probably executed. It os a conspiracy movie.
Amy R
2008-09-07 18:08:41 UTC
Most Christians are not creationists. You are confusing Fundamentalists with all Christians. It is true that most of the outfitting for the Catholic ceremonies is Etruscan, and the colorful enhacements added to the life of Christ were previously seen in Horus and Isis as well as Dionysus. But you need to realize that the early Christians were fighting huge odds - so they really got scappy and pulled out all the stops to use the assimilation they learned from the Romans to expand their faith faster than others.

So, yeah, they muddied the water. And, yeah, the books in the Bible were written by a mixed group including homophobs, misogynists, and spin doctors. But it still has a nice message.

And the crusades and other "my faith is better than your faith" killing? That is a game played by religious leaders using the Bible, same for any faith as we have seen in recent years. Anyone can take a faith about love and turn it into a weapon for murder with some power and charisma.

No, we know the Bible was written by a series of authors - that is why the portayal of God and His motives and His actions varies so much. He is vengeful, He is loving, He punishes for temptations He provides, He punishes for things He has predestined as part of His master plan, He needs our obediance, He is omnipotent, etc. As a matter of fact, the Jewish Testament contains other books and the Dead Sea Scrolls contain a host of other chapters that have been in Bibles, but were left on the cutting room floor by the later councils of Catholic scholars to take their hand at editing the divine Word.

So, take what you like from the grab-bag they call the Bible if you want to - and it is a grab bag of writings by ordinary flawed mortals on their understanding of the nature of divine history and divine will, with some books written only 45 years after the event, in the case one book of the New Testament (the rest were written 40+ years after that - around 85AD - so, no, not written by the eye witnesses).

If you know the history of the Bible, you read it with plenty of salt, which might aid in comprehension, if not conversion.
2008-09-07 18:07:09 UTC
Why would I flame you? Your perception of lots of Christians are bad, I'm sorry you have been flamed by some "Christians" in the past but I won't do that =)

So there are many people who do wrong things that they believe to be right. That was how it was for the Christians and the Native Americans. The Christians of that time didn't really have to knowledge or understanding as we did. Also, keep in mind that the laws of society and right vs. wrong was very very different from it is now. I am ashamed of my ancestors for doing that to the Native Americans.

First evolution means that one being is changing to a complete other being. There is no proof of that in modern times. There is proof that a species adapts different characteristics in order to survive. This is called adaptation and most Christians do not dispute adaptation. Both sides are closed minded to other's beliefs, that will never change.

Scientific "evidence" has never pointed me in another direction. I have studied and taken the same classes as you have, but I still see no evidence. With the Begotten subject, that is something that no human can ever wrap their brains around. It is the same in that humans can not imagine that space goes on and on and on and has no end. However, people do not dispute that.

Well for one the Bible could not possibly have been written by one man at one time. Studies have shown that the bible is different books that range over years and years of time, yet the story remains the same. The only answer I have for your questions in this paragraph is: Faith. You either have it or you don't and I just do. It's as simple as that.

I hope I helped.

2008-09-07 21:32:05 UTC
Science is factual of evidence seen, Religion or a belief system is not based off of facts of science, in fact they defy science so they can't be prov en scientifically; but religion can be prov en through faith and Miracles to the unbeliever, Miracles many times are for the unbeliever however faith is the substance that is hope for, therefore there is a expectation attached to faith as well as belief, but it doesn't mean it is not real or the person with the faith doesn't have the evidence that faith exisit faith is something like when your Dr. tells you have a infection and he say's I am going to write you a prescription for antibiotics, take these and I will see you in a week, you get the prescription filled then go home and do as the Dr. instructs you, then your infection gets better because you followed the instruction. Well belief works almost on the same order; yet we as Christan at some point we had little faith; but fear, pain, guilt, or shame, made many of us want to change our habits, So we were told to confess our sins and believe on the lord Jesus Christ, in at that moment many of us were more afraid, but we needed to change more than our fear of not changeing, so we took the road that was laid upon are hearts for relief, because it was told we could get the help we needed, and others look decently happy or at least, the bottom didn't look droped out of their behinds, in other words they hadn't looked like steam and fire was coming from their asses and burn't to crisp. So many had no choice but to follow the rules after a life of rebellion, and as we follwed this rule God took control of our lifelessness behinds and we noticed if we took our hands off many situation and prayed rather than trying to fix manage and control people and situations, many times he would solve it and we would shine like a new pennies, and be like that white snow the Bible speaks about, being washed as white as snow from his purfying blood, and our faith is added or restored. So this how we keep our faith, not only this matter the Bible says it's impossible to please God without faith so we must keep the faith for the pleasing of God, but we must follow the rules of engagement, because we are dealing demonic principalities in high places which is spiritual warfare and the only way to be like a new pennies is to act spiritual which is pray and to be guided by God thru meditation and prayer thru our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ whom died for us and shed his blood on Calvery and rose the third day. Because we wrestle not with flesh and blood so to act carnaly or physical on spiritual matters will obtain no results except death in a physical or spiritual matter. bless you
2008-09-07 18:20:04 UTC
its totally fine you have a right to ask questions. i for one am glad you asked cuz it gives us a chance to answer! and i promise ill do my best to explain

I know very well what happened in the crusades. its a time period in which people took the name of christians and went to a point where they were not acting out what we believe. it was a very large bump in the road of our religion. christians now know that the church was very currupt back then and gave us a very bad name. but the currupt church was stopped and we are trying our best to explain to people that we never wanted the crusades to happen we dont think they were right and we know that it doesnt support what we believe. i think i can speak for everyone in our religion when i say that that is a time that we are very ashamed of.

also when we get into evelution there are a wide range of beliefs. there are people like me, who take the view that it is very possible that God used evelution to create the world. i personally believe that everything in evelution is very possible i just think that it wasnt chance and that it was all a part of God's plan. there are also people who are creationists who believe that most everything in evelution can be explained through other biblical events [for example carbon dating... it is very possible that the flood in which noah built the arc aged things. being under water for forty days and forty nights can do that to things.] it isnt a black and white area in the bible [meaning god doesnt tell us exactly what went down during creation. whether he meant literal 7 day week or 7 day [day meaning a long period of time. both being very possible]

now when you get into how we believe that God is eternal [always was and will always be] that is just a part of faith. religion takes a certain amount of faith. in order to be a christian you have to just trust that what is in the Bible is true. even the things that are unbelievable. because if God worked with the limitations of science and time and all that he wouldnt be any different than us now would he? we have to trust that God can defy the "impossible". even if we cant understand

also with earlier religions than ours. just because we have written records of religions dated before written records of christianity was first dated doesnt mean that they were there before us. we have no proof what religions came first because we werent there and people didnt start writing down history until way after the beginning of the world [i think anyone can agree with that]

also with the whole how can we know that the Bible wasnt just written by some guy. again that is all a matter of faith. every religion has to have faith because its not just christianity that has to deal with that question. how do people of other religions know that their holy books are wrong? its faith. religion is chosing which one you believe to be the truth.

hope i helped you see my point of view!
2008-09-07 18:06:42 UTC
first of all the spanish conquistadors were not really christians as far as i can tell, or at least they're actions are not condoned be the bible. in the time of the spanish explorers, the catholic church was extremely prevalent and just about everyone was "catholic" not necessarily in their belief, but more in a traditional way.

second: evolution does exist, even christians admit that because it is obvious. the question really is how extensively does evolution exist. christians believe in a thing called micro-evolution which states that changes can occur within a species based on an environmental need. evolutionists believe in macr-evolution which says that one species can evolve into another.

finally, i havent seen that movie but i do know this, christianity is essentially judeaism but with the addition of the new testament. judeaism is one of the oldest religions and dates back thousands of years. there are however similarities between several ancient religions such as in the babylonian account of the enuma elish. this story is essentially the same as the biblical flood account which only further supports the idea that a flood did occur since several different sources all give their own accounts of it. there really is a lot of scientific and achealogical evidence that supports christianity, unfortuantely most people dont want to go searching to see whether or not theyre wrong.
2008-09-07 18:00:16 UTC
Thank you for asking a respectable question, with taste.

First off, religion is what mankind did in response to God's words. If you read the Bible, you will see God, his prophets, and Jesus constantly criticizing people for their religious interpretations and the actions they invoke in God's name.

Many people have done horrible things in the name of God, but God rarely has approved of those actions. God said "Knowledge puffs up". This means that the more we know about God, the more arrogant we become. These people become so arrogant and full of pride that they believe they can make decisions that aren't up to them.

I'm not familiar with the salt initiation event. But I'd believe that some church would do something like that. I also wouldn't be surprised if the event was taken out of context.

I was only a couple credits short of a science major in college. I didn't need science credits for my degree (I double majored in an education degree, Spanish degree, and minored in ESL, which doesn't leave much room for science). I have a better grasp on Evolution than the average person, or it seems that way to me. I may also just be puffed up. But from what I know, Evolution doesn't prove Christianity wrong. All it proves is that animals and organisms (all the way down to the cellular level) adapt to their surroundings and change in order to survive.

The fossil record and Radio-carbon dating prove that the Earth isn't 10,000 years old and that there was life on Earth before present-day man. But the Bible never says that we were the first creations on this world.

Yes, there are some shocking similarities between Christianity and Egyptian religions. You do know that Abraham, Jacob, and the tribes of Isreal spent thousands of years in Egypt, right? Around this time, you do see parallels between Jewish texts and some Egyptian religions. But remember that the Egyptian religions, or Babylonian religions, were universal religions. They incorporated other religions into their own. The early portions of the Mesopotamian religions also reflect those of Noah's time. But after Nimrod, they don't really correlate with the Bible at all. The Bible is the only religion that kept with the same theme the whole time. It didn't branch into Earth, Fire, Water, Sun, and Wind gods or anything similar. It kept claiming that a specific divine spirit was guiding them and intervening in their lives.

It also wasn't made by one person. It's rather obvious of that. Somehow, over thousands of years, different authors were able to keep the same themes ongoing instead of adding a Zeus or Venus to the texts.

Of course, you don't have to take my word for it. Just do your own studies. You can go online and study the origins of the books of the Bible. You will see that the books were written over time, not by one person. Atheist or not, you will see that one person didn't do it. Now, are they all books based off of fairy tales? That's for you to decide.
2008-09-07 17:56:32 UTC
easy. everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. as for evolution "existing"? where was that proven? it is, as many other things "scientific"...a theory, nothing more...

but if you choose to have faith in that "theory"...
Brother Tony
2008-09-07 18:00:15 UTC
- Christianity is not a religion. Its faith based.

- Anyone who denys God is heading towards Eternal Damnation. The Christians had every right for what they did to the Native Americans. They did not know Jesus and were Godless. In any case, God brought Christianity to them.

- Science mocks God. For the Bible is the truth and those who do not believe in God's Word, are liars and sinners and are on the path to Eternal Damnation.

- I believe in Christ and I am starting to follow God's Will. This is what I know and will follow until the day I die.
2008-09-07 18:46:18 UTC
The crux of the problem is humans (has limited knowledge) try 2 understand what God did by imposing limitations asigned 2 man 2 God's abilities concerning problems man has in creating things. God didnt give us all details regarding His creation of the universe.

Man tries 2 put the cart b4 the horse. 2 1 degree or another he wants it all 2 fit neatly in2 his little human box with boundaries where he thinks things should b if he were doing it (he doesnt know the true power God possesses). Little does he know if he had humbled himself b4 Jesus (not God Himself - Jesus wasnt praying 2 Himself) God would slowly show him some ways & reasons He made it all (organized religions [about 325 AD - 250 years after the Apostles died] including the crusaders didnt rightly seek Jesus).

If man turns 2 Jesus seeking 2 know Him with all his heart & soul he will be shown if he studies God's word he will eventually come 2 know whats from God (what only the Bible is written 4). Many dont know God knows all He needs 2 instantly & acts perfectly 2 create everything. Things God showed me:

Some scientific finds r true but it doesnt mean "all" claims by Scientists/others r true (many dont take time & energy 2 carefully think thru things b4 coming out 4 or against it). Many dont properly take in2 account all it takes 2 create a universe/life (they tend 2 focus on things "seeming" 2 support what they want 2 &/or u 2 believe).

In science we established laws of physics. We can't see actual laws of physics. Rather, we see the results & interpret & apply them in accordance with whats been observed 2 be true thru experiments/calculations. Same is true regarding God. Just b/c we can't see God doesn't mean He doesnt exist.

There may be forensic evidence 4 some micro-evolution & 4 some "appearance" of macro-evolution but most is inconclusive @ best & pure conjecture @ worst. Finding the beginning & reason 4 it all is unattainable by scientific method alone (a billions of years old cold case). We didnt see it take place.

But things in creation show an Intelligent Being was involved or the universe & we wouldnt b here (ignoring where it came from). Standing out r:

1. We have 2 lungs & 2 kidneys - each has a near perfect mirror-image companion organ. No matter how u try 2 explain it away, making a mirror-image organ takes full reverse engineering, knowledge & understanding of its companion's functions & purpose or it cant be created.

2. Our bodies r highly symmetrical from 1 side 2 the other. Its impossible unless 1 has an outside overview position allowing full comprehension of the entire organism (i.e. feather color patterns).

3. We have 2 arms & 2 legs. Each is perfectly designed & precisely engineered 2 work with its mirror-image companion. An outside position is required 2 fully comprehend the whole organism & purpose 4 all parts, 2 create it 2 such perfection.

4. The "being" of a cell is confined 2 within the cell membrane & cant know or b aware of much beyond itself. A cell is magnitudes more intelligent than all humanity & has amazing powers 2 know all of an organism's functions & purpose or it isnt the "brain" behind creation 4 many millions of incredibly diverse species. If evolution had a chance of being the source of creation it would require there only be 2 or 3 "kinds" of different bodies with several related species (it would take many billions of trillions of light years longer than the universe has existed 2 have the slightest chance of producing many millions of species of such incredible diversity)

5. Many cells of an organism never contact others much beyond its tiny cell. Mostly, cells & organisms r just copies of their parents doing about the same things as all ancestors. U wont find a bird whom builds a better nest than their parents & their chicks build even a better nest. U wont find a bear improving his living conditions (or passing them 2 his young). Either a cell has 2 lives - 1 copying their parents & 1 secret life working on improvements or someone of greater intelligence than all mankind created everything.

6. Others point 2 DNA (or RNA in the 1rst organisms). But a cell needs DNA 2 function & DNA cant function without a cell. So, we have a which came 1rst a cell or DNA problem. Without 1rst having great intelligence, full knowledge & understanding of how an organism is constructed it cant be created. If an ape finds a combination lock he wouldnt know what it was & even if he turns the dial over & over again he wouldnt know what he was doing & the chances against getting it right is astronimical - especially if it had 150 or more no. 2 find in the right order & even if he got that far he still wouldnt know what a lock is 4.

A cell has little "inteligence" & DNA is much more complex than a combination lock (especially in higher life forms) so the odds against figuring out & using DNA (in the correct sequence) is many magnitudes higher than 4 a lock). RNA/DNA r building blocks common to all life - having 98% of other species' DNA doesnt prove evolution. DNA like a computer code (but more complex) requires great intelligence 2 identify & assign its proper order - its useless unless u understand it. Give a book to an ape. Its useless to him as he cant learn from whats written - intelligence is required.

7. In the fossil record we dont find millions of trial & error organisms that should exist if natural selection or fittest survivor is the source of creation (no organisms existed be4). The odds r so great against near perfection happenning 4 many millions of greatly diverse species, it couldnt take place unless 1 had full knowledge & understanding of what theyre doing BEFORE millions of organisms could be created 2 such precision. If not true millions of misfit organisms with mistakes, having only 1 or 3 eyes in odd places, 1 leg growing out of a head or where an arm should be or a fin where a leg should be should exist. Millions more misfit fossils should exist than of the perfection found in nature.

8. U won't find species like a horse mating a goat, a frog mating fish, a rabbit mating an otter, a lizzard mating a bird, a cow mating a hog, etc. Species with similar genes/characteristics rarely mate in the wild. Only a few succeed @ bearing young. Its very rare that a wild crossbreed/hybrid reaches maturity or can bear over 1 litter (usually that litter cant produce or has complications that kills off the crossbreed). Only human intervention brings more success but even that has lead 2 some bad results.

9. Evolution processes being "the" source of all creation would be like having a blind man build a car he's never heard of, seen, touched, heard or rode in. It cant be done without 1rst teaching him about the functions, necessary parts & how 2 put it all together so the car will function.

10. Look @ the huge amount of intelligence, knowledge, understanding, time & energy used 2 create & improve an airplane's capabilities (& many mistakes). If people didnt fully learn what 2 do we'd still be earthbound.

11. Creation is astronomically more complex than an airplane. The more complex an organism, the greater the amount of intelligence, knowledge & understanding needed 2 create it. It can only be done by an Intelligent Designer who already fully understands what He's doing - the sheer complexity of man is evidence of God (airplanes show we're created in God's image - God had 2 be the source of all creation or it couldnt exist let alone evolve).

12. An incredibly Intelligent Being, capable of building a universe, would know the environment His earthly organisms are 2 occupy. So, He built in adaptability so His organisms could survive various earthly environments.

13. Earth happens to be in the best possible orbit 2 support life. It has the right amount of gravity, the right axis & rotation speed, the right atmosphere & needed amount of water. The moon's the right size & in the right orbit 2 provide tidal cycles needed by organisms. Just 1 or 2 relatively small variants in our orbit/envirnment & most likely life would be very different & higher forms of life wouldve died off in a relatively short time, if they couldve survived.

Yes, theres many religions, built on what man wants God 2 be like. I realized they cant all be right (Theres 1 Bible - why so many interpretations & fatal errors? II Pet 1:**19-21). Religion wont teach u much about God (they cant teach what they don't know) but God knows what He's doing.

Many miss is this: Jesus is the only 1 in history whom stated He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & no 1 gets 2 God w/o Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12) & is the only 1 whom came from God. Its fully true or theres no truth & cant be any God (He knows what He's doing or He's not God).

Since Jesus is the only way 2 know God, "the" whole truth was complete & finished thru Jesus. So any claimed new or other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets & teachers r null & void & wont lead u 2 God. God always knew all Jesus was 2 do.

Whoever seeks Jesus with all his heart & soul will find our real God & His Kingdom (u will know the truth & it will set u free). But, why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him (reason 4 free will)?

2008-09-07 18:01:58 UTC
Its amazing, isn't it ? The willful denial of basic facts such as evolution. Next, they'll be trying to push Intelligent Falling into schools (Evolution is as solid a science as gravity).

Religion is all about closing one's mind to any and all evidence.
2008-09-07 17:56:19 UTC
I've seen it...Do yourself a favor and click your stop button if your still at the beginning...

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