I am not Roman Catholic, but I have researched this matter and can answer this question.
1) In light of this letter, how do you justify the later inclusion of the apocryphal books into the Catholic canon?
The Scriptures included in the Roman Catholic Bible are not based solely upon the recommendations of Pope Athanasius of Alexandria, though it **may** be true that the selection of the New Testament Scriptures relied heavily on that document.
Rather, the selection relies most heavily on the decisions made at the council of Laodicea, the council of Carthage and - most importantly - the council of Trent.
2) His Old Testament list lacks any books of the apocrypya (except Baruch, which he lists as an extension of Jeremiah.)
A little over-simple. The traditional "Apocrypha" includes many non-Hebrew additions to Daniel and Esther as well as Baruch (which was unknown in Hebrew until relatively recently). It is likely - since Athanasius included Greek Baruch (unknown in Hebrew at that time) - that he also considered the additions to Daniel and Esther to be part and parcel of the canon.
3) the Paschal letter of 367 is famous for being the first definitive canon list presented by a Christian figure
Inaccurate claim (see: council of Laodicea). Rather, this was the first known list (not definitive) that included all of the New Testament Scriptures and none in addition. It is famous not because it was the first list or because it was considered a definitive list, but rather **only** because it is the first time we see in writing an exact listing of the Scriptures that are found in our modern **New Testament.**
It is important to note that this "pope" was not "Pope" in the same sense as the modern Roman Catholic "Pope". He was bishop of Alexandria, which (according to the custom of the time) carried the title "pope" as did the bishops of many other cities at that particular time.
4) Having said that, there are many, many other examples of Christians in the 3rd/4th century rejecting the apocrypha, most famously, Jerome.
a) did not **reject** the Apocrypha (in fact, he translated several of them for inclusion into the Vulgate)
b) at **one point in his life** considered the non-Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament to be less valuable than the protocanonical books
c) identified as "apocryphal" - employing the original meaning of that word - any Jewish Scriptures that he could not find in Hebrew (and wrote that was the reason for considering them apocryphal). He was not aware that Hebrew was the original language of Baruch, Ben Sirach and 1 Maccabees and probably others of the Apocrypha as well.
d) late in his life agreed that all of the books found in the Vulgate were canonical (including those Apocryphal books that he did not translate, which includes several, though he translated Tobit, Judith and Ben Sirach)
5) he goes to great lengths to make clear that the apocrypha were not considered canon by the church of his day.
Jerome did not make such a claim in those writings, and indeed we see contrary claims from Augustine of Hippo of the same period. Jerome did not claim to speak for the church (as you suggest) when he wrote of the lesser value of those Scriptures he identifies as "apocryphal", and the **clear and indisputable decision reached by the church** in the 397 council of Carthage **before** Jerome had completed translating Scriptures for the Vulgate (but during his lifetime) prove that "the church" considered *all* of the deuterocanonical books other than Baruch to be "canonical" (though not all of the books known in English as "Apocrypha").
Indeed, as far as I have been able to determine the first inclusion of Baruch in Latin Bibles occurs in the 13th century. Our oldest complete Vulgate does not include Baruch, and I do not believe that there is any known Latin Bible predating Codex Gigas that includes Baruch.
Conclusion: you (honestly, I think) make some false claims about the "Apocrypha" and Jerome and do not seem to realize the difference between the Apocrypha and the Deuterocanon. You assume that Athanasius' Pascal Letter is somehow definitive in establishing the Biblical canon when in fact no Bible known to exist has ever used that letter as the definitive list of Biblical Scriptures. In other words: you need to do more research on this topic. I recommend you research these things (listed in chronological order):
- Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus
- Council of Laodicea
- Synod of Hippo
- 397 Council of Carthage
- Decretum Gelasianum
- Codex Amiatinus
- Codex Gigas
- Wyclif Bible
- Luther Bible
- 1563 Convocation of Canterbury
- Council of Trent
- Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com/charts_scriptures_d.html