So I know this "guy" named Jesus who i have alot of question about and for, like whats the right religion?
There are many religions which have many different beliefs and gods. It seems that you are interested in Christianity and undecided about the various denominations. When you know Jesus, you will realize He is God, not a guy, and you must respect Him as such.
I'm 13 and my parents believe in god but dont pray, go to church, or celebrate God. I wish I had a religion so I could have more guidlines about whats right and wrong.
That's unfortunate for your parents, but fortunate for you, because they have not led you in a wrong direction as most of our parents have. You have an opportunity to find the truth for yourself and lead them to salvation.
What is right is what doesn't harm others, as Jesus said, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Treat everyone with the same respect you would like for yourself. Christian religions all generally preach that, but they have many differences of doctrine, professed beliefs from the Bible or traditions that are not taught in the Bible or are contradictory to its teachings.
Is it true that being religious makes you happier?
That depends on what type of person you are, whether you enjoy hurting people or helping them. Someone who finds it difficult to follow the ten commandments would not be happy (nor would they be happy in heaven), and someone who naturally follows them should be happy, as you said, to have guidelines they respect.
Does god love rapist and other bad dudes?
Everyone sins, and sin is breaking God's law, the ten commandments, no matter which one. God forgives all sin that we regret and make an earnest effort to stop, if we ask, because He loves us. Jesus suffered an agonizing death to redeem us from our own consequence, if we believe in Him; that is, if we have faith in His word and prove it by our actions. James 2:19. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead.
Does God hear me if I pray in my own way.
God knows everything we do or think, but the Bible tells us to pray in Jesus' name. Some "Christian" churches teach to pray to dead "saints" of their choosing and Mary, an example of tradition contrary to the Bible. So, yes, God hears, but He does not listen to your prayer if your way is contrary to what He desires; however, other than that, you are free to pray pretty much in your own way; you don't have to follow any man's instruction.
What is the best religion in your opinion?
Christianity which follows Bible doctrine rather than man's traditions. The ten commandments are listed in Exodus 20. Don't be talked into disobeying or trying to change or alter any of them. Pay particular attention to God's requirements regarding the sabbath. Most denominations ignore the fourth commandment and insist that it was changed. Nowhere in the Bible is any change mentioned.
Man cannot alter the commandments of God. Revelation calls these churches harlot daughters of the whore from which they were born, spiritually unfaithful churches. "Come out of her (them) my people."
Where and how do I start being more holy and heaven worthy?
Since Christianity teaches that you can only get to heaven through Jesus Christ, follow Jesus instruction: Search the scriptures, for they testify (witness) of me.
Do you have to have a certain religion to love and talk to god?
If you want to love and talk to the Christian God, then you must follow the Bible rather than the traditions of man. Beware of "certain" religions, wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. Matthew 15:3. But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? 9. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
"Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy."