We can tell God everything, but can we hear God's answers and words ?
2008-05-20 23:08:49 UTC
God surely listens to all we say... can we hear what God is saying ? Can we hear God ? How?

thnx for answering and starring :)
28 answers:
2008-05-21 02:29:18 UTC
Dear Madhavi,

Yes you are right why he can’t speak to us. Why can’t he come in front of us? Why does he give all the pains? Why can’t we hear him, see him, touch him, feel him etc.

I really don’t know the answer. Only he can give us the answer. However let me answer it spiritually or using logic.

Tell me which sound doesn’t belong to him.

Tell me which he is not

When he is everything, he is everywhere, whatsoever you speak reaches him. Everything you hear in this world belongs to him.

My writings are his. Many a times you will get answer through so many people today or tomorrow or at the right time.

He keeps talking to us all the time, through everything around. He talks us through our parents, siblings, brothers and friends. All are his will and his actions. We are mere instruments. He has synchronized everything in this world so beautifully.

Imagine you leave an animal within a room & live completely within that room. He will have complete freedom within that room. Similarly god has created us and give us a circle of knowledge, wisdom and freedom within that. What we do within that is our karma. If you have to hear him or feel him, we need to come out of that circle.

That is why they say you need the 3rd eye to see him. Similarly it is not just 3rd eye but the Gnyan to see him, hear him and communicate with him.

He has given us a way for that. That is what is called as Yujir – yoga. There are 10 yogas for the same.

If you go through Eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, you can hear him, feel him, talk to him.

Every syllable is his. However as I told you he has given you freedom to use it. We misuse them. That is called sin and we are punished for that.

However what I said is, sometimes you might have a question. Someone else might come and tell you something which has no relevance but it would have answered your question. You might watching TV, some words used there might trigger and tell you that it was for you.

So many a times, I might tell you some advice or tell you something, which you might feel OMG I thought of this so many days, see he is giving the answer now. He gives us answer through people or actions.

With love

2008-05-20 23:28:03 UTC
God has spoken through His messengers and books. If we read the holy books with some question in mind, a true book will give the answer usually in first reading. Sometimes it takes 3 readings, but no more.

Whenever I have read holy Quran with a question in mind, I invariably got a convincing reply from the holy book. Many new converts, like Cat Stevens ( Yousuful Islam) converted only because they got answers to their problems.

Once you start believing and praying, you get direct messages from God, which have no sound or even words, but you immediately feel that it is not your thought, but a message from the heavens.

One day I was praying Tahujjud prayer in Ramadan and while prostrating I begged for an insight of a momin (believer). In a split second, I got a rebuke from God Almighty, to become a trure believer first.

A Momin ( believer) is far superior to an ordinary Muslim. The difference is that of a student and a scholar. God wanted me to deserve before demanding the believer's insight, which

according to a hadis of holy prophet sees from the light of

God and see things as they are, (irrespective of their appearance).

Javed Iqbal
2008-05-22 05:00:29 UTC
The fact is we really don't know about that. We may strongly believe that is that is not, but unless we realise our beliefs we cant ascertain anything for sure.

At the moment what we can do,is our best according to our beliefs and make a clear path at least for ourselves. Hearing and knowing will certainly make us more closer. But are we tuning towards that? Our ignorance is greater than we think but still we can hear if we have that will to do that.

All the best to U. Use ur will and all the energies inside U to break His silence. We can do it. I will aid u by encouraging for a start. Never Give up.
Lovin' the outdoors
2008-05-20 23:23:17 UTC
Surely we hear God, why would you cringe at someone taking the Lords name in vein? Why would you talk to Him if you didn't think you could "hear" His response. His response is shown to us in so many ways, it would be ludicrous to think He would respond in a booming voice coming down from the Heavens which is what people expect, i think. I know that when i prey for something with all my heart, His "response" is usually the completion of that task or whatever i was preying about. He wont always "respond" but He will always hear you. God Bless keep on worshipping the Lord and fellow shipping with Him daily.
2008-05-21 03:53:14 UTC
Yes, we can hear God.

How it works is through a combination of mind, heart and spirituality.

Specifically ask for God to help you recognise his voice speaking to you. Ask for this at least once a day, until you are very practiced with hearing God's voice. We can more easily feel God's presence when our energy is similar to God's. Living by spiritual laws will help.

Study things in your own mind... ie, think about the options that you have. Make a decision as to what you think is right, or what you will do. If you feel a peaceful warmth or love feeling in your chest region, then that is God telling confirming to you that the thought you had in your mind (or the decision that you made) is in agreement with his thoughts.

The feelings of "yes" (ie love and peace) comes in degrees, too. Sometimes one answer is more right than another. For instance, today I was trying to decide which place I wanted to go for nursing clinical practice. I thought of going to a country hospital. I thought about going to a town that is half-way between where I live now, and where I am going to live in a year's time (it might help me to get a job at that hospital if I do clinical there). Then I thought I would attend the nursing home at the end of my street. I felt a very strong peaceful feeling in my chest area when I had this last thought - a stronger peaceful feeling than I felt when considering all the other options. This was God telling me that this is the best decision for me to make.

Being specific in your prayers is very important. God is just waiting to pour out blessings upon us, if only we will ask for these blessings, in faith believing that we will receive them from a loving, and ever-present God. ♥

If you desire to hear God's voice, ask him to reveal himself to you, and he will. He certainly has done so for me, and many other people. God loves us. Trust in that. And ask Him to show you how to recognise his voice.
2016-04-07 09:31:50 UTC
John1:1 In the beginning was the Word & the Word was with God & the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. Jesus is the Word of God. It was after I was healed from a breakdown. After I went through 10yrs of forgetting about Jesus. The breakdown was very confusing about God. And it lasted for a year. My mind raced faster than I could keep up with it. And I was in a trance that year, not fully sleeping or waking. So I was desperate when I went forward at the River of Life. I made a fool of myself the 1st time. But the Pastor prayed for me & I felt a will to calm down. And I did. And an oppressing witch spirit left me for good. The 2nd time I recommitted to Christ. The 3rd time the Holy Spirit overfilled me & my hands reached straight up to heaven & I praised God in tongues & received healing & Gods Blessed Assurance. At home the Anointing led me to a mormon book in my closet & told me to throw it away. Then to a Zion Christmas Magazine. In it I turned to a paragraph that wrote that the anointing I received was the Spirit of Truth who would lead me to what the Lord has said. (Something like that.) And that was my first sound sleep that night for a year. So this was so true. Mormons & JWs came over & confused me saying this & that was wrong about my Church, etc. But then I had more questions to ask the Lord in prayer. And so the Holy Spirit led me in the bible much (My mother n law gifted me with a KJV). And I purchased a Strong's Exhaustive & did word searches. With every question, the Holy Spirit led me in the bible much. So? Simply, the Holy Spirit told me the Holy Bible was His Book. And I have learned to trust the Holy Spirit, who hasn't ever failed me. And has never left me since that day over 15yrs ago. Anytime, 24/7, I can get Spiritual Assurance that He is with me. The Holy Spirit is my connection with Jesus & the Father. I can pray, paise or worship anytime or anyplace I want.
2008-05-21 08:44:53 UTC
He speaks to us via the influence of the Holy Ghost. This is called revelation. We are entitled to personal revelation to guide us in our own lives and to help us to fulfill our own responsibilities. All we have to do is live faithfully, ask in faith, humility and sincerity, and then "listen" or feel the influence of His Spirit on our hearts and on our minds. This is usually done by a feeling of peace, comfort or assurance in our minds and hearts that makes us feel good about what we are asking. This is the spirit telling us that our path is correct. If we feel uncomfortable, confused or ill at ease, that is the Spirit telling us that our course or choice is wrong and that we need to rethink our options and choose again. In other words, if you have a problem, think it through, ponder your options, come to a conclusion and then ask God, in the name of Christ, if it is correct. Then you can quietly "feel" or "hear" His answer to your inquiry. Depending upon your feeling, you can move forward or go back and rethink the issue.

I testify to you that I have received numerous revelations of this sort to guide my decisions in life. God does hear and answer our prayers. We just have to be open to the spirit speaking peace to our minds to recognize His answers.
2008-05-21 02:31:21 UTC
Yes.Your Prayers are answered.

Read book "you can speak to God" or

Whispers From Eternity

If you want to have instant contact get initiated to scientific meditation.Join Self Realisation Fellowship course(corrresponence course)conducted by YOGODA SATSANGHA SOVIETY,Ranchi or their branch near to you.

Read "Autobiography of a Yogi" by HH Yoganda Paramahamsa.
Ravi Shanker
2008-05-21 08:17:56 UTC

Well... You can hear the God voice..... For that you need to do some special things

1. Wake up midnight sharp at 1.00 AM

2. Go to the place where no one exist( Example: Burial Grounds) trying to there for 15 Min.... (Thinking of Ghost) Then you would here a voice for sure(Main Hoon Na!!)...

Please let me know what you spoke to the person who said main hoon na...

Could you please say Hi on behalf of me please....!!

Ravi Shanker
The Ranger
2008-05-21 17:54:23 UTC
How do we know God listens to everything. If you could know that God listens to everything, then it must be that you understand God's words because it is only through God we can know whether he is listening to us or not.

fred g
2008-05-20 23:28:40 UTC
God is telling you not to marry me, but a another man. LOL seriously, I think that God does speakin a still small voice. I really think he speaks that way. I also think he speaks through signs. There are other things as well.
Muthu S
2008-05-22 09:01:13 UTC
Earnestly tell your Legitimate prayer to God.

Concentrate deeply and continuously on what you pray, even foregoing sleep.

You will be answered.
2008-05-21 23:18:33 UTC
God can talk with our soul, and we can hear him too through our soul..

God will talk with us though elders, good people, good saints....

Go to some temple and sit their calmly for 5-10 minutes, we can feel God's touch.......

Have a great day friend :-)
ashish c
2008-05-21 09:11:22 UTC
GOD is for everybody but everybody does not get GOD.

So a very real and purified person can see,can talk and realise him.SRI RAMKRISHNA IS ONE OF THE FEW.So to

hear HIM and talk one has to raise to a level of highest purity.
2008-05-21 08:45:32 UTC
Ofcourse we can listen , just need to lower the shoutng voices in our mind a bit :) ..he always answers but we being deaf dont realise
2008-05-21 03:11:18 UTC





2008-05-21 04:28:47 UTC
God is not a person of words but deeds.
2008-05-22 21:18:08 UTC
All answers are so good that i have nothing to say....still i say i never felt he is not speaking to me ...he is not present with me ....i know from my heart..he listens to i can say the right way is to bring consciousness to yourself.
2008-05-22 09:00:22 UTC
yes sure we can tell every secrets to god infact he is everywhere to see our actions..sometimes there is some intutin regarding some things when we are unable to answer it,that intution somes from the gods side-which gives us the correct desicion...........

thats it????? right na...........
2008-05-20 23:14:12 UTC
To be honest I don't think we hear his words, but we see his actions.
2008-05-22 05:59:32 UTC
"God helps those who help themselves". Sorry I'm not elaborating but the answer lies in this phrase
lucky s
2008-05-21 05:58:40 UTC
He sent to your mind,just listen to it answer is there.
2008-05-22 08:59:50 UTC
He answers in silence,just be aware.
2008-05-25 11:54:56 UTC
We can't hear him, but I think we can feel him supporting us...
2008-05-21 06:16:42 UTC
we tell evrything to GOD......

bt is ther any need to tell HIM...............

i mean HE knws evrything abt us n wat problem v r facing before v tell to HIM...................

as far as how to hear GOD is concerned............

i wud say HE mite tell us n give answers to our questios bt if HE tells can v hear HIM...............

the answer is YES..............

v can get the answers from HIM..............

i mean GOD does responds to us...............

bt thru differnt signs...................

HE shows us wat to do...............

HE'l help us guiding the rite path....

v say that this person cme as an angel(maseeha) in our life to save us............

this Angel is nuthing bt sent by GOD to help us which v had asked for...............................
Pirate Ninja Brandon
2008-05-20 23:13:25 UTC
We can't hear god, because the sound of his voice would kill mortals instantly
2008-05-21 01:44:03 UTC
yes sure!!
Sandeep Sagar G
2008-05-20 23:22:33 UTC
yep ofcourse!!!Through spirit...!!!

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